
ave;new project feat. Kusaya - Zoku - Namaiki Ichigo Milk Da

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Heeey o/
Kenezz's Bakamod
Solo Recomendaciones

-Agrega una advertencia de que el map es muy moe y puedes sufrir efectos secundarios >w<!!!
-Uhmm las estrellas son la razón por "epilepsy warning"?
-Agrega a las tags "alala" y... no se me ocurre que más podrias poner :/

-00:45:640 (3) - Un grid a la derecha?
-00:58:683 (8) - No seria mejor empezar el new combo aquí?
-01:23:727 (1) - Finish al inicio?
-01:38:335 (1) - Acortalo como en hard y agrega una nota a continuación?
-01:40:422 (x) - uhmm esta zona de kiai time siento que esta de más, seria más conveniente poner solo una fuente como en 03:14:335
-02:20:075 (1) - Finish?
-03:53:988 (1) - En mi opinion suena mejor sin el clap x:

-00:12:770 (1) - Finish al inicio?
-00:16:944 (1) - ^
-00:29:466 (1) - ^
-00:33:640 (1) - ^ creo que esto de los finish continuara, trata de ponerlos como en "Normal"
-00:52:422 (1) - Finish ó Whistle al inicio?
-01:40:422 (x) - Lo mismo que en normal
-03:53:988 (1) - ^

Aww como me gusta este map <3
Buen trabajo :D

Topic Starter

Kenezz wrote:

Heeey o/
Kenezz's Bakamod
Solo Recomendaciones

-Agrega una advertencia de que el map es muy moe y puedes sufrir efectos secundarios >w<!!!
-Uhmm las estrellas son la razón por "epilepsy warning"? mm si, creo q no es necesario /me lo saca
-Agrega a las tags "alala" y... no se me ocurre que más podrias poner :/ oks~

-00:45:640 (3) - Un grid a la derecha? ok
-00:58:683 (8) - No seria mejor empezar el new combo aquí? ok
-01:23:727 (1) - Finish al inicio? ok
-01:38:335 (1) - Acortalo como en hard y agrega una nota a continuación? nup
-01:40:422 (x) - uhmm esta zona de kiai time siento que esta de más, seria más conveniente poner solo una fuente como en 03:14:335 a mi me parece bien :>
-02:20:075 (1) - Finish? ok
-03:53:988 (1) - En mi opinion suena mejor sin el clap x: no :<

-00:12:770 (1) - Finish al inicio? nup, pq hay mas notas y no suena tan vacio como en normal :X
-00:16:944 (1) - ^ -^
-00:29:466 (1) - ^ -^
-00:33:640 (1) - ^ creo que esto de los finish continuara, trata de ponerlos como en "Normal" -^
-00:52:422 (1) - Finish ó Whistle al inicio? ok
-01:40:422 (x) - Lo mismo que en normal no :<
-03:53:988 (1) - ^ no :<

Aww como me gusta este map <3
Buen trabajo :D

Kyunn!! Kyunn!! :)
cute SB ;)

but skin let me giddy,also
Na Ma I Ki

---My Pending map--- - ULTRA-PRISM with Shiratama Soft Tennis Club - Rule Book wo Wasurechae - Sugita Tomokazu - Mousou Senshi Miyamae Kanako
i always like your visual elements, nice job
moe overkill

  • • 00:08:596 (2) - Add "New Combo"
    • 00:09:118 (1) - Remove "New Combo"
    • 01:55:031 (4) - Add "New Combo"
    • 01:55:553 (1) - Remove "New Combo"

Yay! kyun kyun~
Astom sensei :oops:
Awesome SB Kyun-kyun <3
Card N'FoRcE
Boosting because i like this.

Some ircmodding and fixes/checks for technical stuff:

21:57 <Card_N'FoRcE> : MAN, THAT MAP IS LOVELY
21:57 *Card_N'FoRcE is listening to (ave;new project feat. Kusayanagi Junko - Zoku - Namaiki Ichigo Milk Dayo!!)[]
21:58 <Astom> : thx ^^
21:58 <Card_N'FoRcE> : i usually hate that kind of songs
21:58 <Card_N'FoRcE> : but everything here is so lovely
21:58 <Card_N'FoRcE> : are you ok with me modding it right now? I really really want to mod it
21:58 <Astom> : yea xD that take me some time lol
21:58 <Astom> : np for mr
21:59 <Astom> : *me
21:59 <Card_N'FoRcE> : great
21:59 <Astom> : thx ^^
21:59 <Astom> : Submitted: Jan 12, 2011
21:59 <Astom> : xD
21:59 <Card_N'FoRcE> : died quite a few times, i guess xD
22:00 <Astom> : yea
22:00 <Astom> : the problem was "most of people hate that type of songs"
22:00 <Card_N'FoRcE> : lol actually i do myself
22:01 <Card_N'FoRcE> : but epic SB + great skin and mapping
22:01 <Astom> : but I wanted make a good map over it so that takes me a lot of time and thinking
22:01 <Card_N'FoRcE> : i really like this kind of efforts, sometimes more than the song itself
22:01 <Astom> : ^^
22:02 <Astom> : I'm glad than someone noticed
22:02 <Card_N'FoRcE> : no Source?
22:02 <Astom> : no
22:02 <Astom> : it's froma disc
22:02 <Astom> : *from
22:02 <Card_N'FoRcE> : oh, not featured in any anime/game?
22:02 <Astom> : nop
22:02 <Astom> : it's a very random song
22:02 <Card_N'FoRcE> : lol
22:03 <Card_N'FoRcE> : oh, storyboard in front of combo fire?
22:03 <Astom> : isn't in front?
22:03 *Astom facepalm
22:03 <Card_N'FoRcE> : i mean the option in Song Setup
22:03 <Astom> : yea
22:03 <Card_N'FoRcE> : well i don't even use combo fire
22:03 <Astom> : I don't use too
22:04 <Card_N'FoRcE> : uhm, let me see what happens, because i think only foreground goes above the fire
22:04 <Astom> : ok
22:05 <Card_N'FoRcE> :'s not in front of the fire O_o
22:06 <Astom> : no
22:07 <Astom> : but don't looks bad
22:07 <Astom> : lol
22:07 <Card_N'FoRcE> : yeah, i wanted to check that
22:07 <Card_N'FoRcE> : nothing seems buggy
22:07 <Astom> : I was very picky on that
22:07 *Astom hate bugs
22:08 <Card_N'FoRcE> : xD
22:08 <Card_N'FoRcE> : [Hard] 02:37:553 (2,2) - I'd remove a repetition
22:08 <Card_N'FoRcE> : 02:45:901 (2) - here as well
22:09 <Astom> : same in other I think?
22:09 <Astom> : *s
22:09 <Card_N'FoRcE> : actually no .x
22:09 <Card_N'FoRcE> : 02:33:379 (1,2,3,4) -
22:09 <Astom> : no streams are fixed
22:09 <Card_N'FoRcE> : uh?
22:09 <Astom> : I mean
22:09 <Astom> : in the old map
22:09 <Astom> : streams had a circle more
22:10 <Card_N'FoRcE> : so every stream had 5 circles?
22:10 <Astom> : yea
22:10 <Card_N'FoRcE> : then why here some have 5 and some have 4? D:
22:10 <Card_N'FoRcE> : that was the only thing that felt weird when i played
22:10 <Astom> : because sliders are less misseable
22:11 <Astom> : xD
22:11 <Astom> : I don't know
22:11 <Card_N'FoRcE> : yeah, but i expected them to end at the 4th :x
22:11 <Astom> : I accept suggestion over that
22:11 <Card_N'FoRcE> : i say make them all 4 or all 5
22:11 <Astom> : ok then all 4 :3
22:12 <Card_N'FoRcE> : so the rhythm is going to be like 02:32:075 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - right?
22:12 <Astom> :
22:13 <Astom> : yea
22:13 <Astom> : or not
22:13 <Card_N'FoRcE> : then you have to remove 02:33:118 (5) - and the likes, i guess
22:13 <Astom> : yea
22:13 <Astom> : that
22:14 <Card_N'FoRcE> : ok, nothing else, for Hard
22:16 <Card_N'FoRcE> : i see you like arrows
22:17 <Astom> : works for cute songs :3
22:17 <Astom> : I mean for make SB or videos
22:18 <Card_N'FoRcE> : Tags "alala"? xD
22:20 <Card_N'FoRcE> : ok, nothing else, did you update Hard?
22:21 <Astom> : nup, wait
22:21 <Astom> : rdy
22:21 <Astom> : looks a little strange
22:21 *Astom is testing
22:22 <Card_N'FoRcE> : oh, maybe something you should add to the osz
22:22 <Card_N'FoRcE> : the hitclap
22:22 <Card_N'FoRcE> : you customized the slidertick, right?
22:23 <Astom> : yea
22:23 <Card_N'FoRcE> : the problem is that if someone uses other sounds won't have the default claps but he'll hear those claps
22:23 <Astom> : but is the same of template skin
22:23 <Card_N'FoRcE> : then i guess you should force the default skin? D:
22:23 <Card_N'FoRcE> : yeah i know, what i mean is
22:24 <Astom> : xD
22:24 <Card_N'FoRcE> : if i play with a custom skin
22:24 <Card_N'FoRcE> : that uses a custom clap
22:24 <Card_N'FoRcE> : i won't hear the default clap
22:24 <Card_N'FoRcE> : but i will hear the default clap in the sliderticks
22:24 <Astom> : yea I get your point
22:25 *Astom goes to template folder
22:25 <Card_N'FoRcE> : so, either you force the default skin or add the clap :x
22:25 <Card_N'FoRcE> : problem is, you need to fix the timing sections if you add the clap D:
22:26 <Astom> : yea
22:26 <Astom> : mmm
22:26 <Card_N'FoRcE> : you should add it as clap2 and make all sections C2
22:26 <Astom> : let's force default?
22:26 <Astom> : xD
22:26 <Card_N'FoRcE> : xD
22:26 <Card_N'FoRcE> : well you override most of the stuff except for the numbers
22:26 <Card_N'FoRcE> : so i guess it's ok
22:26 <Astom> : yea
22:27 <Card_N'FoRcE> : (and easier to update lol)
22:27 <Astom> : yea xD
22:27 <Astom> : takes less time
22:27 <Card_N'FoRcE> : also it's kick in the groin for people who removes skins/SBs
22:28 <Astom> : yea xD
22:28 <Astom> : it's so hard play with default skin lol
22:29 <Astom> : hhit300 and others are too big :<
22:29 <Astom> : and overlap circles
22:29 <Card_N'FoRcE> : i never really had troubles with that, but yeah, they're kinda big :x
22:29 <Card_N'FoRcE> : they should be ~20% smaller
22:29 <Astom> : yea
22:30 <Astom> : oh right bug about timing points
22:30 <Astom> : was fixed
22:30 <Card_N'FoRcE> : uh?
22:30 <Astom> : time ago when you put a timing point over a circle
22:30 <Astom> : with change
22:31 <Astom> : of volume
22:31 <Card_N'FoRcE> : oh, i know about that
22:31 <Astom> : I think that's fixed already
22:31 <Card_N'FoRcE> : yeah it is
22:31 *Astom need delete some timing points then
22:32 <Card_N'FoRcE> : are you sure you want to do that and risk messing up something? xD
22:32 <Astom> : people is gonna complain over it
22:32 <Card_N'FoRcE> : meh, bullshit
22:32 <Card_N'FoRcE> : people need to focus on what may ruin the gameplay
22:32 <Astom> : explain common sense to them xD
22:33 <Astom> : AND I'm think the same
22:33 <Astom> : but you knoe
22:33 <Astom> : *know
22:33 <Card_N'FoRcE> : well, not going to stop you. Just be careful then :P
22:33 <Astom> : there are like 3 or 4
22:35 <Card_N'FoRcE> : tell me when you updated
22:35 <Astom> : rdy
22:35 <Astom> : 2
22:36 <Astom> : btw thx for your help
22:37 <Card_N'FoRcE> : you're welcome ;P

Oops I'm late ^^'

Moe map, se parece a ti :D~

I can't resist, kyun kyun! *.*

astomoe ilu~~ congratz~
Topic Starter

osuplayer111 wrote:

I can't resist, kyun kyun! *.*

<3 thx

kyun kyun~

You sure are inactive ~
Congratulations >:3
Topic Starter

Tenshi-nyan wrote:

You sure are inactive ~
him need change that :roll:
Nope, I'm still inactive for that reason.

Just cleaning my old requests in the meantime ;)
Congrats Astom sensei :oops:
Congratz Baka-sama :3
awesome SB as usual
nice map :)
Topic Starter

Kitsuneko wrote:

Congrats Astom sensei :oops:

Breeze wrote:

awesome SB as usual
nice map :)
Thx ^^
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