
Fool's Garden - Lemon Tree

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Hi sorry I'm really late

- You still have some unsnapped objects on all of your diff so re-snap all notes
- If "Dish of the Day" is the name of the album, then put it in tags not source, see this for more information viewtopic.php?f=6&t=24765
- Copy-paste is okay, but try not to do it all through the diff
- Oh my still not snapped to 1/3, you should snapped it to 1/3 . Example 00:30:271 (1) - this should be snapped to 1/3

Don't give me kds cause I didn't give anything that could improve your map

Good luck
Double post >.<
Please adjust all the notes to a 1/3 snap. Set the slider at the top right so that it says "1/3." Then nudge all the notes on your timeline that aren't on purple or white ticks so that they are. You'll want to check that it sounds correct and respace bits and pieces.

I've done the first section on Extreme for you and it's attached.

Also, for the lemon slider, consider this:

It's also found within the attached .osu file.

And delete the osb.

Download: Fool's Garden - Lemon Tree (RE1359EBA) [Extreme].osu
  • Resnap all note on all diffs :< They're still unsnapped.

  • OA8 doesn't fit D: Maybe reduce to 7?

And that's all :D
Perfect one~ You should find BATs to check your map :D
As per your second request, heh.

1/3 snap would be sexy.

00:31:739 (4,1) - This is a pretty big jump for the difficulty.

Check AI Mod for that one unsnapped note. :/

That's about it, really.

RE1359EBA wrote:

radically, This map is '1/3 snap'.
but, I shall leave it at that(for 1/2 snap).
because, Big problem not happen setup with 1/2snap.
Uh yeah, I keep hitting it in 1/3 and getting 100s. That's a bit of a problem.

Fixing it wouldn't even take long :/
Major issues in the map : change them.
Minor issue in the map : you don't have to follow them exactly, but if you don't, explain why.
Suggestions : those are personal opinions, feel free to follow them or not.
If there's one red line in the whole mod post, or three blue lines, I won't star the map.


This looks like a Beginner difficutly. I won't mod it because I'd rather say nothing than say something wrong.

When I played there was something that was really bothering me and I couldn't find what, even retrying the map several times. Then I went in the editor and I discovered this : Most beats are on red ticks. This is counter-intuitive.

01:09:061 (2) - Move it a but closer to 3.
01:37:996 (1) - Too far from previous object.
01:41:350 (1) - ^

02:36:286 (2) - Move it a bit closer to 3.

This is basically Severity with harder song setup and sometimes some notes added D: you should remap this
Now you're getting somewhere.


Those difficulty names are horrible.


00:14:127 (1) - 1/3 longer.
00:16:503 (3) - 1/3 forward.
00:17:481 (1) - 1/3 shorter.
00:19:718 (3) - 1/3 forward.
00:26:567 (2,3,4,5) - Like this;

00:34:255 (1) - 2/3 shorter.
00:36:492 (3) - 1/3 forward.
00:37:610 (1) - 2/3 shorter OR 1/3 longer, whichever you prefer.
00:39:846 (3) - 1/3 later.
00:40:965 (1) - 1/3 longer.
00:47:115 (3) - 1/3 longer.
00:48:653 (4) - 1/3 forward.
00:54:943 (2) - ^
00:56:620 (4) - ^
01:08:362 (2) - ^
01:10:039 (4) - ^
01:15:563 (5) - This is still on the 1/2.
Go through and check your rhythms thouroughly. There's also a lot of 1/2 still around, you should check that out.
I think BPM should be 143.000 flat

[osz File Scan!]

Lots of notes feel off, try the BPM i provided

Circle Size -1
01:44:146 (1) - Out of Bounds.

I'll wait for a fix to the notes or the timing before i continue modding this
Sorry for the lateness, I was busy with my skin. Also, if it wasn't already pointed out before, we've got a lot of maps with the same song, with only DJ Mars' version ranked and another one by some other artist, I think. Really popular song.
Despite this, your beatmap seems to go on the backbeat rather than the lyrics, so I guess it's all good in the neighborhood.
I like DJ Mars' version better, though.

Not too many problems, too.

General Notes
I'm not going to check the timing on this because A.) I'm too familiar with DJ Mars's version and D.) It feels fine but odd at the same time, probably because it's 1/3.


General Difficulty is pretty damn high with the biggest notes paired with it. It's like...playing Level 20 Tetris with only line pieces. Lower it by two and make the notes smaller by two? Just a suggestion.
02:46:629: Note is crazy far from the last. Flip it vertically and move it up a bit.
02:56:833: Hehe...A lemon slider.

Is it me or does this difficulty feel harder than Extreme?
This difficulty is also very similar to Extreme.
00:17:481: Note is far from the last. Move it closer and then move 2, 3, 4 so they are closer...perhaps flip 2, 3 and 4?
00:20:836: ^ Same problem.
01:37:996: ^
01:41:350: ^
02:56:833: THIS IS A LIME. NOT A LEMON./joke

No problems.

No problems.

Star, but please fix those spacing problems.
goku modding!

this map has a lot of spacing issues.
im stopping here.
resize background so it's 800x600
I really don't think the finish hitsounds work well, get rid of most of them apart from the ones at the end of an entire section
resnap all notes on all difficulties

overall difficulty+1
Extend these by 1/3
00:14:125 (1)
00:17:477 (1)
00:34:250 (1)
00:37:605 (1)
00:40:959 (1)
01:34:628 (1)
01:37:982 (1)
02:08:171 (1)
02:11:525 (4)
00:36:487 (3) - move 1/4 back
00:39:841 (3) - move 1/4 back
01:06:536 (2) - add note
01:43:573 (2) - move 1/4 back
02:01:882 (3) - ends at an odd place
02:10:407 (3) - move back 1/4
02:55:690 (3) - move to white tick
02:56:389 (4) - add note

On the other difficulties there are still sliders and stuff that are not mapped to 1/3 and similar problems to what I mention here, go through everything and try and change so it all fits the song (there would be a page of modding if I went through it allllll so it would be easier on your part to simply go and check it)
What DiamondCrash said. Plus, I don't like how you copy and paste patterns. This is nothing like iNiS style.
Especially the sliders. I don't think they are in the right place.
btw BLACKLISTED for not following modding queue rules.
The timing and/or note placement on the timeline feels wrong and there's nothing I can do to help that, sorry. ._.
You did a good job on this map.

However, for future reference, DONT use 1/3 snap on a map if the bpm does not divide by 3. The easy and normal diffs could have been done without the 1/3rd snap.

You made it work though.

Good Luck with this map.

zelos15 wrote:

You did a good job on this map.

However, for future reference, DONT use 1/3 snap on a map if the bpm does not divide by 3. The easy and normal diffs could have been done without the 1/3rd snap.

You made it work though.

Good Luck with this map.
You clearly do not understand what 1/3 is for

kindly STFU
00:30:476 (1,2,3) - Move forward by 1 tick on 1/3 beatsnap.
00:47:528 (3) - Move forward by 3 ticks on 1/3 beatsnap.

00:47:109 (3) - Add a beat here. (Might be too hard for a Easy diff)
01:06:116 (1,2,3) - Move these beats to the right by 1 grid on gridlevel 3.
01:50:840 (1,2,3) - Move forward by 3 ticks on 1/3 beatsnap.
02:06:779 (1,2) - These 2 notes might be too close for an easy diff.

00:14:127 (1) - Shorten this slider by 2 ticks on 1/3 beatsnap.
00:17:478 (1) - Shorten this slider by 2 ticks on 1/3 beatsnap.
00:30:478 (1,2,3) - Move forward by 1 tick on 1/3 beatsnap.
01:41:336 (1) - Shorten this slider by 1 tick on 1/3 beatsnap.

02:48:422 (1) - Remove the finish hitsound from the last beat in this slider.

00:17:479 (1) - Shorten this slider by 1 tick on 1/3 beatsnap.
00:25:306 (2) - Move this slider forward by 1 tick on 1/3 beatsnap.
00:30:477 (6) - Move this beat back by 1 tick on 1/3 beatsnap.

00:30:756 (7) - Add a beat here.
01:45:809 (2) - Move this slider forward by 1 tick on 1/3 beatsnap.
01:51:120 (4) - 00:30:477 (6) - Move this beat back by 1 tick on 1/3 beatsnap.

01:51:260 (5) - Add a beat here.
Topic Starter

LesTrucsRose wrote:

00:30:476 (1,2,3) - Move forward by 1 tick on 1/3 beatsnap.
00:47:528 (3) - Move forward by 3 ticks on 1/3 beatsnap.
00:47:109 (3) - Add a beat here. (Might be too hard for a Easy diff)
01:06:116 (1,2,3) - Move these beats to the right by 1 grid on gridlevel 3.
01:50:840 (1,2,3) - Move forward by 3 ticks on 1/3 beatsnap.

02:06:779 (1,2) - These 2 notes might be too close for an easy diff.

00:14:127 (1) - Shorten this slider by 2 ticks on 1/3 beatsnap.
00:17:478 (1) - Shorten this slider by 2 ticks on 1/3 beatsnap.
00:30:478 (1,2,3) - Move forward by 1 tick on 1/3 beatsnap.
01:41:336 (1) - Shorten this slider by 1 tick on 1/3 beatsnap.
02:48:422 (1) - Remove the finish hitsound from the last beat in this slider.
(Just remove 02:49:820. Other(02:49:121, 02:48:422) don't remove sound.)

00:17:479 (1) - Shorten this slider by 1 tick on 1/3 beatsnap.
00:25:306 (2) - Move this slider forward by 1 tick on 1/3 beatsnap.(Consider)
00:30:477 (6) - Move this beat back by 1 tick on 1/3 beatsnap.
00:30:756 (7) - Add a beat here. (A note(7) move back by 00:30:756)
01:45:809 (2) - Move this slider forward by 1 tick on 1/3 beatsnap.(Consider)
01:51:120 (4) - 00:30:477 (6) - Move this beat back by 1 tick on 1/3 beatsnap.
01:51:260 (5) - Add a beat here. (A note(5) move back by 00:30:756)
The map will be more cool with this colors:
Color 1: Yellow
Color 2: Green
Color 3: Brown
Will be like an tree :3

00:14:125 That slider will be better if it finish on 00:14:845

00:15:802 Not needed Finish , but , wut :3
00:19:899 To late beat , make it a little early.

Change Slider tick rate to 0,5 :3
00:36:347 Make this beat more early .
02:10:687 ^
02:56:808 Remove finish.

Change Slider tick rate to 0,5 :3
00:22:790 Remove finish :3
00:32:993 (4) (5) Not needed beat.
01:04:858 Make beat early :3
02:32:070 Make beat early
02:56:808 Remove finish

Same mods as Severity :3
As your request.
Read this first for the icon explanation.
- [?] Asking for a second thought.
- [!] Fatal error. You have to fix this for sure.
- [No icon] Only a suggestion.

1. No comment about the hitsound.
2. Better silence the sliderslide.
3. Bad diffs names.
4. Actually, 00:49:345 and 02:15:299 is not a good place for break.

-- There are a lot of 1/3 notes. I don't know if it will be too hard for beginner player.
-- Why must copy-pastah? Are you lack of idea or something?
-- There are so many objects unsnapped. [!]
-- Actually, such this note (00:16:431 (3)) is better placed on 1/4 tick (the red one). I don't know. It may be just me.

00:14:125 (1) - Isn't this slider better if extended one 1/3 tick?
00:17:479 (1) - ^
00:34:250 (1) - ^
00:37:605 (1) - ^
00:45:991 (2) - Reduce one 1/3 tick. [?]
01:34:628 (1) - Isn't this slider better if extended one 1/3 tick?
01:37:982 (1) - ^
02:08:171 (1) - ^
02:11:525 (4) - ^
02:11:525 (4,1) - Swap the new combo.

-- Now I really hate how you copy-pasted all things that you feel it's okay.
-- There are some notes which unsnapped. Fix them. [!]

00:14:125 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern fits the song. But you know what? By using this the same pattern on 00:17:479, it don't fit anymore especially with the slider. Please, stop copy-pasting things. This is not iNis map, I can see it clearly.
00:55:773 (1) - Should be placed on 00:55:914.
01:19:533 (4,1) - Swap new combo, maybe?
01:36:585 (3) - Should be placed on 01:36:724, actually.
01:37:982 (1) - Extend this on 01:38:611 (1/4 tick).
01:41:336 (1) - This slider doesn't fit at all.
02:13:622 (1) - Move backward one 1/3 tick.
02:22:986 (1) - Should be placed on 02:23:125.
02:55:830 (1) - Better remove the new combo.

-- There are some notes which unsnapped. Fix them. [!]

00:17:479 (1) - This slider doesn't fit at all.
00:25:166 (2) - Move this forward one 1/3 tick.
00:31:176 (8) - Move backward one 1/3 tick. [?]
00:48:507 (6) - This should be closer to the end of the slider. Fix the distance! [!]
01:04:858 (5) - Move backward one 1/3 tick.
01:20:372 (1) - This should be closer to the end of the slider. Fix the distance! [!]
01:40:078 (5) - Move backward one 1/3 tick.
01:41:336 (1) - This slider doesn't fit at all.
01:45:669 (2) - This slider doesn't fit at all. Move it to 01:45:949 then reduce one 1/3 tick.
02:09:848 (1,4) - Swap new combo.
02:32:070 (5) - Move backward one 1/3 tick.
02:45:487 (5) - ^

Remove this diff. This is just like the [Severity] diff but with higher OD and smaller hitcircle. [!]

Anyway, there are some notes unsnapped here :p
Star. Actually I still don't want to star this. But since this is far better then it was, I appreciate it. But promise me to fix all of them, especially for the [Extremity] diff.
Topic Starter

VanMoNky wrote:

00:14:125 (1) - Isn't this slider better if extended one 1/3 tick?
00:17:479 (1) - ^
00:34:250 (1) - ^
00:37:605 (1) - ^
(extend one tick.)

00:45:991 (2) - Reduce one 1/3 tick.
01:34:628 (1) - Isn't this slider better if extended one 1/3 tick?
01:37:982 (1) - ^
02:08:171 (1) - ^
02:11:525 (4) - ^
(extend one tick too.)

02:11:525 (4,1) - Swap the new combo.

00:14:125 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern fits the song. But you know what? By using this the same pattern on 00:17:479, it don't fit anymore especially with the slider. Please, stop copy-pasting things. This is not iNis map, I can see it clearly.
(▲ I will fit. but, May be take a long time..)
00:55:773 (1) - Should be placed on 00:55:914.
01:19:533 (4,1) - Swap new combo, maybe?
01:36:585 (3) - Should be placed on 01:36:724, actually.
01:37:982 (1) - Extend this on 01:38:611 (1/4 tick).

01:41:336 (1) - This slider doesn't fit at all.
02:13:622 (1) - Move backward one 1/3 tick.
02:22:986 (1) - Should be placed on 02:23:125.

02:55:830 (1) - Better remove the new combo.

00:17:479 (1) - This slider doesn't fit at all.
00:25:166 (2) - Move this forward one 1/3 tick.
00:31:176 (8) - Move backward one 1/3 tick.
00:48:507 (6) - This should be closer to the end of the slider. Fix the distance!
01:04:858 (5) - Move backward one 1/3 tick.

01:20:372 (1) - This should be closer to the end of the slider. Fix the distance! [!]
01:40:078 (5) - Move backward one 1/3 tick.
01:41:336 (1) - This slider doesn't fit at all.
01:45:669 (2) - This slider doesn't fit at all. Move it to 01:45:949
then reduce one 1/3 tick.
02:09:848 (1,4) - Swap new combo.
02:32:070 (5) - Move backward one 1/3 tick
02:45:487 (5) - ^
00:17:479, 01:41:336 - I will fit, too. but, May be take a long time too..

Sorry, I not be about to do something remove Extremity diff. :|
-Your BG is a weird dimension but I asked someone and they said it was okay. (But it still bugs me :P)
-mp3's are not allowed to exceed 256kbps. Your current mp3 is 320kps. I've re-encoded it for you:
Fools Garden - Lemontree.mp3

~All the difficulties~

- Go over spacing on everything! Too many spacing errors!!!
- overall I guess it isn't so bad, but the maps did feel really repetitive.
- I'm not too sure about some of those 1/3 notes. I did really bad playing on the easy difficulties and I could just blame my ability on standard but I can't help but wonder if some (not all since most are right on the 1/3) of them should be 1/2?

Good luck
ReD=I think you should fix this
BluE=Just a suggestion
-the map usually usie 1/4 ,it is odd that you were use 1/3?
-The offset should be778
-using distance snap!!
-pay attention to the spacing,many spacing mistake

00:42:616(2)Remove finish?
01:21:317(.)add a notes here?

00:48:789(6)Remove finish?
01:21:229(.)add a spinner here to 01:22:842
(The lemon is cute in the end>.<Good paint0.0)

01:20:326(1)remove new conbo?

Add one Slider tick Rate more (2)
In the tags, why not add some more? For example add it the music style of the band

00:54:376 : It would not be correct to use kiai, since it is chorus
01:50:980 : From this time until this (01:50:980) looks weird, try to fix it?
02:06:773 : I think that is shorter than the stream, it is difficult for an easy
02:21:588 : Kiai Again?

00:54:376 : Kiai?
01:33:789 : This circle, move it one line further to the right
02:21:588 : Kiai Again?
02:46:405 : This slider move it in 3 times to the left and add a another repetition

00:54:376 : Kiai?
01:33:789 : This circle, move it one line further to the right
02:21:588 : Kiai Again?
02:46:605 : Turn it up a grid is more to this slider, so it is in the same line as the previous circle


00:54:376 : Kiai Again, and Again and Again :(
01:33:789 : This circle, move it one line further to the right. Again :cry:
02:21:588 : Kiai Again?

That's it, good luck. Star :)
Topic Starter

darck360 wrote:

from RE1359EBA : I'm not going to add 'Kiai'. sorry. :|
Add one Slider tick Rate more (2)
In the tags, why not add some more? For example add it the music style of the band
00:54:376 : It would not be correct to use kiai, since it is chorus
01:50:980 : From this time until this (01:50:980) looks weird, try to fix it?
02:06:773 : I think that is shorter than the stream, it is difficult for an easy

01:33:789 : This circle, move it one line further to the right
02:46:405 : This slider move it in 3 times to the left and add a another repetition

01:33:789 : This circle, move it one line further to the right
02:46:605 : Turn it up a grid is more to this slider, so it is in the same line as the previous circle

01:33:789 : This circle, move it one line further to the right. Again :cry:
Lemon Tree ~ wow

To get started, to correct timing. then put everything on the rhythm and write in queue. I'll help: 3

BPM: 143
Offset: 326

Good luck. Star ~
I love this song :D
Topic Starter

Famfrit wrote:

I love this song :D
I like this song. too. 8-)
hi :D

(>'(oo)')> my mod <('(oo)'<)

there is something wrong with your submission and I can only download 2 diff....reupload and full submit your map.

I'll mod these 2 diffs and when you have fixed the submission problem you can send me a PM and I'll mod other 2 diffs if you want.


it plays really bad because you snap almost all of your notes on 1/3.

I'm going to point out some parts that I feel unplayable

00:29:277 (4,5,6,7,8)
01:01:025 (2,3,4,5)
01:14:451 (2,3,4,5)
01:19:626 (8,9,1)
01:34:032 (1) - move it to 01:33:892
01:45:780 (2,1,2,3,4,5)
01:49:836 (2,3,4,5,6)
02:33:333 (1,2,3,4) really need some work here...


00:57:808 (1,2,3,4,5) - they are too far away from each other for beginners!
01:11:235 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
02:04:941 (4,5,6,7) - ^
02:06:899 (1,2,3,4) - I don't think beginners can deal with them
02:24:941 (1,2,3,4,5) - make them closer
02:38:368 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^

that's it
Topic Starter

shabao_pig wrote:

00:29:277 (4,5,6,7,8)
01:01:025 (2,3,4,5)
01:14:451 (2,3,4,5
01:19:626 (8,9,1)
01:34:032 (1) - move it to 01:33:892
01:45:780 (2,1,2,3,4,5)
01:49:836 (2,3,4,5,6)
02:33:333 (1,2,3,4)
During adove note, There is some notes no 1/3 snap.
So, I'm change the some notes 1/3note into 1/2 note.

00:57:808 (1,2,3,4,5) - they are too far away from each other for beginners!
01:11:235 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
02:04:941 (4,5,6,7) - ^
(I can't understand about why should far this each notes.
This is too plainly to be out of spacing.)

02:06:899 (1,2,3,4) - I don't think beginners can deal with them.
02:24:941 (1,2,3,4,5) - make them closer
02:38:368 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
Arusha Shuna
Request Accepted
>timing is off? I'm not really sure but i had to use -30 to -40 custom offset while testing
>if this is authentic style why don't you rename the diffs to "Breezin', Cruisin', Sweatin', and Hard ROCK!"?
>Remove everything from the tags since album name doesn't belong there and song genre will be set after ranking, and please remove that comma
uuugh something is horribly wrong with this, but i don't know what
02:06:899 (1,2) - i think they're a little bit hard for an Easy diff
01:02:284 (4,5) - 1 grid to the left
01:15:710 (4,5) - 1 grid to the right
02:42:843 (4,5) - 1 grid to the left
00:33:471 (4) - remove finish, add whistle
i didn't mod the Extremity diff since the timing is way off, sorry
+1 for the beat placement though
0:32:633 (3) left 1 grid to make it smymetrical

The other diffs are fine.

Sorry that I'm not good at modding authentic style, so I only checks the symmetrical works.
Topic Starter

Arusha Shuna wrote:

>timing is off?
What do you strangely mean?
lemon tree :O
Topic Starter

EBA names plz
BPM should be 143.06, Offset should be 745.


01:00:186 - Note here.
01:13:612 - ^
01:43:962 (2) - Move back 1/3.
01:46:899 (2) - Move 2/3 forward, end at 01:48:018.
01:55:291 (2) - 1/2 longer (yes this ends on the red tick)
01:58:228 (3) - 1/3 shorter.
02:02:004 (3) - 1/2 longer.
02:06:899 (1) - Delete.
02:21:305 to end - Move forward 1/3.

I'll uh mod the rest once you've changed the BPM.
Topic Starter
Red Point : Done.

DiamondCrash wrote:

EBA names plz
from RE' : This map is iNiS but is not EBA style. So, This map don't have to use EBA style.
BPM should be 143.06, Offset should be 745.
I wil change BPM as this word. But, take forever.may be.
01:00:186 - Note here.
01:13:612 - ^
01:43:962 (2) - Move back 1/3.
01:46:899 (2) - Move 2/3 forward, end at 01:48:018.(from RE' : 2/3? not 1/ but 2/ ?)
01:55:291 (2) - 1/2 longer (yes this ends on the red tick)
01:58:228 (3) - 1/3 shorter.

02:02:004 (3) - 1/2 longer.
02:06:899 (1) - Delete.
02:21:305 to end - Move forward 1/3.

I'll uh mod the rest once you've changed the BPM.
Generally a lemon
00:44:363 (1) This is the ultimate spacing nazi mod. The last point of this slider has to be moved up one pixel.
Resolutely a lemon
Nothing to say here.
Severity... a lemon?

Really, there don't seem to be any issues with this beatmap that are worth harping on. Take a Star and get this ranked.
Oh my, I think that my modding is already done, I found like 0 errors on the 4 levels. :D

So take this star as a reward becuse you deserve it.

This song is as old as me :)
No comments on your style :D
No problems found

01:55:242 (2) - it is out of the grid area!(End point)

star :)
ok this map is totally out of time

this song is based on 1/6 not only 1/3 thus because of that mostly all of your sliders are out of time.

ok ive fixed up one of your diffs with the correct timing, you can then follow that timing for the maps, also DO NOT use this diff, just use it to find the correct timing, all the sliders and spacing is now out (i aint remaking the whole map for you >_<) so fix up your maps with the note timing in this one
Download: Fool's Garden - Lemon Tree (RE1359EBA) [Severity TIMING].osu

call me back once you have finxed the timing on your maps and i will remod
Sorry due delay + Exam getting near :o

Doesn't have insane diff ?
I think the song doesn't need 1/3 and 1/6 beat snap divisor D:
00:15:843 (2,3) - spacing
00:19:198 (2,3) - ^
00:24:231 (1) - so far? try make other pattern :3
00:35:974 (2,3) - spacing :3
00:39:329 (2,3) - ^
00:47:159 (3) - try to make like this :3
00:50:654 (N) - add a spinner until 00:52:751
00:57:784 (1,2,3,4,5) - spacing :3
01:11:204 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:20:431 (1) - what is this ? D: put clap only ? :3
01:34:691 (1) - remove new combo
01:55:242 (2) - the end ? =.= whistle + finish ? doesnt sound quite right
01:58:178 (3) - this too
02:01:952 (3) - this too =.=
02:10:550 (3) - i think this circle should be at the right tick D:
02:17:680 (N) - add a spinner until 2:19:987
02:25:020 (1,2,3,4,5) - spacing
after that all the same problem goes again :3
so check for yourself XD
same like before

00:23:183 (4) - go to red tick
00:36:604 (4) - go to red tick
00:39:959 (4) - ^
00:43:314 (4) - ^
00:50:654 (N) - add a spinner until 00:52:751
01:00:719 (1,2,3) - spacing
02:17:680 (N) - add a spinner until 2:19:987
02:32:359 (3) - go to red tick D:

00:47:089 (5) - start the slider at the red tick end at the white tick.
00:48:766 (6) - go to red tick
01:20:432 (1) - remove new combo and what the again =.=
01:34:691 (1) - remove new combo
01:47:483 (4,5) - go to red tick D:
02:17:680 (N) - add a spinner until 2:19:987
02:31:520 (3,4,5,6) - go to red tick =.=
02:45:780 (6) - ^
02:56:894 (1) - doesn't hit the rhythm =.=

00:31:151 (8) - go to red tick ~
00:50:654 (N) - add a spinner until 00:52:751
01:20:432 (1) - remove new combo and same =.=''
01:34:691 (1) - remove new combo
02:14:185 (9,10) - doesn't hit the rhythm ?
02:17:680 (N) - add a spinner until 2:19:987
02:32:359 (6) - go to red tick
02:37:322 (4,5) - doesn't hit the rhythm
02:55:007 (3) - go to red tick
02:56:894 (1) - doesn't hit the rhythm

Still need many mods D:
btw , starred ~ *
good luck RE1359EBA :)
Is it okay if I make a difficulty?
I'll make a hard beatmap... All your beatmaps are ALL easy... Which is not good!
Please let me make a diff.
I will also make a better background for this beatmap too.

You must mod my beatmap too if you want me to mod this beatmap or make a diff for it.
So I'm guessing I'm not allowed to make a diff?

Dude. For the harder diffs you need to put the beats closer in the timing. It's okay to put the beats for every word he's saying and not just putting a slider where he sings a whole sentence.
easy difficulties are better if you avoid offbeat stuff like the plague.
00:15:843 (2,3) - slider, add a note at 00:16:682 -
00:36:604 (3) - this and may after it are not on the 1/3, though as I said before, I would make them on the beat.
00:47:159 (3) - these long sliders sound bad when you start them off the beat because the slider ticks will all be off as well.
02:06:776 (1) - should be on a 1/3rd. I would go so far as to say there shouldn't be any notes on the 1/2 (there are, but only because the vocals aren't singing it correctly).

[the rest of them]
more notes and everything I suggested on generally. If you think it sounds weird, don't map it, and map the background instead.
Hello, three months of modding??? Aww... :o

That needs a star...
Over a year of this map being worked on.

Have a star.
Ok time to mod this correctly.
00:16:542 (3) - Spacing (Nazi)
00:19:897 (3) - Spacing (Nazi)
00:23:253 (3) - Spacing (If you do this it could be better)
00:24:231 (1) - Whistle on the end , but remove clap.
00:27:866 (3) - ^
00:31:780 (4) - 1 grid up
00:55:127 (2) - One tick 1/6 later
00:56:805 (4) - ^
01:07:849 (1) - Spacing

Meh for me other diffs are fine . No kd.
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