
Shintani Ryoko - Wonderful World

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god damn i fucking miss you so much hanzer welcome back buddy
soon (tm)
Akiyama Mizuki
holy mother of god rank this asap
Hi mod thing cuz why not :v

Will focus on the hard because...

Silynn's Hard


I suggest slightly higher CS. If you really don't wanna use CS4 then 3.7 maybe even 3.8 would be better. This CS makes it feel more like a normal especially for how simple the patterns are.

Highly recommend lower OD for this diff. OD 6 or at most 6.5 because this is pretty high bpm so it's gonna be pretty tough to be accurate at this difficulty range with the current OD.

00:00:591 (1) - You miss a lot of emphasis on the first vocals at 00:01:108 - with this 2/1 slider. Consider changing this to maybe a 1/1 slider and repeat 1/1 slider and note.

00:02:142 (2,3,4) - Highly suggest this pattern. Especially if you go with the first change which I also highly suggest. The reason for the 1/2 slider is because you wanna tie the word "tame ni" together as she sings it like that.

00:04:211 (1,2) - Change to 1/2 slider. Same reason as above regarding the word being sang kinda tied together.

00:04:728 (3) - Change to 1/1 slider and add a note at 00:05:478 - There is a guitar note playing 00:05:228 - which you neglect with this slider and this way you can get that note as well as the vocal.

00:06:245 (5,6) - I see what you're going for mapping this to the vocals but I think you can get the same effect (if not arguably better) if you change 5 to a 1/1 nicer shape slider (to compliment the vocal doing the short rise in pitch) and then a note at 00:07:278 - to compliment the 2nd guitar note since the slider would play the first. Also it might be a good idea to make 6 a slider that ends at 00:08:555 - or maybe just 00:08:299 - since the last guitar note kinda holds.

00:08:865 (1,2,3) - Nothing playing at 00:09:123 - Consider this pattern where 7 is stacked over 8 slider head. It's really nice :3 If you do it exactly like that you'll have to move things around so I suggest the pattern in the timeline but you can do it however you want.

00:13:520 - Don't neglect this guitar note :(

00:13:778 (2,3) - Maybe better if it blankets itself? It also flows very poorly into the next combo since 3 is pointing away from it currently.

00:15:033 (1,2) - Due to the sudden change of BPM I highly sugest changing this to a 1/2 slider with repeat instead of having a note to give players enough time to recognize the bpm change.

00:18:554 (2) - Change to a note then a 1/2 slider. The half slider should compliment the 1-2-3-4 thing the guitar does so the slider should start on the 1 of that strum at 00:18:685 - instead of with the slider body.

Similarly this should be a 1/2 slider with repeat because single tapping 3 notes at 232 bpm is gonna be way too hard for this part. It doesn't quite fit to single tap here because it's not as intense as something like 00:29:275 (6,7,8,9) - where it has that 1-2-3-4 pattern.

00:21:359 (1) - Personally don't like this spinner. There's so much going on here that could be mapped even for this diff. It also doesn't start on a very intuitive note. Highly recommend mapping this section.

00:29:275 (6,7,8,9) - Change 6 to 1/2 slider and note. That 1-2-3-4 pattern at 00:29:534 - should definitely be highlighted with 4 notes. Also after the change you should use the same spacing you used for 00:30:310 (1,2,3,4) - because right now one does not read like the other even though it's the same thing playing.

00:31:344 (3,1) - Remove repeat and change to 3/4 slider into a 1/1 slider starting at 00:31:603 - (which means deleting 1) You want to emphasize the first note of the first verse and it being a part of a slider body in a repeat takes away soo much emphasis here.

00:35:094 (5,6,1) - Change to 1/1 slider so it has that 1-2 1-2 1 feel to it. Hard to explain this but trust me :) Finally change 1 to a note into a 1/1 slider starting on 00:35:482 (1) - to emphasize the upbeat (big white note) of the song.

00:36:258 (2,3,4) - Especially if you changed the part above I highly suggest changing 2 and 3 to a 1/1 slider that mirrors the previous one. It would look soo good :3 This is also important because 4 starting on a red tick doesn't sound good here. The guitar playing here is not as strong as the vocals playing on 00:36:775 - So highly consider reworking this combo into a pattern that compliments the more important parts playing here.

00:43:111 (1,2) - Again vocals are very strong and ignored at 00:42:982 - so I suggest this pattern.

00:47:508 (6,7,8,9) - This isn't very intuitive. I suggest this pattern or if anything [url]this pattern[/url].

00:49:189 (4,5,6,7) - Highly suggest this pattern to better compliment the vocals and instruments.

00:51:775 (6,1) - This slider loses emphasis on the vocals singing 00:52:163 - Remove repeat from 6 and add a note at 00:52:163 - then finally a 1/1 slider at 00:52:292 - . You can even make a really nice pattern this way like this.

00:53:586 (4,5) - Use 00:52:810 (3) - and mirror it instead?

00:55:784 (1,2) - Spacing should be 1/2 for this too.

00:56:430 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Suggest this pattern from the one you have currently between 00:56:430 - 00:58:758 - . It plays way better because the sliders and notes follow the vocals and instruments very well this way and more importantly they play soo well for this diff because it's almost a 1/1 single tap so it's very natural.

00:58:887 - If you changed the pattern above I suggest also having a note here.

00:59:405 (1,2,3) - Unstack. Should be differentiated because of the music here and should read better. Also 2 does not flow well into 3 so you can definitely change this pattern to resolve both of these inconsistencies.

01:00:310 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This does not follow the music well. It kinda does except it plays very VERY poorly and unintuitively. Consider this pattern instead. The drums aren't as intense here to imply this drum pattern to players so instead following the vocals is more natural here.

01:02:637 (1,2,3,4) - Unstack. Not fun to play and removes a lot of emphasis.

01:03:930 (1,2,3) - On top of the previous comment, what you can do is stack 1 over the previous 4 because of this pause but I also suggest changing 2 and 3 to a 1/2 slider instead. That way the stack on 01:04:706 (1,2,3,4) - Makes a bit more sense too.

01:05:094 (4) - Just another comment. This IS correct musically but idk it doesn't feel so good to play. I would change this to 2 1/2 notes instead with a NC on the 2nd note.

01:06:517 (4) - Change to 2 notes. Compliments low toms better.

01:14:018 (1,2,1,2) - If you're gonna do this SV change then make it a buildup increase that goes up from .6x to .7x to .8x to .9x and then kiai is 1.0x.

01:15:828 (2,3) - Poor flow from the previous notes.

01:19:061 - Might be interesting to have a note here and make a triple stacked over 01:19:190 (1) - but idk.

01:22:035 (3,1) - Change to 1/2 slider and also delete 1 and add a 1/2 slider starting 01:22:293 - to better compliment the drums.

01:25:785 (2,3,4) - Poor flow from 3 to 4 plus bad overlap.

01:28:242 (3) - Change to 1/2 slider and another 1/2 slider at 01:28:520 -

01:28:778 (5,6) - ctrl G this pattern so the 1/2 slider starts first and THEN the 1/1 slider plays. Follows the drums and the vocals WAY better. Also this doesn't mean just ctrl+g I mean just to flip the notes on the timeline the pattern should also be reworked.

01:29:554 (1,2,3,4) - This looks much better with the song since it adds good emphasis to the guitar thing :v

01:33:692 (1,2) - Add reverse to 1 and change 2 to a 1/1 slider. Also suggest for 01:34:468 (3,4) - to instead do what you did at 01:32:399 (3,4,5) - which reads much better for this diff.

01:35:244 (5,6,1) - Do not do this plz :( Very poor flow and looks very messy cuz overlap.

01:38:088 (3) - This covers that cool guitar rhythm at 01:38:218 - which you followed up until here.

01:39:619 (7) - 3/4 slider into note or maybe 1/2 slider.

01:41:171 (1) - Change to 1/2 slider and then move 01:41:430 (2) - over to 01:41:430 - because she does that tying-the-vocal-together thing again.

OR you can also do this pattern instead. 2nd one's cooler imo

01:42:354 (2,3) - Stack?

01:46:213 (1,2) - poor flow from the previous slider. Also suggest ctrl + g so the note is first then the slider after. Also this doesn't mean just ctrl+g I mean just to flip the notes on the timeline the pattern should also be reworked.

01:46:989 (4) - Note into 1/2 slider instead?

01:47:765 - add note

01:48:023 - maybe also here unless you want the pause.

01:48:152 (1,2) - These two sliders should mirror each other since it can be implied through the way she sings this part and the way the instruments play this part. Also current flow is very poor.

01:49:704 (3) - Remove repeat and add a note or 1/2 slider.

01:52:808 (2) - Change to 1/1 slider. Better because then it fixes that polarity question into 3.

01:55:652 (5) - Nice looking slider but would be better with the same shape and being a 1/2 slider then a note for the drum.

01:57:075 - Note here would be nice too.

01:57:463 (3) - Also nice as a note into 1/2 slider stacked over the note. Compliments the vocals nicely because she sings the same musical note here.

01:58:497 (1,2,3,4,5) - Poor flow and pattern could be better. Consider this and this (or something similar).

02:01:859 (4,5) - Delete 5 and add repeat to 4?

02:03:282 (7,1) - Again bad flow and overlap looks really bad too.

02:04:058 (2,3,4,5,6) - this DS change on this diff doesn't look nice. Stick to 1.2x spacing for this imo.

02:07:032 - Note?

02:07:549 - Note? Sound? Maybe change 02:07:290 (1) - to a 1/1 slider?

02:08:583 (6) - Should be 1/1 slider. Then note.

02:10:006 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same note about the DS change but more importantly 6 to 7 is the same 1/2 beat yet the spacing is 1.2x. Just change all of this to 1.2x instead this doesnt read well.

02:15:072 - I like this slow slider thing but they should look nicer and flow better. Maybe also try some cool slider shapes.

02:27:206 - Add 1/2 slider.

02:28:758 (6,7,8) - Looks nice in the editor but flows poorly. Might as well make this a jump section with the same spacing.

02:29:534 (1,2,3,1) - On a different note, You went with single tapping on the previous combo then switch back to the guitar rhythm. Should either stick to the guitar rhythm throughout or stick to the single tapping like before maybe with some 1/1 sliders or something but switching back and forth doesn't make much sense.

02:33:155 (1) - Add a note or 1/2 slider where the spinner starts and then start the spinner at 02:33:672 - instead.

02:35:771 (1,2) - Space 2 further from 1. Use 1.2x spacing.

02:44:015 (1,2,3) - I like this rhythm you're following for this chorus compared to the previous but still a lot of overlap/flow inconsistencies. This being one of them. Consider this pattern.

02:46:602 (2) - Move down to make a nicer wave thing.

03:15:049 (3,1,2) - I don't like this personally. Should just keep the 1/1 pattern going instead and highlighting the vocals through a different pattern.

03:16:860 (5) - Should have a 1/2 slider here instead and then a 1/1 slider starting at 03:17:119 -

03:20:351 (3) - Again poor flow and overlap.

03:27:463 (1) - Slider shape? :(

03:29:532 (1) - This kills a lot of the guitar building up here. Same for this 03:31:601 (1) -

03:34:187 (3,4,5,6) - 03:35:222 (3,4,5,6) - Again keep the spacing consistent. If it's too much spacing to single tap then maybe consider a different pattern.

03:37:808 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Consider that people playing hards are more than likely not alternating well yet and single tapping this is REALLY hard for these players. Revise this pattern and/or consider a different one.

03:54:877 (2) - Overlap doesnt look nice like this. Maybe just have it mirror 1 instead.

03:56:687 (2,3) - Keep spacing from 2 to 3 consistent with the rest of the spacing here.

03:59:015 (3,4,1,2) - Why 1/3 snapping? Just make these 1/2 sliders.

04:00:049 (3,4,5,6) - Again use 1.2x spacing or change pattern. Doesn't feel right to just keep single tapping when these look like 1/4 notes now.

04:00:825 (2) - Not 1/3. Change to 1/2.

04:01:601 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same as spacing comment above.

04:02:636 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Make the gap between each slider the same. This looks pretty sloppy this way.

04:04:705 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same as spacing comment above.

04:06:257 (3) - Change this one to 1/2 to better compliment the bigger drums now.

04:06:774 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - You know what I'm gonna say :v

04:09:877 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ...

04:10:911 (1,1) - This takes away SOOO much here. Long slider looks nice but this and the spinner completely cover up the cool drum solo :( I even thought the song ended here cuz of that.

04:19:187 (1) - Space this more or stack over slider end which I don't recommend.

04:24:748 (7,8) - Change to 1/2 slider with repeat?

04:26:946 (8) - Again weird 1/3 snap. Use 1/2.

Whoa that was a HUGE mod for one diff. Sorry to say that I really feel this difficulty needs a LOT of work like a LOT of work. Spacing inconsistencies, poor flow and rhythm choices, and no interesting patterns. I KNOW you can make really good maps (at least really good extras) so that's why I'm a bit upset after modding this. I highly suggest remapping this difficulty or at least overhauling it because currently I don't think this can get ranked in this state.

That might have sounded a bit harsh but again it's cuz I know you're capable of something really good if you really try.

Rest of the set looked fine at least from a quick look-through. Anyway good luck with the set :v
Topic Starter

Side wrote:

Hi mod thing cuz why not :v

Will focus on the hard because...

Silynn's Hard


I suggest slightly higher CS. If you really don't wanna use CS4 then 3.7 maybe even 3.8 would be better. This CS makes it feel more like a normal especially for how simple the patterns are.

Highly recommend lower OD for this diff. OD 6 or at most 6.5 because this is pretty high bpm so it's gonna be pretty tough to be accurate at this difficulty range with the current OD.

00:00:591 (1) - You miss a lot of emphasis on the first vocals at 00:01:108 - with this 2/1 slider. Consider changing this to maybe a 1/1 slider and repeat 1/1 slider and note.

00:02:142 (2,3,4) - Highly suggest this pattern. Especially if you go with the first change which I also highly suggest. The reason for the 1/2 slider is because you wanna tie the word "tame ni" together as she sings it like that.

00:04:211 (1,2) - Change to 1/2 slider. Same reason as above regarding the word being sang kinda tied together.

00:04:728 (3) - Change to 1/1 slider and add a note at 00:05:478 - There is a guitar note playing 00:05:228 - which you neglect with this slider and this way you can get that note as well as the vocal.

00:06:245 (5,6) - I see what you're going for mapping this to the vocals but I think you can get the same effect (if not arguably better) if you change 5 to a 1/1 nicer shape slider (to compliment the vocal doing the short rise in pitch) and then a note at 00:07:278 - to compliment the 2nd guitar note since the slider would play the first. Also it might be a good idea to make 6 a slider that ends at 00:08:555 - or maybe just 00:08:299 - since the last guitar note kinda holds.

00:08:865 (1,2,3) - Nothing playing at 00:09:123 - Consider this pattern where 7 is stacked over 8 slider head. It's really nice :3 If you do it exactly like that you'll have to move things around so I suggest the pattern in the timeline but you can do it however you want.

00:13:520 - Don't neglect this guitar note :(

00:13:778 (2,3) - Maybe better if it blankets itself? It also flows very poorly into the next combo since 3 is pointing away from it currently.

00:15:033 (1,2) - Due to the sudden change of BPM I highly sugest changing this to a 1/2 slider with repeat instead of having a note to give players enough time to recognize the bpm change.

00:18:554 (2) - Change to a note then a 1/2 slider. The half slider should compliment the 1-2-3-4 thing the guitar does so the slider should start on the 1 of that strum at 00:18:685 - instead of with the slider body.

Similarly this should be a 1/2 slider with repeat because single tapping 3 notes at 232 bpm is gonna be way too hard for this part. It doesn't quite fit to single tap here because it's not as intense as something like 00:29:275 (6,7,8,9) - where it has that 1-2-3-4 pattern.

00:21:359 (1) - Personally don't like this spinner. There's so much going on here that could be mapped even for this diff. It also doesn't start on a very intuitive note. Highly recommend mapping this section.

00:29:275 (6,7,8,9) - Change 6 to 1/2 slider and note. That 1-2-3-4 pattern at 00:29:534 - should definitely be highlighted with 4 notes. Also after the change you should use the same spacing you used for 00:30:310 (1,2,3,4) - because right now one does not read like the other even though it's the same thing playing.

00:31:344 (3,1) - Remove repeat and change to 3/4 slider into a 1/1 slider starting at 00:31:603 - (which means deleting 1) You want to emphasize the first note of the first verse and it being a part of a slider body in a repeat takes away soo much emphasis here.

00:35:094 (5,6,1) - Change to 1/1 slider so it has that 1-2 1-2 1 feel to it. Hard to explain this but trust me :) Finally change 1 to a note into a 1/1 slider starting on 00:35:482 (1) - to emphasize the upbeat (big white note) of the song.

00:36:258 (2,3,4) - Especially if you changed the part above I highly suggest changing 2 and 3 to a 1/1 slider that mirrors the previous one. It would look soo good :3 This is also important because 4 starting on a red tick doesn't sound good here. The guitar playing here is not as strong as the vocals playing on 00:36:775 - So highly consider reworking this combo into a pattern that compliments the more important parts playing here.

00:43:111 (1,2) - Again vocals are very strong and ignored at 00:42:982 - so I suggest this pattern.

00:47:508 (6,7,8,9) - This isn't very intuitive. I suggest this pattern or if anything [url]this pattern[/url].

00:49:189 (4,5,6,7) - Highly suggest this pattern to better compliment the vocals and instruments.

00:51:775 (6,1) - This slider loses emphasis on the vocals singing 00:52:163 - Remove repeat from 6 and add a note at 00:52:163 - then finally a 1/1 slider at 00:52:292 - . You can even make a really nice pattern this way like this.

00:53:586 (4,5) - Use 00:52:810 (3) - and mirror it instead?

00:55:784 (1,2) - Spacing should be 1/2 for this too.

00:56:430 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Suggest this pattern from the one you have currently between 00:56:430 - 00:58:758 - . It plays way better because the sliders and notes follow the vocals and instruments very well this way and more importantly they play soo well for this diff because it's almost a 1/1 single tap so it's very natural.

00:58:887 - If you changed the pattern above I suggest also having a note here.

00:59:405 (1,2,3) - Unstack. Should be differentiated because of the music here and should read better. Also 2 does not flow well into 3 so you can definitely change this pattern to resolve both of these inconsistencies.

01:00:310 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This does not follow the music well. It kinda does except it plays very VERY poorly and unintuitively. Consider this pattern instead. The drums aren't as intense here to imply this drum pattern to players so instead following the vocals is more natural here.

01:02:637 (1,2,3,4) - Unstack. Not fun to play and removes a lot of emphasis.

01:03:930 (1,2,3) - On top of the previous comment, what you can do is stack 1 over the previous 4 because of this pause but I also suggest changing 2 and 3 to a 1/2 slider instead. That way the stack on 01:04:706 (1,2,3,4) - Makes a bit more sense too.

01:05:094 (4) - Just another comment. This IS correct musically but idk it doesn't feel so good to play. I would change this to 2 1/2 notes instead with a NC on the 2nd note.

01:06:517 (4) - Change to 2 notes. Compliments low toms better.

01:14:018 (1,2,1,2) - If you're gonna do this SV change then make it a buildup increase that goes up from .6x to .7x to .8x to .9x and then kiai is 1.0x.

01:15:828 (2,3) - Poor flow from the previous notes.

01:19:061 - Might be interesting to have a note here and make a triple stacked over 01:19:190 (1) - but idk.

01:22:035 (3,1) - Change to 1/2 slider and also delete 1 and add a 1/2 slider starting 01:22:293 - to better compliment the drums.

01:25:785 (2,3,4) - Poor flow from 3 to 4 plus bad overlap.

01:28:242 (3) - Change to 1/2 slider and another 1/2 slider at 01:28:520 -

01:28:778 (5,6) - ctrl G this pattern so the 1/2 slider starts first and THEN the 1/1 slider plays. Follows the drums and the vocals WAY better. Also this doesn't mean just ctrl+g I mean just to flip the notes on the timeline the pattern should also be reworked.

01:29:554 (1,2,3,4) - This looks much better with the song since it adds good emphasis to the guitar thing :v

01:33:692 (1,2) - Add reverse to 1 and change 2 to a 1/1 slider. Also suggest for 01:34:468 (3,4) - to instead do what you did at 01:32:399 (3,4,5) - which reads much better for this diff.

01:35:244 (5,6,1) - Do not do this plz :( Very poor flow and looks very messy cuz overlap.

01:38:088 (3) - This covers that cool guitar rhythm at 01:38:218 - which you followed up until here.

01:39:619 (7) - 3/4 slider into note or maybe 1/2 slider.

01:41:171 (1) - Change to 1/2 slider and then move 01:41:430 (2) - over to 01:41:430 - because she does that tying-the-vocal-together thing again.

OR you can also do this pattern instead. 2nd one's cooler imo

01:42:354 (2,3) - Stack?

01:46:213 (1,2) - poor flow from the previous slider. Also suggest ctrl + g so the note is first then the slider after. Also this doesn't mean just ctrl+g I mean just to flip the notes on the timeline the pattern should also be reworked.

01:46:989 (4) - Note into 1/2 slider instead?

01:47:765 - add note

01:48:023 - maybe also here unless you want the pause.

01:48:152 (1,2) - These two sliders should mirror each other since it can be implied through the way she sings this part and the way the instruments play this part. Also current flow is very poor.

01:49:704 (3) - Remove repeat and add a note or 1/2 slider.

01:52:808 (2) - Change to 1/1 slider. Better because then it fixes that polarity question into 3.

01:55:652 (5) - Nice looking slider but would be better with the same shape and being a 1/2 slider then a note for the drum.

01:57:075 - Note here would be nice too.

01:57:463 (3) - Also nice as a note into 1/2 slider stacked over the note. Compliments the vocals nicely because she sings the same musical note here.

01:58:497 (1,2,3,4,5) - Poor flow and pattern could be better. Consider this and this (or something similar).

02:01:859 (4,5) - Delete 5 and add repeat to 4?

02:03:282 (7,1) - Again bad flow and overlap looks really bad too.

02:04:058 (2,3,4,5,6) - this DS change on this diff doesn't look nice. Stick to 1.2x spacing for this imo.

02:07:032 - Note?

02:07:549 - Note? Sound? Maybe change 02:07:290 (1) - to a 1/1 slider?

02:08:583 (6) - Should be 1/1 slider. Then note.

02:10:006 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same note about the DS change but more importantly 6 to 7 is the same 1/2 beat yet the spacing is 1.2x. Just change all of this to 1.2x instead this doesnt read well.

02:15:072 - I like this slow slider thing but they should look nicer and flow better. Maybe also try some cool slider shapes.

02:27:206 - Add 1/2 slider.

02:28:758 (6,7,8) - Looks nice in the editor but flows poorly. Might as well make this a jump section with the same spacing.

02:29:534 (1,2,3,1) - On a different note, You went with single tapping on the previous combo then switch back to the guitar rhythm. Should either stick to the guitar rhythm throughout or stick to the single tapping like before maybe with some 1/1 sliders or something but switching back and forth doesn't make much sense.

02:33:155 (1) - Add a note or 1/2 slider where the spinner starts and then start the spinner at 02:33:672 - instead.

02:35:771 (1,2) - Space 2 further from 1. Use 1.2x spacing.

02:44:015 (1,2,3) - I like this rhythm you're following for this chorus compared to the previous but still a lot of overlap/flow inconsistencies. This being one of them. Consider this pattern.

02:46:602 (2) - Move down to make a nicer wave thing.

03:15:049 (3,1,2) - I don't like this personally. Should just keep the 1/1 pattern going instead and highlighting the vocals through a different pattern.

03:16:860 (5) - Should have a 1/2 slider here instead and then a 1/1 slider starting at 03:17:119 -

03:20:351 (3) - Again poor flow and overlap.

03:27:463 (1) - Slider shape? :(

03:29:532 (1) - This kills a lot of the guitar building up here. Same for this 03:31:601 (1) -

03:34:187 (3,4,5,6) - 03:35:222 (3,4,5,6) - Again keep the spacing consistent. If it's too much spacing to single tap then maybe consider a different pattern.

03:37:808 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Consider that people playing hards are more than likely not alternating well yet and single tapping this is REALLY hard for these players. Revise this pattern and/or consider a different one.

03:54:877 (2) - Overlap doesnt look nice like this. Maybe just have it mirror 1 instead.

03:56:687 (2,3) - Keep spacing from 2 to 3 consistent with the rest of the spacing here.

03:59:015 (3,4,1,2) - Why 1/3 snapping? Just make these 1/2 sliders.

04:00:049 (3,4,5,6) - Again use 1.2x spacing or change pattern. Doesn't feel right to just keep single tapping when these look like 1/4 notes now.

04:00:825 (2) - Not 1/3. Change to 1/2.

04:01:601 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same as spacing comment above.

04:02:636 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Make the gap between each slider the same. This looks pretty sloppy this way.

04:04:705 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same as spacing comment above.

04:06:257 (3) - Change this one to 1/2 to better compliment the bigger drums now.

04:06:774 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - You know what I'm gonna say :v

04:09:877 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ...

04:10:911 (1,1) - This takes away SOOO much here. Long slider looks nice but this and the spinner completely cover up the cool drum solo :( I even thought the song ended here cuz of that.

04:19:187 (1) - Space this more or stack over slider end which I don't recommend.

04:24:748 (7,8) - Change to 1/2 slider with repeat?

04:26:946 (8) - Again weird 1/3 snap. Use 1/2.

Whoa that was a HUGE mod for one diff. Sorry to say that I really feel this difficulty needs a LOT of work like a LOT of work. Spacing inconsistencies, poor flow and rhythm choices, and no interesting patterns. I KNOW you can make really good maps (at least really good extras) so that's why I'm a bit upset after modding this. I highly suggest remapping this difficulty or at least overhauling it because currently I don't think this can get ranked in this state.

That might have sounded a bit harsh but again it's cuz I know you're capable of something really good if you really try.

Rest of the set looked fine at least from a quick look-through. Anyway good luck with the set :v
I havent checked your mod and Im gonna post a full response tomorrow hopefully but I think most of the changes you suggest were done to make sure the difficulty fell between acceptable acceptable ranges for a hard difficulty map.
Topic Starter

Side wrote:

Hi mod thing cuz why not :v

Will focus on the hard because...

Silynn's Hard


I suggest slightly higher CS. If you really don't wanna use CS4 then 3.7 maybe even 3.8 would be better. This CS makes it feel more like a normal especially for how simple the patterns are. CS was necessary for diff spread reasons

Highly recommend lower OD for this diff. OD 6 or at most 6.5 because this is pretty high bpm so it's gonna be pretty tough to be accurate at this difficulty range with the current OD. lowerd od by 1

00:00:591 (1) - You miss a lot of emphasis on the first vocals at 00:01:108 - with this 2/1 slider. Consider changing this to maybe a 1/1 slider and repeat 1/1 slider and note. ok

00:02:142 (2,3,4) - Highly suggest this pattern. Especially if you go with the first change which I also highly suggest. The reason for the 1/2 slider is because you wanna tie the word "tame ni" together as she sings it like that. ok

00:04:211 (1,2) - Change to 1/2 slider. Same reason as above regarding the word being sang kinda tied together. ok

00:04:728 (3) - Change to 1/1 slider and add a note at 00:05:478 - There is a guitar note playing 00:05:228 - which you neglect with this slider and this way you can get that note as well as the vocal. ok

00:06:245 (5,6) - I see what you're going for mapping this to the vocals but I think you can get the same effect (if not arguably better) if you change 5 to a 1/1 nicer shape slider (to compliment the vocal doing the short rise in pitch) and then a note at 00:07:278 - to compliment the 2nd guitar note since the slider would play the first. Also it might be a good idea to make 6 a slider that ends at 00:08:555 - or maybe just 00:08:299 - since the last guitar note kinda holds. ok

00:08:865 (1,2,3) - Nothing playing at 00:09:123 - Consider this pattern where 7 is stacked over 8 slider head. It's really nice :3 If you do it exactly like that you'll have to move things around so I suggest the pattern in the timeline but you can do it however you want. ok

00:13:520 - Don't neglect this guitar note :( following the vocals here

00:13:778 (2,3) - Maybe better if it blankets itself? It also flows very poorly into the next combo since 3 is pointing away from it currently. i dont agree

00:15:033 (1,2) - Due to the sudden change of BPM I highly sugest changing this to a 1/2 slider with repeat instead of having a note to give players enough time to recognize the bpm change. thats not nearly as fun :D

00:18:554 (2) - Change to a note then a 1/2 slider. The half slider should compliment the 1-2-3-4 thing the guitar does so the slider should start on the 1 of that strum at 00:18:685 - instead of with the slider body. ok

Similarly this should be a 1/2 slider with repeat because single tapping 3 notes at 232 bpm is gonna be way too hard for this part. It doesn't quite fit to single tap here because it's not as intense as something like 00:29:275 (6,7,8,9) - where it has that 1-2-3-4 pattern.

00:21:359 (1) - Personally don't like this spinner. There's so much going on here that could be mapped even for this diff. It also doesn't start on a very intuitive note. Highly recommend mapping this section. changed a little bit

00:29:275 (6,7,8,9) - Change 6 to 1/2 slider and note. That 1-2-3-4 pattern at 00:29:534 - should definitely be highlighted with 4 notes. Also after the change you should use the same spacing you used for 00:30:310 (1,2,3,4) - because right now one does not read like the other even though it's the same thing playing. yes but it i like how the pattern expands

00:31:344 (3,1) - Remove repeat and change to 3/4 slider into a 1/1 slider starting at 00:31:603 - (which means deleting 1) You want to emphasize the first note of the first verse and it being a part of a slider body in a repeat takes away soo much emphasis here. ok

00:35:094 (5,6,1) - Change to 1/1 slider so it has that 1-2 1-2 1 feel to it. Hard to explain this but trust me :) Finally change 1 to a note into a 1/1 slider starting on 00:35:482 (1) - to emphasize the upbeat (big white note) of the song. this doesnt fit the drum pattern as well

00:36:258 (2,3,4) - Especially if you changed the part above I highly suggest changing 2 and 3 to a 1/1 slider that mirrors the previous one. It would look soo good :3 This is also important because 4 starting on a red tick doesn't sound good here. The guitar playing here is not as strong as the vocals playing on 00:36:775 - So highly consider reworking this combo into a pattern that compliments the more important parts playing here. this section is meant to capture the 'swing' of the drums

00:43:111 (1,2) - Again vocals are very strong and ignored at 00:42:982 - so I suggest this pattern.
This is meant to follow the drums as well.

00:47:508 (6,7,8,9) - This isn't very intuitive. I suggest this pattern or if anything [url]this pattern[/url].
I enjoy the way it plays now

00:49:189 (4,5,6,7) - Highly suggest this pattern to better compliment the vocals and instruments.
I like this section as it is.

00:51:775 (6,1) - This slider loses emphasis on the vocals singing 00:52:163 - Remove repeat from 6 and add a note at 00:52:163 - then finally a 1/1 slider at 00:52:292 - . You can even make a really nice pattern this way like this.

00:53:586 (4,5) - Use 00:52:810 (3) - and mirror it instead?
not sure what you mean

00:55:784 (1,2) - Spacing should be 1/2 for this too.
the aesthetic stack is nice imo

00:56:430 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Suggest this pattern from the one you have currently between 00:56:430 - 00:58:758 - . It plays way better because the sliders and notes follow the vocals and instruments very well this way and more importantly they play soo well for this diff because it's almost a 1/1 single tap so it's very natural.
ill try it

00:58:887 - If you changed the pattern above I suggest also having a note here.
i dont see why D:

00:59:405 (1,2,3) - Unstack. Should be differentiated because of the music here and should read better. Also 2 does not flow well into 3 so you can definitely change this pattern to resolve both of these inconsistencies.

01:00:310 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This does not follow the music well. It kinda does except it plays very VERY poorly and unintuitively. Consider this pattern instead. The drums aren't as intense here to imply this drum pattern to players so instead following the vocals is more natural here.
Personally I find the drums more than intense enough to warrant this pattern.

01:02:637 (1,2,3,4) - Unstack. Not fun to play and removes a lot of emphasis.
The stacks are used here and in many other diffs

01:03:930 (1,2,3) - On top of the previous comment, what you can do is stack 1 over the previous 4 because of this pause but I also suggest changing 2 and 3 to a 1/2 slider instead. That way the stack on 01:04:706 (1,2,3,4) - Makes a bit more sense too.

01:05:094 (4) - Just another comment. This IS correct musically but idk it doesn't feel so good to play. I would change this to 2 1/2 notes instead with a NC on the 2nd note.
I believe this would take away from the map.

01:06:517 (4) - Change to 2 notes. Compliments low toms better.
I believe this causes unnecessary difficulty at a point in the music where it is quieting down.

01:14:018 (1,2,1,2) - If you're gonna do this SV change then make it a buildup increase that goes up from .6x to .7x to .8x to .9x and then kiai is 1.0x.
I like this the way it is

01:15:828 (2,3) - Poor flow from the previous notes.
I don't mind it

01:19:061 - Might be interesting to have a note here and make a triple stacked over 01:19:190 (1) - but idk.
I kind of like that Idea but i dont think it would fit with the music

01:22:035 (3,1) - Change to 1/2 slider and also delete 1 and add a 1/2 slider starting 01:22:293 - to better compliment the drums.
i like this the way it is

01:25:785 (2,3,4) - Poor flow from 3 to 4 plus bad overlap.
the flow break emphasizes the vocal

01:28:242 (3) - Change to 1/2 slider and another 1/2 slider at 01:28:520 -
i like the way it is now

01:28:778 (5,6) - ctrl G this pattern so the 1/2 slider starts first and THEN the 1/1 slider plays. Follows the drums and the vocals WAY better. Also this doesn't mean just ctrl+g I mean just to flip the notes on the timeline the pattern should also be reworked.
changed differently

01:29:554 (1,2,3,4) - This looks much better with the song since it adds good emphasis to the guitar thing :v

01:33:692 (1,2) - Add reverse to 1 and change 2 to a 1/1 slider. Also suggest for 01:34:468 (3,4) - to instead do what you did at 01:32:399 (3,4,5) - which reads much better for this diff.
i like the way this is now
01:35:244 (5,6,1) - Do not do this plz :( Very poor flow and looks very messy cuz overlap.

01:38:088 (3) - This covers that cool guitar rhythm at 01:38:218 - which you followed up until here.

01:39:619 (7) - 3/4 slider into note or maybe 1/2 slider.

01:41:171 (1) - Change to 1/2 slider and then move 01:41:430 (2) - over to 01:41:430 - because she does that tying-the-vocal-together thing again.

OR you can also do this pattern instead. 2nd one's cooler imo

01:42:354 (2,3) - Stack?

01:46:213 (1,2) - poor flow from the previous slider. Also suggest ctrl + g so the note is first then the slider after. Also this doesn't mean just ctrl+g I mean just to flip the notes on the timeline the pattern should also be reworked.

01:46:989 (4) - Note into 1/2 slider instead?

01:47:765 - add note

01:48:023 - maybe also here unless you want the pause.

01:48:152 (1,2) - These two sliders should mirror each other since it can be implied through the way she sings this part and the way the instruments play this part. Also current flow is very poor.

01:49:704 (3) - Remove repeat and add a note or 1/2 slider.

01:52:808 (2) - Change to 1/1 slider. Better because then it fixes that polarity question into 3.

01:55:652 (5) - Nice looking slider but would be better with the same shape and being a 1/2 slider then a note for the drum.

01:57:075 - Note here would be nice too.

01:57:463 (3) - Also nice as a note into 1/2 slider stacked over the note. Compliments the vocals nicely because she sings the same musical note here.

01:58:497 (1,2,3,4,5) - Poor flow and pattern could be better. Consider this and this (or something similar).

02:01:859 (4,5) - Delete 5 and add repeat to 4?

02:03:282 (7,1) - Again bad flow and overlap looks really bad too.

02:04:058 (2,3,4,5,6) - this DS change on this diff doesn't look nice. Stick to 1.2x spacing for this imo.

02:07:032 - Note?

02:07:549 - Note? Sound? Maybe change 02:07:290 (1) - to a 1/1 slider?

02:08:583 (6) - Should be 1/1 slider. Then note.

02:10:006 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same note about the DS change but more importantly 6 to 7 is the same 1/2 beat yet the spacing is 1.2x. Just change all of this to 1.2x instead this doesnt read well.

02:15:072 - I like this slow slider thing but they should look nicer and flow better. Maybe also try some cool slider shapes.

02:27:206 - Add 1/2 slider.

02:28:758 (6,7,8) - Looks nice in the editor but flows poorly. Might as well make this a jump section with the same spacing.

02:29:534 (1,2,3,1) - On a different note, You went with single tapping on the previous combo then switch back to the guitar rhythm. Should either stick to the guitar rhythm throughout or stick to the single tapping like before maybe with some 1/1 sliders or something but switching back and forth doesn't make much sense.

02:33:155 (1) - Add a note or 1/2 slider where the spinner starts and then start the spinner at 02:33:672 - instead.

02:35:771 (1,2) - Space 2 further from 1. Use 1.2x spacing.

02:44:015 (1,2,3) - I like this rhythm you're following for this chorus compared to the previous but still a lot of overlap/flow inconsistencies. This being one of them. Consider this pattern.

02:46:602 (2) - Move down to make a nicer wave thing.

03:15:049 (3,1,2) - I don't like this personally. Should just keep the 1/1 pattern going instead and highlighting the vocals through a different pattern.

03:16:860 (5) - Should have a 1/2 slider here instead and then a 1/1 slider starting at 03:17:119 -

03:20:351 (3) - Again poor flow and overlap.

03:27:463 (1) - Slider shape? :(

03:29:532 (1) - This kills a lot of the guitar building up here. Same for this 03:31:601 (1) -

03:34:187 (3,4,5,6) - 03:35:222 (3,4,5,6) - Again keep the spacing consistent. If it's too much spacing to single tap then maybe consider a different pattern.

03:37:808 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Consider that people playing hards are more than likely not alternating well yet and single tapping this is REALLY hard for these players. Revise this pattern and/or consider a different one.

03:54:877 (2) - Overlap doesnt look nice like this. Maybe just have it mirror 1 instead.

03:56:687 (2,3) - Keep spacing from 2 to 3 consistent with the rest of the spacing here.

03:59:015 (3,4,1,2) - Why 1/3 snapping? Just make these 1/2 sliders.

04:00:049 (3,4,5,6) - Again use 1.2x spacing or change pattern. Doesn't feel right to just keep single tapping when these look like 1/4 notes now.

04:00:825 (2) - Not 1/3. Change to 1/2.

04:01:601 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same as spacing comment above.

04:02:636 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Make the gap between each slider the same. This looks pretty sloppy this way.

04:04:705 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same as spacing comment above.

04:06:257 (3) - Change this one to 1/2 to better compliment the bigger drums now.

04:06:774 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - You know what I'm gonna say :v

04:09:877 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ...

04:10:911 (1,1) - This takes away SOOO much here. Long slider looks nice but this and the spinner completely cover up the cool drum solo :( I even thought the song ended here cuz of that.

04:19:187 (1) - Space this more or stack over slider end which I don't recommend.

04:24:748 (7,8) - Change to 1/2 slider with repeat?

04:26:946 (8) - Again weird 1/3 snap. Use 1/2.

Whoa that was a HUGE mod for one diff. Sorry to say that I really feel this difficulty needs a LOT of work like a LOT of work. Spacing inconsistencies, poor flow and rhythm choices, and no interesting patterns. I KNOW you can make really good maps (at least really good extras) so that's why I'm a bit upset after modding this. I highly suggest remapping this difficulty or at least overhauling it because currently I don't think this can get ranked in this state.

That might have sounded a bit harsh but again it's cuz I know you're capable of something really good if you really try.

Rest of the set looked fine at least from a quick look-through. Anyway good luck with the set :v
Sorry about the delays - I've rechecked the other diffs, and pretty much it's the abysmal Hard difficulty that is holding this set back. I'd get a ton of modding on that to get it fixed up or remap/make your own.

Garven wrote:

Sorry about the delays - I've rechecked the other diffs, and pretty much it's the abysmal Hard difficulty that is holding this set back. I'd get a ton of modding on that to get it fixed up or remap/make your own.
gogo i believe
Topic Starter

Side wrote:

Hi mod thing cuz why not :v

Will focus on the hard because...

Silynn's Hard


I suggest slightly higher CS. If you really don't wanna use CS4 then 3.7 maybe even 3.8 would be better. This CS makes it feel more like a normal especially for how simple the patterns are. CS was necessary for diff spread reasons

Highly recommend lower OD for this diff. OD 6 or at most 6.5 because this is pretty high bpm so it's gonna be pretty tough to be accurate at this difficulty range with the current OD. lowerd od by 1

00:00:591 (1) - You miss a lot of emphasis on the first vocals at 00:01:108 - with this 2/1 slider. Consider changing this to maybe a 1/1 slider and repeat 1/1 slider and note. ok

00:02:142 (2,3,4) - Highly suggest this pattern. Especially if you go with the first change which I also highly suggest. The reason for the 1/2 slider is because you wanna tie the word "tame ni" together as she sings it like that. ok

00:04:211 (1,2) - Change to 1/2 slider. Same reason as above regarding the word being sang kinda tied together. ok

00:04:728 (3) - Change to 1/1 slider and add a note at 00:05:478 - There is a guitar note playing 00:05:228 - which you neglect with this slider and this way you can get that note as well as the vocal. ok

00:06:245 (5,6) - I see what you're going for mapping this to the vocals but I think you can get the same effect (if not arguably better) if you change 5 to a 1/1 nicer shape slider (to compliment the vocal doing the short rise in pitch) and then a note at 00:07:278 - to compliment the 2nd guitar note since the slider would play the first. Also it might be a good idea to make 6 a slider that ends at 00:08:555 - or maybe just 00:08:299 - since the last guitar note kinda holds. ok

00:08:865 (1,2,3) - Nothing playing at 00:09:123 - Consider this pattern where 7 is stacked over 8 slider head. It's really nice :3 If you do it exactly like that you'll have to move things around so I suggest the pattern in the timeline but you can do it however you want. ok

00:13:520 - Don't neglect this guitar note :( following the vocals here

00:13:778 (2,3) - Maybe better if it blankets itself? It also flows very poorly into the next combo since 3 is pointing away from it currently. i dont agree

00:15:033 (1,2) - Due to the sudden change of BPM I highly sugest changing this to a 1/2 slider with repeat instead of having a note to give players enough time to recognize the bpm change. thats not nearly as fun :D

00:18:554 (2) - Change to a note then a 1/2 slider. The half slider should compliment the 1-2-3-4 thing the guitar does so the slider should start on the 1 of that strum at 00:18:685 - instead of with the slider body. ok

Similarly this should be a 1/2 slider with repeat because single tapping 3 notes at 232 bpm is gonna be way too hard for this part. It doesn't quite fit to single tap here because it's not as intense as something like 00:29:275 (6,7,8,9) - where it has that 1-2-3-4 pattern.

00:21:359 (1) - Personally don't like this spinner. There's so much going on here that could be mapped even for this diff. It also doesn't start on a very intuitive note. Highly recommend mapping this section. changed a little bit

00:29:275 (6,7,8,9) - Change 6 to 1/2 slider and note. That 1-2-3-4 pattern at 00:29:534 - should definitely be highlighted with 4 notes. Also after the change you should use the same spacing you used for 00:30:310 (1,2,3,4) - because right now one does not read like the other even though it's the same thing playing. yes but it i like how the pattern expands

00:31:344 (3,1) - Remove repeat and change to 3/4 slider into a 1/1 slider starting at 00:31:603 - (which means deleting 1) You want to emphasize the first note of the first verse and it being a part of a slider body in a repeat takes away soo much emphasis here. ok

00:35:094 (5,6,1) - Change to 1/1 slider so it has that 1-2 1-2 1 feel to it. Hard to explain this but trust me :) Finally change 1 to a note into a 1/1 slider starting on 00:35:482 (1) - to emphasize the upbeat (big white note) of the song. this doesnt fit the drum pattern as well

00:36:258 (2,3,4) - Especially if you changed the part above I highly suggest changing 2 and 3 to a 1/1 slider that mirrors the previous one. It would look soo good :3 This is also important because 4 starting on a red tick doesn't sound good here. The guitar playing here is not as strong as the vocals playing on 00:36:775 - So highly consider reworking this combo into a pattern that compliments the more important parts playing here. this section is meant to capture the 'swing' of the drums

00:43:111 (1,2) - Again vocals are very strong and ignored at 00:42:982 - so I suggest this pattern.
This is meant to follow the drums as well.

00:47:508 (6,7,8,9) - This isn't very intuitive. I suggest this pattern or if anything [url]this pattern[/url].
I enjoy the way it plays now

00:49:189 (4,5,6,7) - Highly suggest this pattern to better compliment the vocals and instruments.
I like this section as it is.

00:51:775 (6,1) - This slider loses emphasis on the vocals singing 00:52:163 - Remove repeat from 6 and add a note at 00:52:163 - then finally a 1/1 slider at 00:52:292 - . You can even make a really nice pattern this way like this.

00:53:586 (4,5) - Use 00:52:810 (3) - and mirror it instead?
not sure what you mean

00:55:784 (1,2) - Spacing should be 1/2 for this too.
the aesthetic stack is nice imo

00:56:430 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Suggest this pattern from the one you have currently between 00:56:430 - 00:58:758 - . It plays way better because the sliders and notes follow the vocals and instruments very well this way and more importantly they play soo well for this diff because it's almost a 1/1 single tap so it's very natural.
ill try it

00:58:887 - If you changed the pattern above I suggest also having a note here.
i dont see why D:

00:59:405 (1,2,3) - Unstack. Should be differentiated because of the music here and should read better. Also 2 does not flow well into 3 so you can definitely change this pattern to resolve both of these inconsistencies.

01:00:310 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This does not follow the music well. It kinda does except it plays very VERY poorly and unintuitively. Consider this pattern instead. The drums aren't as intense here to imply this drum pattern to players so instead following the vocals is more natural here.
Personally I find the drums more than intense enough to warrant this pattern.

01:02:637 (1,2,3,4) - Unstack. Not fun to play and removes a lot of emphasis.
The stacks are used here and in many other diffs

01:03:930 (1,2,3) - On top of the previous comment, what you can do is stack 1 over the previous 4 because of this pause but I also suggest changing 2 and 3 to a 1/2 slider instead. That way the stack on 01:04:706 (1,2,3,4) - Makes a bit more sense too.

01:05:094 (4) - Just another comment. This IS correct musically but idk it doesn't feel so good to play. I would change this to 2 1/2 notes instead with a NC on the 2nd note.
I believe this would take away from the map.

01:06:517 (4) - Change to 2 notes. Compliments low toms better.
I believe this causes unnecessary difficulty at a point in the music where it is quieting down.

01:14:018 (1,2,1,2) - If you're gonna do this SV change then make it a buildup increase that goes up from .6x to .7x to .8x to .9x and then kiai is 1.0x.
I like this the way it is

01:15:828 (2,3) - Poor flow from the previous notes.
I don't mind it

01:19:061 - Might be interesting to have a note here and make a triple stacked over 01:19:190 (1) - but idk.
I kind of like that Idea but i dont think it would fit with the music

01:22:035 (3,1) - Change to 1/2 slider and also delete 1 and add a 1/2 slider starting 01:22:293 - to better compliment the drums.
i like this the way it is

01:25:785 (2,3,4) - Poor flow from 3 to 4 plus bad overlap.
the flow break emphasizes the vocal

01:28:242 (3) - Change to 1/2 slider and another 1/2 slider at 01:28:520 -
i like the way it is now

01:28:778 (5,6) - ctrl G this pattern so the 1/2 slider starts first and THEN the 1/1 slider plays. Follows the drums and the vocals WAY better. Also this doesn't mean just ctrl+g I mean just to flip the notes on the timeline the pattern should also be reworked.
changed differently

01:29:554 (1,2,3,4) - This looks much better with the song since it adds good emphasis to the guitar thing :v

01:33:692 (1,2) - Add reverse to 1 and change 2 to a 1/1 slider. Also suggest for 01:34:468 (3,4) - to instead do what you did at 01:32:399 (3,4,5) - which reads much better for this diff.
i like the way this is now
01:35:244 (5,6,1) - Do not do this plz :( Very poor flow and looks very messy cuz overlap.
its literally just a stack, flow is irrelevant players arent supposed to follow the sliders, and the overlap is an aesthetic choice

01:38:088 (3) - This covers that cool guitar rhythm at 01:38:218 - which you followed up until here.
this is to transition into the next section

01:39:619 (7) - 3/4 slider into note or maybe 1/2 slider.
it is a 1/2 slider

01:41:171 (1) - Change to 1/2 slider and then move 01:41:430 (2) - over to 01:41:430 - because she does that tying-the-vocal-together thing again.

OR you can also do this pattern instead. 2nd one's cooler imo

01:42:354 (2,3) - Stack?
01:46:213 (1,2) - poor flow from the previous slider. Also suggest ctrl + g so the note is first then the slider after. Also this doesn't mean just ctrl+g I mean just to flip the notes on the timeline the pattern should also be reworked.
reworked this pattern
01:46:989 (4) - Note into 1/2 slider instead?
reworked this pattern
01:47:765 - add note
01:48:023 - maybe also here unless you want the pause.

01:48:152 (1,2) - These two sliders should mirror each other since it can be implied through the way she sings this part and the way the instruments play this part. Also current flow is very poor.

01:49:704 (3) - Remove repeat and add a note or 1/2 slider.

01:52:808 (2) - Change to 1/1 slider. Better because then it fixes that polarity question into 3.
reworked a lot of the tiop here
01:55:652 (5) - Nice looking slider but would be better with the same shape and being a 1/2 slider then a note for the drum.

01:57:075 - Note here would be nice too.
its following the drum here

01:57:463 (3) - Also nice as a note into 1/2 slider stacked over the note. Compliments the vocals nicely because she sings the same musical note here.

01:58:497 (1,2,3,4,5) - Poor flow and pattern could be better. Consider this and this (or something similar).

02:01:859 (4,5) - Delete 5 and add repeat to 4?
i like the way this plays

02:03:282 (7,1) - Again bad flow and overlap looks really bad too.
i dont agree

02:04:058 (2,3,4,5,6) - this DS change on this diff doesn't look nice. Stick to 1.2x spacing for this imo.
i like it

02:07:032 - Note?
following vocal

02:07:549 - Note? Sound? Maybe change 02:07:290 (1) - to a 1/1 slider?

02:08:583 (6) - Should be 1/1 slider. Then note.
wants to follow the vocal in a neat way

02:10:006 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same note about the DS change but more importantly 6 to 7 is the same 1/2 beat yet the spacing is 1.2x. Just change all of this to 1.2x instead this doesnt read well.
i like the ds and the jump is for emphasis

02:15:072 - I like this slow slider thing but they should look nicer and flow better. Maybe also try some cool slider shapes.
flow is irrelevant they are too slow to have any flow

02:27:206 - Add 1/2 slider.
would take emphasis away from the vocals

02:28:758 (6,7,8) - Looks nice in the editor but flows poorly. Might as well make this a jump section with the same spacing.
i dont agree

02:29:534 (1,2,3,1) - On a different note, You went with single tapping on the previous combo then switch back to the guitar rhythm. Should either stick to the guitar rhythm throughout or stick to the single tapping like before maybe with some 1/1 sliders or something but switching back and forth doesn't make much sense.
adds variation

02:33:155 (1) - Add a note or 1/2 slider where the spinner starts and then start the spinner at 02:33:672 - instead.

02:35:771 (1,2) - Space 2 further from 1. Use 1.2x spacing.

02:44:015 (1,2,3) - I like this rhythm you're following for this chorus compared to the previous but still a lot of overlap/flow inconsistencies. This being one of them. Consider this pattern.
i think its interesting

02:46:602 (2) - Move down to make a nicer wave thing.

03:15:049 (3,1,2) - I don't like this personally. Should just keep the 1/1 pattern going instead and highlighting the vocals through a different pattern.
this adds emphasis

03:16:860 (5) - Should have a 1/2 slider here instead and then a 1/1 slider starting at 03:17:119 -

03:20:351 (3) - Again poor flow and overlap.
i dont agree

03:27:463 (1) - Slider shape? :(

03:29:532 (1) - This kills a lot of the guitar building up here. Same for this 03:31:601 (1) -
i dont agree

03:34:187 (3,4,5,6) - 03:35:222 (3,4,5,6) - Again keep the spacing consistent. If it's too much spacing to single tap then maybe consider a different pattern.
i really think this is an important aspect of the map

03:37:808 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Consider that people playing hards are more than likely not alternating well yet and single tapping this is REALLY hard for these players. Revise this pattern and/or consider a different one.
its unique but i believe it adds to the map, just because its different doesn't mean people wont enjoy/be able to play it.

03:54:877 (2) - Overlap doesnt look nice like this. Maybe just have it mirror 1 instead.
i disagree

03:56:687 (2,3) - Keep spacing from 2 to 3 consistent with the rest of the spacing here.
this ruins the pattern

03:59:015 (3,4,1,2) - Why 1/3 snapping? Just make these 1/2 sliders.
the timing is in 1/3 if you listen to it

04:00:049 (3,4,5,6) - Again use 1.2x spacing or change pattern. Doesn't feel right to just keep single tapping when these look like 1/4 notes now.
this is part of the map i dont see a reason to change it

04:00:825 (2) - Not 1/3. Change to 1/2.
it is

04:01:601 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same as spacing comment above.

04:02:636 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Make the gap between each slider the same. This looks pretty sloppy this way.

04:04:705 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same as spacing comment above.

04:06:257 (3) - Change this one to 1/2 to better compliment the bigger drums now.
this emphasizes the vocals

04:06:774 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - You know what I'm gonna say :v

04:09:877 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ...

04:10:911 (1,1) - This takes away SOOO much here. Long slider looks nice but this and the spinner completely cover up the cool drum solo :( I even thought the song ended here cuz of that.
the spinner emphasizes the closing section.

04:19:187 (1) - Space this more or stack over slider end which I don't recommend.

04:24:748 (7,8) - Change to 1/2 slider with repeat?

04:26:946 (8) - Again weird 1/3 snap. Use 1/2.
it is actually 1/3

Whoa that was a HUGE mod for one diff. Sorry to say that I really feel this difficulty needs a LOT of work like a LOT of work. Spacing inconsistencies, poor flow and rhythm choices, and no interesting patterns. I KNOW you can make really good maps (at least really good extras) so that's why I'm a bit upset after modding this. I highly suggest remapping this difficulty or at least overhauling it because currently I don't think this can get ranked in this state.

That might have sounded a bit harsh but again it's cuz I know you're capable of something really good if you really try.

Rest of the set looked fine at least from a quick look-through. Anyway good luck with the set :v
I apprecaite the mod but please dont be so dramatic. This diff was already qualified and deemed appropriate by over 2 years of test plays and 30+ mods. Some improvements were made but silynn's mapping style is unique and I will not make changes that would remove his spirit from the map.
a wonderful world :))):)):):)::SDD

100th kds
21:50 HanzeR: <3
21:51 Broccoly: hehe
21:51 Broccoly: 01:01:215 (3,4,5,6) - distance might be confusing??
21:51 HanzeR: yeahhhh
21:52 Broccoly: 01:04:706 (1,2,3,4) - compared to parts like this players might read as 1/4
21:53 HanzeR: gonna redo that
21:53 Broccoly: 01:15:828 (2,3) - this is fine for experienced players but maybe a bit much overlap for a hard.. especially for garven lol
21:54 Broccoly: 01:15:052 (1,2,3) - i meant this
21:54 HanzeR: i c what u mean
21:54 Broccoly: 01:24:233 (4,5) - correct blanket maybe?
21:55 Broccoly: 01:33:433 (6,7) - LOL
21:56 HanzeR: oh shit
21:56 HanzeR: LOL
21:58 Broccoly: 01:35:244 (5,6,1,2) - this is pretty hard to read
21:58 HanzeR: i kinda like the shape tho xD
21:59 HanzeR: silynn made it so i want to keep it
21:59 Broccoly: oh okk
22:00 Broccoly:
22:00 Broccoly: maybe at least move the 1st circle like this?
22:00 Broccoly: just a suggestion
22:00 HanzeR: ok
22:00 Broccoly: 01:38:606 - adding a note sounds good
22:01 Broccoly: 01:54:359 - same here
22:02 Broccoly: 02:07:032 - ^ lol
22:04 HanzeR: done
22:04 HanzeR: all those
22:05 Broccoly: rest looks good!!
22:06 Broccoly: can't find anythign
22:07 HanzeR: <3
22:07 HanzeR: aweseomeeeeeee
22:07 Broccoly: :DDD
2015-11-22 21:08 HanzeR: just the hard diff
2015-11-22 21:08 HanzeR: the other diffs are ok
2015-11-22 21:08 VINXIS: kkkkkkk
2015-11-22 21:08 HanzeR: i just updated it
2015-11-22 21:08 VINXIS: o
2015-11-22 21:08 VINXIS: wOW .01 STAR RAISE PLZ NERF11 !
2015-11-22 21:08 HanzeR: xD
2015-11-22 21:10 VINXIS: 00:52:810 (3,4) - plz bring the slidr end and circl togethr lo
2015-11-22 21:11 VINXIS: 01:15:052 (3) - nc pleas
2015-11-22 21:11 HanzeR: DONe
2015-11-22 21:11 VINXIS: NIC
2015-11-22 21:11 HanzeR: good idea
2015-11-22 21:12 VINXIS: nic
2015-11-22 21:12 VINXIS: 01:54:359 (8,1) - mayb switch these ncs cuz new measur
2015-11-22 21:13 HanzeR: good cach
2015-11-22 21:13 VINXIS: thx mad it myself Xd
2015-11-22 21:14 VINXIS: 02:38:714 (4,5) - mayb mov thes both lik more upright and then blanket 5 usign 4 lo
2015-11-22 21:14 HanzeR: hah
2015-11-22 21:14 VINXIS: lma o
2015-11-22 21:14 HanzeR: brilliant
2015-11-22 21:15 VINXIS: 03:23:842 (4,6) - wao blanket is off!1 1 ! ! !
2015-11-22 21:16 HanzeR: wowwwww sry
2015-11-22 21:16 VINXIS: its ok i stil lov u lo xd
2015-11-22 21:16 VINXIS: 03:58:498 (1,2) - mayb u sud make thes 3/4 sliders too lo
2015-11-22 21:17 HanzeR: THEYRE ACTUALLY
2015-11-22 21:17 HanzeR: 1/3 sliders
2015-11-22 21:17 HanzeR: the other parts
2015-11-22 21:17 VINXIS: O
2015-11-22 21:17 VINXIS: im fried l o
2015-11-22 21:17 HanzeR: dont tell anyone tho
2015-11-22 21:17 HanzeR: its a secret
2015-11-22 21:17 VINXIS: im so
2015-11-22 21:17 VINXIS: frid
2015-11-22 21:17 VINXIS: o ok Xd
2015-11-22 21:18 VINXIS: 04:27:722 (3,4) - ctrlg if u agree
2015-11-22 21:18 HanzeR: wow
2015-11-22 21:19 HanzeR: no xd
2015-11-22 21:19 VINXIS: yeja im don
Irc modded Silynn's Hard, and also checked the other diffs for unrankable stuff. Found an offscreen slider on Laurier's Insane but thats all~

22:03 monstrata: 00:28:758 (5) - I would make this just a circle
22:03 monstrata: because 5>6 is a pretty big jump
22:03 monstrata: that Silynn usually maps with 1/1 spacing
22:04 HanzeR: good idea
22:05 monstrata: 00:47:508 (6,7) - try Ctrl+G'ing the rhythm and see if that plays a bit better?
22:05 monstrata: i just felt it a bit weird to use red tick rhythm for the slider + circles
22:06 HanzeR: do you think it would work if i changed 6 to a repeat instead
22:06 monstrata: ooo ya that would work too
22:06 monstrata: maybe Ctrl+G 6 then?
22:06 HanzeR: yeah
22:06 HanzeR: thats what i did
22:06 monstrata: alright!
22:07 monstrata: 00:50:741 (2,4) - And here, just fix the blanket xD
22:07 HanzeR: wewps
22:07 monstrata: 00:57:077 (2) - Okay here too, similar to the first point i mentioned
22:07 monstrata: maybe make 2 a circle and have it on 00:57:206 -
22:09 HanzeR: i reworked it
22:09 HanzeR: got rid of the repeat
22:10 monstrata: 01:00:698 (1,2,3,4) - Here rhythm is a bit awkward for me... see if this rhythm works better for you?
22:10 monstrata: and ah, okay
22:11 monstrata: 01:35:502 (6) - This is 1/3 snapping so i think it might be better to make this a just a circle than do some 1/3 or 1/6 slider stuff here
22:11 monstrata: (stop me if im going too fast, i have stuff bookmarked xD)
22:13 HanzeR: its 1/3?
22:13 monstrata: yea it sounds like 1/3 to me when i slow it down
22:13 HanzeR: hm im not sure if i hear that
22:14 HanzeR: oh
22:14 HanzeR: lol i guess it kinda hits on the 1/6
22:14 HanzeR: hm
22:14 monstrata: yea
22:14 monstrata: if you put a whistle on the slider-end of 6 and play at 25 % you can hear the diff
22:14 HanzeR: alright changed that
22:16 monstrata: 01:56:040 (7,8,9) - Okay for here it hought it might be cool to arrange them like this:
22:16 monstrata: so theres like a slightly larger spacing that aligns with the white ticks
22:16 HanzeR: neat
22:16 HanzeR: i like that
22:16 monstrata: sweet :D
22:17 monstrata: 02:13:368 (3,1) - here tho, i think ppl might complain about spacing, maybe move 1 and 2 down a bit more or something?
22:17 monstrata: or maybe Ctrl+J
22:17 monstrata:
22:17 monstrata: idk just some ideas
22:18 HanzeR: ima plop a note in the middle of that big thing
22:18 monstrata: 02:14:532 (2,1) - I wouldn't worry too much about spacing here tho. since generally ppl can read when something is more than 1/1 spacing in between
22:18 monstrata: o okay
22:18 HanzeR: yeah
22:18 monstrata: 02:24:103 (3,4) - And uh fix this blanket with the slider-end of 3
22:19 monstrata: xD
22:19 monstrata: wow actually thats really nazi
22:19 monstrata: 03:16:343 (3,4) - Here tho, idk if this is intentional, but 3 and 4 are overlaped
22:20 HanzeR: oh
22:20 HanzeR: nope
22:20 HanzeR: i must have missed that when i put that pattern there
22:20 monstrata: ah
22:22 monstrata: 03:31:601 (1,2) - Blanket fix <3
22:22 monstrata: 03:42:463 (3,4) - And here too lol
22:22 HanzeR: poop
22:22 monstrata: 03:51:774 (5,1) - And here loool
22:23 monstrata: 03:54:877 (2,3) - and here cuz im nazi
22:24 monstrata: 03:54:101 (6,1) - Okay and here, idk. this is a really big jump relative to the other jumps on this diff. i would tone it down a bit because makes 03:54:360 (1) - seem really important
22:25 HanzeR: where?
22:25 HanzeR: 6 to 1?
22:25 HanzeR: oh
22:25 HanzeR: wow yeah it is
22:25 HanzeR: ok
22:25 monstrata: yea 6 to 1
22:26 HanzeR: fixed
22:27 monstrata: alright i got 3 more things then we're done haha
22:27 monstrata: 03:56:687 (2,3) -
22:27 monstrata: Make the spacing a bit more consistent with the other sliders
22:27 HanzeR: the spacing between the sides or the heads?
22:27 monstrata: 04:03:670 (1,2) - Here too
22:27 monstrata: the sides
22:27 monstrata: visual stuff ye
22:27 HanzeR: gotchyu
22:28 HanzeR: done
22:29 monstrata: 04:20:998 (3,1) - Okay here, cuz theres a really nice crash on 1, maybe you could increase the spacing a bit?
22:29 monstrata: like or something
22:30 HanzeR: i like the way u think
22:30 monstrata: oh and 04:27:463 (1,2,3,4) - try arranging them like 3>4 has like the largest spacing for that crash again xD
22:30 monstrata: ayy :D
22:31 monstrata: 04:26:946 (8) - O derp just noticed, but that snapping
22:31 HanzeR: oboy
22:33 monstrata: Lemme run through snapping real quick lmao
22:33 monstrata: just in case
22:34 HanzeR: ofc
22:34 monstrata: 03:59:015 (3,4,1,2) -
22:34 monstrata: 1/2
22:36 HanzeR: you don't hear the 1/3?
22:36 monstrata: well, its just both you and Laurier both map them as 1/2 sliders
22:36 monstrata: and you added 1/4's
22:37 HanzeR: yeah
22:37 HanzeR: haha
22:37 HanzeR: ill change them
22:37 monstrata: okay xD
22:38 monstrata: Okay lastly
22:38 monstrata: 02:33:155 (3) - I think extending this to the white tick will be better
22:39 monstrata: cuz you don't really map the start of the spinner to anything
22:39 monstrata: like, theres no hitsound associated with a spinner start
22:39 monstrata: 04:10:911 (1,1) - kinda like this
22:40 HanzeR: oh
22:40 HanzeR: yeah
22:42 monstrata: okay thats all
22:42 monstrata: update :D
22:42 monstrata: didnt find any offscreen nonsense lol
22:42 HanzeR: updatdong
22:42 monstrata: sldfkjsldjfsldfjs9df08230458309485
22:42 monstrata: Laurier's Insane - 00:49:965 (11) -
22:43 monstrata: i'll just give other diffs a quick check
22:43 HanzeR: whats there
22:43 monstrata: offscreen slider

Topic Starter
shit nigga

thx natsu
Timing is inaccurate at a bunch of parts, most noticeably at 02:58:498 - to 03:08:789

The new combos need a lot of work. Since this is basically 1/2 speedmap at the high bpm, it's best to avoid new combos on red ticks, with the exception of vocals that go over the big white 02:44:921 (1) -
02:45:826 (4,1) - Stuff like this is a pain in the ass to read with that new comboing. It makes the curved slider look like it's going to end 1/4 early.

Popping this because it needs work.

00:00:591 (1,2,3,4) - Also as an aside (don't have time for proper mod and this looks like someone's going to qualify it) this sort of thing is really pushing the sliderend overmap leniency thing. Don't do this so much in a place with virtually no audio / beats. It'll get a rule changed once it pisses someone off enough.
Don't know about the end timing on this but see if it works out anyway



Resets are at
00:56:421 -
01:31:620 -
Yeah sorry if my mod came off as very rude. This is why no one should start a mod at 2 a.m. :v

I had no ill-intentions with it and hoped some suggestions would be considered for the sake of improving the diff and get the set ranked. But am glad the diff is looking much better now! (whether it was cuz of my mod or just monstrata's)

Good luck and hope this gets fully ranked soon! (long overdue!!)
Fully adapted extra diff for testing the timing (FX)
Topic Starter
o sht

ok sorry i'm working on finishing up some projects before i leave school so im gonna re check everything as soon as i get home tomorrow. sorry for the delay
I think I noticed some problems with the timing but when you have the time look at the FX diff and let me know if you find any.
Topic Starter
the timing sounds great so far

i checked through it a few times and I didn't find any parts that sound off, but Im not so good at hearing the little changes

im going to ask a few other people to test it and then hopefully copy it to the other diffs

HanzeR wrote:

the timing sounds great so far

i checked through it a few times and I didn't find any parts that sound off, but Im not so good at hearing the little changes

im going to ask a few other people to test it and then hopefully copy it to the other diffs
Then I will go ahead and apply the changes that I can hear and update it
For example, 01:29:568 (1,1,1,1) - slow this down and give it a listen. First 2? Good. Last 2? Not as much!
But having it change at the third circle would be super troll gameplay-wise so it'll just be a higher BPM.

EDIT: Okay these are better
Red Sections
TBH I'd recommend a lower OD anyway
Normal diif, at the end of part, I hitted clean x50 each every notes
04:15:956 (2) -
04:18:025 (2) -
04:20:093 (2) -
04:22:162 (2) -
04:24:231 (2) -
04:26:300 (2) -

-> can you replace it like bellow?

04:16:084 (2) -
04:18:153 (2) -
04:20:222 (2) -
04:22:291 (2) -
04:24:360 (2) -
04:26:429 (2) -
Its a Wonderful World

Rumia- wrote:

Its a Wonderful World
Topic Starter
FINALLY I updated the timing on ALL THE DIFFS everything should be snapped and I really think it's ready to go this time!!!
Fatfan Kolek
woooo let's goo, it's about time :d
Still going to keep my loved vote for this.
Ayana Hana

Mazziv wrote:


soft-hitclap3.wav is coming up as unused.


Green and Red line values are not consistent at these places:


Also, because some of your sliders pass through red lines, their slider-ends aren't going to be snapped, so you need to resnap them by changing the SV of the slider:

01:02:095 - SV 0.98
01:53:219 - SV 0.775
01:54:108 - SV 0.76
02:46:997 - SV 1.02
03:15:446 - SV 1.04

There are other objects that are unsnapped, use AiMod, Those ones just require simple resnapping.

Laurier's Insane

Red and green lines are inconsistent here:

00:04:710 (custom set number)
00:05:726 (custom set number)
02:15:054 (volume level) (custom set number)
02:52:316 (custom set number) (kiai)
03:40:911 (volume level) (custom set number)
03:41:949 (kiai)

AiMod is screaming on this diff. You have a lot of objects you need to resnap due to the Timing changes.

Silynn's Hard

Concurrent Red/Green

01:14:033 (volume level)
01:48:680 (volume level)
01:55:909 (custom set number)
02:15:054 (custom set number)
02:42:968 (kiai)
03:24:882 (volume level)



Same, red/green inconsistent.
01:48:680 (volume level)
01:55:909 (custom set number)
02:15:054 (custom set number)
02:42:968 (kiai)
02:51:778 (kiai)
03:40:911 (volume level) (custom set number)
04:10:908 (kiai)

Also, AiMod.

Basically, go through AiMod and fix all snapping errors first, then call me back so I can help you with resnapping the slider-ends for objects that pass through multiple red lines (unless you know how to fix then, then please do so xD).

After the assassination of Inverness codename: 420World never got bubbled again.

In the shadows, Hanzers research on extended sliders finally bear fruit... he has transcended the human body.

This time he wont take no as an answer.


Monstrata wrote:

Also, because some of your sliders pass through red lines, their slider-ends aren't going to be snapped, so you need to resnap them by changing the SV of the slider:
I'm a fucking wizard.

Edit: I might be able to help a bit with this too if you don't get to it before thanksgiving. I'll have a few days breather before the next sprint of university. :? :? :?

Edit2: Monstrata's #'s are a bit off because he counted an extra tick at the end of the slider instead of duration (3 ticks = 2/4 beats not 3/4) ~ easy mistake to make. Editor only seems to go to 2 decimal places so round/ceil/floor as desired, should be close enough that aimod shuts up anyways.
time::(#) - new SV (value in notepad)

01:02:095 (1) - .97895 (-102.1498)
01:10:934 (1) - .49863 (-200.5502)
01:53:219 (5) - .77129 (-129.6532)
01:54:108 (1) - .75846 (-131.8463)
02:44:942 (1) - 1.0044 (-99.5652)
02:46:997 (3) - 1.0105 (-98.9562)
03:15:446 (2) - 1.016 (-98.4241)
03:25:408 (1) - .50746 (-197.0614)
03:27:476 (1) - .49534 (-201.882)
03:53:209 (1) - .99362 (-100.6424)

Aight, time for my union mandated pre-pre-pre-lunch break break break break. :? :?

If anyone wants to help and has matlab I made a pretty simple to use calculator for this (felt too lazy to automate this because of edge cases complicating life):

Available on github:

I might package a java version of this. Matlab was just a quick an easy solution at the time and it's been a few years since I've worked with swing libraries.

Edit3: some repeat sliders in lower difficulties require remapping for this set to be rankable it seems (source: monstrata) so it might be best to get that out of the way before worrying about fixing the fixable sliders (as some of them may get removed during whatever remapping happens).

In other news, word on the grapevine is that 2020 might be a better year. Maybe we can try again then? :? :? :?

For those who give a shit the editor allows SV past 2 decimal places if you use notepad editing. It will only show 2 though.
Topic Starter
ok so everythings fixed in the extra ... its 100% rankable with no problems

other diffs coming shortly
holy fuck i remember playing this back when i was rank 10k and thinking it was a shitmap LOL

gl on ranking!!!! might mod later today but its probably perfect rn anyways
Is this still happening? ;o

Monstrata wrote:

Is this still happening? ;o
according to his twitter,yes

Monstrata wrote:

Is this still happening? ;o
would you be interested to revive
Topic Starter
Is there anyone out there with the will to help me finally rank this
no actually, never .
Maaaaann stfuuu vinxis just shut upppp just shuuuut up Shut uup man
would help but it seems you already have two :))
yea but so
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