Damn you Sushi, you made me lose the game, get rick rolled and do a barrel roll.
and I had respect for youKitsunemimi wrote:
By the way, steak has a power level of OVER 9000 because THIS IS SPARTA like a BOSS unlike CAKE which is an UTTER LIE LOLlloLOLOL0loL n00b flhax FTW!111!!!one1!oneone!!!1eleven! i'm so 1337h337
Don't be silly~ I was jooooking sheeeeeeeeshKrisom wrote:
and I had respect for youKitsunemimi wrote:
By the way, steak has a power level of OVER 9000 because THIS IS SPARTA like a BOSS unlike CAKE which is an UTTER LIE LOLlloLOLOL0loL n00b flhax FTW!111!!!one1!oneone!!!1eleven! i'm so 1337h337
Rubber!? Damn vegans.VelperK wrote:
someone, quickly, distribute these!
Chicken 49% 49% [ 39 ]
Steak 50% 50% [ 40 ]
Verdisphena wrote:
Sushii @_@
Verdisphena wrote:
Verdisphena wrote:
Sushii ;_;
<3mekadon wrote:
Chicken because I'm a chick D:
Don't make me bonk you.Kitsunemimi wrote:
Oh no you don't!!
U-Uuhhh m-multiaccount!! A-All steak people... create another account now!! Nobody will know!