So I thought of nothing of this at first. It seemed like a harmless funny trick. However, I found evidence on his profile that it may not be so harmless after all. For this we need to compare his profile before and after.

Notice anything strange? It's that "time traveler" bit. I mean that was specifically changed for some strange reason. Why would Flanster even imply the time traveler bit at all? It could have been anything, but it's as if Flanster wants to show something off.
You can notice that Flanster now has some kind of lock. He actually used it to lock the thread I linked in the beginning. Now that I think about it, he was showing off a trick the lock did. Emanating from it is some kind of power. Truly weird, don't you think?
There is only one lock that can be so powerful to emit such power. It's a legendary artifact lost to OT's history. Nobody knows what happened to it. It was lost in the middle of the Fag era. Lord Stefan Lockthread's ultimate lock!
Considering all these clues, this is is what I believed has happened. Flanster somehow gained the opportunity to travel back in time. He went back specifically to the middle of the Fag era. I do not know what happened, but he managed to aquire Lord Stefan Lockthread's ultimate lock. Now delighted with how everything worked out, he went back to present day with an overwhelming urge to show off what he had done. He used it on thread and left bread crumbs for someone to figure out his triumphant feat of deficience of time.
Now you might be asking, why exactly "deficience of time". Well you see, I think this is just a start of what is to come. What piques my interest most is his possible newfound interest in OT's history. He recently asked me whether I could organize the events of OT's history. He is definitely plotting something. What is it really?
Notice anything strange? It's that "time traveler" bit. I mean that was specifically changed for some strange reason. Why would Flanster even imply the time traveler bit at all? It could have been anything, but it's as if Flanster wants to show something off.
You can notice that Flanster now has some kind of lock. He actually used it to lock the thread I linked in the beginning. Now that I think about it, he was showing off a trick the lock did. Emanating from it is some kind of power. Truly weird, don't you think?
There is only one lock that can be so powerful to emit such power. It's a legendary artifact lost to OT's history. Nobody knows what happened to it. It was lost in the middle of the Fag era. Lord Stefan Lockthread's ultimate lock!
Considering all these clues, this is is what I believed has happened. Flanster somehow gained the opportunity to travel back in time. He went back specifically to the middle of the Fag era. I do not know what happened, but he managed to aquire Lord Stefan Lockthread's ultimate lock. Now delighted with how everything worked out, he went back to present day with an overwhelming urge to show off what he had done. He used it on thread and left bread crumbs for someone to figure out his triumphant feat of deficience of time.
Now you might be asking, why exactly "deficience of time". Well you see, I think this is just a start of what is to come. What piques my interest most is his possible newfound interest in OT's history. He recently asked me whether I could organize the events of OT's history. He is definitely plotting something. What is it really?