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awp wrote:

It's so deprecated it's like using Netscape.

yongtw123 wrote:

Purely opinion: I miss the Friends list on the left of Settings (bookmark) page.
Yes, I want this back as well. Why don't we have a section for friends anyway, on our profile or something? O_O
As for the avatar thing, it's just a personal choice. I just dislike it. A choice would be nicer than a forced one, IMO
Topic Starter
I don't believe in choice unless there is reason, so no there will not be a toggle.

The friends list is still in your UCP? I just moved it to the right-hand side where there was more space for it. Are you missing this or is there some other problem?

EvianBubble wrote:

yongtw123 wrote:

Purely opinion: I miss the Friends list on the left of Settings (bookmark) page.
Yes, I want this back as well. Why don't we have a section for friends anyway, on our profile or something? O_O
As for the avatar thing, it's just a personal choice. I just dislike it. A choice would be nicer than a forced one, IMO
Many of us have quite a large friends list, and it usually means the settings page is stretched down a long way. Plus, I find it neater the way it is right now. If you're having trouble finding your friends in the list, perhaps use Ctrl+F?

Also, for the avatars next to the names, I'll agree that they're pretty ugly. But I really don't care that much, so I'm fine with it staying the way it is. In my opinion, it only works for peppy's avatar (and stuff that looks similar).
Topic Starter
I will work on improving the quality of the small avatars.
actually, my avatar looks really, really awesome next to my name. hee.
Speedy Cat_old
Thx :D

E-Hooker wrote:

actually, my avatar looks really, really awesome next to my name. hee.
your ava is Small xD
.......................... Oh auughh!!! Oh no I just..!! Aughh!!

I just noticed that the front UCP page doesn't show your posts per day and % of all posts anymore ;_;
Topic Starter
What ever will you do?

Kitsunemimi wrote:

I just noticed that the front UCP page doesn't show your posts per day and % of all posts anymore ;_;
this is big glitch is bad plz fix i need know posts amount plz famiry orz
Well, I decided to become a supporter because I'm dependent on that search feature. I have wanted to do it before but I didn't have a credit card. I still don't. However, I have a feature from my bank that lets me use a temporary credit card online made by the bank. A MasterCard. It has worked for things like Xbox Live and such.


Your credit or debit card has been declined for this transaction; PayPal could not validate the card. Please verify that the information you entered is correct, or try a different credit or debit card.
I guess I'm screwed. It's impossible to remember what maps I have played and not.
thanks now is more easy navigate in the beatmap packs section
Oh yes way better.
Thanks for the update, it's really awesome :) i want more update soon!(ctb & taiko historial static)
DJ Angel
damn i loved the beatmap packs tab's, thanks peppy

yongtw123 wrote:

Purely opinion: I miss the Friends list on the left of Settings (bookmark) page.

yongtw123 wrote:

Purely opinion: I miss the Friends list on the left of Settings (bookmark) page.
I agree.

Current friends list is kinda messy ;-; It was easier to find people with the previous layout.

FurukawaPan wrote:

Azure_Kyte wrote:

Or, in my case, using an ancient version (6) of Internet Explorer, incapable of resizing images.
Unless your work is forcing you to continue using IE6 it is *strongly* advised to get away from that browser as fast as you can say firefox.

Seriously, that's a security hazard waiting to happen.
Exactly what is happening. The work computers use it.
Beatmap pack 322.. I stopped downloading maps at pack 49 before...
Can you leave the search option for people that have got supporter before??
Topic Starter

Hanyuu wrote:

Can you leave the search option for people that have got supporter before??
Sorry but no.
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