
Xi - Majotachi no Butoukai ~ Magus [Osu|Taiko]

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o/ from a skype request a week ago or something (sorry)


Add Manten and Suraimu to all tags

[Extra Stage]

OD8 would be more fun

00:34:096 (9,10,11) - this feels odd, especially if you listen to the violin in this part. I'm suggesting a slider on 00:34:096 (9) - and perhaps another slider on 00:34:449. You might have to remodel the stream for that :(
00:36:920 (5) - slider instead of the sudden emptiness before 00:37:096 (6) - ?
00:42:567 (5,6) - maybe a slider here?
00:48:214 (6,7) - ^
01:00:567 (5) - add finish? Suggesting this because it will make the stream feel easier, something I think is needed considering the pattern.
01:00:919 (9) - ^
01:01:272 (13) - ^
01:22:802 (1,1,1,1) - Here you did exactly that. I really prefer this :)


00:15:567 - add note
00:22:096 (6) - please move the node in this slider 1 grid to the right
00:30:567 (3) - this slider really stands out here. Please make it look like the others
00:33:390 (1,2) - this doesn't flow well at all to me. Please make (2) into a 4 tick slider starting at 00:34:096
00:38:684 (3,4,5) - just wondering if it should appear more like 00:36:567 (5,6,7,8,9) - and 00:42:214 (6,7,8,9,10) -

[suraimu's Normal]

[manten's Easy]

Nice mapset o/

alright, I'm here to give a mod!

open to find mod
just kidding xD this is in my queue so I'll mod it when I get the chance. I just wanted to mess with your head -w-.

hope this was a splendor to find :3
934ms is better
Topic Starter
My turn to mod! Damnit ninja val stole my 2kd


Looks like Easy has a different audio lead-in?


00:21:404 (2) - Add clap at the and remove from the start, so it's consistent with the previous pattern.
00:47:522 (2) - Add a short slider like the next one instead?
00:48:228 (3) - Add clap at the start and remove from the end.
00:48:934 (1) - Add clap at the end
00:57:404 (1) - Wow, looks quite bad, try improving the shape? Also it overlaps (2) which is kinda ugly...
*also, I don't think such a huge slider is okay.... I mean it's the kiai, it's supposed to be the most uplifting and crazy part of the beatmap, try adding some interesting beats like before :/
01:09:228 (1) - These sliders suddenly change into red tick beats which is kinda confusing for begginers. If you remap the kiai, you can fix this by adding a slider starting on 01:08:698- and ending on 01:09:228 (1) - . Then the red-tick-beat-suddenly-switching would be okay.
*See what you did 01:11:522 (1) - there? That's readable because of the slider starting on white and ending on red. I want you to do this as well before.
01:17:169 (1) - Finish at the beggining as well
01:18:581 (2) - ^
01:19:992 (1) - VERY bad idea for an easy. You should neeeeeeeever put notes in red ticks on Easy diffs; even sliders aren't recommended, make this sliders starting on white and ending on reds.
This is kind of a must.
01:22:816 (1) - ^^^^^
01:25:639 (1) - ^^^^^^^
01:28:463 (1) - The sudden use of soft hitsounds is kinda akward... use normal instead?


00:17:875 (1,3) - I don't like how these two overlap each other :/ consider either stacking them or moving them so they dont touch each other.
00:23:169 (5) - Add clap at the beggining
00:33:404 (2,1) - Same as the first suggestion.. move a bit.
00:34:110 (3) - Clap at the end
00:44:698 (2) - Clap at the end
00:57:051 (4) - Clap at start
01:11:522 (1) - WAY too close from the spinner, and WAAAAAAAAAAAY TOO far from the centre; at normal and easy diffs you should add big spaces after spinners and also, if they are short, notes MUST BE close to the centre of the playfield, so move this slider to the centre pretty much.
01:17:169 (1) - Consider making these sliders symmetric? (in terms of shape)


00:17:875 (1) - I understeand the whole purpose of samples on sliderticks but this one sounds too weird. Replace with 3 notes instead? 1/2 apart from each other
00:18:757 (4,6) - Bad overlap at the end, looks bad. Oh and also I still believe ticks sound weird xD
00:23:522 (1) - Finish at the start
00:26:698 (2) - Stack the ending properly with the other slider (you must disable grid snapping in order to do this)
00:33:404 (9) - New combo
00:35:169 (2) - Man this ticks play awful :/

Well nothing more to say about this one but... The samples on ticks just sound messy as fuck and very confusing :/ some of them could be notes and some of them just.. deww... Apart from that the diff is fine


00:00:933 (1) - I don't like the way you used whistles here o.O I think you should use whistles on the red ticks of this slider instead.
*Wow, the whole intro is like this. I think you should use whistles on red ticks, sounds much more natural and fun.
00:10:816 (4) - Add clap at the end (red tick) it sounds good.
00:11:522 (5) - Consider adding some claps in this stream, maybe at the white ticks.
00:13:639 (4) - It's too close to the previous slider, move 1 grid up at least.
00:22:816 (7) - ^ Move a bit left and up
00:28:639 (x) - You could add a triplet here, it would be very funny to play :C
00:29:169 (1) - Use claps every red tick, sounds messy if you change them like that from time to time.
01:00:228 (1) - This spinner just looks like a space-filler... map this please.
01:05:875 (1) - ^
01:16:992 (1) - You could move this spinner a bit forward and add a note at 01:17:169 -

Well this diff... I would like to see more real streams and a bit less slider-streams (for example on the solo :/) and jumps.. and also I dislike the sample tick thing it's a mess xD at least to me o.o But good diff.

[Extra Stage]

00:00:933 (1) - Same as Insane, following the red ticks with the whistles sounds much better and natural.
00:16:463 (1) - Make the end of this slider silent?
00:22:110 (1) - ^
00:40:463 (1,3) - I dont really like how this triplet flows with the sliders shape D: Maybe you can thing of a better slider shape
01:00:933 (9) - New combo
01:06:581 (9) - ^
01:11:522 (1) - Soft whistles here sound so akward :/ maybe make them follow the melody, I'll tell you about this in-game if you don't understeand, would be:
01:12:051 (3) - Whistle at the red tick
01:12:581 (5) - Whistle at the white tick
01:13:110 (7) - Whistle at the beggining
and so on... (of course remove the current whistles first)

01:31:286 (6) - New combo for consistency?

Well that's all. Overall I think it's an awesome song but I don't like the tick sample thing... also I think the hitsounds volume is a little low?
But nice!

Good luck
cool map

Snepif wrote:


00:17:875 (1) - I understeand the whole purpose of samples on sliderticks but this one sounds too weird. Replace with 3 notes instead? 1/2 apart from each other Mind giving me an explanation as to why you feel its weird? I don't like changing things without a solid reason.
00:18:757 (4,6) - Bad overlap at the end, looks bad. Oh and also I still believe ticks sound weird xD moved the overlap
00:23:522 (1) - Finish at the start k
00:26:698 (2) - Stack the ending properly with the other slider (you must disable grid snapping in order to do this) k
00:33:404 (9) - New combo ya k
00:35:169 (2) - Man this ticks play awful :/k cool mind explaining

Well nothing more to say about this one but... The samples on ticks just sound messy as fuck and very confusing :/ some of them could be notes and some of them just.. deww... Apart from that the diff is fine
Okay, explain to me, with solid detail, as to why you think the ticks are bad. Would you rather me map the entire thing in 1/2? Do convince me as to why you think I shouldn't use them.

Nono I'm geniunely curious and I wish to understand as to why you think that this is bad. The way you are leaving me now is making me go "What, why?".
Oh sorry, I just said it knowing that you wouldn't change it XD
As a player I find the sample on ticks quite confusing because samples make you follow the music better... and I always mess up when I play maps with custom sliderticks sound because I tend to think there is a beat there.. And I find it quite... not-so-natural in terms of "flow". Also I think they are quiet avoidable if you just put another note or something. IMO it's like forcing something that shouldn't go there or could go there using other resources.

Again sorry, it's just my opinion and I dunno why I didn't explain it properly before, I hate when ppl don't explain stuff... I must have been tired or something.

Snepif wrote:

Oh sorry, I just said it knowing that you wouldn't change it XD
As a player I find the sample on ticks quite confusing because samples make you follow the music better... and I always mess up when I play maps with custom sliderticks sound because I tend to think there is a beat there.. And I find it quite... not-so-natural in terms of "flow". Also I think they are quiet avoidable if you just put another note or something. IMO it's like forcing something that shouldn't go there or could go there using other resources.

Again sorry, it's just my opinion and I dunno why I didn't explain it properly before, I hate when ppl don't explain stuff... I must have been tired or something.
Ah I see, with a song like this it is pretty hard to avoid since not doing so and keeping consistant hitsounds is a huge challenge. It would require me to map everything 1/2, at this bpm would be too diffucult for a hard. I try to map my 1/1 sliders to the music as opposed to the drums since I have to reduce the diffuculty.

Thanks for clarifying, and honestly I agree, but it really cannot be helped.
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod, I fixed quite a bit from the stuff that you mentioned
manten's Easy
  1. 00:26:345 (1) - I'd add quiet soft finish
Nyquill's Hard
  1. 00:06:581 (1) - add finish
  2. 00:34:816 (1) - ^
  3. 00:37:639 (1) - ^ as well? In my opinion, it sounds very nice on every 2nd big white tick and fits the music (check out "Extra Stage", for example)
  4. 00:46:110 (10) - man, you should have NC here, not on 00:46:816 (1)
  5. 01:05:875 (1) - add finish?
  6. 01:08:698 (1) - ^!
  7. 01:11:522 (1) - ^ and so on (you have lots of them missed!)
  1. 00:22:022 - I would add a note here and make a tiny compressed stream leading to 00:22:110 (6)
  2. 00:54:581 - add a note with finish hitsound here, otherwise player skips this beat
Extra Stage
I love it
  1. 00:10:286 (4) - mind unstacking? You had 1/4 stack before (00:08:698 (6,7)), so this one might deceive a player
  2. 01:22:551 (3) - add whistle, pleaseeeeee
  3. 01:25:375 (8) - ^
I don't feel like I deserve 2kd, and here are two reasons for it. The first one — my mod was delayed for two (!) weeks; the second one — it's too insignificant to be considered 'good'. Anyway, if you think I posted something valuable, feel free to hit the link.
Topic Starter
Thanks, I fixed most of the stuff you mentioned
I will wait for Nyquill before I update
Nyquill dum dum du de dum dum da da dumdedum dum de dum.
Fixed all the missing finishes etc......all done.
After some weeks of when I promised to check this out, finally we're here!

*Offset +10.(we discussed this in game)

*We handled most of the things over skype. We decided to add 2 beats at the end of each stream around 00:32:345 just so they don't feel off.
*HPdrain -1 definitely (7). Maybe even -2 but I will need to test this further. So far 7 works.
*01:31:286 (1) - The position of this note bugs me to no end. It requires a somewhat sharp turn to hit it and it's somewhat partially behind the previous hitburst. As the ending note it only feels annoying. Move it somewhere to the right side in my opinion, would flow better too. Could probably adjust where 01:31:110 (5) is positioned as well, because that's the note which makes the final note feel a bit meh.

*00:00:933 (1) - Bleh. I don't like double repeaters like this. Whatever.
*00:16:463 (5) - A new combo here would improve the readability and it would emphasize the change in the music a bit more. You did it in extra, so why not do it here as well? (you did it at 00:44:698 (1) as well)
*00:31:992 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - In my opinion you should increase the spacing between each stream. It felt a little cramped.
*00:50:345 (3) - And then again new combo would make a good thing here.

[Nyquill's Hard]
*00:12:228 (1) - Finish at the start perhaps?
*00:37:286 (8) - I find this one quite weird because the combo as a whole doesn't really emphasize the drumline. 00:36:581 (6) was fine because of the melody but this one just seemed like a filler to me. Perhaps try a regular slider instead?
*00:55:816 (4) - This finish seems misplaced. Shouldn't it be at the start of 00:55:992 (5) instead?
*01:30:933 (9,10,11,12,13) - Quite an evil way to end a hard diff haha. Well I don't really mind.

[suraimu's Normal]
*00:08:698 (3) - Don't really like the finish at the end of the slider, consider removing it?
*00:12:228 (1) - Yeah, a finish here makes a big difference, add it please.
*00:34:110 (3,1,2) - Try repositioning them a bit lower, because the HP bar is in the way of the repeat arrow a little. Such objects should be completely clear in normal diffs.

[manten's Easy]
*HP2, OD2, AR3 please.
*01:09:757 (2) - Missing clap on the arrow?

I was actually amazed how well made the diffs are. Let's see taiko now.

[Ono's Taiko Oni]
*To be honest, this looks like an Inner Oni to me. Could be because I am not really that good at taiko though xD. Also, there is very few moments to rest. I might recommend a few spots to check out and remove a note or 2 as I go.
*00:10:639 (1,2,3,1) - This sounds weird. I tried listening to the music and I think it sort of fits (removing the first note would make it more fitting but thats just derp lol), but it looks and sounds messy. A bit too hard for me to check it personally, however it just creates chaos. Have you considered using just a regular dd on 1/4 instead of ddd on 1/6?
*00:14:875 (2,3) - Consider removing these because of the length of your patterns in this area. A good spot to make the player rest a little. Creates some punctuation as well which brings a more epic feel, atleast for me.
*00:20:345 (1,1,1,1,1) - ^ same here, would just leave the first note here and remove the rest to be honest. This could probably mean mapping 00:20:786 so it doesn't feel empty compared to the previous sections.
*00:50:963 (1) - I suggest to remove this note because it doesn't sound nice to be honest. I feel that a small "pause" between the previous and the next pattern makes it sound better because the melody changes from 3/4 to 1/2. (you did this later on actually and it was a good move if you ask me)
*01:02:345 (1,2) - Removing these 2 notes creates a nice spot to rest a little and brings out the notes 01:02:522 (1,2,3) much much better. The 2 dons just make it a little busy, while this way you create a much better impact, which is more important in my opinion because those 3 are key notes.

[Pheon's Taiko Oni]
*Use 80% volume? 100% is too loud.
*00:34:816 - 00:57:404 - this whole sections has only one 1/1 moment of break. I suggest to add another, probably halfway however I am out of ideas because your patterns seem very good and I can't suggest anything good here. ;_; Probably remove 00:45:845 (1,2,1)?

There we go. I suggest to get a few more mods on Ono's diff perhaps, and then call me back.
Topic Starter
fixed everything in my diffs + easy and normal
also applied offset change to the other diffs
The ending is slightly less evil now?

Did everything btw.
Throwing two stars for awesome mapset.
Modding this, when Ono/Pheon applied lolcubes' mod.
Mod request on Kite's behalf, so I'll just leave this placeholder here post again so it's noticeable. I might as well mod the standard too, not going cheap on the kudos >:(
Topic Starter
Updated Pheons taiko

lolcubes wrote:

[Ono's Taiko Oni]
*To be honest, this looks like an Inner Oni to me. Could be because I am not really that good at taiko though xD. Also, there is very few moments to rest. I might recommend a few spots to check out and remove a note or 2 as I go. Actually there are many moments for rest, just not at the end, which is more music based. Also it was first Ono's Taiko Oni + Ono's Muzukashii, but now we have two Oni's because Pheon didn't liked mine. But still Oni = Inner.
*00:10:639 (1,2,3,1) - This sounds weird. I tried listening to the music and I think it sort of fits (removing the first note would make it more fitting but thats just derp lol), but it looks and sounds messy. A bit too hard for me to check it personally, however it just creates chaos. Have you considered using just a regular dd on 1/4 instead of ddd on 1/6? Well, I mapped to the music. Normaly it should be mostly on 1/6, not 1/4.
*00:14:875 (2,3) - Consider removing these because of the length of your patterns in this area. A good spot to make the player rest a little. Creates some punctuation as well which brings a more epic feel, atleast for me. 00:14:355 (1,2,1) - This breaks are allready enough to rest for people and the following kkdddd... is more song based.
*00:20:345 (1,1,1,1,1) - ^ same here, would just leave the first note here and remove the rest to be honest. This could probably mean mapping 00:20:786 so it doesn't feel empty compared to the previous sections. To be honest, I like it how it was placed, so I would rather like to keep how it is.
*00:50:963 (1) - I suggest to remove this note because it doesn't sound nice to be honest. I feel that a small "pause" between the previous and the next pattern makes it sound better because the melody changes from 3/4 to 1/2. (you did this later on actually and it was a good move if you ask me) Yes, I agree. Changed~
*01:02:345 (1,2) - Removing these 2 notes creates a nice spot to rest a little and brings out the notes 01:02:522 (1,2,3) much much better. The 2 dons just make it a little busy, while this way you create a much better impact, which is more important in my opinion because those 3 are key notes. Wow, good sound! Used it how you said.
Thank you lolcubes. o/


Inconsistent Lead-In-Time. While Nyquill's Hard starts on the same spot than manten's Easy and Pheon's Taiko, it still has the 1500ms leadin. Remove the 1500ms on Nyquill's Hard

Remove countdown on all diffs or at least remove them from Pheon's Oni. They are inconsistent. Personally I really really really really dislike the countdown and find it terrible to use. And I think the music is distinct and predictable enough that the map can live without it.

Remove letterboxes from Pheon's Taiko Oni

I wonder if Makar can create a proper 1024x768 taiko BG. No big deal anyways. Just saying.

[Ono's Taiko Oni]

I had this worse in my mind. :D Liked it. There we go.

00:17:532 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - do you think, this is justified? I can't estimate any increased or intensed instrumentalism here. I'd consider only putting 1/4 kats instead
00:52:385 (3) - this sounded weird to me, mainly because it begins on the bluetick. I'd simply remove it. You did not place something here before on similiar spots, too. :C
01:04:473 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - this sounds stiff to me. I guess you did this for variation purposes, but to me the vibrato in the music isnt that frequent like dkdkdkd introduces. Try dkkkdkkkd instead. Sounds better to me.
01:23:532 (1,2,1,1,1) - ddkdk could work here better maybe? dddkk sounds so off :[
01:24:591 (1,1,2,3,4) - because 01:24:943 (4) - goes downwards, try kkkkd? Do 01:24:414 (1) - as don to give it a better introduction and to stay constant to the sound the don is placed on 01:24:943 (1) - . tl;dr: beginning on 01:23:002 (2) -
01:26:355 (1,2,3,4,1) - kkkkd? to stay constant with the previously twice done ddddk ddddk.
01:26:885 (1,2,1,1,1) - kkdkd? (reversed pattern of the previous one)

[Pheon's Taiko Oni]

seems fine.
Maybe: LD6/OD6 like in Ono's Oni? (because its so short and patterns are pretty simple - just a suggestion)

[manten's Easy]

01:00:238 (3) - I like the shape in general, but it looks somewhat uneven. YOu should try to make the bows more symmetrical.

[suraimu's Normal]

00:10:826 (1) - this is totally offbeat. The beat ends on a the blue tick. Try this:

[Nyquill's Hard]

00:52:296 (2,3,4) - due to hitburst, this is really really hard to read. Also it's a bit lacking of flow. Try something like this: (this pattern is just the suggestion, feel free to find another way to work around this issue)
01:00:591 (2,3,4) - inconsistent spacing. Please resnap with distance snap
01:05:885 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:24:944 (5,6) - (nazi) (6) has not the the same angle than (5) and (4). Readjust it :D


00:03:767 (1,2,3,4) - the slightly inconsistent spacing make the overlap of (1) and (2) look ugly. Please fix this ;_;

[Extra Stage]

I am a fan of small circles \:D/
Everything else here seems fine to me

Call me back, when stuff is fixed. Maybe I'll wait what Xakyrie will throw in. Need to consult her. :D
Topic Starter
Removed leadin from the hard diff, fixed stuff on normal, easy and insane
also removed countdown and letterboxing in all diffs

Loctav wrote:

[Nyquill's Hard]

00:52:296 (2,3,4) - due to hitburst, this is really really hard to read. Also it's a bit lacking of flow. Try something like this: (this pattern is just the suggestion, feel free to find another way to work around this issue) Hi. This is actually as a matter of fact good flow (oval counter clockwise). But yeah I changed it anyways because of the hitburst.
01:00:591 (2,3,4) - inconsistent spacing. Please resnap with distance snap there is barely a 0.05x difference, I tried my best to re-arrange this.
01:05:885 (1,2,3,4) - ^ same here. I met with more success re-doing this one though.
01:24:944 (5,6) - (nazi) (6) has not the the same angle than (5) and (4). Readjust it :D That was the point. (5) is one block more to the left from being completely parallel to (4). Likewise, 6 is one block more to the left from (5). You're slowly leaning inwards until you get a completely vertical slider. Yes, as a matter of fact, I paid attention to this detail when mapping.
Only didn't apply the last point. Thanks for the mod.
Alright gonna format this differently since there's a ton of diffs o_O
All of the following suggestions are made based on the most recent update for each section.

  1. I guess no idea of maybe having consistent Taiko backgrounds?
  2. 00:06:591 - On suraimu's Normal, I suggest you remove anything and everything from start to this point. This way, the easier diffs start at the same point, while the Insane and Extra Stage (the hardest diffs) start at the beginning.

manten's Easy
  • Song Setup
    (Suggestions for appropriate difficulty based on the song to offer more fluent and comfortable playing.)
  1. No suggestions.
(Problems that must be fixed because of its unrankability, or its extremely borderline case.)
  1. No suggestions.
Beatmap Design/Arrangement
(The basis of the map, such as flow, consistency, and aesthetic design are found here.)
  1. 00:48:944 (1) - Curvier? It would look more pretty 0.0 like 00:54:591 (1) - ? :3
  2. 00:57:414 (1,2) - Musically, these sound kind of horrible. Why not try 2 2/1 sliders with or without notes, like this or this
  3. 01:03:061 (1,2) - Same as before, or you could try something like this.
  4. 01:14:355 (1,2) - Even if the spacing is correct, it's hard to read because it looks like the flow from (1) to (2) continue without a pause. Patterns like this or this would also help with the musicality in this section to make it more playable. Just make sure to fix the spacing and stuff xD
(Listed sounds can be used as an overture, feel free to ignore. Based on consistency relative to the mapper's style.)
  1. 00:20:708 (1) - Remove clap to keep consistent with your hitsound patterns.
  2. 00:47:532 (2) - ^ it sounds better with the drop in violin as well :3
  3. 00:53:179 (3) - ^ same reasoning
  4. 00:54:591 (1) - I think you forgot a finish at the beginning xD
  5. 00:57:414 (1,2) - Use claps sparingly or else it will sound anti-climatic. Try removing them from the repeats and see if you like it or not o:
  6. 01:00:238 (3) - To build up suspense to (4), remove the clap at the end here. It also follows the guitar nicely. A finish at the beginning would compliment the crash sound and whistle as well.
  7. 01:03:061 (1,2) - Same suggestion as before
  8. 01:05:885 (1) - Maybe a whistle or no hitsound at all would work better here. Double finishes sounds a bit spammy.
  9. 01:08:708 (1) - This section here would sound amazing with just whistles accenting the guitar. Here, maybe you'll understand what I mean: remove the clap at the end here.
  10. 01:09:767 (2) - Remove the clap at the beginning here and whistle on repeat. Removal of whistles at the end and on (3) are optional; feel free to play around with it. This applies to the end of the next phases, like 01:16:473 (2) - and 01:13:649 (3) - too.
  11. 01:11:532 (1) - Remove end clap, as well as 01:12:591 (2) - here.
  12. 01:14:355 (1) - Remove clap on first repeat and the end.
Inherited Timing Points/Volume
(Overall volume and velocity of the beatmap to induce a certain style and effect on the player.)
  1. No suggestions.
New Combos
(Used to introduce a new phrase and/or pattern, the following suggest consistency within your map.)
  1. 01:00:238 (3) - New combo?

suraimu's Normal
  • Song Setup
    (Suggestions for appropriate difficulty based on the song to offer more fluent and comfortable playing.)
  1. No suggestions.
(Problems that must be fixed because of its unrankability, or its extremely borderline case.)
  1. No suggestions.
Beatmap Design/Arrangement
(The basis of the map, such as flow, consistency, and aesthetic design are found here.)
  1. 00:03:061 (5) - This sort of increases the difficulty for a normal, and it doesn't really fit the map itself. Maybe you could substitute this for a 1/1 slider?
  2. 00:05:885 (5) - ^
  3. 00:10:826 (1,2) - Curve these a bit more so there's flow; the straight sliders don't flow as well. Something like this could work.
  4. 00:22:120 (4,5) - The musicality in this pattern is somewhat horrible, you can tell by just listening. I get you like the symmetry, but lets try to follow the music a little better: what about this kind of pattern? The 3/4 slider follows the guitar correctly, and it's always wise to not end a slider on a downbeat xD
  5. 00:29:885 (2) - I don't think the variation here fits well :U Without fixing it with too much detail, just substituting this with 2 stacked notes in 1/1 time like this would be fine. :3
  6. 00:31:473 (6) - Remove this to be musically consistent while lowering difficulty. I mean, it doesn't even really fit the music to begin with x.x
  7. 00:43:296 (1) - This slider would fit the music more if you kept consistent with this section of the music. For example, a note on the downbeat and a 2/1 slider 1/1 length later.
  8. 00:57:061 (4) - This slider ends on a downbeat and it's not comfortable for playing, especially since it's really inconsistent with the rest of the sections. Try using just two notes where the slider starts and ends.
  9. 01:15:767 (3) - Try to be more consistent; use a note where this slider starts, remove a repeat and move the slider back like this. This is to mimic 01:12:943 (3,4) - so that it's easier to read and understand to the player. If you stack the note I told you to add, you don't even need to re-space; it's the same distance! xD
(Listed sounds can be used as an overture, feel free to ignore. Based on mapper's style.)
  1. 00:16:473 (3) - In order to make the finish of the next combo stand out, remove the last finish (on the end).
  2. 00:39:061 (3) - ^
  3. 00:50:355 (2) - ^ These all also help the lower keys of the violin so that they are heard.
  4. 00:56:002 (3) - Remove the finish at the beginning.
Inherited Timing Points/Volume
(Overall volume of the beatmap to induce a certain style and effect on the player.)
  1. 00:48:943 (1) - You might want to be careful of the slidertick hitsound here. It's inconsistent and sounds kinda bad orz
  2. 00:54:591 (1,2,3) - These as well.
New Combos
(Used to introduce a new phrase and/or pattern, the following suggest consistency within your map.)
  1. 00:10:826 (1) - Remove new combo?

Nyquill's Hard
  • Song Setup
    (Suggestions for appropriate difficulty based on the song to offer more fluent and comfortable playing.)
  1. No suggestions.
(Problems that must be fixed because of its unrankability, or its extremely borderline case.)
  1. No suggestions.
Beatmap Design/Arrangement
(The basis of the map, such as flow, consistency, and aesthetic design are found here.)
  1. 00:34:649 - The emptiness here feels semi-awkward to play, and it sort of kills the build up in difficulty here, making the end of this section anti-climatic (sort of, if you get where I'm going with this). I suggest you place a note here, stacking it on (4) or placing it between (4) and (1). If you have any other sort of placement that allows for better flow, feel free to try that out too. Just don't leave this empty :U
  2. 01:10:826 (9) - Either a 1/2 slider or two notes in 1/2 time. The repeat really doesn't follow any sound and particular and it's not like this repeat is contributing to musicality (even if it is consistent with its other counterparts) or some other aspect. I guess if you want to keep it to be consistent, then...
  3. 01:30:943 (9,10,11) - This would play much more smoothly and be easier to read as a 4 part repeat or just a shortly-snapped stream.
  4. 01:28:826 (3) - These repeats (including 5 and 7) don't feel or sound right, unless you're doing it to build up intensity towards the end. Otherwise, I see no use for them and gives me the feeling that they're there for difficulty (I hope that's not the right implication).
(Listed sounds can be used as an overture, feel free to ignore. Based on mapper's style.)
  1. 00:09:414 (1) - No finish at the beginning? >: Actually going through this next section, I get the feel that you purposely only set up finishes on the start of new sections, so eh. However I went through the whole map and noticed that this is the only section (up until 00:23:532) that you're inconsistent with. Please look this over.
  2. 00:40:473 (1) - Remove finish at beginning? Kind of inconsistent with the rest of your mapping. Refer to previous.
  3. 00:43:296 (1) - ^ This happens until the kiai in 2-set measures or so. If you want to keep these finishes, I suggest keeping consistency by placing finishes on the downbeat of every 2 measures.
  4. 00:56:002 (5) - Remove finish?
  5. 01:06:943 (1) - Random finish?
Inherited Timing Points/Volume
(Overall volume of the beatmap to induce a certain style and effect on the player.)
  1. Dude the slidertick hitsounds... to be honest, they're really annoying to listen to while playing. Like I'm going to suggest to Kite on his diffs, either lower the volume on them so players don't believe every slidertick hitsound is a note (in which you click or lift), or remove them entirely. I really hope you don't choose to carry out the latter, though. It's nice to have slidertick hitsounds...when they're not sounding exactly like regular beats.
New Combos
(Used to introduce a new phrase and/or pattern, the following suggest consistency within your map.)
  1. 01:01:296 (1,2) - Remove new combo, new combo? Not sure what you want to do here but it definitely doesn't fit with the way you're currently patterning your combos...I think.
  2. 01:06:943 (1,2) - ^

  • Song Setup
    (Suggestions for appropriate difficulty based on the song to offer more fluent and comfortable playing.)
  1. No suggestions.
(Problems that must be fixed because of its unrankability, or its extremely borderline case.)
  1. No suggestions.
Beatmap Design/Arrangement
(The basis of the map, such as flow, consistency, and aesthetic design are found here.)
  1. 00:02:708 (2,3,4) - Not really a big deal but the fact that the borders are touching each other is bothering me D:
  2. 00:14:708 (7) - This should really be a note. The slider ends on no evident sound.
  3. 00:16:473 (1,2,3) - Polarity issue; would flow and play so much better as a 3/4 repeat (blue-tick repeat slider).
  4. 00:17:179 (4) - No need to hold back on difficulty in my opinion here, since Nyquill's Hard is almost the same level of difficulty as this. There's almost no need for this diff to begin with anymore; the Extra Stage could serve as the new Insane. Try mapping this like a stream, or 1/2 sliders or something. The long repeat here is bland and too generic.
  5. 00:19:649 (6,7) - Align this properly? Looks sort of strange, or try a stream into the slider.
  6. 00:26:355 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Why don't you try something different :V like, 1/1 sliders spaced in 1/1 or 1/2 sliders spaced in 1/2. Spice it up a bit x~x this is really boring orz.
  7. 00:28:473 (7,8,9,10) - Stacks like these are almost impossible to read at any level. Try moving the (7) away from the triple stack, or turn that into a repeat (still moving that if you do anyways is a good idea for readability purposes).
  8. 00:29:002 - A good spot to fill in with a triple (this red tick and the blue tick after it). Stack it on the (1) or lead into it with the triple laid out in its path.
  9. 00:29:179 (1,2) - Sliders that aren't kickbacks are very hard to predict, even if these two happen to be the same. Don't forget that the flow is sort of horrible here. You have a bunch of options that sound good: 1/1 sliders timed in 1/1, or 1/2 sliders timed in 1/1, or even 1/2 sliders with notes in-between spaced in 1/2 if you like your current musical pattern.
  10. 00:39:767 (2) - Try something new with this slider; refer to previous lecture xD
  11. 00:41:532 (4,5) - Touching again D;
  12. 00:44:708 (1,2,3) - Polarity issue again; replace with the blue-tick repeat slider. This is especially worth doing since the current pattern is hard to read coming out of the previous combo.
  13. 00:47:532 (5,6,7) - Does this pattern not sound better to you?
  14. 00:50:355 (1,2,3) - Refer to previous comments on polarity.
  15. 00:51:414 (5) - Sounds better as just a note; the end of the slider plays no part in the music.
  16. 00:53:532 (7) - Remove this and try a stream or repeat into (8)? 1/2 sliders are starting to get overused at this point and are becoming extensively boring, so try increasing the difficulty along with variety. Don't be afraid to o.e
  17. 00:54:591 (1) - Sorry to say but the choice of spinner placement here was kinda lame. It doesn't fit at all. Just map it in; the spinner at the end of the map is good enough for a semi-repetitive song.
  18. 01:08:002 (6) - This part here would sound sooooo much cooler of you removed this slider and tried streaming like this or with the use of repeats...
  19. 01:17:179 (1,2,3,4) - zzzzz so boring and lame zzzzz I know you can do better than this T^T
  20. 01:20:002 (1,2,3) - 1/2 kickback like (4) to be consistent?
  21. 01:30:591 (7) - Remove the repeat on this, it's not needed and it doesn't follow the music. Also helps with time between the end of the slider and the spinner, not that it matters much in difficulties like this. A note to replace the repeat should do actually.
(Listed sounds can be used as an overture, feel free to ignore. Based on mapper's style.)
  1. 00:02:179 (1) - Remove whistle at beginning.
  2. 00:02:708 (2) - Add whistle at beginning.
  3. 00:03:061 (3) - Remove all whistles.
  4. 00:04:826 (2) - Remove end whistle.
  5. 00:05:708 (4) - Remove whistle.
  6. 00:12:238 (1) - Beginning finish.
  7. 00:15:061 (1) - ^
  8. 00:31:296 (5) - Remove the inconsistent clap at the beginning.
  9. 00:39:061 (1) - Remove repeat clap; 00:39:767 (2) - as well.
  10. 00:58:826 (3) - I don't see a real reason to have a finish in the middle of this stream o_O
  11. 01:02:532 (2) - Maybe a finish on all ends would sound nice here :3
  12. 01:07:296 (1,2,3,4,5) - In order to fit the finish pattern you have set and making this sound climatic, try adding a finish at (1) and the beginning of (5).
Inherited Timing Points/Volume
(Overall volume of the beatmap to induce a certain style and effect on the player.)
  1. I'm just gonna say to refer to the reasoning I gave Nyquill.
New Combos
(Used to introduce a new phrase and/or pattern, the following suggest consistency within your map.)
  1. 00:04:473 (1) - Remove new combo?
  2. 00:05:179 (3) - New combo?
  3. 00:16:473 (1) - Remove new combo.

Extra Stage
  • Song Setup
    (Suggestions for appropriate difficulty based on the song to offer more fluent and comfortable playing.)
  1. Usually I hate normal circle size but this just works's nice.
(Problems that must be fixed because of its unrankability, or its extremely borderline case.)
  1. No suggestions.
Beatmap Design/Arrangement
(The basis of the map, such as flow, consistency, and aesthetic design are found here.)
  1. I really wouldn't change anything, this map is genius. The flow is awesome and the streams are constructed beautifully.
(Listed sounds can be used as an overture, feel free to ignore. Based on mapper's style.)
  1. 00:00:943 (1) - Whistle doesn't really fit. Maybe on (3) or not at all.
  2. 00:02:179 (1) - As before, no whistle either. ^ applies here too.
  3. 00:05:002 (6) - Remove whistle?
  4. 00:50:620 (2) - Why the random finish at the beginning o.o
  5. 00:56:267 (2) - Here too D:
  6. 01:11:179 (6) - Whistle? It would accentuate this part quite nicely.
  7. 01:14:002 (9) - ^
  8. 01:22:120 (2) - Whistle at the end here to accentuate the violin like the whistles at (3,4) do in replace of the finishes?
  9. 01:24:943 (7) - ^
Inherited Timing Points/Volume
(Overall volume of the beatmap to induce a certain style and effect on the player.)
  1. Only the slidertick hitsound issue xD
New Combos
(Used to introduce a new phrase and/or pattern, the following suggest consistency within your map.)
  1. 00:41:885 (8,1) - New combo, remove new combo?
  2. 00:53:355 (5,1) - ^

Pheon's Taiko Oni
  • Song Setup
    (Suggestions for appropriate difficulty based on the song to offer more fluent and comfortable playing.)
  1. Perfection
(Problems that must be fixed because of its unrankability, or its extremely borderline case.)
  1. Perfection
Taikomap Design
(The basis of the map, such as flow, consistency, and structure are found here.)
  1. 00:56:708 (3) - Only suggestion is this: why the drumroll xD It doesn't fit this part of the music, and there's no real backup music wise as to why you did it, either.
Inherited Timing Points/Volume
(Overall volume of the beatmap to induce a certain style and effect on the player.)
  1. Perfection
(Based on the mapper's setup of notes and patterns.)
  1. Perfection

Ono's Taiko Oni
  • Song Setup
    (Suggestions for appropriate difficulty based on the song to offer more fluent and comfortable playing.)
  1. Maybe OD -1? OD 6 seems a bit much for a difficult map like this, especially with the complex patterns.
(Problems that must be fixed because of its unrankability, or its extremely borderline case.)
  1. No suggestions.
Taikomap Design
(The basis of the map, such as flow, consistency, and structure are found here.)
  1. 00:00:943 (1) - 00:06:591 (1) - Honestly if you were to follow the drums correctly, you'd remove this whole section here. In the sense that you'll listen to this, I won't mod it.
  2. Since I know you'd choose not to listen to me, I'll just point out some obvious things.
  3. 00:09:238 (1,2,1) - Since you seem to be following the guitar more than the drums, why not use ooo? Sounds a lot better.
  4. 00:10:649 (1,2,3,1) - The 1/6 is really unnecessary and feels more like overmapping. If you listen to the drums in the background (I believe this stream you are more or less following the drums now), it should only be snapped in 1/4 time. A simple oo lead-in into the o on the downbeat plays much better and follows the drums perfectly.
  5. 00:11:532 (1,2) - Not sure how the finishes fit here.
  6. 00:14:091 (1,1) - Switch these so it's oo? Feels more playable and fits the music.
  7. 00:14:708 (1) - Random finish in the middle of two sets of streams? It seems sort of random.
  8. 00:17:885 (1) - If you're following the guitar, this should be a o. Fix the patterns before this to make it more playable.
  9. 00:18:149 (2) - Could you possibly removed this so it's not overmapped as much? If you're following the guitar (proof: 00:22:826 (1) - trying to sound out the hold in the guitar when the slider should only be used in cases of an actual drumroll. I suggest you remove this and map it in since there is no drumroll; the slider is used horribly), then there is no reason for this to be here.
  10. 00:20:532 (1) - To accentuate the guitar (might as well since you rarely follow the drums to begin with), make this a o which also adds to the musicality.
  11. 00:22:826 (1) - Already explained above; finish on the downbeat (end of slider here) to accentuate the strong drum sound (either O or O is fine I guess).
  12. 00:26:355 (9) - ^
  13. 00:28:473 (15,16,17,18) - You know regardless of the triplet fitting with the drums, the playability factor is heavily influenced. Clearly, this is inconsistent and hard to follow, even if you know the nature of this song. Only way to fix this problem would be to fill it like this (basically, a 4-plet so that it's easier to read and play).
  14. 00:30:679 (2) - p To make it so that the kats are used to sound out the guitar only.
  15. 00:30:943 (1) - ^
  16. 00:31:120 (1) - ^ (o on downbeat only here)
  17. 00:33:502 (2) - Shouldn't this be o?
  18. 00:33:767 (3) - And this a o? This section here (00:33:414 (1) - to 00:34:473 (1)) should be a sort of oooo and repeat pattern.
  19. 00:36:591 (2,3,1,2,3) - and 00:38:708 (3,4,1,2,3) - Can you make up your mind on how you want to accentuate this part? You're very inconsistent with it, randomly having ooooo sometimes as opposed to ooooo. Choose either or, and be consistent with it. You could even do the first pattern for the first section of the music linked and pair it with the second pattern with the second section of music linked, consistent about it orz
  20. 00:34:826 (2,1) - Of the finish patterns you have in this section of the music (whether the finish pattern be O O or O O), the second finish always seems to not fit with the drums. Just a suggestion on removing it, unless you tried to keep consistent by having finishes for the 1/1 timed parts here...
  21. 00:56:885 (x) - Maybe a o here to follow the drums more?
  22. 00:57:061 (1) - Following the drums would lead you to making this a o for sure.
  23. 00:58:826 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - This pattern just sounds really off... it doesn't fit or flow with the rest of the streams. Fix this pattern in the upcoming sections from here.
  24. 00:59:885 (1,1) - Finishes do not fit. Just remove them.
  25. 01:01:649 (1,2,3) - Why are you only now following the drums? Since you were following the guitar, it makes this part really hard to predict. I suggest you continue to follow the guitar to support playability instead.
  26. 01:02:708 (5) - o fits better and is consistent with your patterns.
  27. 01:04:032 (2) - Remove for consistency reasons.
  28. 01:05:532 (1,1) - Again with the finishes (my previous statement on the finishes apply to all finishes like this).
  29. 01:07:296 (1) - Pattern to follow guitar more (inconsistency issues between guitar and drum) would be more like this: ooooooooooooooooo
  30. 01:11:532 (1) - Really inconsistent with the rest of the map; should be O.
  31. 01:16:473 (2) - This o breaks flow. A o would not only fix that problem, but sound much better.
  32. 01:29:885 (3,1,2) - This pattern should start with a o to fit the guitar.
  33. 01:31:296 (1) - o Should be here instead; moving spinner forward one tick to the blue tick or two to the next. Fix the spinner to end on 01:33:943 (x) or the blue tick proceeding it, and MAKE SURE there's a O or O (personally I think the O fits much better) on 01:34:120 (x). I cannot stress this enough. If anything, please change this ;w;
    Inherited Timing Points/Volume
    (Overall volume of the beatmap to induce a certain style and effect on the player.)
  1. No suggestions.
(Based on the mapper's setup of notes and patterns.)
  1. Kind of a strange way to set up those combos o_O not exactly sure why you do it like that, it seems like a lot more work than it should be xD

I realized I forgot to finish a math assignment and my partner for it is not at all helpful so I gotta finish that. I'll get to the rest tomorrow, but for now I'll post.
Only have to finish modding Ono's taiko... the only diff I was asked to mod and I still need to finish that, orz
So many guests...if any of you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. :oops:

Loctav wrote:

[Ono's Taiko Oni]

I had this worse in my mind. :D Liked it. There we go.

00:17:532 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - do you think, this is justified? I can't estimate any increased or intensed instrumentalism here. I'd consider only putting 1/4 kats instead it's for sure not justified. I don't know how I thought this is 1/6. Changed to 1/4.
00:52:385 (3) - this sounded weird to me, mainly because it begins on the bluetick. I'd simply remove it. You did not place something here before on similiar spots, too. :C
01:04:473 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - this sounds stiff to me. I guess you did this for variation purposes, but to me the vibrato in the music isnt that frequent like dkdkdkd introduces. Try dkkkdkkkd instead. Sounds better to me. I didn't used this pattern else where. It's weird to have it suddenly appear, so I refuse this.
01:23:532 (1,2,1,1,1) - ddkdk could work here better maybe? dddkk sounds so off :[ did it more simple
01:24:591 (1,1,2,3,4) - because 01:24:943 (4) - goes downwards, try kkkkd? Do 01:24:414 (1) - as don to give it a better introduction and to stay constant to the sound the don is placed on 01:24:943 (1) - . tl;dr: beginning on 01:23:002 (2) - did it more simple
01:26:355 (1,2,3,4,1) - kkkkd? to stay constant with the previously twice done ddddk ddddk. did it more simple
01:26:885 (1,2,1,1,1) - kkdkd? (reversed pattern of the previous one) did it more simple
The last suggestions. In those patterns I tried to use namco style in the past, but as you see it didn't worked well, since I was not experienced iwth it. lol
Wow, good mod Loctav, really~


@Xakyrie: No lower OD. It's a short song/map, so it dosen't need a lower one.

Xakyrie wrote:

Pheon's Taiko Oni
  • Song Setup
    (Suggestions for appropriate difficulty based on the song to offer more fluent and comfortable playing.)
  1. Perfection
(Problems that must be fixed because of its unrankability, or its extremely borderline case.)
  1. Perfection
Taikomap Design
(The basis of the map, such as flow, consistency, and structure are found here.)
  1. 00:56:708 (3) - Only suggestion is this: why the drumroll xD It doesn't fit this part of the music, and there's no real backup music wise as to why you did it, either.
Inherited Timing Points/Volume
(Overall volume of the beatmap to induce a certain style and effect on the player.)
  1. Perfection
(Based on the mapper's setup of notes and patterns.)
  1. Perfection
First of all, thanks for the mod, I'm quite flattered and was pretty speechless when reading it ;w;.
As for the drumroll, I used it because I made the map in this section pretty dense on purpose (it already got a 1/1 break halfway through for playability), and the melody here stops. I figured that'd be a good moment to let the player decide how to end it himself - I don't usually use drumrolls, but in this particular case I'd either use nothing or a drumroll. I chose for the drumroll to still emphasize the dense taikomapping as well as give the player a bit of a breather.

tl;dr I'd prefer not changing it, be creative and make up your own 5-note pattern on it \^-^/
(or if this was authentic taiko, you could go for a 13-hit roll on it)
Topic Starter
Sorry the Insane diff is really horrible and I feel like totally removing it. It was designed as a Hard diff at first and later on I decided to change it into Insane because I thought it was too hard for being "Hard".
The only reason I keep it is for the diff spread...
Thanks for the mod Xakyrie, I fixed a bunch on the Insane diff but also kept some things the way they were.

Xakyrie wrote:

Nyquill's Hard
  • Song Setup
    (Suggestions for appropriate difficulty based on the song to offer more fluent and comfortable playing.)
  1. No suggestions.
(Problems that must be fixed because of its unrankability, or its extremely borderline case.)
  1. No suggestions.
Beatmap Design/Arrangement
(The basis of the map, such as flow, consistency, and aesthetic design are found here.)
  1. 00:34:649 - The emptiness here feels semi-awkward to play, and it sort of kills the build up in difficulty here, making the end of this section anti-climatic (sort of, if you get where I'm going with this). I suggest you place a note here, stacking it on (4) or placing it between (4) and (1). If you have any other sort of placement that allows for better flow, feel free to try that out too. Just don't leave this empty :U Hello. I feel that adding a note here would be terribly overmapping. Sure you can hear that synth there but its neither the bassline nor explicitly recognizable upon putting a normal hit there. Also, th
  2. 01:10:826 (9) - Either a 1/2 slider or two notes in 1/2 time. The repeat really doesn't follow any sound and particular and it's not like this repeat is contributing to musicality (even if it is consistent with its other counterparts) or some other aspect. I guess if you want to keep it to be consistent, then...I actually meant the repeat to be swapped with the slider afterwards that was bad on my part.
  3. 01:30:943 (9,10,11) - This would play much more smoothly and be easier to read as a 4 part repeat or just a shortly-snapped stream. lol the shortly snapped stream was deemed evil by cubes, and a 4 part repeat would be just cruel after a load of single repeat sliders. Hey guise lets play lets guess how many repeats the slider has! Leaving this for now.
  4. 01:28:826 (3) - These repeats (including 5 and 7) don't feel or sound right, unless you're doing it to build up intensity towards the end. Otherwise, I see no use for them and gives me the feeling that they're there for difficulty (I hope that's not the right implication). actually thats EXACTLY what I was doing. I was building up towards the end using a similar pattern that has been used before, which is why it works and players will know to play the repeat sliders as if they were 1/2 hold notes.
(Listed sounds can be used as an overture, feel free to ignore. Based on mapper's style.)
  1. 00:09:414 (1) - No finish at the beginning? >: Actually going through this next section, I get the feel that you purposely only set up finishes on the start of new sections, so eh. However I went through the whole map and noticed that this is the only section (up until 00:23:532) that you're inconsistent with. Please look this over. added them in
  2. 00:40:473 (1) - Remove finish at beginning? Kind of inconsistent with the rest of your mapping. Refer to previous. finishes are on downbeat of every 2nd measure (for good reason too, listen to music)
  3. 00:43:296 (1) - ^ This happens until the kiai in 2-set measures or so. If you want to keep these finishes, I suggest keeping consistency by placing finishes on the downbeat of every 2 measures. I swear to god they are. Check again.
  4. 00:56:002 (5) - Remove finish? derp removed
  5. 01:06:943 (1) - Random finish? same
Inherited Timing Points/Volume
(Overall volume of the beatmap to induce a certain style and effect on the player.)
  1. Dude the slidertick hitsounds... to be honest, they're really annoying to listen to while playing. Like I'm going to suggest to Kite on his diffs, either lower the volume on them so players don't believe every slidertick hitsound is a note (in which you click or lift), or remove them entirely. I really hope you don't choose to carry out the latter, though. It's nice to have slidertick hitsounds...when they're not sounding exactly like regular beats.
waiting for kite to confirm something about this.
New Combos
(Used to introduce a new phrase and/or pattern, the following suggest consistency within your map.)
  1. 01:01:296 (1,2) - Remove new combo, new combo? Not sure what you want to do here but it definitely doesn't fit with the way you're currently patterning your combos...I think. derp removed
  2. 01:06:943 (1,2) - ^ same
Oh god, that Xakyrie's mod... I will not be surprised if (s)he will become a MAT soon.

Xakyrie wrote:

  • Taikomap Design
    (The basis of the map, such as flow, consistency, and structure are found here.)
  1. 00:00:943 (1) - 00:06:591 (1) - Honestly if you were to follow the drums correctly, you'd remove this whole section here. In the sense that you'll listen to this, I won't mod it. Who says that I mapped to the drum, is the question. So I have nothing to change.
  2. Since I know you'd choose not to listen to me, I'll just point out some obvious things.
  3. 00:09:238 (1,2,1) - Since you seem to be following the guitar more than the drums, why not use ooo? Sounds a lot better. Because of 00:06:591 (1,2) - I kept it like d d to match it more. Also ddk is the drum, the guitar is kdk. But because of said reason I used kkd.
  4. 00:10:649 (1,2,3,1) - The 1/6 is really unnecessary and feels more like overmapping. If you listen to the drums in the background (I believe this stream you are more or less following the drums now), it should only be snapped in 1/4 time. A simple oo lead-in into the o on the downbeat plays much better and follows the drums perfectly. Now I wonder what overmapping for you means. It's 1/6, not 1/4. And for sure not a hard entry into the stream part. Also deleting this would mean to leave the part at 00:28:649 - alone which causes a weird feeling. d ddk... would be possible and dosen't sound bad, indeed, but there are other reasons "preventing" me to do it.
  5. 00:11:532 (1,2) - Not sure how the finishes fit here.I agree.
  6. 00:14:091 (1,1) - Switch these so it's oo? Feels more playable and fits the music. What pattern did I used before...?
  7. 00:14:708 (1) - Random finish in the middle of two sets of streams? It seems sort of random. I agree.
  8. 00:17:885 (1) - If you're following the guitar, this should be a o. Fix the patterns before this to make it more playable. Actually the whole stream fits perfectly... and even if I would change it, playing [stram]k kkd is disgusting.
  9. 00:18:149 (2) - Could you possibly removed this so it's not overmapped as much? If you're following the guitar What is overmapping for you again? If I would follow the drum, it would be one whole d stream mapped mostly as one big stream from 00:12:238 to 00:23:532. So this isn't overmapping. oO moreover it should be kdd, but didn't used it because it sounds not good.(proof: 00:22:826 (1) - trying to sound out the hold in the guitar when the slider should only be used in cases of an actual drumroll. I suggest you remove this and map it in since there is no drumroll; the slider is used horribly), then there is no reason for this to be here. Who told you that a slider is used for actual drumroll? Did you ever played 太鼓の達人(Taiko no Tatsujin) or played sliders for once as kat? I will not discuss about this for sure.
  10. 00:20:532 (1) - To accentuate the guitar (might as well since you rarely follow the drums to begin with), make this a o which also adds to the musicality.The guitar IS kdkdk heavy... also kdddk is an unusual pattern in my beatmap.
  11. 00:22:826 (1) - Already explained above; finish on the downbeat (end of slider here) to accentuate the strong drum sound (either O or O is fine I guess).
  12. 00:26:355 (9) - ^
  13. 00:28:473 (15,16,17,18) - You know regardless of the triplet fitting with the drums, the playability factor is heavily influenced. Clearly, this is inconsistent and hard to follow, even if you know the nature of this song. Only way to fix this problem would be to fill it like this (basically, a 4-plet so that it's easier to read and play). I agree.
  14. 00:30:679 (2) - p To make it so that the kats are used to sound out the guitar only.
  15. 00:30:943 (1) - ^
  16. 00:31:120 (1) - ^ (o on downbeat only here)
  17. 00:33:502 (2) - Shouldn't this be o?
  18. 00:33:767 (3) - And this a o? This section here (00:33:414 (1) - to 00:34:473 (1)) should be a sort of oooo and repeat pattern.
    } I agree. I have changed it first to what you said, but this plays hard and is unusual in my pattern structure, so I used a bit different one. If you think the new one is harder, then you don't play in alternating style or in general harder maps.
  19. 00:36:591 (2,3,1,2,3) - and 00:38:708 (3,4,1,2,3) - Can you make up your mind on how you want to accentuate this part? You're very inconsistent with it, randomly having ooooo sometimes as opposed to ooooo. Choose either or, and be consistent with it. You could even do the first pattern for the first section of the music linked and pair it with the second pattern with the second section of music linked, consistent about it orz This time my reason is really banal: I like. Sorry lol
  20. 00:34:826 (2,1) - Of the finish patterns you have in this section of the music (whether the finish pattern be O O or O O), the second finish always seems to not fit with the drums. Just a suggestion on removing it, unless you tried to keep consistent by having finishes for the 1/1 timed parts here... I see no problem here...
  21. 00:56:885 (x) - Maybe a o here to follow the drums more? Would be possible, but I rathe rlike to keep the gap because of the others which appeard before and to show that a new section begins.
  22. 00:57:061 (1) - Following the drums would lead you to making this a o for sure. Now the question is what plays easier?
  23. 00:58:826 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - This pattern just sounds really off... it doesn't fit or flow with the rest of the streams. Fix this pattern in the upcoming sections from here. Does it...? Sorry, I have no desire anymore to say why. It's too obviously.
  24. 00:59:885 (1,1) - Finishes do not fit. Just remove them. Personal preference here. I wnat to keep them this time.
  25. 01:01:649 (1,2,3) - Why are you only now following the drums? Since you were following the guitar, it makes this part really hard to predict. I suggest you continue to follow the guitar to support playability instead. Because at this time the bass has an way higher effect as the guitar?
  26. 01:02:708 (5) - o fits better and is consistent with your patterns. No it dosen't because the pattern constalation is setter in another way at this time.
  27. 01:04:032 (2) - Remove for consistency reasons.
  28. 01:05:532 (1,1) - Again with the finishes (my previous statement on the finishes apply to all finishes like this).
  29. 01:07:296 (1) - Pattern to follow guitar more (inconsistency issues between guitar and drum) would be more like this: ooooooooooooooooo You should know why I didn't follow the guitar at this part. Also the real sound for guitar would be: ddddkkddkkddkkddd when you follow it without the distortion in it.
  30. 01:11:532 (1) - Really inconsistent with the rest of the map; should be O. Is that so? I think you never played in TnT あけこべ(Akekobe). Else you would know why I did that.
  31. 01:16:473 (2) - This o breaks flow. A o would not only fix that problem, but sound much better.I agree.
  32. 01:29:885 (3,1,2) - This pattern should start with a o to fit the guitar. Changed much more.
  33. 01:31:296 (1) - o Should be here instead; moving spinner forward one tick to the blue tick or two to the next. Fix the spinner to end on 01:33:943 (x) or the blue tick proceeding it, and MAKE SURE there's a O or O (personally I think the O fits much better) on 01:34:120 (x). I cannot stress this enough. If anything, please change this ;w; It's okay how it is.

As you can see, I used some of your suggestions. I had a brief look through it. And some points where really right and importand.
But most things are just wrong. Before you mod any Taiko map, you should first check out what the mapper has followed to map. Okay, you found out that I mapped at this time mostly to the guitar, but there are reasons why I changed sometimes to drum and back. I can't map a section just with drum when it is just a spam of dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. That why I don't understand your view about overmapping. Also I don't map the guitar in parts where the beat/drum is louder. Where is the sense of it? Not to forget that you would notice why I have sometimes changed a k to d or d to k if you would be really used to this matter. Sometimes some patterns are easier playable as other stuff(I will not count 1/6 this time, since that a hard topic).

I know you wanted to help me and belive me, I don't want to sound way to rude(even if I do it already?)... But this is just offensive to me, as mapper who do his job allready about 3 years. It's like you want to show me how I should map taiko by showing me obviously "issues" like not mapping to the guitar or drum. I wasted, yes wasted, more then a hour for this. And trust me, it's not that easy for me to refuse mods from someone since it has also a matter of respect.
Edit: Oh see, you even said it.

Xakyrie wrote:

Since I know you'd choose not to listen to me, I'll just point out some obvious things.
For new mappers maybe somehow fine. For old mappers you don't even need to borther yourself to make such big mod. All old mappers have a system of placing notes. Drum is not everything, even if some people think so. Even if you could hate me now after this post, I suggest you to play more TnT maps. This slider suggestion was a big joke you gaved me there and should never be mentioned again in any case.


OnosakiHito wrote:

Xakyrie wrote:

Since I know you'd choose not to listen to me, I'll just point out some obvious things.
For new mappers maybe somehow fine. For old mappers you don't even need to borther yourself to make such big mod. All old mappers have a system of placing notes. Drum is not everything, even if some people think so. Even if you could hate me now after this post, I suggest you to play more TnT maps. This slider suggestion was a big joke you gaved me there and should never be mentioned again in any case.
Oh please, last time I checked taiko was still a rhythmgame based on drums. You can follow the melody for flavour, sure thing, but I don't think mapping *drums* to *melody* in a section without *drums* is in any way fine.
'But it's fine. You played the "style"-card.'

Mind if I ask if this is also your reason for inverting patterns? Going d d k d d ddk d, then switching it to k k d k k kkd k in the next part that sounds exactly the same (not sure if you did it with this exact pattern, I'm just giving an example)? I don't see the drum suddenly switching around snares and bases either.

*sigh* If there's a dddddddddddddddddddddd-stream in the drums, then try using your imagination for something more interesting. Copying a song straightforward doesn't make it a fun map.
Topic Starter
Please don't start fighting over it, if he wants to keep it the way it is it's no use trying to force him to do otherwise...
His response is a bit harsh but he just feels that way
Since Kite don't want to see any discussion here, I will leave it like how it is right now.
If you have any problem, contact me via PM or #taiko. Because yo- haaa screw it.

OnosakiHito wrote:

Xakyrie wrote:

Since I know you'd choose not to listen to me, I'll just point out some obvious things.
For new mappers maybe somehow fine. For old mappers you don't even need to borther yourself to make such big mod. All old mappers have a system of placing notes. Drum is not everything, even if some people think so. Even if you could hate me now after this post, I suggest you to play more TnT maps. This slider suggestion was a big joke you gaved me there and should never be mentioned again in any case.

Pheon wrote:

Oh please, last time I checked taiko was still a rhythmgame based on drums. You can follow the melody for flavour, sure thing, but I don't think mapping *drums* to *melody* in a section without *drums* is in any way fine.
'But it's fine. You played the "style"-card.'

Mind if I ask if this is also your reason for inverting patterns? Going d d k d d ddk d, then switching it to k k d k k kkd k in the next part that sounds exactly the same (not sure if you did it with this exact pattern, I'm just giving an example)? I don't see the drum suddenly switching around snares and bases either.

*sigh* If there's a dddddddddddddddddddddd-stream in the drums, then try using your imagination for something more interesting. Copying a song straightforward doesn't make it a fun map.
You know, it's not like I particularly intended to insult you, sorry if you felt that way.
Do not forget that taiko is anything but authentic, so you can cut that crap.
Pheon speaks the truth. That's all I can really say without causing anymore trouble.
Sorry a thousand times over, Kite.
Some final minor stuff :D

[manten's Easy]
00:21:414 (2,3) - inconsistent spacing
00:40:473 (1,2,3) - ^
01:00:238 (1) - did you even change that?
01:22:826 (1,2,3) - inconsistent spacing

[suraimu's Normal]

00:06:591 (1) - & 00:15:061 (1) - decide if you want to stack or unstack the notes on slider beginning on this part of music. I prefer keeping this consistent, but you vary between unstacking and stacking them. :/ (I prefer unstacking, just saying, lol)
00:34:826 (1) - & 00:37:649 (1) - same stacking stuff as above.

@OnosakiHito overthink your attitude. Really, I am serious. Overthink it. Your length of presence here doesn't justify the way you treat people and their mods here. This requires no reply nor further discussion and may be deleted.

No kudosus please.
Topic Starter
spacing has been fixed
It's about time~
01:31:296 (9) - New combo for consistency with extra?

00:56:002 (2) - Clap at the end?
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Alright done that
Oh wow, quick rank o_O
Congrats, guys! :3
and let's the magic happens~

nice work~~

congrats kite :>
Komeiji Yuki
gratz Kite :3 ~
Mapping is a Happy thing!! 0,0
woh gratz Kite!
Topic Starter
thanks everyone :)
Congratulation for rank Kite!

Also I want to mention that Xakyrie and me talked in IRC about this case here. It seems like there was some bad missunderstanding from both sites.
Both of us agreed and apologized. Also sorry to Kite.
Will contact Pheon soon, to clear it as well.
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