
Blur - Girls and Boys

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on domingo, 19 de dezembro de 2010 at 17:54:11

Artist: Blur
Title: Girls and Boys
Tags: Krisom Blue_Dragon
BPM: 120,04
Filesize: 2584kb
Play Time: 02:24
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,45 stars, 102 notes)
  2. Insane (4,56 stars, 242 notes)
  3. Krisom's Hard (4,45 stars, 226 notes)
  4. Normal (2,3 stars, 127 notes)
Download: Blur - Girls and Boys
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
BPM is actually correct (120 comes up waaaay too slow at the end), but the offset should be 1040.

PS: Disable letterboxing.
I find it funny the BG uses the same colours as my old shitty coffee & TV map

Alright not that funny. Might do a nazi when I have time
Star :3
Quite easy for a Hardm but it should be ok.
It's really fun to DT this :3Download: Blur - Girls and Boys (Blue Dragon) [Krisom's Hard].osu

Set tick rate to 2 =x
01:03:769 (9,10,11) - This jump is weird. Compare the timeline to the spacing. They are all spaced evenly but (9) is on a red tick, while both (10) and (11) are on a white tick x:
01:37:008 (x) - Add a note here for consistency with the other diffs
01:56:751 (5,6,1) - I'd say it's borderline unrankeable.

00:24:532 (7) - Clap
nice sliders

00:17:034 (1) - Remove the finish at the end :v
00:59:520 (2,3,4) - Clap (2) and (4), not (3)
01:03:519 (1) - Delete. Notes too close after the end of a spinner are quite hard for easy diffs, AND this one is far awas from the center of the screen :P (besides, it goes ok with the music if you do this)
01:16:514 (1,1) - Why the short new combo?
01:52:003 (4,5) - Add finishes here x:?

You've improved so much :') Ilu

(Don't forget to add me to tags AND set my tick rate to 2 too x:)
00:55:022 (3) - add clap at the first repeat (00:55:521)
00:59:520 (2) - add clap?
01:03:519 (1) - delete circle (too fast after spinner + it's a bit unclear circle for easy)
01:16:514 (1) - too fast after spinner again - delete circle or think up something else
01:19:513 (2) - add whistle?
01:35:508 (1) - yes, it's too fast. Delete?
[Personally I liked 01:16:514 (1) and 01:35:508 (1) circles, but AIMod said:
"normal criteria: Note exists 500ms after spinner (less than 1200ms)."
I don't like AIMod, but..]

00:31:030 (3,4) - 2x? Maybe it's big jump for normal?
00:58:520 (3) - whistle at the start sounds wrong for me. Replace this whistle and whistle at second repeat to claps?
01:48:504 - add circle?
02:21:118 (1,1,2) - make this like in Insane?

[Krisom's Hard]
01:00:770 (1) - well, "Man slider" is much easier. This can be unrankable.
Really love this diff.

00:25:032 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - add whistles at red lines? [like in normal diff]
00:31:030 (1) - add clap?
00:47:024 (7) - add clap?
01:19:638 - add circle?
01:23:012 (5) - sounds strange. Move this to 01:22:762, move circle (4) to 01:23:762 and add whitsle to this circle?
01:59:750 (5) - add clap at the end + 02:00:500 (6) - replace whitsle to clap
02:24:992 (2) - replace whitsle to finish?
Cool diff too!

Catchy song. Star+

gyt wrote:

[Krisom's Hard]
01:00:770 (1) - well, "Man slider" is much easier. This can be unrankable. Well, Larto said it's rankeable AND a similar slider was alredy ranked on one of my maps, so I just did a small slider velocity change so that, no matter where you think the cross goes, you wont miss the tick...
Really love this diff.
Thank you <3
Remember that tickrate must be the same on all diffs BD :v

Download: Blur - Girls and Boys (Blue Dragon) [Krisom's Hard].osu

00:26:031 (3) - Are you aware that this is offscreen? It's not even a slight overlap with hp, it IS offscreen.
01:32:759 (8) - Mind separating starting and end point of the slider a bit more?
01:48:754 (3,4,1,2,1,2,3) - These spacing are not so intuitive imo...
Not really a fan of those long sliders with repeats :x


Lol? In contrary to what gyt said, i think that female is much easier and less confusive :T


02:24:992 - Consider adding a circle here, seeing as your easy and insane has it.


01:17:014 (1) - I'm quiet surprised that this is not exactly symmetrical with osu! X axis. Not that this means that you should change it.
Lol oh is this song 8-)

  1. Everything seems fine here.
  1. 00:45:025 (1,2) - This would be easier for beginners this way:
  2. 01:16:514 (1) - Too soon after spinner, :( I like this pattern
  3. 01:16:514 (1) - Deleting this circle will fix this ^
  4. 01:35:508 (1) - This is placed too soon after the end of the spinner too.
  5. 02:04:998 (5,6) - Mmm You placed a jump here, I'm ok with that but you can usethis to avoid an unecessary jump for beginners.
  1. My only concern here is that easy ends here: 02:24:992 but normal ends here: 02:24:492 , So my suggestion would be:
  2. 02:24:992 (X) - Add a circle here and add "Finish"
K's Hard:
  1. Nazi kgo~ x3
  2. 00:28:031 (7) - 1 tiny grid down to avoid overlap
  3. 01:59:750 (6) - Not symmetric
  4. 02:15:745 (6) - ^
  5. Do it like this
  6. That's a joke btw ^ Everything seems fine here ;)
  1. 01:13:016 (1) - Krisom: Learn from BD's simmetry 8-) (Jk <3~)
I loved it, Great Job ~

Gonzvlo wrote:

K's Hard:

00:28:031 (7) - 1 tiny grid down to avoid overlap
01:59:750 (6) - Not symmetric
02:15:745 (6) - ^
That's a joke btw ^ Everything seems fine here ;)
All done, even the jokes. SYMMETRY IS SERIOUS STUFF YOU KNOW?!?!?!?!

Download: Blur - Girls and Boys (Blue Dragon) [Krisom's Hard].osu
It really saddens me that you didn't do anything about this:

00:26:031 (3) - Are you aware that this is offscreen? It's not even a slight overlap with hp, it IS offscreen

I don't know what you see in your screen, but in my screen, 3 is clearly offscreen, and I'm almost 100% sure that offscreen objects are unrakable.
Explanation about why you haven't done anything about it needed :(
Add some pink/blue combo colours.
Offset is late, put it 10 or 12 ms earlier.

01:22:500 (2) - Naziiii up a grid
02:04:986 (5) - New combo


Krisom's Hard
01:21:013 (2) - New combo

00:56:021 (1) - This jump really takes you by surprise, you don't have jumps like that in the rest of the map

Lol at your sliders
Krimson's Hard: 00:44:770(1,2) - What the-

Amazing map~
Modded in #modhelp, specifically [Easy]'s stacking issues, [Krisom's Hard]'s wacky slider-note mishap (which roxkyuubiforever pointed out already) and [Insane]'s out-of-the-blue jump.

Overall, map's pretty fun to play.
00:33:524 (3,5) - Are these misaligned with (1) on purpose?
00:37:522 (3,5) - ^ (lol copy/paste)
01:36:253 (1,2,3,4) - Ugly overlap with the HP bar
02:13:740 (5,6) - I think this jump is a tad too excessive...
Awesome diff, love specially the slider art that you used and the rythm

[Krisom's Hard]
00:47:519 (2,1) - The heck happened here? Timeline overlap? Also the slider end is unsnapped
Nvm BD forgot to update something.
Pretty great diff, just like Krisom always does

00:24:027 (6,7) - Make those 2 into a slider.
00:53:767 (2) - Overlap with the HP Bar
Pretty ok i guess, but good slider art, so that's a plus

01:00:765 (1) - New combo
01:13:011 (1) - ^
01:33:004 (1) - ^
(...) i could go on, guess check that all your spinners have new combo.
Pretty simple diff however
poke me some time to check this?
Topic Starter

TKiller wrote:

poke me some time to check this?
Kudosu @ IRC mod
Alright then
Love the song~
01:24:257 (11) - move up a bit, it's offscreen!

00:25:027 (1,2,3) - These repeats are just a bit dickish.
00:53:017 (1,2) - wat jump
01:01:015 (2,3,1) - Make this spacing look more equal? Looks a bit ew

01:54:247 (2) - Just a bit offscreen, raise it up
02:16:989 (1) - That's pretty! <3
Topic Starter

Larto wrote:

01:24:257 (11) - move up a bit, it's offscreen!

00:25:027 (1,2,3) - These repeats are just a bit dickish. It's the same number of repeats on the three sliders, not really confusing.
00:53:017 (1,2) - wat jump oops, I think I pressed ctrl+h accidentally
01:01:015 (2,3,1) - Make this spacing look more equal? Looks a bit ew done

01:54:247 (2) - Just a bit offscreen, raise it up done
02:16:989 (1) - That's pretty! <3 <3
Here it goes. Happy new year, Blue Dragon.

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