
Nanamori-chu*Goraku-bu - Yuru Yurinrinrinrinrin

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2016. 6. 10 금 at 오후 2:09:59

Artist: Nanamori-chu*Goraku-bu
Title: Yuru Yurinrinrinrinrin
Source: ゆるゆり なちゅやちゅみ!
Tags: 三上枝織 大坪由佳 津田美波 大久保瑠美 Mikami Shiori Otsubo Yuka Tsuda Minami Okubo Rumi 赤座あかり Akaza Akari 歳納京子 Toshino Kyoko 船見結衣 Funami Yui 吉川ちなつ Yoshikawa Chinatsu yryr Yuru Yuri NachuYachumi OVA Opening TV Size
BPM: 185
Filesize: 3312kb
Play Time: 01:34
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.6 stars, 126 notes)
  2. Eternal Yuri (5.9 stars, 421 notes)
  3. Hard (3.34 stars, 310 notes)
  4. Insane (4.99 stars, 375 notes)
  5. Light Insane (4.23 stars, 345 notes)
  6. Normal (2.1 stars, 194 notes)
Download: Nanamori-chu*Goraku-bu - Yuru Yurinrinrinrinrin
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
mp3 from Setz's mapset

Easy - me
Normal - me
Hard - me
Light Insane - me
Insane - me
Eternal Yuri - me
00:44 Karia: 태양님..........
00:44 Taeyang: 네..............
00:45 Karia: 엑라 하나 더 만들었는데
00:45 Karia: 혹시 테스트 가능할까요.............
00:45 Taeyang: 네...............
00:45 Karia: :D...........
00:45 Karia: 저번 데어라 노래처럼
00:46 Karia: 패턴상의 문제가 없는지 봐주세요 ㅋㅋㅋ
00:46 Taeyang: 넹
00:46 *Karia is listening to [ Nanamori-chu*Goraku-bu - Yuru Yurinrinrinrinrin]
00:46 Karia: 이곡입니다 하악
00:47 Karia: 유루유리 노래가 약빤 노래라 그런지
00:47 Karia: 패턴은 좀 나오는듯..
00:47 Taeyang: 다운이 느리당...
00:47 Taeyang: 말걸어주신김에
00:47 Taeyang: GD 제안이나 해봅죠
00:47 *Taeyang is listening to [ M2U & Nicode - Lune]
00:48 Taeyang: 스토리보드 다만들어졌는데
00:48 Karia: 으악
00:48 Taeyang: 스칼렛이 잠수타서
00:48 Taeyang: 5.2~5.3 엑라 필요한데
00:48 Taeyang: 생각있으신가요
00:48 Karia: 잠시.... 노래좀 들을게요 ㅋㅋ
00:48 Taeyang: 넹
00:48 Taeyang: 잠 스토리보드가 잘 적용됬건가..
00:49 Karia: 160..?
00:49 Taeyang: 넹
00:49 Karia: SB는 잘 나오는거같네요
00:50 Karia: 혹시 급한건가요?
00:50 Taeyang: 아뇨
00:50 Taeyang: 아마 잘하면
00:50 Taeyang: 내년까지 갈수도있음
00:50 Taeyang: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
00:50 Taeyang: 제가 게을러서 ㅁㄴㅇㄹ
00:51 Taeyang: 엄청 늦게주셔도좋으니
00:51 Taeyang: 최선을 다해서 만들어주시면 ㄳㄳ
00:51 Karia: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
00:51 Karia: 일단 최선을 다해보죠 ㅋㅋ
00:51 Taeyang: 만약 만드신다면 ㅇㅇ
00:51 Taeyang: 오호 만들어주시는건가
00:51 Taeyang: 그와중에 아직도 90%
00:51 Karia: 거의 다됐군요 ㅋㅋ
00:52 Taeyang: ㄱㄱ
00:52 Karia: 박자가 좀 애매한 부분도 있어서
00:52 Taeyang: 아마 5.7~5.8근처로
00:52 Karia: 나중에 잠시 물어볼부분이..
00:52 Taeyang: CS5근처로 하나 뽑을거라서
00:52 Taeyang: 적당히 SC 1.7~1.8 근처로
00:52 Taeyang: CS은 4.3~4.6 근처로 쓰시면 될거같아영
00:53 Karia: 4.2도 상관없나요 ㅋㅋ
00:53 Taeyang: 넹 그게 엑스트라 답다면요
00:58 Karia: 으.. 극점프뒤에 안티점프가
00:58 Karia: 좀 그런가..
00:58 Taeyang: 00:02:522 (1,1) -
00:58 Taeyang: 00:02:522 (1) -  이거
00:58 Taeyang: 00:02:522 (1,2) - 여기가 좀 좁아서
00:58 Taeyang: 00:03:008 (4,5) - 이흐름에서 자꾸 펜이 튕겨나가는데
00:59 Taeyang: 00:02:197 (2,1) - 더늘려서
00:59 Taeyang: 00:02:522 (1) - 이걸 00:03:333 (1) - 여기에 스택이나 하프스택 ?
01:00 Karia: (244, 52) 같은
01:00 Karia: 느낌인가요
01:00 Taeyang: 넹
01:00 Taeyang: 00:03:495 (2,1) - 덤으로 이것도요
01:00 Taeyang: 6성급이면
01:00 Taeyang: 더 연속점프 아니고
01:01 Taeyang: 슬라-서클 간 점프면 거의 풀점프 수준이어도
01:01 Taeyang: 왠만한건 다쳐내요
01:01 Taeyang: 오히려 좁은거리 연속점프서클이 더어려움
01:01 Karia: 바로 하위 난이도에서 안티점프넣을꺼라
01:01 Karia: 만만하게 넣었는데 그런 문제가..
01:01 Taeyang: 그것보다
01:02 Taeyang:
01:02 Taeyang: 00:18:089 (1) - 여기서 부터 시작되는
01:03 Taeyang: 연속점프 연타숏슬라
01:03 Taeyang: 키아이에 비해서도 너무 어려운거 같은데
01:03 Karia: 좀 까다로운가요?
01:03 Taeyang: 00:19:387 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 여기 자체는
01:03 Taeyang: 노래가 점점 더 커진 부분이니깐
01:03 Taeyang: 줄일 필요는 없을거같은데
01:04 Taeyang: 00:18:089 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 여긴좀 줄여야 할필요가 있다고 생각해영
01:04 Karia: 저기는 좀 줄여볼게요
01:04 Karia: 1/4 사용 자체의 문제는 없을까요?
01:05 Karia: 드럼파트에 클랩만 강조하려고 사용하긴 했는데..
01:05 Taeyang: 음 저같은경우는
01:05 Taeyang: 숏슬라 쓸때
01:05 Taeyang: 흐름에따른 배치랑
01:05 Taeyang: 서클로 인식해서 치는배치랑
01:05 Taeyang: 나눠서 배치하는데
01:06 Taeyang: 잠시만영
01:06 Karia: 저기는 서클로 생각하고 찍은거라..
01:07 Taeyang: 아 이해하시고 계시구나
01:07 Taeyang: 아니면
01:07 Taeyang: 후반부 점프를 더늘려줘도 괜찮을거 같아요
01:08 Karia: 00:19:387 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 후반부라면 여기요?
01:08 Taeyang: 아녀
01:08 Taeyang: 키아이쪽이요
01:08 Taeyang: 아예 6성급으로요
01:08 Taeyang: 전에비해서
01:08 Taeyang: 전에꺼는
01:08 Taeyang: 그냥 패턴이 5성수준이었다가
01:08 Taeyang: 6성되는거라서
01:08 Taeyang: 앞에껄 어렵게 만들라고 했던거고
01:08 Taeyang: 지금껀
01:08 Taeyang: 앞에것이 거의 이맵의 난이도방향을 이끌고있어서
01:08 Taeyang: 그걸좀 자제시키기 위해서요
01:09 *Taeyang is editing [ Doma Umaru [CV.Tanaka Aimi] - Kakushinteki*Metamaruphose! [Skystar's Laziness]]
01:09 Taeyang: 이맵
01:09 Karia: 키아이쪽이 패턴쪽은 좀 쉬운가요?
01:09 Taeyang: 00:12:017 (1,2,1) - 이것00:12:017 (1,1) - 이거처럼
01:09 Taeyang: 패턴자체는 점프가 넓어서
01:09 Taeyang: 더어려운 감각은있는데
01:10 Taeyang: 제생각엔
01:10 Taeyang: 01:12:576 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5) -
01:10 Taeyang: 01:22:954 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5) - 이게더 쉽게 느껴져서요
01:10 Karia: 우마루 맵이요?
01:10 Taeyang: 우마루 맵 링크 드린거 부분은
01:10 Taeyang: 00:05:441 (3,3) -
01:10 Taeyang: 이거
01:10 Taeyang: 참고 하시라궁
01:10 Taeyang: 스카이 스타처럼
01:11 Taeyang: 복붙 오버랩,보단
01:11 Taeyang: 00:06:090 (3) - 이걸 좀더 키워서
01:11 Taeyang: 좀 감싸는식으로
01:11 Taeyang: 00:12:017 (1,1) - 이부분이여요
01:12 Taeyang: 그냥 제안이예영
01:12 Taeyang: 보기엔 이게더 나아보여섭
01:13 Karia: 00:05:441 (3,3) -
01:13 Karia: 이거에 관해선
01:13 Karia: 일단 3/4 사용부터 괜찮은지 모르겠는데
01:13 Karia: 00:05:441 (3) - 이부분 보컬이 1/2 느낌이 강한데
01:13 Karia: 보컬 + 변속 강조겸 3/4으로 해줬는데
01:13 Karia: 문제없을까요?
01:13 Karia: 괜찮다면 두개 속도 좀 조절해서
01:13 Karia: 요리하면 될꺼같은데..
01:14 Taeyang: 넹
01:14 Taeyang: 저라도 3/4으로 매핑했을거 같네영
01:14 Taeyang: 1/2에 정확한 음이 있는게 아니라
01:14 Taeyang: 그냥 흘러가는식이니..
01:14 Karia: 음.. 그럼 저건 일단 스카이스타 흉내를 내보고
01:14 Karia: 키아이 점프를 좀 더 늘이면
01:14 Karia: 6성될꺼같은데.. ㅋㅋ
01:15 Taeyang: 아직 모딩 반도 안했응염 ㅋㅋ
01:15 Karia: 으아 ㅁㄴㅇㄹ
01:15 Taeyang: 00:20:846 (1,1,1,1) - 이것도 걍 제안이예요 너무큰 슬라변속은
01:15 Taeyang:
01:16 Taeyang: 뉴콤뿐만이 아니라
01:16 Taeyang: 패턴자체를 다르게 하는걸로 더 알기쉽게 하는법도있어요
01:16 Karia: 오..
01:17 Karia: 그럼 1/4쪽을 수정할게요
01:17 Karia: 1/2는 부드러운 느낌을 주고싶어서 ㅋㅋ
01:17 Taeyang: 문제는 너무 과하면 맵이 지저분해질 위험이있다는건데
01:17 Taeyang: 넹~
01:17 Taeyang: 00:22:224 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 이부분
01:18 *Taeyang is editing [ Hanatan - Ai no Scenario [Skystar's Extra]]
01:18 Karia: 이상한가요?
01:18 Taeyang: 01:43:210 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) -
01:18 Karia: 나름 잘 어울린다 생각하고 찍었는데 ㅋㅋ
01:18 Taeyang: 이런식으로
01:18 Taeyang: 슬라 바리에이션으로
01:18 Karia: 잠시.. 없는 맵이라 ㅁㄴㅇㄹ
01:18 Taeyang: 뉴콤이랑, 슬라 점점 늘어나는식으로
01:18 Taeyang: 노래가 일정하게 아니라
01:18 Taeyang: 점점 커지는 방향이니
01:18 Taeyang: 이게더 어울릴거 같아요
01:18 Karia: 오...
01:19 Taeyang: 스카이스타는 같은 음악인데
01:19 Taeyang: 바리에이션 줘서
01:19 Taeyang: 오히려 안어울린데
01:19 Karia: 근데 저러기엔
01:19 Taeyang: 카리아님 노래쪽은 어울릴거같은데 한번 시도해보세영
01:19 Karia: 마지막 슬라가 1/4라 느낌이 잘 살아날지..
01:20 Karia: 아, 왠지 될꺼같네요
01:20 Karia: 나중에 한번에 고쳐보죠!
01:20 Taeyang: 백업 떠놓고
01:20 Taeyang: 하시면 나중에 또봐드리겟 ㅋㅅㅋ
01:20 Karia: 넵 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
01:21 Taeyang: 좀만 줄여주는게어떨가요
01:21 Taeyang: 00:42:252 (5) - x498y196
01:21 Taeyang: 00:42:576 (7) - 408 120
01:21 Taeyang: 평행은 지키면서
01:23 Taeyang: 00:54:089 (6,1) - 이건좀 줄여야 할거같
01:23 Taeyang: 00:54:089 (6) - 3.8DS는 역시 좀 넓은거 같아염
01:24 Karia: 저기 0.75부분이라 실제론 좀 더 낮을텐데
01:24 Karia: 좀 힘드려나요 ㅋㅋ
01:24 Karia: 바꾸려면 일단 00:33:657 (1) - 여기랑 같이 바꿔야할텐데
01:25 Taeyang: 00:51:495 (5,1) - 일단 이거 담요제안 5슬라 10도 정도 꺽어서
01:25 Taeyang:
01:25 Taeyang: 00:52:306 (3) - 덤으로 평행
01:26 Taeyang: 너무 줄일 필요없이
01:26 Taeyang: 00:38:197 (3,4) - 이정도보다
01:26 Taeyang: 약간 넓어도 괜찮다고 생각해요
01:26 Taeyang: 두개다
01:26 Taeyang: 못좁힐건 아닌거 같은데 음
01:27 Taeyang: 00:33:657 (1,2) - 이건 걍 좀 아래로 옮기거나
01:27 Karia: 넵 일단 저기는 좀 줄여볼게요 ㅋㅋ
01:27 Taeyang: 00:54:414 (1) - 왼쪽으로 기울
01:28 Karia: 완료!
01:29 Karia: 00:51:819 (1) - 이건 각도가
01:29 Karia: 개인적으로 좀 병적인 부분이 있어서
01:29 Karia: 담요만 할게요 ㅋㅋㅋ
01:29 Taeyang: 넹
01:29 Taeyang: 01:02:197 (1,2) - 이거 만약에
01:29 Taeyang: 01:02:197 (1) - 1.28DS로 안티라서
01:30 Taeyang: 만에하나 또 모딩와서 수정해야한다고 생각하시면
01:30 Taeyang: 01:02:197 (1,2) -
01:30 Taeyang: 01:02:522 (3,4) -
01:30 Taeyang: 처음 4개 두개씩 묶어서 스택 만들어보세영
01:31 Taeyang:
01:31 Taeyang: 01:03:819 (1) -
01:31 Taeyang: 이것도 제안
01:32 Taeyang: 01:03:819 (10) - 초록선두개
01:32 Karia: 수정!
01:32 Taeyang: 없애시..
01:32 Karia: 01:02:197 (1,2) - 여기는 문제가 있나요?
01:32 Karia: 아, 저긴 초록색 선이 아니라
01:32 Karia: 프리뷰 타임 라인이랑 겹친거에요
01:32 Taeyang: 아하
01:32 Taeyang: 넹
01:32 Taeyang: 제 생각엔
01:33 Taeyang: 약간 좁은 느낌이 드는데
01:33 Taeyang: 01:02:197 (1,2) - 엑라에서만약
01:33 Taeyang: 이거보다 좀더 넓은 점프를쓰게된가면
01:33 Taeyang: 스프레드적으로 약간 어색해질수도 있고요
01:34 Karia: 음.. 바로 밑 난이도에선
01:34 Taeyang: 그리고
01:34 Taeyang: 패턴 제안
01:34 Taeyang:
01:34 Taeyang: 01:03:819 (1,1,1,1) -
01:35 Karia: 노트 스프레드상으로 슬라가 오지 않을까 하는데
01:35 Taeyang: 01:03:819 - 0.50 01:04:143 - 0.75 01:04:468 - 1.0
01:35 Karia: 그리고 슬라끝엔.. 뮤트겠죠?
01:35 Taeyang: 네 뮤트고
01:36 Karia: 변속은 괜찮은거 같네요
01:36 Karia: 나중에 고치죠 ㅋㅋ
01:36 Taeyang: 그리고 01:04:468 - 여기 랑
01:36 Taeyang: 01:04:792 - 이거 제가 좀 넓게해서드렸는데
01:36 Taeyang: 01:04:792 (1) - 하신다면 컨쥐나
01:36 Taeyang: 둥근슬라고
01:36 Taeyang: 둥근슬라로 패턴 바꿔도 괜찮네영
01:37 Taeyang: 아니면 그냥 줄여도 괜찮고
01:37 Taeyang: 시도해보시면 괜찮을듯
01:37 Karia: 마지막 변속 슬라를 둥글게요?
01:37 Taeyang: 아념
01:37 Taeyang: 01:07:387 (1,2) - 이거처럼
01:37 Taeyang: 너무 넓다는뜻
01:37 Taeyang: 그대로 박아보시면
01:37 Taeyang: 문제점이 보이실거예요
01:38 Karia: 일단 문제 안생기게 넣어볼게요 ㅋㅋ
01:38 Taeyang: 대망의 안티점프
01:38 Taeyang: 01:14:522 (1,2,3,4) -
01:38 Taeyang: 제가 이걸 헷갈려 했던 이유가
01:38 Taeyang: 01:14:035 (2,3,4) - 여기 연타 넓이랑 같아서
01:38 Karia: 후... 저긴 노래 듣자마자
01:38 Karia: 패턴 떠올라서 박았는데 ㅋㅋ
01:38 Taeyang: 저게 연타일줄알고 ㅋㅅㅋ
01:39 Karia: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
01:39 Karia: 하실때마다 뒷부분 안티에서 미스나시던..
01:39 Taeyang: 01:14:035 (2,3) - 이걸 숏슬라 처리하고
01:39 Taeyang: 이거 원하시면
01:39 Taeyang: 컨s 쓰셔서 0.5~0.6 정도로
01:39 Taeyang: 거의 하프스택 급으로 쓰셔도 괜찮을거같고
01:40 Taeyang: 아니라면
01:40 Taeyang: 노트간격 안겹치게 배치하면
01:40 Taeyang: 그것만으로도 대부분 안햇갈려 할거예요
01:40 Karia: 안티점프를요?
01:40 Taeyang: 겹쳐 있으면 대부분 그걸 연타로 인식하고 치기때문에...
01:40 Taeyang: 네
01:40 Taeyang: 예를들어서
01:41 Taeyang:
01:41 Taeyang: 일케
01:41 Karia: 아, 노트 간격이 그 간격이었구나 ㅋㅋ
01:41 Taeyang: 이런식으로요
01:41 Taeyang:
01:41 Taeyang: 아무튼간
01:41 Taeyang: 01:14:035 (2,3,4) -
01:42 Taeyang: 이거랑 차이는 확실히 두셔야함
01:42 Karia: 노래상으론 첫 사진이 나을꺼같네요
01:42 Karia: 일단 줄이는 방향으로 할게요
01:42 Taeyang: 넹
01:43 Taeyang: 01:20:684 (2) - 이거 넓다고
01:43 Taeyang:
01:43 Taeyang: 분명 이렇게 모딩 많이 올듯
01:43 Karia: 그정도로 넓은가요 ㅁㄴㅇㄹ
01:44 Taeyang: 근데
01:44 Taeyang: 어짜피 전체적으로 넓어서
01:45 Taeyang: 뭐 크게 문제가 되지 않는다면
01:45 Taeyang: 문제가 없는데
01:45 Taeyang: 퀼파단계에서
01:45 Taeyang: 걸릴가능성이 있다는 사실은 알아두셔야함
01:45 Taeyang: 3/4 리듬 점프는
01:46 Taeyang: 통상적으로 음악에따라 넓었다 좁았다 하는것보다
01:46 Taeyang: 일단 일관성 있는게 낫거든요
01:46 Taeyang: 두번째는 흐름이고요
01:46 Taeyang: 뭐 제기준이긴 하지만(?)
01:46 Taeyang: 글쎄요 알아만 두시고 나중에 어떻게 반박하실지 생각하시면될듯
01:46 Karia: 01:10:306 (2) - 여기는 괜찮나요?
01:47 Taeyang: 네 이렇게 비교해봤을떄
01:47 Taeyang:
01:48 Taeyang: 01:20:359 (1,2,3) -
01:48 Taeyang:
01:48 Taeyang: 서클놓고
01:48 Taeyang: 각각 DS 확인해보시면
01:48 Taeyang: 01:20:684 (2) - 여긴 3.24 1.82로 너무 불안정한데비해
01:48 Taeyang: 01:10:306 (2) - 여긴 2.38 1.96으로 그렇게 나쁘지 않아서
01:49 Taeyang: 그래아까 같은 패턴 추천해드렸
01:49 Karia: 음.. 일단 DS 거의 같게
01:49 Karia: 고쳤어요
01:50 Taeyang: 숏슬라가
01:51 Taeyang: 리듬이 뭐든
01:51 *Taeyang is listening to [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Yoru Naku Usagi wa Yume o Miru]
01:51 Taeyang: 보통 인센에선 흐름배치가
01:51 Taeyang: 01:42:412 (1,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) -
01:51 Taeyang: 이런게 더 편하긴한데
01:51 Taeyang: 고브픔 고AR 높은점프 맵에선
01:52 *Taeyang is editing [ MOMOIRO CLOVER Z - SANTA SAN [X-Mas]]
01:52 Taeyang: 02:08:112 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
01:52 Taeyang: 팔로우포인트랑 겉으로보기엔
01:52 Taeyang: 뭵같이 어려워보여도
01:53 Taeyang: X mas 맵쪽이 훨씬 치기 편해요
01:53 Karia: 전 둘 다 극혐.. ㅋㅋ
01:53 Taeyang: 이유는 저걸 슬라로 인식해서 치는게 아니라 ㅁㄴㅇㄹ
01:53 Taeyang: 서클로 인식하고 치기떄문에
01:53 Taeyang: 서클 박아보시면 쉽게 이해하실겁!
01:53 Taeyang: 헿ㅎ
01:53 Karia: 일단 숏 슬라는 거의 서클로 인식하고 찍기 때문에 ㅋㅋ
01:54 Taeyang: 이제 쿠도수 먹어도 되나요 ㅋㅅㅋ
01:54 Karia: 엌ㅋㅋ
01:54 Karia: 네 ㅋㅋ
Topic Starter

Taeyang wrote:

00:44 Karia: 태양님..........
00:44 Taeyang: 네..............
00:45 Karia: 엑라 하나 더 만들었는데
00:45 Karia: 혹시 테스트 가능할까요.............
00:45 Taeyang: 네...............
00:45 Karia: :D...........
00:45 Karia: 저번 데어라 노래처럼
00:46 Karia: 패턴상의 문제가 없는지 봐주세요 ㅋㅋㅋ
00:46 Taeyang: 넹
00:46 *Karia is listening to [ Nanamori-chu*Goraku-bu - Yuru Yurinrinrinrinrin]
00:46 Karia: 이곡입니다 하악
00:47 Karia: 유루유리 노래가 약빤 노래라 그런지
00:47 Karia: 패턴은 좀 나오는듯..
00:47 Taeyang: 다운이 느리당...
00:47 Taeyang: 말걸어주신김에
00:47 Taeyang: GD 제안이나 해봅죠
00:47 *Taeyang is listening to [ M2U & Nicode - Lune]
00:48 Taeyang: 스토리보드 다만들어졌는데
00:48 Karia: 으악
00:48 Taeyang: 스칼렛이 잠수타서
00:48 Taeyang: 5.2~5.3 엑라 필요한데
00:48 Taeyang: 생각있으신가요
00:48 Karia: 잠시.... 노래좀 들을게요 ㅋㅋ
00:48 Taeyang: 넹
00:48 Taeyang: 잠 스토리보드가 잘 적용됬건가..
00:49 Karia: 160..?
00:49 Taeyang: 넹
00:49 Karia: SB는 잘 나오는거같네요
00:50 Karia: 혹시 급한건가요?
00:50 Taeyang: 아뇨
00:50 Taeyang: 아마 잘하면
00:50 Taeyang: 내년까지 갈수도있음
00:50 Taeyang: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
00:50 Taeyang: 제가 게을러서 ㅁㄴㅇㄹ
00:51 Taeyang: 엄청 늦게주셔도좋으니
00:51 Taeyang: 최선을 다해서 만들어주시면 ㄳㄳ
00:51 Karia: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
00:51 Karia: 일단 최선을 다해보죠 ㅋㅋ
00:51 Taeyang: 만약 만드신다면 ㅇㅇ
00:51 Taeyang: 오호 만들어주시는건가
00:51 Taeyang: 그와중에 아직도 90%
00:51 Karia: 거의 다됐군요 ㅋㅋ
00:52 Taeyang: ㄱㄱ
00:52 Karia: 박자가 좀 애매한 부분도 있어서
00:52 Taeyang: 아마 5.7~5.8근처로
00:52 Karia: 나중에 잠시 물어볼부분이..
00:52 Taeyang: CS5근처로 하나 뽑을거라서
00:52 Taeyang: 적당히 SC 1.7~1.8 근처로
00:52 Taeyang: CS은 4.3~4.6 근처로 쓰시면 될거같아영
00:53 Karia: 4.2도 상관없나요 ㅋㅋ
00:53 Taeyang: 넹 그게 엑스트라 답다면요
00:58 Karia: 으.. 극점프뒤에 안티점프가
00:58 Karia: 좀 그런가..
00:58 Taeyang: 00:02:522 (1,1) -
00:58 Taeyang: 00:02:522 (1) -  이거
00:58 Taeyang: 00:02:522 (1,2) - 여기가 좀 좁아서
00:58 Taeyang: 00:03:008 (4,5) - 이흐름에서 자꾸 펜이 튕겨나가는데
00:59 Taeyang: 00:02:197 (2,1) - 더늘려서
00:59 Taeyang: 00:02:522 (1) - 이걸 00:03:333 (1) - 여기에 스택이나 하프스택 ?
01:00 Karia: (244, 52) 같은
01:00 Karia: 느낌인가요
01:00 Taeyang: 넹
01:00 Taeyang: 00:03:495 (2,1) - 덤으로 이것도요
01:00 Taeyang: 6성급이면
01:00 Taeyang: 더 연속점프 아니고
01:01 Taeyang: 슬라-서클 간 점프면 거의 풀점프 수준이어도
01:01 Taeyang: 왠만한건 다쳐내요
01:01 Taeyang: 오히려 좁은거리 연속점프서클이 더어려움
01:01 Karia: 바로 하위 난이도에서 안티점프넣을꺼라
01:01 Karia: 만만하게 넣었는데 그런 문제가..
01:01 Taeyang: 그것보다
01:02 Taeyang:
01:02 Taeyang: 00:18:089 (1) - 여기서 부터 시작되는
01:03 Taeyang: 연속점프 연타숏슬라
01:03 Taeyang: 키아이에 비해서도 너무 어려운거 같은데
01:03 Karia: 좀 까다로운가요?
01:03 Taeyang: 00:19:387 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 여기 자체는
01:03 Taeyang: 노래가 점점 더 커진 부분이니깐
01:03 Taeyang: 줄일 필요는 없을거같은데
01:04 Taeyang: 00:18:089 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 여긴좀 줄여야 할필요가 있다고 생각해영
01:04 Karia: 저기는 좀 줄여볼게요
01:04 Karia: 1/4 사용 자체의 문제는 없을까요?
01:05 Karia: 드럼파트에 클랩만 강조하려고 사용하긴 했는데..
01:05 Taeyang: 음 저같은경우는
01:05 Taeyang: 숏슬라 쓸때
01:05 Taeyang: 흐름에따른 배치랑
01:05 Taeyang: 서클로 인식해서 치는배치랑
01:05 Taeyang: 나눠서 배치하는데
01:06 Taeyang: 잠시만영
01:06 Karia: 저기는 서클로 생각하고 찍은거라..
01:07 Taeyang: 아 이해하시고 계시구나
01:07 Taeyang: 아니면
01:07 Taeyang: 후반부 점프를 더늘려줘도 괜찮을거 같아요
01:08 Karia: 00:19:387 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 후반부라면 여기요?
01:08 Taeyang: 아녀
01:08 Taeyang: 키아이쪽이요
01:08 Taeyang: 아예 6성급으로요
01:08 Taeyang: 전에비해서
01:08 Taeyang: 전에꺼는
01:08 Taeyang: 그냥 패턴이 5성수준이었다가
01:08 Taeyang: 6성되는거라서
01:08 Taeyang: 앞에껄 어렵게 만들라고 했던거고
01:08 Taeyang: 지금껀
01:08 Taeyang: 앞에것이 거의 이맵의 난이도방향을 이끌고있어서
01:08 Taeyang: 그걸좀 자제시키기 위해서요
01:09 *Taeyang is editing [ Doma Umaru [CV.Tanaka Aimi] - Kakushinteki*Metamaruphose! [Skystar's Laziness]]
01:09 Taeyang: 이맵
01:09 Karia: 키아이쪽이 패턴쪽은 좀 쉬운가요?
01:09 Taeyang: 00:12:017 (1,2,1) - 이것00:12:017 (1,1) - 이거처럼
01:09 Taeyang: 패턴자체는 점프가 넓어서
01:09 Taeyang: 더어려운 감각은있는데
01:10 Taeyang: 제생각엔
01:10 Taeyang: 01:12:576 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5) -
01:10 Taeyang: 01:22:954 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5) - 이게더 쉽게 느껴져서요
01:10 Karia: 우마루 맵이요?
01:10 Taeyang: 우마루 맵 링크 드린거 부분은
01:10 Taeyang: 00:05:441 (3,3) -
01:10 Taeyang: 이거
01:10 Taeyang: 참고 하시라궁
01:10 Taeyang: 스카이 스타처럼
01:11 Taeyang: 복붙 오버랩,보단
01:11 Taeyang: 00:06:090 (3) - 이걸 좀더 키워서
01:11 Taeyang: 좀 감싸는식으로
01:11 Taeyang: 00:12:017 (1,1) - 이부분이여요
01:12 Taeyang: 그냥 제안이예영
01:12 Taeyang: 보기엔 이게더 나아보여섭
01:13 Karia: 00:05:441 (3,3) -
01:13 Karia: 이거에 관해선
01:13 Karia: 일단 3/4 사용부터 괜찮은지 모르겠는데
01:13 Karia: 00:05:441 (3) - 이부분 보컬이 1/2 느낌이 강한데
01:13 Karia: 보컬 + 변속 강조겸 3/4으로 해줬는데
01:13 Karia: 문제없을까요?
01:13 Karia: 괜찮다면 두개 속도 좀 조절해서
01:13 Karia: 요리하면 될꺼같은데..
01:14 Taeyang: 넹
01:14 Taeyang: 저라도 3/4으로 매핑했을거 같네영
01:14 Taeyang: 1/2에 정확한 음이 있는게 아니라
01:14 Taeyang: 그냥 흘러가는식이니..
01:14 Karia: 음.. 그럼 저건 일단 스카이스타 흉내를 내보고
01:14 Karia: 키아이 점프를 좀 더 늘이면
01:14 Karia: 6성될꺼같은데.. ㅋㅋ
01:15 Taeyang: 아직 모딩 반도 안했응염 ㅋㅋ
01:15 Karia: 으아 ㅁㄴㅇㄹ
01:15 Taeyang: 00:20:846 (1,1,1,1) - 이것도 걍 제안이예요 너무큰 슬라변속은
01:15 Taeyang:
01:16 Taeyang: 뉴콤뿐만이 아니라
01:16 Taeyang: 패턴자체를 다르게 하는걸로 더 알기쉽게 하는법도있어요
01:16 Karia: 오..
01:17 Karia: 그럼 1/4쪽을 수정할게요
01:17 Karia: 1/2는 부드러운 느낌을 주고싶어서 ㅋㅋ
01:17 Taeyang: 문제는 너무 과하면 맵이 지저분해질 위험이있다는건데
01:17 Taeyang: 넹~
01:17 Taeyang: 00:22:224 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 이부분
01:18 *Taeyang is editing [ Hanatan - Ai no Scenario [Skystar's Extra]]
01:18 Karia: 이상한가요?
01:18 Taeyang: 01:43:210 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) -
01:18 Karia: 나름 잘 어울린다 생각하고 찍었는데 ㅋㅋ
01:18 Taeyang: 이런식으로
01:18 Taeyang: 슬라 바리에이션으로
01:18 Karia: 잠시.. 없는 맵이라 ㅁㄴㅇㄹ
01:18 Taeyang: 뉴콤이랑, 슬라 점점 늘어나는식으로
01:18 Taeyang: 노래가 일정하게 아니라
01:18 Taeyang: 점점 커지는 방향이니
01:18 Taeyang: 이게더 어울릴거 같아요
01:18 Karia: 오...
01:19 Taeyang: 스카이스타는 같은 음악인데
01:19 Taeyang: 바리에이션 줘서
01:19 Taeyang: 오히려 안어울린데
01:19 Karia: 근데 저러기엔
01:19 Taeyang: 카리아님 노래쪽은 어울릴거같은데 한번 시도해보세영
01:19 Karia: 마지막 슬라가 1/4라 느낌이 잘 살아날지..
01:20 Karia: 아, 왠지 될꺼같네요
01:20 Karia: 나중에 한번에 고쳐보죠!
01:20 Taeyang: 백업 떠놓고
01:20 Taeyang: 하시면 나중에 또봐드리겟 ㅋㅅㅋ
01:20 Karia: 넵 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
01:21 Taeyang: 좀만 줄여주는게어떨가요
01:21 Taeyang: 00:42:252 (5) - x498y196
01:21 Taeyang: 00:42:576 (7) - 408 120
01:21 Taeyang: 평행은 지키면서
01:23 Taeyang: 00:54:089 (6,1) - 이건좀 줄여야 할거같
01:23 Taeyang: 00:54:089 (6) - 3.8DS는 역시 좀 넓은거 같아염
01:24 Karia: 저기 0.75부분이라 실제론 좀 더 낮을텐데
01:24 Karia: 좀 힘드려나요 ㅋㅋ
01:24 Karia: 바꾸려면 일단 00:33:657 (1) - 여기랑 같이 바꿔야할텐데
01:25 Taeyang: 00:51:495 (5,1) - 일단 이거 담요제안 5슬라 10도 정도 꺽어서
01:25 Taeyang:
01:25 Taeyang: 00:52:306 (3) - 덤으로 평행
01:26 Taeyang: 너무 줄일 필요없이
01:26 Taeyang: 00:38:197 (3,4) - 이정도보다
01:26 Taeyang: 약간 넓어도 괜찮다고 생각해요
01:26 Taeyang: 두개다
01:26 Taeyang: 못좁힐건 아닌거 같은데 음
01:27 Taeyang: 00:33:657 (1,2) - 이건 걍 좀 아래로 옮기거나
01:27 Karia: 넵 일단 저기는 좀 줄여볼게요 ㅋㅋ
01:27 Taeyang: 00:54:414 (1) - 왼쪽으로 기울
01:28 Karia: 완료!
01:29 Karia: 00:51:819 (1) - 이건 각도가
01:29 Karia: 개인적으로 좀 병적인 부분이 있어서
01:29 Karia: 담요만 할게요 ㅋㅋㅋ
01:29 Taeyang: 넹
01:29 Taeyang: 01:02:197 (1,2) - 이거 만약에
01:29 Taeyang: 01:02:197 (1) - 1.28DS로 안티라서
01:30 Taeyang: 만에하나 또 모딩와서 수정해야한다고 생각하시면
01:30 Taeyang: 01:02:197 (1,2) -
01:30 Taeyang: 01:02:522 (3,4) -
01:30 Taeyang: 처음 4개 두개씩 묶어서 스택 만들어보세영
01:31 Taeyang:
01:31 Taeyang: 01:03:819 (1) -
01:31 Taeyang: 이것도 제안
01:32 Taeyang: 01:03:819 (10) - 초록선두개
01:32 Karia: 수정!
01:32 Taeyang: 없애시..
01:32 Karia: 01:02:197 (1,2) - 여기는 문제가 있나요?
01:32 Karia: 아, 저긴 초록색 선이 아니라
01:32 Karia: 프리뷰 타임 라인이랑 겹친거에요
01:32 Taeyang: 아하
01:32 Taeyang: 넹
01:32 Taeyang: 제 생각엔
01:33 Taeyang: 약간 좁은 느낌이 드는데
01:33 Taeyang: 01:02:197 (1,2) - 엑라에서만약
01:33 Taeyang: 이거보다 좀더 넓은 점프를쓰게된가면
01:33 Taeyang: 스프레드적으로 약간 어색해질수도 있고요
01:34 Karia: 음.. 바로 밑 난이도에선
01:34 Taeyang: 그리고
01:34 Taeyang: 패턴 제안
01:34 Taeyang:
01:34 Taeyang: 01:03:819 (1,1,1,1) -
01:35 Karia: 노트 스프레드상으로 슬라가 오지 않을까 하는데
01:35 Taeyang: 01:03:819 - 0.50 01:04:143 - 0.75 01:04:468 - 1.0
01:35 Karia: 그리고 슬라끝엔.. 뮤트겠죠?
01:35 Taeyang: 네 뮤트고
01:36 Karia: 변속은 괜찮은거 같네요
01:36 Karia: 나중에 고치죠 ㅋㅋ
01:36 Taeyang: 그리고 01:04:468 - 여기 랑
01:36 Taeyang: 01:04:792 - 이거 제가 좀 넓게해서드렸는데
01:36 Taeyang: 01:04:792 (1) - 하신다면 컨쥐나
01:36 Taeyang: 둥근슬라고
01:36 Taeyang: 둥근슬라로 패턴 바꿔도 괜찮네영
01:37 Taeyang: 아니면 그냥 줄여도 괜찮고
01:37 Taeyang: 시도해보시면 괜찮을듯
01:37 Karia: 마지막 변속 슬라를 둥글게요?
01:37 Taeyang: 아념
01:37 Taeyang: 01:07:387 (1,2) - 이거처럼
01:37 Taeyang: 너무 넓다는뜻
01:37 Taeyang: 그대로 박아보시면
01:37 Taeyang: 문제점이 보이실거예요
01:38 Karia: 일단 문제 안생기게 넣어볼게요 ㅋㅋ
01:38 Taeyang: 대망의 안티점프
01:38 Taeyang: 01:14:522 (1,2,3,4) -
01:38 Taeyang: 제가 이걸 헷갈려 했던 이유가
01:38 Taeyang: 01:14:035 (2,3,4) - 여기 연타 넓이랑 같아서
01:38 Karia: 후... 저긴 노래 듣자마자
01:38 Karia: 패턴 떠올라서 박았는데 ㅋㅋ
01:38 Taeyang: 저게 연타일줄알고 ㅋㅅㅋ
01:39 Karia: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
01:39 Karia: 하실때마다 뒷부분 안티에서 미스나시던..
01:39 Taeyang: 01:14:035 (2,3) - 이걸 숏슬라 처리하고
01:39 Taeyang: 이거 원하시면
01:39 Taeyang: 컨s 쓰셔서 0.5~0.6 정도로
01:39 Taeyang: 거의 하프스택 급으로 쓰셔도 괜찮을거같고
01:40 Taeyang: 아니라면
01:40 Taeyang: 노트간격 안겹치게 배치하면
01:40 Taeyang: 그것만으로도 대부분 안햇갈려 할거예요
01:40 Karia: 안티점프를요?
01:40 Taeyang: 겹쳐 있으면 대부분 그걸 연타로 인식하고 치기때문에...
01:40 Taeyang: 네
01:40 Taeyang: 예를들어서
01:41 Taeyang:
01:41 Taeyang: 일케
01:41 Karia: 아, 노트 간격이 그 간격이었구나 ㅋㅋ
01:41 Taeyang: 이런식으로요
01:41 Taeyang:
01:41 Taeyang: 아무튼간
01:41 Taeyang: 01:14:035 (2,3,4) -
01:42 Taeyang: 이거랑 차이는 확실히 두셔야함
01:42 Karia: 노래상으론 첫 사진이 나을꺼같네요
01:42 Karia: 일단 줄이는 방향으로 할게요
01:42 Taeyang: 넹
01:43 Taeyang: 01:20:684 (2) - 이거 넓다고
01:43 Taeyang:
01:43 Taeyang: 분명 이렇게 모딩 많이 올듯
01:43 Karia: 그정도로 넓은가요 ㅁㄴㅇㄹ
01:44 Taeyang: 근데
01:44 Taeyang: 어짜피 전체적으로 넓어서
01:45 Taeyang: 뭐 크게 문제가 되지 않는다면
01:45 Taeyang: 문제가 없는데
01:45 Taeyang: 퀼파단계에서
01:45 Taeyang: 걸릴가능성이 있다는 사실은 알아두셔야함
01:45 Taeyang: 3/4 리듬 점프는
01:46 Taeyang: 통상적으로 음악에따라 넓었다 좁았다 하는것보다
01:46 Taeyang: 일단 일관성 있는게 낫거든요
01:46 Taeyang: 두번째는 흐름이고요
01:46 Taeyang: 뭐 제기준이긴 하지만(?)
01:46 Taeyang: 글쎄요 알아만 두시고 나중에 어떻게 반박하실지 생각하시면될듯
01:46 Karia: 01:10:306 (2) - 여기는 괜찮나요?
01:47 Taeyang: 네 이렇게 비교해봤을떄
01:47 Taeyang:
01:48 Taeyang: 01:20:359 (1,2,3) -
01:48 Taeyang:
01:48 Taeyang: 서클놓고
01:48 Taeyang: 각각 DS 확인해보시면
01:48 Taeyang: 01:20:684 (2) - 여긴 3.24 1.82로 너무 불안정한데비해
01:48 Taeyang: 01:10:306 (2) - 여긴 2.38 1.96으로 그렇게 나쁘지 않아서
01:49 Taeyang: 그래아까 같은 패턴 추천해드렸
01:49 Karia: 음.. 일단 DS 거의 같게
01:49 Karia: 고쳤어요
01:50 Taeyang: 숏슬라가
01:51 Taeyang: 리듬이 뭐든
01:51 *Taeyang is listening to [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Yoru Naku Usagi wa Yume o Miru]
01:51 Taeyang: 보통 인센에선 흐름배치가
01:51 Taeyang: 01:42:412 (1,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) -
01:51 Taeyang: 이런게 더 편하긴한데
01:51 Taeyang: 고브픔 고AR 높은점프 맵에선
01:52 *Taeyang is editing [ MOMOIRO CLOVER Z - SANTA SAN [X-Mas]]
01:52 Taeyang: 02:08:112 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
01:52 Taeyang: 팔로우포인트랑 겉으로보기엔
01:52 Taeyang: 뭵같이 어려워보여도
01:53 Taeyang: X mas 맵쪽이 훨씬 치기 편해요
01:53 Karia: 전 둘 다 극혐.. ㅋㅋ
01:53 Taeyang: 이유는 저걸 슬라로 인식해서 치는게 아니라 ㅁㄴㅇㄹ
01:53 Taeyang: 서클로 인식하고 치기떄문에
01:53 Taeyang: 서클 박아보시면 쉽게 이해하실겁!
01:53 Taeyang: 헿ㅎ
01:53 Karia: 일단 숏 슬라는 거의 서클로 인식하고 찍기 때문에 ㅋㅋ
01:54 Taeyang: 이제 쿠도수 먹어도 되나요 ㅋㅅㅋ
01:54 Karia: 엌ㅋㅋ
01:54 Karia: 네 ㅋㅋ
Ujimatsu Chiya
로리 다이스키 ww
i was really hoping you wouldn't use the mp3 from the other set, the cut is so badly done at the end :\

If you want you can use the mp3 from my set, I actually put effort into editing it so that it wouldn't sound terrible, but if you do, you'd need to change things at the end of the map, its up to you

good luck with the map, its a catchy song :D
Topic Starter

Setz wrote:

i was really hoping you wouldn't use the mp3 from the other set, the cut is so badly done at the end :\

If you want you can use the mp3 from my set, I actually put effort into editing it so that it wouldn't sound terrible, but if you do, you'd need to change things at the end of the map, its up to you

good luck with the map, its a catchy song :D
Oooops,, I'll try with it!
Oh my. This reminds me when i checked setz's version in last year xD
I really like this song. take my stars ! good luck :)
Topic Starter

Hitorikko wrote:

I really like this song. take my stars ! good luck :)
Thanks! <3
hi m4m from #modreqs
pretty nice song tho akariiiiin~

  1. 00:02:466 (2) - you should put the reverse at 00:02:304
  2. 00:03:763 (2) - ^
  3. 01:10:088 (2) - remove finish
  4. 01:10:412 (3,4) - ctrl+g
  5. nothing wrong for me, gud diff!
[Light Insane]
  1. 00:22:899 (1) - make it consistent with 00:28:088 (1) - or 00:43:655 (1)
  2. 01:20:466 (2) - remove finish
  3. nothing wrong here as well xd
  1. 00:16:412 (1) - replace it by circles
  2. 00:22:899 - as Light Insane diff
  3. 00:34:574 (1) - ctrl+g and stack its tail at 00:33:277 (1) - slider head for better flow imo
  4. 01:10:412 (4,5) - ctrl+g
  5. 01:04:412 (1) - 1/2 slider works too, you should use it
  6. 01:14:790 (1) - ^
  7. 01:28:250 (2,3,4) - nothing to make a triplet here
  8. 01:31:655 (1,2) - Make the same as you did before, they've same sounds
don't able to mod lower and harder diff, sorry. D:
But it's an interesting mapset with alot of aestheticism you deserve a star ! Good luck !

My map:
Topic Starter

MugiwaraSekai wrote:

hi m4m from #modreqs
pretty nice song tho akariiiiin~

  1. 00:02:466 (2) - you should put the reverse at 00:02:304 For better playing and consistent rhythm with higher diffs
  2. 00:03:763 (2) - ^ ^
  3. 01:10:412 (3,4) - ctrl+g Followed clap sound
  4. nothing wrong for me, gud diff!
  1. 00:16:412 (1) - replace it by circles Imo, no problem cuz 00:15:115 (1) - this is also slider
  2. 00:22:899 - as Light Insane diff Want to keep in this diff for background sound.
  3. 00:34:574 (1) - ctrl+g and stack its tail at 00:33:277 (1) - slider head for better flow imo Then I should be replace many objects after this lol
  4. 01:10:412 (4,5) - ctrl+g Same reason as Hard
  5. 01:04:412 (1) - 1/2 slider works too, you should use it For strong vocal that has finish
  6. 01:14:790 (1) - ^ ^
  7. 01:31:655 (1,2) - Make the same as you did before, they've same sounds 01:30:358 (1,2,3,4) - This vocal feels strong so 1/2, but 01:31:655 (1,2) - This vocal feels smooth so I used 3/4 slider following background sounds
don't able to mod lower and harder diff, sorry. D:
But it's an interesting mapset with alot of aestheticism you deserve a star ! Good luck !

My map:
Deleted = fixed
Thanks for modding!

sumer vacatioooonn
  1. 00:09:601 (1) - why not move this up like this so it kindla blankets (1)? Or just rotate it.
  2. 00:13:817 (1,4) - there are a lot of places like this where you could've used a blanket but you didn't. But this is 100% your choice tbh
  3. 00:22:493 (1,2,3) - this was kinda confusing to play after those low sv 1/2 sliders. I would just do a normal stream. I would also do a normal stream because I feel like the kicksliders don't really fit when that part is filled with snare hits
  4. 00:27:277 (3) - turn this into 2 circles cause there is a kick at the sliderend and because you did two circles at 00:32:466 (3,4) - . So for consistency's sake
  5. 00:35:061 (2,3) - wouldn't it make more sense for these two to be stacked rather than (2) stacked under the sliderend. Because (2) and (3) are kicks.
  6. 00:37:655 (2,3) - if you change that one above then this for consistency too
  7. just btw i wanted to mention that i love you for silencing sliderends
  8. 00:43:331 (3) - even though the slider kinda fits the song I still think that the red tick should be clickable because of the snares
  9. 00:46:250 (1,3) - tbh this overlap looked kinda awkward. How about an overlap like this ?
  10. 01:04:088 (1) - i was kinda wishing for this to turn like 01:03:439 (1,1) - turn
  11. 01:10:088 (3) - why is there a clap on this when there is no snare sound in the song?
looks very nice i'm surprised i was able to point out this much lol

  1. 00:09:601 (1) - apparently you stopped silencing sliderends :(
  2. 00:29:385 (1) - you could try to balance these a bit more for aestheticsssssssss
  3. 00:47:547 (1) - tbh here i would make the sliderend clickable cause of the "bling" sound. Idk what that sound is called it's "bling" now
  4. 00:52:736 (1,2,3,4) - wow rythm consistency with 00:47:547 (1) - part
  5. 01:07:007 (1,2) - rip cool overlaps
  6. 01:10:088 (3) - why does this have a clap when there is no snare sound in the song?
  7. 01:11:385 (4) - same here
  8. 01:14:142 (1,2,3,4) - i don't really like how you stacked all these when like only 2 of them are the same sounds
that's about it

lightooo insanoooo
  1. 00:09:601 (1) - sliderends :(
  2. 00:11:223 (1) - liek stacking this under (5) is kinda ehh since this is a powerful sound and (5) really isn't. So yea pls give this bigger spacing. This happens quite a lot
  3. 00:26:790 (1,2) - this is kinda like that one overlap i pointed out in extra. So yea i would recommend doing the same thing here
  4. 00:29:385 (1,2) - this too
  5. 00:36:520 (3) - rythm consistency pls
  6. 01:10:088 (2) - i think i have pointed out this snare thing enough now
  1. 00:01:817 (2,2) - tbh imo you could've given these a small spacing to emphasize the snare
  2. 00:22:412 (5) - do a clickable triple first and then a repeat slider like this cause 00:22:574 - is actually a kick. You could somehow use this in the upper diffs too
  3. 00:26:466 (4) - the snare demands spacing for this, the vocals demand spacing for this
  4. 00:36:520 (3) - rythm consistency thing
  5. 00:52:736 (1,2,3,4) - rythm consistency with 00:47:547 (1,2,3,4) - pls
  6. the snare thing applies here as well
  1. 00:42:358 (4) - this kinda indicates that (3) and (4) are the same thing (which they are not), so changin (4) to a 1/2 slider and a circle would fit better here imo. And also NC on that too
only that part confused me so

  1. 01:20:304 (2,3) - wow is 1/2 stuff ok in easy when you didn't have any 1/2 stuff before in this
  2. 01:34:574 (4) - tbh you could've made this two circles for that sweet old emphasis xD
good set my mod kinda repeats with same stuff over diffs but whatevs xD
짧은 노멀 모딩

* 배경에 흰색이 많은데 콤보 컬러 색이 너무 밝은 계열이라 좀 흐릿해보여요. 살짝 어둡게 해주시는 게 어떨지?
* 엑스트라 난이도 참신한 거 하나 생각해보시면 좋을 것 같습니다. Setz 맵셋과는 다르게 유니크하도록?
* p/4983245 참고하셔서 오프셋을 -3047 로 놓고 00:09:925 - 00:22:898 - 에서 다시 재조정하는 방안도 생각해보세요. 별 건 아니고, 나잇코어를 썼을 때 심벌 소리가 제일 적절한 곳에 나게 하는 방법입니다. (사실 개인적으로 전 이게 규칙화되었으면 하는 바람입니다.)

* 00:02:953 (1) - 00:04:250 (1) - 좀 뉴콤 스팸 같습니다. 굳이 하지 않아도 큰 묶음으로 봤을 때 00:02:142 (1,2,1,2) - 00:03:439 (1,2,1,2) - 한 파트씩 나오니 괜찮다고 봅니다. 오히려 한다면 00:05:385 (3) - 이쪽에 있는 편이 낫겠네요.
* 01:10:736 - 01:21:115 - 의 높은 보컬이 강조되지 못하고 있는 게 개인적으론 매우 아쉽습니다. 동시에 01:10:574 - 의 클랩도 살리기 위해 제가 생각하는 방법 하나는 이렇게 하는 건데 마음에 드시면 써보세요.
* 01:25:817 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - 개인적으론 너무 정박 1/2 슬라만 반복되는 게 좀 아쉽네요. 01:25:007 - 와 더불어 01:27:601 - 도 클릭이 되게끔 하는 패턴을 짜보시는 건 어떨까요? 01:27:115 (3) - 을 리버스 하고 01:27:601 - 에 서클을 넣는 방법이라던가, 그야말로 드럼밖에 없는 01:29:061 (1,2,3,4) - 와 구분을 지어주는 게 좋다고 생각합니다.

잡을 게 없네요.

* 01:10:574 (5) - 음 인센에서도 이렇게 하신 걸 보니 별로 저 음을 강하게 느끼지 않으시나 보군요. 인센이니까 다 서클로 써볼 만한 곳이라고 생각했는데... 그런데 01:21:115 (1) - 랑은 같은 박자로 맞춰주시면 좋을 것 같아요.
* 01:31:655 (1) - 유독 여기만 3/4 슬라를 쓴 이유가 있나요?
* 01:34:250 (1,2,3,4,5) - 1은 점프 패턴에서 벗어났으면 좋겠어요. 실제로 멜로디가 있는 부분은 2~5 뿐이니까 그 전과 후에 변화가 있었으면 해요.

으 잡을 거 없습니다. sp 모으기용 모딩을 부르셨군요.

You requested a NM on my modding queue but I can't really find something worthy to point out, just this one on easy
00:04:736 (1,2) - Swap these two rhythms? because the tail of 00:05:061 (2) - has a strong beat and I prefer it must be clickable
no kd, have a star nice map goodluck :)
Topic Starter

Maakkeli wrote:


sumer vacatioooonn
  1. 00:09:601 (1) - why not move this up like this so it kindla blankets (1)? Or just rotate it. But I don't want blanket in this pattern ww
  2. 00:13:817 (1,4) - there are a lot of places like this where you could've used a blanket but you didn't. But this is 100% your choice tbh For 00:13:817 (1,2) - this shape
  3. 00:27:277 (3) - turn this into 2 circles cause there is a kick at the sliderend and because you did two circles at 00:32:466 (3,4) - . So for consistency's sake 00:32:628 (4,5) - These circles are for vocal :3
  4. just btw i wanted to mention that i love you for silencing sliderends xP
  5. 00:43:331 (3) - even though the slider kinda fits the song I still think that the red tick should be clickable because of the snares But I really want to use fast slider for song =w=
  6. 00:46:250 (1,3) - tbh this overlap looked kinda awkward. How about an overlap like this ? lol, just this is my taste. I like this overlap!
  7. 01:10:088 (3) - why is there a clap on this when there is no snare sound in the song? Here is clapping sound like 01:09:926 (2) - here
looks very nice i'm surprised i was able to point out this much lol

  1. 00:47:547 (1) - tbh here i would make the sliderend clickable cause of the "bling" sound. Idk what that sound is called it's "bling" now lol, I want to keep current rhythm for now. (I didn't use any 3/4 slider + 1/4 circle except for really special and strong beat like 01:09:601 - here)
  2. 00:52:736 (1,2,3,4) - wow rythm consistency with 00:47:547 (1) - part :pp
  3. 01:10:088 (3) - why does this have a clap when there is no snare sound in the song? Cuz there's clapping sound
  4. 01:11:385 (4) - same here Same as above
  5. 01:14:142 (1,2,3,4) - i don't really like how you stacked all these when like only 2 of them are the same sounds But I like it ;w;
that's about it

lightooo insanoooo
  1. 00:11:223 (1) - liek stacking this under (5) is kinda ehh since this is a powerful sound and (5) really isn't. So yea pls give this bigger spacing. This happens quite a lot I just stacked followed whistle
  2. 00:26:790 (1,2) - this is kinda like that one overlap i pointed out in extra. So yea i would recommend doing the same thing here I like this overlap =3=
  3. 00:29:385 (1,2) - this too Same as above
  4. 00:36:520 (3) - rythm consistency pls Already same rhythm as 00:35:872 (1) - here. If you mean 00:35:223 (3,4) - here, I don't feel they are same part.
  5. 01:10:088 (2) - i think i have pointed out this snare thing enough now Yes, but I really want to follow background clapping sounds :p
  1. 00:01:817 (2,2) - tbh imo you could've given these a small spacing to emphasize the snare Want to keep for now. I already used small ds in Light Insane.
  2. 00:26:466 (4) - the snare demands spacing for this, the vocals demand spacing for this I don't want many jumps in this diff.
  3. 00:36:520 (3) - rythm consistency thing Same as Light Insane
  4. 00:52:736 (1,2,3,4) - rythm consistency with 00:47:547 (1,2,3,4) - pls This rhythm is for vocal
  5. the snare thing applies here as well Still want to keep it @3@
  1. 00:42:358 (4) - this kinda indicates that (3) and (4) are the same thing (which they are not), so changin (4) to a 1/2 slider and a circle would fit better here imo. And also NC on that too Maybe need more opinion about this. For now, I want to keep for 00:43:007 (5) - this rhythm
only that part confused me so

good set my mod kinda repeats with same stuff over diffs but whatevs xD

Doyak wrote:

짧은 노멀 모딩

* 배경에 흰색이 많은데 콤보 컬러 색이 너무 밝은 계열이라 좀 흐릿해보여요. 살짝 어둡게 해주시는 게 어떨지? 배경은 아직 완전 확정이 아니라서 좋은거 구해지면 다시 생각해보겠습니다
* 엑스트라 난이도 참신한 거 하나 생각해보시면 좋을 것 같습니다. Setz 맵셋과는 다르게 유니크하도록? 음.. 난이도 이름 말씀하시는거면 일단 저도 생각중인데.. 아직은 딱히 떠오르는게 없네요 ㅁㄴㅇㄹ
* 참고하셔서 오프셋을 -3047 로 놓고 00:09:925 - 00:22:898 - 에서 다시 재조정하는 방안도 생각해보세요. 별 건 아니고, 나잇코어를 썼을 때 심벌 소리가 제일 적절한 곳에 나게 하는 방법입니다. (사실 개인적으로 전 이게 규칙화되었으면 하는 바람입니다.) 개인적으로 매핑하는데 다른모드를 신경쓰진 않아서.. 큰 문제만 없으면 이대로 두고 싶어요

* 01:10:736 - 01:21:115 - 의 높은 보컬이 강조되지 못하고 있는 게 개인적으론 매우 아쉽습니다. 동시에 01:10:574 - 의 클랩도 살리기 위해 제가 생각하는 방법 하나는 이렇게 하는 건데 마음에 드시면 써보세요. 음.. 그거도 저에겐 살짝 안맞는거같은데 일단 여기는 지적 좀 더 오면 그냥 서클로 다 바꾸던가 아니면 다른 리듬을 생각해보겠습니다.
잡을 게 없네요.

* 01:31:655 (1) - 유독 여기만 3/4 슬라를 쓴 이유가 있나요? 01:30:358 (1,3) - 여기는 보컬이 1/2에 끝나는 느낌이 강한데 01:31:655 (1) - 여기는 1/2에서 확실히 끝난다는 느낌보단 흘려보내는 느낌이라 3/4를 썼습니다.

으 잡을 거 없습니다. sp 모으기용 모딩을 부르셨군요.


Janpai wrote:

You requested a NM on my modding queue but I can't really find something worthy to point out, just this one on easy
00:04:736 (1,2) - Swap these two rhythms? because the tail of 00:05:061 (2) - has a strong beat and I prefer it must be clickable
no kd, have a star nice map goodluck :) 00:05:061 - This "Chu" is more strong to me, so I used this rhythm
Thanks for moddings!


  1. 00:05:709 (3,1) - 좀 헷갈릴거 같은데, (1)을 좀만 더 가깝게 두시는건 어떤가요?
  2. 01:03:115 (9) - 오버랩 안되게 좀만 왼쪽으로 옮기면 이쁠거같아요
  3. 01:12:682 (2) - ^
  4. 01:31:655 (1,2) - 아무리 들어도 01:30:358 (1,2,3,4) - 여기랑 다른 소리가 없는데 왜 저기만 3/4 슬라에 2/4 슬라죠...
잡을게 없음 굳굳
Topic Starter

Cellina wrote:



  1. 00:05:709 (3,1) - 좀 헷갈릴거 같은데, (1)을 좀만 더 가깝게 두시는건 어떤가요? 텟플 받을땐 문제없어보이던데.. 앞의 DS와 비슷하기도 하고 괜찮을꺼같아요. 후에 지적 더 들어온다면 앞이랑 같이 바꿔보겠습니다.
  2. 01:03:115 (9) - 오버랩 안되게 좀만 왼쪽으로 옮기면 이쁠거같아요
  3. 01:12:682 (2) - ^
    // 이런 오버랩은 플레이할 때 거슬린다고 느낀적이 없어서 이대로 두고싶습니다.
잡을게 없음 굳굳
Deleted = Fixed
Thanks for modding!
konichiwaa~ nm from my queue

00:40:412 (4) - move down so that 00:41:061 (1) - can blanket 00:39:763 (3) -

00:11:709 - i think you should have a note here like you had earlier
00:41:872 (3) - the reverse slider should be used for the part that needs it which is 00:42:358 (4,5) . try this rhythm instead
00:54:034 (1) - add some curve here to follow the curve of 00:53:385 (6)
01:19:980 (1) - maybe move the section up to avoid overlap of 01:19:331 (6,2) -
01:21:926 - are you sure you want to miss this beat?

00:24:196 (1) - make it parallel
00:35:223 (3,1) - blanket is off

this map is too good, please make something moddable next time xd
Topic Starter

Pentori wrote:

konichiwaa~ nm from my queue

00:40:412 (4) - move down so that 00:41:061 (1) - can blanket 00:39:763 (3) - 00:41:061 (1) - is not for blanket

00:41:872 (3) - the reverse slider should be used for the part that needs it which is 00:42:358 (4,5) . try this rhythm instead But 00:41:872 - these 3 beats are really strong, so 1/2 reverse is best imo
00:54:034 (1) - add some curve here to follow the curve of 00:53:385 (6) Straight is better to me
01:19:980 (1) - maybe move the section up to avoid overlap of 01:19:331 (6,2) - I don't mind that overlap.
01:21:926 - are you sure you want to miss this beat? Yes w

00:35:223 (3,1) - blanket is off This is also not for blanket. Just for 00:35:547 (4,1) - these shape

this map is too good, please make something moddable next time xd xP
Deleted = Fixed
Thanks for modding!!
hi hi from my queue, sorry for late- dat bait background though oh my (tbh I preferred the first one lol)
  1. 00:41:872 (3) – clap on the repeat seems kind of boring imo; maybe make 00:41:709 (2,3) – 1/2 sliders? i think giving the white ticks here the emphasis by making them be clickable would feel nicer, but up to you
  2. 01:10:736 – don’t think you should ignore this; make 01:10:574 (3) – a 1/2 slider maybe?
  1. 00:28:736 (3,4) – blanket, or was this intentional?
  2. 01:10:574 (4) – mm I think this would work more effectively as two circles instead of a slider because white tick and red tick both have this emphasis on them so I think they should be clickable
  3. 01:18:520 (5,1) – could make this a blanket if you want
  4. 01:20:953 (4,1) – similar to the point at 01:10:574 - ; I think red tick at 01:21:115 – should be clickable instead of downbeat because of the finish that gives it more emphasis
[Light Insane]
  1. 00:22:980 – is this 5% hitsound thing intentional? slider end sounds awfully quiet when it really shouldn’t be imo
  2. 00:59:547 (3,4) – mmm stack here feels a little weird imo because the (4) is on a different word from the (3). you also didn’t stack them at 01:00:196 (6,7) – which is same rhythm so why different pattern that feels very different?
  3. 01:10:574 (4) – mentioned it in Hard; I think it applies here too
  4. 01:20:953 (4,1) – also mentioned this in hard
  1. 00:38:142 (4) – minor nitpick, but maybe move this to x66 y204 to better center the circular flow here
  2. 01:31:007 (3,4) – actually I think making these the same angled sliders like 01:30:358 (1,2) – would be nice, since NC at 01:31:655 (1) – can be emphasized by giving it a different angle from (4). right now the (4) and (1) are same slider angle and imo it feels a little bit like they’re a part of the same combo when they’re not
[Everlasting Yuri]
  1. 00:09:601 (1) – Ctrl + G? pull back from moving from yellow combo to light purple combo feels kind of extreme imo, especially since yellow combo is moving left to right and then light purple combo is to the left. would work more nicely if it was a 1/2 slider, but I think it might be a bit extreme for a 3/4 slider
  2. 01:19:980 (1,2) – blanket (2)’s slider end with (1) or was this intentional
easy looks fine. good maps c: hope this helps!
Topic Starter

Doormat wrote:

hi hi from my queue, sorry for late- dat bait background though oh my (tbh I preferred the first one lol) wwwww

  1. 00:28:736 (3,4) – blanket, or was this intentional? Intentional pattern for shape
  2. 01:18:520 (5,1) – could make this a blanket if you want I prefer current pattern xP
[Light Insane]
  1. 00:59:547 (3,4) – mmm stack here feels a little weird imo because the (4) is on a different word from the (3). you also didn’t stack them at 01:00:196 (6,7) – which is same rhythm so why different pattern that feels very different? The vocals at here are almost same as 00:59:223 (1,2) - this vocal. And I felt 01:00:034 (5,6,7) - this vocal is not same as prev vocal.
  1. 00:38:142 (4) – minor nitpick, but maybe move this to x66 y204 to better center the circular flow here Current shape is better to me
[Everlasting Yuri]
  1. 00:09:601 (1) – Ctrl + G? pull back from moving from yellow combo to light purple combo feels kind of extreme imo, especially since yellow combo is moving left to right and then light purple combo is to the left. would work more nicely if it was a 1/2 slider, but I think it might be a bit extreme for a 3/4 slider Well, current pattern also has no trouble in-playing.
  2. 01:19:980 (1,2) – blanket (2)’s slider end with (1) or was this intentional Just I don't prefer that blanket
easy looks fine. good maps c: hope this helps!
Deleted = Fixed
Thanks for modding!


  1. 01:05:709 (3) - Feels weird when you mapped on 01:06:196 but not 01:06:358 which is a lot more prominent, I think a 1/1 rhythm instead of this would just work fine here. Same applies to 01:08:304 (3) - 01:16:088 (3) - 01:18:682 (3) .
  2. 01:21:115 - Missing Finish.

  1. 00:07:817 - This sound shouldn't be skipped as it's just the same sound as 00:07:980 (2,3) .
  2. 00:36:358 - Optional but you can add a circle here to keep consistency with 00:37:655 (4) . Same applies to 00:57:115 .
  3. 00:40:412 (5) - I think the rhythm you did on 01:01:169 (5,6) sounds a lot better since 00:39:277 (3,4) are following vocal so why not.

  1. 01:32:304 (3,4) - Maybe a 1/2 slider instead of this if you want to follow the vocal because there isn't any vocal landed on 01:32:466 unlike 01:32:790 .
Didn't find anything in Light Insane, good luck~
Topic Starter

Electoz wrote:



  1. 01:05:709 (3) - Feels weird when you mapped on 01:06:196 but not 01:06:358 which is a lot more prominent, I think a 1/1 rhythm instead of this would just work fine here. Same applies to 01:08:304 (3) - 01:16:088 (3) - 01:18:682 (3) . I will consider these when someone notice same things orz
  1. 00:07:817 - This sound shouldn't be skipped as it's just the same sound as 00:07:980 (2,3) . Just for simple rhythm
  2. 00:40:412 (5) - I think the rhythm you did on 01:01:169 (5,6) sounds a lot better since 00:39:277 (3,4) are following vocal so why not. Maybe this part's rhythm will be too hard then lol

  1. 01:32:304 (3,4) - Maybe a 1/2 slider instead of this if you want to follow the vocal because there isn't any vocal landed on 01:32:466 unlike 01:32:790 . This vocal is stronger than prev vocal, and I wanted to cut 01:28:412 (3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - this 1/2 slider spam asap ww.
Didn't find anything in Light Insane, good luck~
Deleted = Fixed
Thanks for modding!
Hi ! m4m with :


00:50:142 (3) - maybe move this slider a little up to have a better flow with 2 ?

00:58:574 (4,1,2) - maybe move the 2 more like this ?

Very nice diff !


00:11:223 (4,1) - maybe move the 1 a little to not be overlaped with 4 ? it could be hard to read for a normal

00:13:493 (3,5) - same here


00:28:412 (2,1) - stack ?

00:41:872 (3,1,2) - ^

01:09:277 (4,1) - Fix the blanket

Light Insane & Insane

Cant find anything, veryyyyyyy good diffs ! :)

Everlasting Yuri

00:05:709 (3,1) - This spacing looks weird when playing, its too far away from the slider

00:07:331 (1) - maybe you can move this a little to have a better flow making blanket with 00:08:142 (5) -

00:12:844 (2,3,5,6) - this is really confusing imo, the spacing is a bit overmaped

00:15:439 (2,3,5,6,2,3,5,6) - same here but no in the next part because its not stacked to any slider so it dont look like a 1/2 jump (imo)

00:44:953 (1,2,1,2) - shouldnt this be stacked like 00:33:277 (1,2,1,2) - ?

01:03:439 (1,1,1) - making this spacing so constant and then this jump 01:04:088 (1,1) - will be a easy missread for everyplayer

01:27:763 (1,3) - blanket ?

Sorry for really little mod, but the map seems very well for me !
Good luck with ranking ! :3
Topic Starter

vick wrote:

Hi ! m4m with :


00:11:223 (4,1) - maybe move the 1 a little to not be overlaped with 4 ? it could be hard to read for a normal
00:13:493 (3,5) - same here
// I don't think they affect reading


00:28:412 (2,1) - stack ?
00:41:872 (3,1,2) - ^ Both overlaps are my taste.
01:09:277 (4,1) - Fix the blanket This is not for blanket

Light Insane & Insane

Cant find anything, veryyyyyyy good diffs ! :)

Everlasting Yuri

00:05:709 (3,1) - This spacing looks weird when playing, its too far away from the slider Imo, not too far in-playing :3
00:07:331 (1) - maybe you can move this a little to have a better flow making blanket with 00:08:142 (5) - It feels a bit close to prev (4)
00:12:844 (2,3,5,6) - this is really confusing imo, the spacing is a bit overmaped All test-players could read those patterns.
00:15:439 (2,3,5,6,2,3,5,6) - same here but no in the next part because its not stacked to any slider so it dont look like a 1/2 jump (imo) Same as above,
00:44:953 (1,2,1,2) - shouldnt this be stacked like 00:33:277 (1,2,1,2) - ? That two parts are not same. Maybe you confused 00:54:034 - this part lol
01:03:439 (1,1,1) - making this spacing so constant and then this jump 01:04:088 (1,1) - will be a easy missread for everyplayer Hmm, not too hard to reading imo cuz this pattern seems almost 3/4 slider pattern :p
01:27:763 (1,3) - blanket ? I prefer current pattern.

Sorry for really little mod, but the map seems very well for me !
Good luck with ranking ! :3
Deleted = Fixed
Thanks for modding!
Hello !, from #modreqs. Whoa !, Nanamori~chu !. I hope I can be helpful here.

General :
Excellent !

Easy :
Excellent !

Normal :
Excellent !

Hard :
Excellent !

Light Insane :
00:22:412 (7,8,9) - On diff "Light Insane", I think these circles lovelier if closer like this. Yours to decide ! :)

Insane :
Excellent !

Eternal Yuri :
01:03:439 (1) - Oph !. Nicer if it's like the other next sliders. At least like this

Nah, I guess that's all I can give. No doubt ! everything is well-mapped ! :) . Good luck ! ;)
Topic Starter
@O-Moei : All fixed, thanks for modding!
Hi ~ NM request from my modding Queue

i think the title song little bit wrong
when i check on google and some websites the title song is "YURU YURIN RIN RIN RIN RIN" not "Yuru Yurinrinrinrinrin"

Nice BG ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º) ~

00:28:736 (2) - make the slider slightly curved,like this

00:30:358 (5,1) - blanket?
00:44:304 (2) - make this slider slightly curved

00:22:412 (5,6,7) - stacked?
00:43:331 (3,4,1) - ^
01:09:277 (4,1) - blanket?

[Light Insane]
00:29:385 (1,2) - stacked?

None ~

[Eternal Yuri]
None ~

Nice hitsound and Good Luck ~


  1. 00:04:736 (1,2,3) - I get that you used this rhythm for 'polarity' but I still think this rhythm would be better
  2. 01:03:115 (3) - Change hitsound to drum finish or drum clap?


  1. 01:03:115 (4) - same as easy. Also Why does this have a different hitsound to your easy diff?
  2. 01:30:358 (1,2,3) - Im surprised you didnt use a pattern like this since you used it earlier in your map


  1. 01:03:115 (6) - same
  2. 01:09:277 (4,1) - Blanket? They're so close you might as well imo
small mod so no kds, GL!
Topic Starter

-NanoRIPE- wrote:

Hi ~ NM request from my modding Queue

i think the title song little bit wrong
when i check on google and some websites the title song is "YURU YURIN RIN RIN RIN RIN" not "Yuru Yurinrinrinrinrin" Will check metadata again
Nice BG ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º) ~ ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

00:30:358 (5,1) - blanket? Current shapeis better to me

00:22:412 (5,6,7) - stacked? For aesthetic placement in-playing
00:43:331 (3,4,1) - ^ ^
01:09:277 (4,1) - blanket? This is not for blanket

[Light Insane]
00:29:385 (1,2) - stacked? I prefer current overlap

None ~

[Eternal Yuri]
None ~

Nice hitsound and Good Luck ~

Kisses wrote:


  1. 00:04:736 (1,2,3) - I get that you used this rhythm for 'polarity' but I still think this rhythm would be better But I don't want to use that rhythm yet.. orz


  1. 01:30:358 (1,2,3) - Im surprised you didnt use a pattern like this since you used it earlier in your map Because there's no placement for the next notes orz


  1. 01:09:277 (4,1) - Blanket? They're so close you might as well imo I prefer current pattern
small mod so no kds, GL!
Deleted = Fixed
Thanks for moddings!


I'm trying my best to find what's wrong here.


  1. 00:25:493 (1,2) - Fix blanket kek
  2. That's all for this diff lmao it's good.


  1. CLEAN


  1. 00:28:736 (3,4) - Could be intentional but I suggest making this a blanket.
  2. i'm really sorry i only find blankets lol

Light Insane

  1. 00:06:682 (3,1,2) - I suggest make their ends meet. (Move 00:07:331 (1) - to x:225 y:173 then just move the other objects too. :D)
    yes i know it's the style within the map but this one doesn't seem intentional lmao
  2. 00:26:466 (4,1) - Blanket?
  3. 00:50:142 (1) - Intentional? :c
  4. Nice. ^^


  1. CLEAN

Eternal Yuri

  1. 00:32:953 (6) - Move to x:212 y:216 so it's completely straight. :D
  2. 01:07:331 (2) - CTRL+G maybe?
Dude this map is clean. Just get a BN or something. I think this is ready for rank lmao. (ignore subtitles lol "shinsaku na wake daga")
Topic Starter

Mira-san wrote:


I'm trying my best to find what's wrong here.


  1. CLEAN


  1. 00:28:736 (3,4) - Could be intentional but I suggest making this a blanket. I don't know why, but I don't want blanket here really lol
  2. i'm really sorry i only find blankets lol

Light Insane

  1. 00:06:682 (3,1,2) - I suggest make their ends meet. (Move 00:07:331 (1) - to x:225 y:173 then just move the other objects too. :D)
    yes i know it's the style within the map but this one doesn't seem intentional lmao Move to left to show this is intentional more ww
  2. 00:26:466 (4,1) - Blanket? Current patterrn is fine to me
  3. 00:50:142 (1) - Intentional? :c It's fine in my version. Maybe there was some trouble when you modding :pp
  4. Nice. ^^


  1. CLEAN

Eternal Yuri

  1. 01:07:331 (2) - CTRL+G maybe? Current pattern is right xD
Dude this map is clean. Just get a BN or something. I think this is ready for rank lmao. (ignore subtitles lol "shinsaku na wake daga") can't find bn
Deleted = Fixed
Thanks for modding!!
[Light Insane]
  1. 00:38:466 (1,2,3) - 음악에 비해 너무 정적인거 같은데, (2,3) 컨쥐해서 동적이고도 00:39:277 (5,6,7)와 유사한 느낌을 만드는건 어때요?
  2. 01:21:763 (4) - 더블 클랩인데, (5) 말고 (3)이랑 스택하는게 어때요? 그게 더 힛사 잘 살 것 같아요.
  3. 01:32:466 (4,5) - 컨쥐하는게 이어지던 지그재그 흐름과 잘 맞을 것 같은데, 그냥 제안입니다.
[Eternal Yuri]
  1. 00:20:628 (1) - 00:21:115 (1) - 사실 여기는 슬라 속도 변경 보다도 패턴 리딩이 살짝 의문스러운데, 여기 뉴콤들 제거해서 감속/가속 2 슬라이더가 한 묶음이라고 나타내는게 어떨까요? (솔직히 좀 애매한 패턴 같아요)
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

[Eternal Yuri]
  1. 00:20:628 (1) - 00:21:115 (1) - 사실 여기는 슬라 속도 변경 보다도 패턴 리딩이 살짝 의문스러운데, 여기 뉴콤들 제거해서 감속/가속 2 슬라이더가 한 묶음이라고 나타내는게 어떨까요? (솔직히 좀 애매한 패턴 같아요) 거의 6성이라 어느 랭킹대가 적당한지 모르겠는데 1000등대 분들께 텟플 받았을때 리딩의 문제는 키아이쪽의 안티점프빼곤 없어서 괜찮을꺼라 생각합니다. 그리고 뉴콤은 슬라 모양 자체를 1/4는 꺾이게, 1/2는 둥글게 나뉘서 찍었기때문에 콤보도 다 따로 주고싶네요..
다른건 다 고쳤습니다. 모딩 감사합니다!
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