
Nightwish - While Your Lips Are Still Red

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Bakari wrote:

Hey, as requested.

  1. The green line on 02:55:300 (both difficulties) has no effect on the BPM/Velocity. Please, remove it and set it's properties to the redline placed on the same spot. i set a red line at 02:55:300 - at first..this red line appeared all the time..
  2. I believe that the current combo colours do not match with the background. The bright pinkish one seems to be really out of place. Let's try something different? of course

    Combo1 : 181,142,111
    Combo2 : 132,160,204
    Combo3 : 156,167,152
    Combo4 : 220,95,98
  1. 00:59:500 (2,3,4,5) - the music gets more intense here, why don't you try to use slight spacing increase instead of the stacks? i don't want to make that harder befoe kiai, i only use slight spacing 1 time before kiai because i think kiai should be harder then before so i use slight spacing 3 times in kiai, i think it's achieve my ecpect, 01:56:500 (3,4,5,6,1) - i think this place is different with other parts before kiai, piano and another instrument is more obviously than 00:41:500 (1) - this similar part, than vocal at 01:57:700 (1,2,3,4,5) - , so i think i may should make this a little more difficult than other parts so i use slight spcaing nowhere but this place before kiai xD
  2. 01:08:350 (2) -and 01:15:100 (1,2,3) - could you please explain the way 1/4s are added in this part to me? From what I see, they are added in a sort of random way. The piano is going crazy gere, and if you wanted to follow it, you'd have to spam 1/4 throughout the whole section. delete these 1/4 now, i'm not sure whether i should follow 1/4 in this part..
    Note: 01:20:200 (2,3,4) - good usage of 1/4 beats, it does the emphasis well.
  3. 02:34:000 (1,1) - 02:37:600 (1,1) - if only you could give a bit more of recovery time after these spinners... You see, the song is rather slow and players will not expect hitobjects to appear so soon after spinners.02:34:000 (1) - fixed, 02:40:600 - a obviously instrument music here so i think spinners more should end at this place..

I enjoyed modding it quite a lot. A good and relaxed flow, which feels natural and matches with the song. And a nice and plesant to follow rhythm.


Best of luck!
thx a lot Bakari really helpful !!
ok,All fixed.thank you guys
@T-mac ,feel free to reply mods with your own ideas :)
yo, quickmod

while Tuomas is really cutie this bg not really related to the song, it would be better to change

00:04:900 (3) - end is really strong and should be separated clickable object for better rhythm
00:08:500 (1) - ^ // 00:08:500 (1) - and so on for the instrumental part
00:58:300 (1) - imo way too compressed
01:35:200 (1) - silence end of this spinner, it lands on nothing in music
from 01:39:100 (1) - really blank in hitsounding, you should add some kind of whistles\clicks of whatever here
02:16:900 (1) - in general: this part is supposed to be more intense than previous while you use a lot of 1\1 sliders
03:04:900 (1) - cute art but not fitting to the song's current spot

overall: clean but needs a bit more work with hitsounds

Topic Starter

Sieg wrote:

yo, quickmod

while Tuomas is really cutie this bg not really related to the song, it would be better to change yes i change this bg

00:04:900 (3) - end is really strong and should be separated clickable object for better rhythm
00:08:500 (1) - ^ // 00:08:500 (1) - and so on for the instrumental part ...i dont want to make this diff too hard...and i want to make this part a little more i think that's also suitable although your advice maybe better than original
00:58:300 (1) - imo way too compressed this is not a big problem i think
01:35:200 (1) - silence end of this spinner, it lands on nothing in music fixed
from 01:39:100 (1) - really blank in hitsounding, you should add some kind of whistles\clicks of whatever here fixed, but there is a finish in original and i set a whistle more now :D
02:16:900 (1) - in general: this part is supposed to be more intense than previous while you use a lot of 1\1 sliders increase this part volume but i think no more whistle this part, if i set whistle in every white line, it maybe abused, too much whistle here, this part still equal to 50bpm so i think im set these hitsounds as 1/3 clap and 2/4 whistle maybe enough, too much whistle maybe too...noisy?
03:04:900 (1) - cute art but not fitting to the song's current spot fixed

overall: clean but needs a bit more work with hitsounds ok i will

thx a lot Sieg!!
2015-10-12 13:45 T-Mac: z1是不是找你试图啊
2015-10-12 13:45 T-Mac: 麻痹这个J8图
2015-10-12 13:48 T-Mac: hahaha
2015-10-12 13:48 ZZHBOY: ???
2015-10-12 13:48 ZZHBOY: 555
2015-10-12 13:48 ZZHBOY: 你嘲笑我 不看了 886
2015-10-12 13:48 T-Mac: ..
2015-10-12 13:48 T-Mac: wo xiao z1 tai shabi
2015-10-12 13:49 ZZHBOY: ...
2015-10-12 13:49 ZZHBOY: 为啥啊
2015-10-12 13:49 T-Mac: 我都没法pass居然找你
2015-10-12 13:49 ZZHBOY: 你没法pass?
2015-10-12 13:50 ZZHBOY: 放狗屁
2015-10-12 13:50 T-Mac: 我第三遍勉强混了pass
2015-10-12 13:50 T-Mac: 前两遍尾杀
2015-10-12 13:50 ZZHBOY: ...
2015-10-12 13:50 T-Mac: 真的不信你问z1去
2015-10-12 13:50 T-Mac: 人与人之间最基本的信任呢
2015-10-12 13:52 T-Mac: 干 你这个都挂nf
2015-10-12 13:52 ZZHBOY: wolaji
2015-10-12 13:53 ZZHBOY: 歌曲到1/4的地方碰血条了爷爷
2015-10-12 13:53 T-Mac: 人格说没事
2015-10-12 13:53 T-Mac: 爷爷
2015-10-12 13:54 ZZHBOY: 我不爽
2015-10-12 13:54 ZZHBOY: 一会移一下要死?
2015-10-12 13:54 T-Mac: 。。
2015-10-12 13:54 ZZHBOY: 那几个转盘太傻吊了
2015-10-12 13:54 ZZHBOY: 我建议你拉几个长滑条
2015-10-12 13:54 T-Mac: 我看看到时候
2015-10-12 13:54 ZZHBOY: 很有感觉的
2015-10-12 13:54 T-Mac: 这也傻吊
2015-10-12 13:54 T-Mac: 你教我怎么啦啊
2015-10-12 13:54 ZZHBOY: 我一会看看
2015-10-12 13:57 ZZHBOY: ACTION is editing [ Nightwish - While Your Lips Are Still Red [Tt's Normal]]
2015-10-12 13:57 ZZHBOY: 03:28:900 (1) - 也给我往下一点
2015-10-12 13:58 ZZHBOY: 03:28:300 (5,1,2,3,4,5,1) - 这些一起往下移
2015-10-12 13:58 ZZHBOY: ACTION is editing [ Nightwish - While Your Lips Are Still Red [Hard]]
2015-10-12 13:58 ZZHBOY: 01:10:300 (1) - 往下移
2015-10-12 13:59 T-Mac: 往下多少啊
2015-10-12 14:00 ZZHBOY: 你test离血条远点
2015-10-12 14:00 ZZHBOY: 01:17:500 (5) -
2015-10-12 14:00 T-Mac: 日
2015-10-12 14:01 T-Mac: 我血条平时都关的
2015-10-12 14:01 T-Mac: 你怎么总是开着血条打
2015-10-12 14:01 ZZHBOY: 让你移就移
2015-10-12 14:01 ZZHBOY: 不要匕匕
2015-10-12 14:01 T-Mac: 。
2015-10-12 14:01 T-Mac: 等等我先搞nm的
2015-10-12 14:01 ZZHBOY: nm不就一个 一秒就一号跑了
2015-10-12 14:01 ZZHBOY: 移好了
2015-10-12 14:02 T-Mac: 我没你那么牛逼啊
2015-10-12 14:03 T-Mac: 你啦的滑条怎么这么牛逼的
2015-10-12 14:03 T-Mac: 我这辈子都拉不出来
2015-10-12 14:04 ZZHBOY: 我操
2015-10-12 14:04 ZZHBOY: 你可以吃食?
2015-10-12 14:04 ZZHBOY: 你换不换啊
2015-10-12 14:05 T-Mac: 换啊
2015-10-12 14:05 T-Mac: 为什么不换
2015-10-12 14:05 T-Mac: 但是我要点时间啊
2015-10-12 14:05 T-Mac: 我没你这么牛逼只好慢慢来
2015-10-12 14:05 T-Mac: 我现在还在研究往下拉那个地方
2015-10-12 14:05 ZZHBOY: 就这四个转盘 你随便啦 拉完喊我
2015-10-12 14:05 ZZHBOY: 时间拉对就行 形状无所谓
2015-10-12 14:06 T-Mac: 后面好像还有四个
2015-10-12 14:06 T-Mac: hard是可以叠的把
2015-10-12 14:06 ZZHBOY: 后面还有3哥
2015-10-12 14:06 ZZHBOY: 可以
2015-10-12 14:06 T-Mac: 厚
2015-10-12 14:06 ZZHBOY: 最后一个你要是不牛逼就保持转盘好了
2015-10-12 14:06 T-Mac: 我拉完喊你
2015-10-12 14:07 ZZHBOY: 前面七个建议拉拉
2015-10-12 14:07 ZZHBOY: 你慢慢拉滑条 zzb要去拉屎了

edit: fixed several issues and bubbled
placeholder \o
seems im late, good luck then :)
LOL How I love putting heart icons
18:23 T-Mac: Hi Krfawy~
18:23 Krfawy: hello :3
18:23 Krfawy: how're you? \o/
18:23 T-Mac: can you take a look to my map?
18:24 T-Mac: fine
18:24 T-Mac: thx~
18:24 *T-Mac is listening to [ Nightwish - While Your Lips Are Still Red]
18:25 T-Mac: several days ago i spend my 20 years old birthday
18:25 T-Mac: very happily~
18:25 Krfawy: o mappu
18:25 Krfawy: ooooooo you turned 20 :D
18:25 Krfawy: happy late birthday from me X'D
18:26 Krfawy: now you're as old as me ;3;
18:26 T-Mac: yes i turned 20 on oct 19
18:26 T-Mac: thx a lot ^ ^
18:26 Krfawy: o Normal-Hard mapset
18:26 Krfawy: why not I can look at it o3o
18:26 T-Mac: when is your birthday?
18:26 Krfawy: I was born on 3rd April XD
18:26 T-Mac: thx again :3
18:26 Krfawy: 1995 ofc XD
18:26 Krfawy: you're welcome \o/
18:27 T-Mac: almost a half year
18:31 Krfawy: yeee
18:31 Krfawy: nice Normal o3o
18:32 T-Mac: o3o 具尸体
18:32 Krfawy: who did create it? :o
18:32 T-Mac: just a GD
18:32 T-Mac: TT Mouse
18:32 Krfawy: o XD
18:32 T-Mac: sry i rype chinese haha
18:32 T-Mac: he is a good mapper
18:33 T-Mac: very gifted
18:33 Krfawy: yes he is :D
18:33 Krfawy: o3o
18:34 *T-Mac is listening to [ ASSEYLUM VERS ALLUSIA starring SORA AMAMIYA - Harmonious -Short Ver.-]
18:34 T-Mac: i also mapped a GD for him :3
18:38 Krfawy: o
18:38 Krfawy: I see XD
18:38 T-Mac: hmm...i think you can play with HR
18:41 Krfawy: yet it is playable with those mods and still without any music
18:41 Krfawy: *yes I set volume to 0% because I am talking on skype now XD*
18:42 T-Mac: xDDD
18:42 T-Mac: i cant play any map with 0% volume D:
18:42 Krfawy: XDDDDDD
18:42 Krfawy: seriously? XD
18:43 T-Mac: yes even a Normal diff
18:43 Krfawy: D:
18:43 Krfawy: OMG ;3;
18:43 Krfawy: wait a sec
18:43 Krfawy: gonna mod the set
18:43 Krfawy: but I'm going to test one mappu XD
18:43 T-Mac: i cant do correct thing without music
18:43 T-Mac: ok i will wait
18:43 *Krfawy is playing [ t+pazolite feat. Rizna - Distorted Lovesong [Hard]]
18:43 Krfawy: this one XD
18:46 T-Mac: i can wait 60-90 minutes more than my computer will no power :3
18:46 T-Mac: at that time i must go to sleep
18:46 T-Mac: so sad
18:47 Krfawy: ;3;
18:47 Krfawy: why ;3;
18:47 Krfawy: is it late in your country or just because of your computer
18:47 T-Mac: my school start out age since Oct 1
18:48 T-Mac: in fact Oct 8, Oct 1-7 is national day
18:49 Krfawy: ooo
18:49 T-Mac: maybe i call that power cut is more suitable
18:49 Krfawy: so you don't have to attend your school xD
18:49 T-Mac: since 12pm to 6am
18:49 T-Mac: that's impossible lol
18:50 T-Mac: i must be university graduated to find a job finally
18:50 T-Mac: i need 2 years more
18:50 Krfawy: 02:55:300 - there is a doubled line in both diffs
18:50 Krfawy: delete the green ones please xD
18:50 Krfawy: because now it's unrankable .3.
18:51 T-Mac: ok
18:51 T-Mac: a red line and a green line, so i just use one?
18:51 Krfawy: JUST green lines
18:52 Krfawy: delete just green lines XD
18:52 T-Mac: ok i delete this green line
18:52 T-Mac: both diff
18:53 Krfawy: yay w
18:53 Krfawy: another thing in your diff
18:53 *Krfawy is editing [ Nightwish - While Your Lips Are Still Red [Hard]]
18:54 *T-Mac is editing [ Nightwish - While Your Lips Are Still Red [Hard]]
18:54 Krfawy: the breaks between spinners and another notes are too short and they are unrankable
18:54 T-Mac: im ready
18:54 Krfawy: sadly Hard needs to have 1/1 gaps at least :C
18:54 Krfawy: between spinners and notes
18:54 Krfawy: 01:21:400 (1) - for example this one should end at 01:24:100 -
18:54 Krfawy: then it'll be rankable
18:55 T-Mac: but Karen said 100bpm can be 2/1...he said 100bpm 1/1 equal to 200bpm 2/1...
18:55 T-Mac: but i will fixed that, more safety, right?
18:55 Krfawy: maybe it is some reason, but remember your mapset is just Normal-Hard so it creates an artificial playground and a bad spread
18:56 Krfawy: + still if someone popped your beatmap for that, I wouldn't really mind it
18:56 T-Mac: right i fix that now
18:56 Krfawy: so that goes to all spinners to shorten them for one 1/2
18:56 Krfawy: and that's all for your Hard :3
18:57 T-Mac: in fact i want to 1/1 at first but he told me maybe unnecessary :3
18:57 T-Mac: ok all 1/1, right?
18:57 Krfawy: yes, all of them :3
18:58 T-Mac: ok fixed :3
18:59 T-Mac: any advise in patterns and hitsounds?
18:59 Krfawy: no, they are perfect XD
18:59 *Krfawy is editing [ Nightwish - While Your Lips Are Still Red [Tt's Normal]]
18:59 Krfawy: are you allowed to make changes on Normal? D:
18:59 Krfawy: or is it only GDer's thing to change anything?
19:03 T-Mac: yes TT Mouse told me help him to make some change if necessary
19:03 T-Mac: anything can be changed
19:03 Krfawy: so just a suggestion from me, but maybe you find it accurate orz
19:03 Krfawy: 02:15:700 (4) - it can be like this OR changed into two short sliders
19:04 Krfawy: and do you find it ok as it is now or do you want it to get changed? xD
19:04 T-Mac: i will change that because 00:00:100 (1,2) - the same patern
19:05 T-Mac: TT Mouse told me to help him because he is lazy xD
19:05 Krfawy: 00:59:500 (4) - and here as well XD
19:05 Krfawy: oh I know when someone asks for changing something because of being lazy XD
19:05 T-Mac: and too much trouble during do this thing
19:06 Krfawy: I've been hitsounding three modes actually: standard, mania and catch the beat x3x
19:06 Krfawy: why is it so hard for everyone to hitsound XDDDD
19:06 T-Mac: wow so pro
19:07 Krfawy: for me it's not that hard, just do it as you're doing it in o!s mode
19:07 Krfawy: XD
19:07 T-Mac: i think i'm a noob in hitsounds and i lack of self-confident
19:07 T-Mac: so i will ask him in hitsounds everytime
19:07 Krfawy: oh I see D:
19:08 Krfawy: =3=
19:08 Krfawy: please just try it and ask someone if it is ok XD
19:08 Krfawy: ok so the last thing in Normal
19:08 Krfawy: 03:50:800 (3,4) - would it be ok for you to simplify it a bit? XD
19:08 Krfawy: like deleting it all and just placing a single circle at 03:51:100 - ? ;3;
19:08 Krfawy: because now it is dense even if it seems simple
19:09 Krfawy: and this kind of thing would stress more dramatic sounds \o/
19:09 T-Mac: wait a minuste plz i'm fixing 02:15:700 (4) -
19:09 Krfawy: oh okie okie
19:09 Krfawy: sorry XD
19:12 T-Mac: i'm so slowly xD
19:13 T-Mac: 03:51:100 (3) - sure
19:13 Krfawy: yeeee
19:13 Krfawy: im hapi o3o
19:13 Krfawy: don't worry I'm slow as well XD
19:13 Krfawy: and I'm slow as fuck .3.
19:14 Krfawy: like mapping a 1-minute song takes a week for me to make a diff x3x
19:14 T-Mac: slow as fuck lol
19:14 T-Mac: i spent 3 month to finish this
19:14 *T-Mac is listening to [ Nightwish - Last Ride of the Day]
19:15 T-Mac: just Insane diff haha
19:15 Krfawy: are you saying it's being slow?
19:15 *Krfawy is listening to [ Cheryl Cole feat. Will.I.Am - 3 Words]
19:15 Krfawy: I'm mapping a Hard since April 2014 XD
19:15 T-Mac: yes 3 months to finish one diff is very slow i think
19:16 Krfawy: almost 2 years is more than 3 months
19:16 Krfawy: XD
19:16 T-Mac: WTF 18 months
19:16 Krfawy: so I am even slower XDDDD
19:16 T-Mac: how slowly
19:16 Krfawy: you know Poles are: a) extremely fast; | or | b) extremely slow
19:17 Krfawy: sadly I am the second case =3=
19:17 T-Mac: 18 months ago i'm vwry vwry noob in this game
19:17 T-Mac: maybe i'm a little faeter than you :3
19:17 Krfawy: probably you are way faster than me since I joined this game in April 2012 XD
19:17 Krfawy: wait no, in was March
19:18 Krfawy: however I started playing it in September XD
19:18 Krfawy: ofc September 2012
19:18 T-Mac: i start play this gome since June 2013
19:19 T-Mac: after i graduate from high school
19:19 T-Mac: about March 2014 i start mapping
19:19 T-Mac: with 2000pp and 12k rank, so noob i am that time :lol:
19:20 Krfawy: XDDD
19:20 Krfawy: I am 50k and noob wwwwwww
19:20 Krfawy: but I don't want to be high in ranks
19:20 Krfawy: I just want to be better at PLAYING
19:20 T-Mac: but strong in mapping
19:20 Krfawy: not in gaining pp XD
19:20 Krfawy: oh thanks XD
19:20 Krfawy: yeah I love mapping easy stuff o3o
19:21 Krfawy: who the hell likes hardcore stuff (except some hardcore guys like hvick Rafis rrtyui Cookiezi etc)
19:21 T-Mac: rrtyui just like cookiezi, not hardcore
19:22 T-Mac: he only play map which cookiezi played
19:22 T-Mac: Rafis spent his sleep time to play this game omg
19:23 T-Mac: black rim of eye when he liveplay
19:23 T-Mac: aim to hvick's #1
19:26 Krfawy: XD
19:26 Krfawy: well for me they all are hardcore .3.
19:26 T-Mac: yes they all
19:27 T-Mac: i think ez diff can let you feel the misic better
19:27 Krfawy: yes it can o3o
19:27 Krfawy: that's why I create ultra easy diffs www
19:28 T-Mac: that's why i have 4400Ss, i like listen to that music so i play ez diff, and i wanna higher rank so i play hard diff xD
19:30 *T-Mac is listening to [ Maksim Mrvica - Croatian Rhapsody]
19:30 T-Mac: i played this map over 700 times
19:30 Krfawy: how
19:30 Krfawy: many
19:30 Krfawy: XD
19:30 T-Mac: because that's my favorite music xDDD
19:30 Krfawy: Jesus Christ XD
19:31 T-Mac: yes almost my faith this song
19:31 Krfawy: oh BTW
19:31 Krfawy: have you finished editing Normal? XD
19:31 T-Mac: i listen to this song maybe over 10k times
19:31 T-Mac: ofc i finished
19:31 Krfawy: I already forgot about the map x3x
19:31 Krfawy: o good
19:32 Krfawy: have you uploaded changes
19:32 Krfawy: XD
19:32 T-Mac: so i tell you something else :D
19:33 T-Mac: oh no because you haven't say Hard diff
19:33 T-Mac: so i think maybe i can wait a minute
19:33 T-Mac: i upload now if necessary
19:34 Krfawy: well I said you about hard already
19:34 Krfawy: I mean the spinners
19:34 Krfawy: so upload so I can see it
19:34 T-Mac: ok i finish this upload
19:34 Krfawy: if it's okay I will qualify it because I see no one popped it with a bubble pop XD
19:34 T-Mac: :3
19:35 Krfawy: so we can pretend nothing happened \w/
19:35 T-Mac: i think i'm ready
19:35 T-Mac: \w/
19:36 T-Mac: HappyRocket88 posted as "placeholder" and i wait for a week...
19:36 T-Mac: before he post this i wait him a week more lol
19:38 Krfawy: okay are you ready for me doing some magic? XD
19:38 T-Mac: yes magician !!
Lol It wasn't a week, just 6 days. XD Anyways, Congratulations. My apologize for couldn't have looked at this map before properly. Remember I still doubt you a mod. _:3_>_
Topic Starter
Sry HappyRocket88 :o
Hello, I’d like to raise serveral concerns on timing:

  1. Some piano beats are off, you probably need re-work the timing of these parts:
    00:32:500 - 00:36:100 - 00:36:400 - 00:37:000 –
  2. Reset of stanza at 00:39:100 – and 01:55:300 –is weird, in my opinion it should be
  3. 01:55:300 -^
  4. 02:51:700 –This is a wrong reset of stanza, here isn’t the starting of stanza, you should remove timing points at 02:51:700 – and 02:55:300 –
In case you don't understand something, feel free to reply the post to let me know. If you disagree with something, we can find a compromise together.
00:39:100 - 這裡4/4 , 7/4的鼓是4+3 不是3+4 ,開NC mod會對不上

01:55:300 - ^

这里是7/4的混合拍子,由3/4+4/4组成,所以用一个3/4+一个4/4也可以。如果要对上基于四拍子的NC mode就用3/4+4/4两根红线。

另外把Normal里的双1/2折返03:13:300 (4) - 换成单的或者别的梗,双折返对于不利于新手玩家读图。
Topic Starter
all fixed

thx Fycho and Narccisu a lot !!
别再烦我了 我要打骂娘
Well personally the final spinner feels a liiiittle bit longer than the actual song, but I guess it won't be much a problem.

Nice slider usages! I really liked it.
Nightwish <3
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