
[Archived] Hit Sounds Delay (Not an UO issue)

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Explain the issue you are having:
It took me over a year to notice this, but I have ~60ms of hitsound delay.
If I play with 0ms UO (Universal Offset) and sound effects turned on, there is a slight delay between hitting z/x (or clicking the mouse) and hearing the sound play (and that really f**ks with my mind so my accuracy goes down the drain).
Now in a normal case this would simply be tagged as input lag, but it's a problem that does not occur in any other game/program.

I can play with -60ms~ UO and the delay is gone, but the hit sounds are now even more delayed (and that really f**ks with my mind so my accuracy goes down the drain). Therefore I am forced to toggle all sound effects off If I want to play at my best.

As an side note here, I often stream osu! on twitch and the program I use to do that toggles Windows Aero on and off.
Only, after toggling it back on I can notice a slight mouse delay. It's nothing too big, if I had to guess I'd say it would be ~20ms, which doesn't affect gameplay on non-jumpy maps. When I toggle Aero off, the input lag disapears.

I get 800+ FPS on gameplay and I have tried all FPS Caps, so framerate is not the issue here.

In game settings

System Specs

(GFX Card: Nvidia GeForce GTS 450. Drivers are up to date.)

Thanks for your time, I hoped someone can shed some light on this.
Full Tablet
What is your Audio Card? (use Speccy or something similar to check).
Do you use wireless headphones?
There are some applications to test some common causes of audio delay

You can try disabling audio enchantment options in the audio device drivers and in the Windows Audio Device Settings.
Also disable wireless network devices or other devices that can cause DPC latency.
When you say this doesn't happen in any other app, which apps are you comparing to? I would say that 60ms is normal on an unoptimised input/output path, so check the following:

* You HAVE to disable aero. It adds 1-1.5 frames of latency (16-24ms). You can run full-screen to force this behaviour and further reduce latency.
* Make sure your sound device doesn't have any post-processing enabled, including software based volume normalisation, 3d effects and/or hardware-based dolby-like sound processors.
* Make sure your input devices are not wireless. If you are using a keyboard to tap, this is especially important. My keyboard added a latency of 50ms on my main desktop, and meant I always resorted to using mouse (clicking) to play. I only realised why about a year later when I calculated the latency.
* Make sure you don't have any vsync turned on, and pre-render frames is set to zero if you use older nvidia drivers.
* Make sure your system audio sample rate isn't set to a weird value, as this can add a very small delay on some sound cards.
If you say your hitsounds are delayed by 60ms, you need to set your UO to +60, not -60. You will have to click earlier then though, and yeah this is input lag. :/
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Thanks for all the quick replies;

All my peripherals are wired. (Razer Naga Molten Mouse, Just a standard compaq nameless keyboard, speakers, sound card, etc.)

I run my integrated Realtek HD soundcard with generic speakers, although I tested my problem with a seperate M-Audio Fast Track Pro + Sony MDR-V500 Headphones I used a while back, and it persists.

Note that I run my speakers 95% of the time.

Here are screenshots including all the required info on Audio Cards and all the files Full Tablet suggested.

If It helps, I can record some quick footage to show the difference.
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Oh, something I've just thought of that could be relevant.

I had an old 32bit Windows Vista computer, but I took the harddrive off it and put it on my current one, and osu! is on that harddrive. (It was installed before the transfer).
Could that be a possible cause?
Full Tablet
Try disabling all the sound cards and playback devices you aren't using, specially S/PDIF and Digital Outputs (these can cause issues with some audio cards). Check if those sound devices have unneeded services/processes associated with them (and stop them).

Try toggling between 44.1kHz and 48kHz sample rate.

I don't think the old HDD is the trouble here.
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Didn't change anything.
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I've already given you all the solutions i can think of. This definitely isn't something at osu!'s end. I dont' think bumping is going to help you much here. You're going to need to look into the problem further and find yourself a solution.
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Alrighty, thanks for the help anyways, you two. I appreciate it :)
I'm going through the same problem -,-
Make another thread for it, dont bump a 3 year old one :P
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