Yeah, on behalf of the mappool creation group, I'd like to apologize for the lack of organization and the hastily-thrown-together mappool.
I'm not trying to make excuses and shift blame off ourselves. There's been failure at many levels in our organization and co-ordination. What's happened is very regrettable, and all I wish to do is explain why we've failed. I don't want forgiveness, or for any of you to say "Oh well, it'll be better next time", or even to claim "It's not my fault", just to explain >why< we've failed and >what< we've done wrong. These shortcomings we're entirely at fault for, and, in case anyone else is thinking of making their own tourney, how to avoid them. For the sake of constructive criticism, and in the hope to improve our ability for the future, even if this does fall apart, or as a resource for others to refer to.
In truth, the mappool team had also expected the week 1 mappool to persist. Our communication has been sorely lacking throughout this entire tourney, so far. There's been basically no communication at all between any of the staff. I could pin all the blame of this onto TBG, but in truth, every member of staff is partially responsible for this. I should have kept closer tabs on the tourney, realized that TBG was being overwhelmed, and taken the mappool team more into my own hands, so he had something less to divide his attention on.
My advice is that, if you're a tourney staff, remember to bring something up with the founder if you're concerned, and be ready to take charge if they need you to.
One of our more controversial picks was Algebra. When I proposed we use Algebra in the first week's mappool, I was completely unaware that we were using score V2. If I had have known that, I would not have picked Algebra for sure. I'm not going to shift blame off myself: I should have asked what score format we were using before making map picks. What's more, I shouldn't even have proposed a map where my choice to include would have been influenced so heavily by something minor like that. Picking Algebra was done partially because of my own love for technical maps, and partially to appeal to participants as having a unique mappool, but it was picked far too early in the tourney. I should have saved it for semifinals, or even the finals. That much is clear for sure. For that, I apologize to everyone who has had to suffer through the map.
More than half of mappool creation staff were absent during the first pool's creation. We have 8 people in our mappools chat. Only 3 ended up participating in actual map picking. Several members got caught up in real life business, there were a few suggestions of blatantly unsuitable maps in an attempt to be funny because memes, and unforseen circumstances caused TBG to be far too distracted to help with selection, leaving us with no leadership. We then agreed to reconvene in an hour and that was when the real map-picking took place.
I think there were a few problems here- Firstly, we had way too large of a group. 8 people is far too many opinions to reasonably sort through, and far too many people to organize. With 3 people, it went very smoothly. I could recommend a group of 3-4 people.
Secondly, I'd like to commend Taiga, as he took leadership as soon as TBG had to leave, made the call to reconvene in an hour and generally got the 3 of us organized and we had a very smooth time picking maps. If the situation had not been so hectic prior, we might have been in better form, and would have caught out our blatantly unsuitable picks, such as Algebra and Omega Rhythm. Still, this is entirely our own fault. We should have come better organized, and I apologize again to all participants by any frustration caused by our less-suitable picks. At the very least, I can recommend you have a strong leader who can take control quickly and assert authority who also knows how to organize people quickly and efficiently, and that did serious damage control and resulted in us ending up with a mappool that, while unbalanced, seems to still have pleased quite a few people.
A recurring complaint has been our usage of long maps: In our creation process, we had decided that length was no big factor, and decided to make map picks based exclusively on suitability and quality. This turned out to be a mistake. I myself am a large fan of longer maps, and am responsible for quite a few of the long picks. For that, I'm sorry again, I done fucked up. This is purely the fault of my narrow field of enjoyment for maps and presence during map selection. There's no reason I couldn't have made brevity a factor alongside suitability and quality: We have no shortage of maps to choose from. This is pretty much exclusively my fault and not that of anyone else on the team, because I made this call. My advice for anyone setting up their own tourney is to have a group of people with very diverse taste in maps, who aren't afraid to challenge others' proposals.
Another common complaint has been the ease of HR and DT maps compared to the rest of the mappool. This is, again, entirely our own fault. We have literally nobody on our selection team experienced in HR or DT. We should have found people who were experienced in these mods to help us choose what maps to put forward. As before, my advice is to have people diverse in map taste, and playstyles, so that you have people who are experienced enough to actually choose the maps to be played. We ended up being overly cautious and making them easier than the rest of the mappool.
Yet another complaint was the difficulty of the mappool- Recommended rank to join is sub 5k, but our spreadsheets showed us the largest concentration of players were 2k and below. We decided to base our map choices off of that instead of 5k. This was a mistake. We should have stuck to our word, chosen maps of a lower difficulty, and generally been more considerate to a difficulty curve all around. This would have most likely made everyone happier, while not affecting the quality of the mappool, since we could have just moved our initial picks up a round or two.
And, as an aside note, I'll have to thank Taiga for being the only reason we have a second mappool at all. Taiga made the second mappool completely by himself within an hour's notice, when even I said "Fuck that, I'm not helping with an hour's notice."
We're sorry you're all unsatisfied with the second mappool, and we're working to correct that already.
Thanks for reading what I have to say. If any of you have more complaints I haven't addressed, feel free to bring them up and I'll be sure to reply.
I'd like to extend a big thanks for all those who have given their very constructive criticism. You've all been very helpful in bringing me to understand what we've done wrong, and I feel this has been a great learning experience, for myself at least. I really appreciate your in-depth yet clear and easy to understand responses. It's not often I get the opportunity to learn so much from my mistakes.
I know there are far more complaints in terms of map schedules, notifications, match organization and so on, and I wish I could comment on those, but I promise, I'll hound TBG to respond to all of your complaints.
Thanks all for your continued attention towards this tournament, and to those who are helping to improve it.