
Osamu Kubota - Carezza

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Alex Blade
I guess this is very good for the first try.
Btw, got the permission to use the skin?

Remember - these are only my thoughts and opinions.

At least BPM and offset sound good to me. But I might not be right.

Everything looks fine.

00:49:262 (3) - Doesn't it stay a bit far from 2 comparing to 1? Well, this is not that important.
The rest looks fine.

00:42:115 (3) - I don't like how you've put this into the stream.
00:46:215 (2,3) - ^
00:59:690 (1,2) - ^
01:01:330 (3) - ^
01:05:197 (1) - mby move closer to rhe previous circle?
01:44:097 (5,6) - isn't it too far away? It's hard to pass this moment.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
Neo Adonis
sonnyc: Your tips were good. However, the design of the beatmap over Light and Light+ was planned to be simple instead of follow the rhythm perfectly.


sonnyc wrote:

00:42:700 (2) Increase 1 more reverse?
I didn't add another reverse to give the player time to click the other circle.

Anyway, the intention was good. Thanks ^_^
BPM: 128.00 flat
Offset: 500

Resnap, fix inherited timing sections, etc. Can't mod on faulty timing.
Apply Zekira's timing. please.

00:19:267 (4,7) - new combo on these.

00:07:081 (4,5) - stack better
00:15:517 (1,3) - align
01:06:603 (6,1) - maybe sudden. but ok
01:11:758 (12,13) - stack better
01:14:570 (2,3) - align
01:43:863 (4,5) - this jump is sudden, at least put a new combo.
AdRon Zh3Ro
* Light:
>>Sounds fine.

* Light+:
>>Sounds fine.

* Real:
>>Sounds fine.

*Try to put a harder diff, that follow the sound exactly.(sounds interesting :D)

Nice beatmap.
nice mapset. And here'are some hitsounds suggestion
so many random hitsounds here and you should make them fit the music. ;)
such as:
00:08:000 (1) - +finish?
00:08:937 (5) - +whistle?
00:09:875 (1) - ^
00:10:812 (5) - ^
00:11:750 (1) - +finish?
00:12:453 (4) - +whistle at the slider's end?
00:14:445 (4) - +whistle at the slider's repeat?
00:19:250 (7) - +finish&new combo
00:21:125 (1) - +finish
00:26:398 (10,11) - remove whistles
00:42:687 (8,9) - use the "normal-hitnormal" hitsound?
00:46:906 (8,9) - ^
01:02:375 (12) - +whistle
01:05:890 (4) - +whistle at the slider's end
01:07:062 (1) - +whistle
01:07:765 (4) - +whistle at the slider's end

and 01:01:437 (4) - move it 1 grid left. ;)

Good luck.

01:40:362 (3) - new combo

00:35:539 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - move down 1 grid (Lv3)
01:12:218 (13) - stack with (12)



BPM > 150
Offset > 500


Star Rating: 1.48
Total Play Length: 96s
Maximum Score: 257,468
Audio Lead In: 0
Preview Time: 300
Stack Leniency: 0.7

Nazi Mod:

00:11:750 (1) - move on grid to the right and align start/end?

Combo Mod:

00:20:187 (4) - new combo
00:22:062 (3) - new combo
00:42:218 (5) - new combo
00:46:437 (5) - new combo

General Mod:

01:33:312 (3) - should end on the white tick?



BPM > 150
Offset > 50 ~| Why is this different from the other two diffs? please fix it.


Star Rating: 3.96
Total Play Length: 96s
Maximum Score: 889,604
Audio Lead In: 0
Preview Time: 300
Stack Leniency: 0.7


00:23:018 (1,2,3,4) - Spacing
00:56:768 (1) - with grid snap off, move two up, and two left? ( slighly offscreen )

Combo Mod:

01:40:362 (3) - New combo



BPM > 150
Offset > 500


Star Rating: 5.00
Total Play Length: 95s
Maximum Score: 5,344,200
Audio Lead In: 1500
Preview Time: 300
Stack Leniency: 0.7


Lots, but I will only mention this

01:20:187 (1) - This slider can get some more attention IMO :)

Combo Mod:

00:05:187 (6) - New combo

[General Thoughts]

Not bad, I enjoyed it. But, it lacks a proper hard. The difficulty jump between [Light+] and [Real] is quite big. My suggestion would be to make [Light+] a tiny bit easier and then map a decent hard, or to ask someone to do it for you ( a guest diff ) then I will give this a 10/10.

But have a star :)
Topic Starter
Neo Adonis

Teara wrote:

Not bad, I enjoyed it. But, it lacks a proper hard. The difficulty jump between [Light+] and [Real] is quite big. My suggestion would be to make [Light+] a tiny bit easier and then map a decent hard, or to ask someone to do it for you ( a guest diff ) then I will give this a 10/10.

Neo Adonis wrote:

Real: On first instance, I wanted to do a hard map and not jump directly to Insane. But I though: "Hey, this song is so difficult on Keyboardmania and, anyway, other beatmaps offer harder challenges".
Other way to say "I wasn't creative enough to do a hard diff" ^^' . And I didn't want to destroy the map with a unaccurated hard. I know if lacks of a Hard, but anyway Real isn't as insane as a 'real' insane, I think. Let's say "Real" is only harder than a hard, but easier than a insane.

If I find somebody who creates a hard, I'll add it. Else, the map will have to be let on that way.

Because of this, I've reduced the difficulty on "Real", to make the jump smaller.

1) Add "konami" because KEYBOARDMANIA 3rdMix made from konami, maybe?

00:11:750 (1) - Move 2 grid right?
00:16:906 (5,4) - DO NOT PLACE 2 CIRCLE AT THE SAME TICK!!! DELETE (4) OR (5)
01:02:375 (1) - Add a finish hitsound
01:20:187 (1) - ^

01:33:312 (3) - Move it to the right place, overlapped by 01:31:437 (1) is bad

00:27:218 (1) - Add a finish hitsound
01:02:375 (1) - ^

00:02:140 (1) - Move 1 grid up?
00:18:312 (3) - Offscreen
00:29:914 (12) - ^
00:38:234 (B) - The breaks are too short, remove it
01:24:992 (4,5,6,7) - Offscreen

Good map
Topic Starter
Neo Adonis
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

-- The sound effects of this skin (e.g. retry, skip etc) sound awful on this piano piece.
-- Why the time signature changes?


00:56:750 (1) - Too high top is covered by HP bar.
01:02:375 (1) - Finish.
01:39:289 (1,1,1,2,3,4) - Stacking looks awful and hard for new players to know when to click, sliders imo or at least space the beats around the map (not center).

Light +

-- The difficulty name sounds somewhat silly, think of something else. Idk "Moderate"

01:02:375 (1) - Finish.
01:43:156 (5) - Remove finish.
01:43:859 (7) - ^
01:44:210 (8) - Finish.


00:13:859 (x) - Beat?
00:14:328 (x) - ^
00:24:406 (x) - ^
00:24:875 (x) - ^
00:25:343 (x) - ^
00:25:812 (x) - ^
00:26:281 (x) - ^ Triples fit the music so well.
00:59:445 (11,1) - Needs more distance between the stream imo or like earlier.
01:00:851 (11,1) - ^
01:11:515 (10,11,12) - Messy, just stack 10 onto the slider it looks better.
01:13:039 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Sounds weird 1/2 would be better imo.
01:29:210 (5) - Not necessary imo and disrupts the flow of the stream.
01:31:437 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - This is messy, especially 01:32:023 (4,5,6,7,8,9) -
01:44:093 (2,3) - Jump is rather weird.

That's all pretty nice overall. ~ Star
Topic Starter
Neo Adonis

Shulin wrote:


-- The sound effects of this skin (e.g. retry, skip etc) sound awful on this piano piece.
Note to myself: DON'T USE a theme just to make the map look "prettier"


01:39:289 (1,1,1,2,3,4) - Stacking looks awful and hard for new players to know when to click, sliders imo or at least space the beats around the map (not center).
I thought it was easier ^^' . Anyway, I modified

Light +

-- The difficulty name sounds somewhat silly, think of something else. Idk "Moderate"
I followed the names of the diffs on KEYBOARDMANIA.

01:02:375 (1) - Finish.
01:43:156 (5) - Remove finish.
01:43:859 (7) - ^
01:44:210 (8) - Finish.
I think it sounds good the way I did it. If not, notify me.


00:13:859 (x) - Beat?
00:14:328 (x) - ^
00:24:406 (x) - ^
00:24:875 (x) - ^
00:25:343 (x) - ^
00:25:812 (x) - ^
00:26:281 (x) - ^ Triples fit the music so well.
Do you know? yesterday I thought in that ^^. You won me the idea!
01:13:039 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Sounds weird 1/2 would be better imo.
Your opinion was correct!
01:44:093 (2,3) - Jump is rather weird.
I modified many things, too. But these are the most important. Thanks!!

At this point, I think the map is taking its decisive form. However, must be some details which need to be corrected. Thanks to all who modded, and keep it up!! ^^
Please inspect the green timing points and make sure they're snapped to where you want them snapped.

Hitsound work needed IMO.
01:37:062 (5) - Symmetry

Hitsound work needed IMO.

Hitsound work needed IMO.
01:12:218 (13) - you see the problem here, right? Make an effort to stack to the tail with Grid Snap turned off.

Basic map, I understand that, I but I feel that Light and Light+ should be spiced up a bit.
Topic Starter
Neo Adonis

Zekira wrote:

Please inspect the green timing points and make sure they're snapped to where you want them snapped.
The timing points on Light and Light+ are only used to ensure the correct spacing of the bars in Taiko, using 3/4 and 4/4 compasses. However, on Real, they change the speed, and those were checked correctly (as same as on Light(+)).

Zekira wrote:

Hitsound work needed IMO.
On Light, I don't use so many hitsounds to make the map easier on Taiko. I hope you can understand. On the other diffs, I think I did all I could with the hitsounds.

Zekira wrote:

01:12:218 (13) - you see the problem here, right? Make an effort to stack to the tail with Grid Snap turned off.
LOL. Heavy. XD
Fixed. I was terrified at not using the Grid Snap.
  1. 00:24:464 (2) - why 1/8 snap?
  2. 00:27:096 - 00:37:765 - Feel off, I tried a new timing, but still off :/ Need some more timing expert to check
  3. 00:56:867 (1) - start at 00:56:984 imo, there's no piano sound at 00:56:867
Just take a quick look at it
no need to give me kds
I don't know about the preferred skin. It doesn't fit the song and background at all.

Resnap all of the timing sections (or at least kiai starts/ends), example: 01:23:937 - the start of the kiai section is not centrainly on the tick.


01:30:500 (3) - Move right a tick.


Set slider tick value to 2. 4 is too much.

00:07:531 (5) - Stack this note properly with the Grid Snap turned off.
00:18:781 (5) - ^
00:20:656 (11) - ^
00:22:531 (5) - ^
00:16:906 (4) - End on the previous blue tick (00:17:257).
00:28:507 (6) - New combo (it's not necessary in this case, but it is in the next pattern which has 16 notes in the combo and I think it would be nice to have here the same combo value).
00:32:257 (6) - ^
00:36:007 (8) - ^
00:39:875 (1,2) - Spacing. (2) is a bit too close to (1).
[00:41:867] - Add a note here? I know, it fits the rhythm in the current case, but sounds better if you add a note. You don't have to do this, it's only a suggestion.
[00:45:968] - ^
00:59:796 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Move them a bit right and a bit down to make them similar to previous streams.

Good piece of work. +star
Topic Starter
Neo Adonis

fartownik wrote:

I don't know about the preferred skin. It doesn't fit the song and background at all.
I could swear I did it before. But I checked that and now it's fixed!!

Resnap all of the timing sections (or at least kiai starts/ends), example: 01:23:937 - the start of the kiai section is not centrainly on the tick.
Not necesary, but anyway fixed (I won't move the sections on Real. They work as I want (osu! spacing and Taiko notes speed).


01:30:500 (3) - Move right a tick.


Set slider tick value to 2. 4 is too much.
If I did that, the notes over Taiko sound awful. And I don't see any problem with that.

00:07:531 (5) - Stack this note properly with the Grid Snap turned off.
I won't use Grid Snap so often ^^
00:28:507 (6) - New combo (it's not necessary in this case, but it is in the next pattern which has 16 notes in the combo and I think it would be nice to have here the same combo value).
00:39:875 (1,2) - Spacing. (2) is a bit too close to (1).
[00:41:867] - Add a note here? I know, it fits the rhythm in the current case, but sounds better if you add a note. You don't have to do this, it's only a suggestion.
But it has a note already. Are you reffering to a note BEFORE this one? I don't think it sounds well. But let the public choose
00:59:796 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Move them a bit right and a bit down to make them similar to previous streams.
Thanks for modding!!
Oh god, did I just fail so hard? O_O
Hi hi :)

Here are some suggestions for your map, you don't have to change them if you don't agree with me :P
Let's go!!

~All Diffs~
- Yeah, Konami made the game so... add it to Tags :P

No problems, good job!!

- Why Light+? Find a better name... maybe Medium? I don't know xD

01:30:031 (2,3,4) - Fix Spacing.
01:33:078 (6,7) - ^
01:43:859 (7,8) - Delete Finish hitsound on (7) and add it to (8)?

00:39:875 (x) - I understand why the slow down... but I think it would look a lot less messier if you space the circles a bit more oxo
00:45:265 (2,3,4,5,6) - Fix Spacing.
01:31:671 (2,3) - (2) is a bit hard to see in gameplay, invert the positions :3
01:44:210 (6) - Finish hitsound? o.o

Great map Neo ^^ *star*
Topic Starter
Neo Adonis

Beuchi-chan wrote:

- Yeah, Konami made the game so... add it to Tags :P
When I read Leorda, I understood "as the source" ^^'. Done

Beuchi-chan wrote:

- Why Light+? Find a better name... maybe Medium? I don't know xD
Atfer serious discussions with my mind, I decided to name it Light+ (as on KEYBOARDMANIA) and between brackets "Medium". And I won't do changes except to the word "medium" maybe.

Beuchi-chan wrote:

00:39:875 (x) - I understand why the slow down... but I think it would look a lot less messier if you space the circles a bit more oxo
The most important part. Well, I'm deciding between remap the map with x1 spacing or let it on that way. While then, to avoid problem with the diff, I'll let the spacing on x0.5

Delete the .osb file and full submit
The combo colors blend in with the video at certain points. Change them. (to default maybe?)

Just change it into Medium...

The slowdown part looks very compressed. It doesn't look very neat...
As your request.

Read this first for the icon explanation.
- [?] Asking for a second thought.
- [!] Fatal error. You have to fix this for sure.
- [No icon] Only a suggestion.

1. There's an .osb file in the map's folder which is useless. Delete it.
2. I recommend you to use the Cantabile skin by LuigiHann. It fits to this song.

01:24:406 - This not may be too close with the end of the spinner.
01:39:289 (1,1,1,2,3,4) - This is an easy diff, right? Why there are blue ticks in the diff?
I suggest this.. *see below*
01:39:289 (1) - Should be on 01:38:937.
01:40:695 (1) - Should be on 01:40:343.
01:42:101 (1) - Should be on 01:41:750.
01:42:804 (2) - Should be on 01:42:453.
01:43:507 (3) - Should be on 01:43:156.
01:44:210 (4) - Should be on 01:43:859.
It's better.

[Light+ (Medium)]
Nice. But there's a problem which makes me wonder. There are too many blue ticks, and the notes placement seems tricky. I can't easily decide whether it's blue tick or white tick on play mode by its placement. Well, it's not a big problem since I can see that by the approach circle.

00:45:500 (4,5,6) - Move them one tiny grid up, so the stream will looks neat.
00:46:789 (7,8) - Move them one tiny grid down, so the stream will looks neat.
00:56:867 (1) - Remove this. The melody starts one 1/4 beat after this note.
Star. Call me back for pubble.
Topic Starter
Neo Adonis

NoHItter wrote:

Delete the .osb file and full submit
I'll do it... Someday XD
Well, when I have time and nobody is using Internet, I'll do that.

NoHItter wrote:

The combo colors blend in with the video at certain points. Change them. (to default maybe?)
Which points, per example? I see it good, but maybe I could be wrong. Anyway, I won't use again the default colors.

NoHItter wrote:

Just change it into Medium...
No, sorry. The most I can do is change "Medium", no more.

NoHItter wrote:

The slowdown part looks very compressed. It doesn't look very neat...
Remapped that part. I hope you like it ^^ as same as the players.

VanMoNky wrote:

2. I recommend you to use the Cantabile skin by LuigiHann. It fits to this song.
It fits, perhaps. But it doesn't like me by any reason... Should I use it as a preferred skin?

VanMoNky wrote:

01:24:406 - This not may be too close with the end of the spinner.
Fixed with the spinner (I hope so...)

VanMoNky wrote:

01:39:289 (1,1,1,2,3,4) - This is an easy diff, right? Why there are blue ticks in the diff?
Remapped. I didn't know how to remap it, but your tips helped me ^^

VanMoNky wrote:

00:56:867 (1) - Remove this. The melody starts one 1/4 beat after this note.
Really? I heard a note, but I've read many suggestions like this one, so I've removed the note.

The tips are good, but I don't know if too much changes like the remapping of the slow part are useful. I hope that. And so many thanks for your modding. ^^
*Perhaps chop up the source into individual tags such as "key" "board" "mania"? :o
*Offset feels kinda early. Try 508 and resnap on all diffs.

01:20:187 (1) - I find it odd that kiai starts in the middle of this spinner, so perhaps end the spinner one white tick earlier? :V
01:31:437 (1) - try not to overlap sliders, so maybe angle this downward instead?
01:33:312 (3) - then, move the end of this over so that it doesn't overlap (1) and extend to the white tick (sounds awkward ending on the blue)
01:42:453 (2,4) - These felt awkward and confusing to hit, so maybe try...

[Light+ (Medium)]
*Does "(Medium)" really need to be in diff's name? :S
00:59:562 (1,2) - again, try not to overlap sliders. It looks sloppy =(
01:31:437 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - unpredictable triplets. At least turn (1,2,3) into a repeating slider so that the pattern can be heard
01:34:601 (8) - unpredictable offbeat
01:35:539 (2) - ^
01:36:125 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - bahhh more offbeats that are hard to sightread, let alone hit correctly. Try to change this section so that it's not so tricky @.@
01:38:937 (1,2) - I'd make this a slider so that the pattern can be heard and expected for the ending
01:40:343 (1,2) - maybe these too, but it doesn't matter

*tickrate 4 seems too high
00:41:875 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - streams like this are very hard to read, so I highly suggest that you change it.
00:45:273 (8,9,10,11,12) - ^ not as bad, but still...
00:46:093 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - hard to read
00:53:242 (8,9,10,11,12,13,1) - Hard to read, but it's in a straight line, and I kind of like these types of streams, so I suppose it's okay.
00:56:875 - add a note here
*argh deathstreams
01:20:187 (1) - Nice effort, but the ticks make it look really sloppy.
01:29:218 (5) - NO. Change this.

Not bad; Some confusing/hard parts in [Real], but eh... Also, I'd like to see some more hitsounds in all diffs, since some parts felt a little "stale", but overall they weren't bad. Nice job for your first map~
Also I want to reiterate something...

NoHItter wrote:

The combo colors blend in with the video at certain points. Change them. (to default maybe?)
Making the approach circles hard to see
Forgot to suggest "keyboard" as a separate tag, too, since it's just one word.

no kd for this post, obviously ;p
Topic Starter
Neo Adonis
Contradictions. Who understand mods? XD


Derekku Chan wrote:

01:36:125 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - bahhh more offbeats that are hard to sightread, let alone hit correctly. Try to change this section so that it's not so tricky @.@

VanMoNky wrote:

Well, it's not a big problem since I can see that by the approach circle.
I let that section the way it is because I didn't see how to change it and it follow well the rhythm. The other tricky sections were changed, though.


VanMoNky wrote:

01:24:406 - This not may be too close with the end of the spinner.
To fix the problem, I decided to end the spinner one white tick after, but...

Derekku Chan wrote:

01:20:187 (1) - I find it odd that kiai starts in the middle of this spinner, so perhaps end the spinner one white tick earlier? :V
So I decided not to revert the spinner.


VanMoNky wrote:

00:56:867 (1) - Remove this. The melody starts one 1/4 beat after this note.

Derekku Chan wrote:

00:56:875 - add a note here
This is going me nuts! I followed Derekku's tip.


About the Derekku mod, I fixed all I could as I could. Waiting further modding...

And note this was just a joke. Don't take it personal because I'm reallly grateful with you. Thanks!! ^^
Nothing has to be modded here, for me~
Nice map~
Increase Circle Size by 1.

Light+ (Medium):
Increase Circle Size by 1.
Also, just rename to Medium.

[Light+ (Medium)]
  1. Ese es un nombre extraño para una dificultad. Es como usar "Easy+", lo cual sólo significa Normal. ¿No piensas cambiarlo? O_o
  1. No estoy seguro si deberías utilizar esa stack leniency... la verdad no veo ningún problema grave si lo aumentas. o:
01:29:218 (5,6,7) - Creo que este triple no queda con la dificultad... si, es la más difícil, pero la verdad todo está muy fácil excepto esto. Sería mejor si lo cambiaras a un slider o algo. =/

~ ~ ~

Excellente beatmap... para ser tu primero está magnífico.

Osamu Kubota rockz.

waiting 4th forever , and only played 10times this 5 years cuz almost every km3rd are gone from my living area...
spent more than 500dollers for km3rd , much more for km2nd at arcade :p
Hai :D

00:16:914 (4) - Add hitsound whistle

00:13:633 (3,5) - Remove hitsound whistle
01:08:476 (7) - Add hitsound whistle

00:24:531 (5,6) - Fix spacing

Ok starrr**
[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.



  • • 00:45:976 (x) - Add a circle


  • • 00:29:101 (5,1) - Spacing (keep "Distance Snap" active and fix it)

  • • 00:41:758 (x) - Add a circle
    • 00:45:976 (x) - ^
    • 00:56:875 (1) - Delete this circle
    • 00:58:047 (4) - ^
    • 00:59:453 (4) - ^
    • 00:59:687 (1) - ^
    • 01:00:859 (4) - ^
Topic Starter
Neo Adonis

xxheroxx wrote:

  • • 00:45:976 (x) - Add a circle - No. Thanks.


  • • 00:29:101 (5,1) - Spacing (keep "Distance Snap" active and fix it) - Fixed!

  • • 00:41:758 (x) - Add a circle
    • 00:45:976 (x) - ^
    • 00:56:875 (1) - Delete this circle
    • 00:58:047 (4) - ^
    • 00:59:453 (4) - ^
    • 00:59:687 (1) - ^
    • 01:00:859 (4) - ^

    I'm following the rhythm of the piano, so I won't change that
Thanks so much for your modding!! (Although I wished a pubble :( )

Neo Adonis wrote:

Thanks so much for your modding!! (Although I wished a pubble :( )
Pubbles dont exist anymore, just so u know, ehh anywas on to the modding

Red = Major issue, you should fix this
Purple = Issue, It's better if you fix this, and can sometimes pass if justified
Blue = Minor issue, you can ignore if you dont want to change
Green = Feedback / Comments
Black = Suggestion

I have an intuition that kiai should begin here: 01:24:883

Looks ok

01:41:758 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Uhh triplets on Meduim? well not like Medium isnt a hard anyways

Use of 1/8 snap is not recommended unless you are an experienced beatmapper... i guess you are then, since it looks fine.
I dunno, this diff looks weird to me on the timeline but i dont know why

Well, cant find any problems so yeah +Star
Updated Mod's Info:
Mine are all suggestions. You're free to follow or not this mod :3
If I found a beat who must be added, i'll write it.
Remember to check spacing after all modfies :3
I'll check with AImod (Ctrl+Shift+A) too, so, if there's something found on it for your difficulties, i'll write "AImod!"

Why Background is in your map folder but it isn't present in the diffs?

00:09:883 (5) - New Combo.
00:49:726 (4) - Flip it vertically.
00:52:539 (4) - ^.

Check all map spacing.


And that's all! *star*
Topic Starter
Neo Adonis
Feedback time!

tmokb93 wrote:

Why Background is in your map folder but it isn't present in the diffs?
I checked that, but I didn't found any problem. I can see the BG on all the diffs.

tmokb93 wrote:

Check all map spacing.
No. AImod didn't say nothing.

Sakura301 wrote:

I have an intuition that kiai should begin here: 01:24:883
Not really. But I changed it near almost you said me. Thanks!!

Neo Adonis wrote:

Thanks so much for your modding!! (Although I wished a pubble :( )
Just joking! I thank all the modding.
01:38:359 (7) - Unstack? ._,

All I can say is... WOW! Such a great job with your first map, and with such a hard to map song too!
Sorry for the reaaaally late mod. I was super busy.

00:22:070 - (2,1) Unstack maybe?

00:21:133 - (1) One space to the left.


I see this map getting ranked pretty soon. I see pratically no flaws in the map. Great JOb on the map. Star~
Sleep Powder
Oh nvm...maybe its just the song that felt weird...


00:04:023 (1) - Remove New Combo
00:04:258 (3) - Add New Combo

<3 Pretty Good~
Modding time. I actually love this song. However, there are things that annoy me. Sorry, but it's nazimod time. Most of these notes are purely for polish reasons.

Sorry if this counts as abusing spoilerboxes, but I'd rather you look at each difficulty in easier-to-read fragments than overwhelm you with a gigantic uberpost.

My only major difficulty-wide complaint is the lack of any substantial breaks, but you know what? The map is short and a long break for this length of song would probably interfere with the flow of the map. There are tiny breaks that you've put in, and those sufficed while I was playing this mapset.

  1. 00:11:758 (1) - Make this slider symmetrical. It looks really messy.
  2. 00:12:695 (1) - Put a whistle on this point.
  3. 00:14:570 (1) - ^
  4. 00:18:320 (2) - Add Whistles to the three points, not to the slider track itself.
  5. 00:20:195 (2) - ^
  6. 00:22:070 (2) - ^
  7. 00:23:008 (1) - Delete this beat, it feels awkward.
  8. 00:23:945 (1) - Move to 00:23:008, extend to 00:26:758.
  9. 00:27:695 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Syncopation in an Easy? No thanks. I can hear what you're mapping to, but believe me, this does not play well. While it's technically correct, going to that offbeat lower piano, it's not too playable and can really screw you up even if you're not a beginner. Please change it.
  10. 00:39:883 - Inherit sections with hitsound volume/type changes should be before they're actually needed, because if the player is not perfectly in time, the section will not sound the way you intended it to sound (typically this does not apply for spinners). If it's in an active section, typically you need to start it about 1/8 or 1/4 before it happens (depending on the BPM/pace/section). I'd suggest moving this section to 00:39:414, since there's a mini-break in playing, and that will help the volume transition flow more smoothly.
  11. 00:41:289 (4) - Add a Whistle.
  12. 00:45:508 (4) - ^
  13. 00:48:789 (2,3) - Remove these Whistles.
  14. 00:49:726 (4) - Make this slider symmetrical, it looks really messy.
  15. 00:49:726 (4) - Please put a Whistle on the first point of this.
  16. 00:49:785 - Add an inherit section here, taking the volume down two ticks. It helps emphasize the softness of the additional piano better.
  17. 00:50:898 - Add an inherit section here, moving the volume back to where it was before.
  18. 00:51:601 (2,3) - Remove the Whistles from these.
  19. 00:52:539 (4) - Put a Whistle on the first point of this.
  20. 00:52:597 - Add in the same kind of inherit section that I told you to put at 00:49:785.
  21. 00:53:711 - Add in the same kind of inherit section that I told you to put at 00:50:898.
  22. 00:54:414 (2,3) - Remove these Whistles.
  23. 00:55:351 (4) - Whistle on the first point.
  24. 00:55:410 - I think you know the drill by now, heh. |3
  25. 00:56:523 - Add in an inherit section here, but move the volume up one tick from the previous one.
  26. 00:57:929 - ^
  27. 00:59:336 - ^
  28. 01:00:742 - ^
  29. 01:03:789 - Add in an inherit section here, moving the volume up by half a tick.
  30. 01:06:133 (1) - Add a Whistle.
  31. 01:08:008 (3) - ^
  32. 01:11:289 (2) - ^
  33. 01:12:695 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - There is nothing wrong with the way the hitsounds are done in this pattern, I love them. Just thought I'd point that out!
  34. 01:16:445 (1) - Make this symmetrical, so it looks absolutely perfect.
  35. 01:20:195 (1) - Shorten by one white tick. It's easy to end there, even on the easiest difficulty, not to mention it sounds more correct.
  36. 01:22:070 - Add in an inherit section here, moving the volume up by a tick.
  37. 01:24:414 - Move this timing section to 01:23:945. This is where it feels like the kiai should start, since it's the beginning of the new phrase.
  38. 01:27:226 (3) - Add in a New Combo mark here. It looks/feels like something completely different than the two notes before it.
  39. 01:27:695 (4) - Straighten this out, it looks really messy.
  40. 01:30:508 (3,4) - Add Whistles to these.
  41. 01:32:383 (2) - Add a Finish to the last point of this, it sounds a lot better/more consistent if you do.
  42. 01:37:070 (5) - Extend by one white tick and make this look symmetrical/neat, no matter which way you go with it. It sounds awkward where it ends right now and looks awkward.

  1. 00:09:297 (4) - Add a Whistle to the end of this.
  2. 00:11:172 (8) - ^
  3. 00:18:320 (3) - Add Whistles to all parts of this slider.
  4. 00:19:258 (1,2) - Remove these Whistles.
  5. 00:20:195 (3) - Add Whistles to all parts of this slider.
  6. 00:21:133 (1,2) - Remove these Whistles.
  7. 00:27:226 (1,2,3,4,5) - Here we go, this again. Please do something better. As simple as it is, it feels very awkward to play since it's definitely on a rhythm you have to really listen for. It does not flow well.
  8. 00:30:976 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  9. 00:34:726 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  10. 00:39:883 - Move this timing section to 00:39:414.
  11. 00:40:820 (3) - The last point of this should have a Whistle.
  12. 00:42:226 (4) - Add a New Combo mark.
  13. 00:42:695 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
  14. 00:45:039 (3) - The last point of this should have a Whistle.
  15. 00:46:445 (4) - Add a New Combo mark.
  16. 00:46:914 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
  17. 00:48:320 (1) - Add a Whistle.
  18. 00:49:902 - Add an inherit section here, taking the volume down two ticks.
  19. 00:49:961 (5,6,7) - Remove the Whistles.
  20. 00:50:898 or 00:51:015 - Add an inherit section here, returning the volume back to where it was before 00:49:902. Choose only one of these places, whichever you think would help the transition flow more smoothly.
  21. 00:51:133 (1) - Add a Whistle.
  22. 00:52:715 - Same drill as 00:49:902.
  23. 00:52:773 (5,6,7) - Remove the Whistles.
  24. 00:53:711 or 00:53:828 - Same drill as before (00:58:898/00:51:015).
  25. 00:53:945 (1) - Add a Whistle.
  26. 00:55:527 - Same drill as 00:49:902.
  27. 00:55:586 (5,6,7) - Remove the Whistles.
  28. 00:56:523 or 00:56:640 - Add an inherit section, except only go up one volume tick.
  29. 00:57:929 - ^
  30. 00:59:336 - ^
  31. 00:59:570 (1) - Make this look like 2. This shape is not only inconsistent with the rest of the phrase, but it would look awkward at this point, even if you were to make 2 look like 1. Afterwards, tidy it up to make it symmetrical.
  32. 01:00:742 - Add an inherit section, going up one volume tick.
  33. 01:00:976 (2) - Make this symmetrical.
  34. 01:03:789 - Add in an inherit section here, moving the volume up by half a tick.
  35. 01:12:695 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - I'd suggest changing this. It flows very weirdly for this part of the song. Not as weirdly as your syncopated bass rhythms before, but it still feels off.
  36. 01:16:914 (3) - Add a Whistle.
  37. 01:17:851 (6) - ^
  38. 01:18:789 (3) - ^ All of these Whistles help lead up to 01:19:258 (4,5,6) so the Whistles just don't feel as sudden.
  39. 01:20:195 (1) - Add a Finish.
  40. 01:22:070 - Add in an inherit section here, moving the volume up by a tick.
  41. 01:24:414 - Move this timing section to 01:23:945.
  42. 01:24:414 (1) - Add a Whistle to the endpoint.
  43. 01:25:351 (2) - ^
  44. 01:26:289 (3) - ^
  45. 01:33:320 (1) - Tidy this slider up.
  46. 01:34:726 (2) - Add a Whistle.
  47. 01:36:953 (4,5) - This feels odd. I'd suggest getting rid of the 5 and extending 4 to 01:37:656.

  1. Major complaint about this: not a single spinner. You should definitely add in a spinner so there is variety between scores.
  2. 00:04:726 (3) - Add a Whistle.
  3. 00:05:664 (6) - ^
  4. 00:06:601 (3) - ^
  5. 00:16:914 (4) - Tidy up this slider, it's really messy.
  6. 00:19:023 (5) - Add a Whistle.
  7. 00:20:898 (11) - ^
  8. 00:22:773 (6) - ^
  9. 00:23:008 (7,8) - This just feels a tad awkward. But hey, it's still very playable, unlike the other very awkward things I've mentioned.
  10. 00:29:453 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark, this is not where the new phrase starts.
  11. 00:29:687 (2) - Add the New Combo mark here, instead. That looks a lot more natural.
  12. 00:33:203 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
  13. 00:33:437 (2) - Add a New Combo mark.
  14. 00:36:953 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
  15. 00:37:187 (2) - Remove the Whistle, add a New Combo mark.
  16. 00:39:883 - Move the inherit section to 00:39:414
  17. 00:41:289 (3) - Remove the Whistle.
  18. 00:41:523 (5) - Add a Whistle.
  19. 00:42:695 (1,2) - The Claps here feel too loud to me, but eh, they fit.
  20. 00:43:398 (4,5) - ^
  21. 00:43:867 (6) - ^
  22. 00:45:508 (3) - Remove the Whistle.
  23. 00:45:742 (5) - Add a Whistle.
  24. 00:49:902 - Remember the inherit stuff I asked you to do around this point in the other difficulties? Yep, we're starting those again!
  25. 00:51:074 - Inherit back to the way it was before 00:49:902.
  26. 00:52:715 - Same thing as 00:49:902.
  27. 00:53:886 - And inherit back, like before.
  28. 00:56:289 - Add an inherit section, going down one volume tick.
  29. 00:58:222 - Add an inherit section, going up one volume tick.
  30. 00:59:629 - ^
  31. 01:01:035 - ^
  32. 01:02:851 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Is it bad that I feel like a spinner would work so well here?
  33. 01:03:789 - No matter what you decide to do here, put an inherit section, going up half a volume tick.
  34. 01:05:195 - If you decide to keep 01:02:851 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7), move the inherit section to 01:05:136.
  35. 01:12:226 (7,8) - Add Whistles to these.
  36. 01:14:336 (8) - Add a Whistle.
  37. 01:15:976 (7) - ^
  38. 01:19:726 (7,8) - Add Whistles to these.
  39. 01:20:195 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - If you don't take the previous spinner suggestion, I'd say replace this section with one, with a Finish on it.
  40. 01:22:011- If you keep 01:20:195 (1,2,3,4,5,6), add an inherit section here, going up one volume tick.
  41. 01:22:070 - If you replace 01:20:195 (1,2,3,4,5,6) with a spinner, add an inherit section here, going up one volume tick.
  42. 01:23:476 (6) - Put a Finish on the endpoint of this if you keep 01:20:195 (1,2,3,4,5,6).
  43. 01:24:414 - Move this to 01:23:945.
  44. 01:33:320 (1) - Add a Whistle to the endpoint of this.
  45. 01:34:609 (3) - Add a Whistle.
  46. 01:35:195 (6) - ^
  47. 01:36:250 (5) - ^
  48. 01:39:414 - No beat here? I feel like a beat stacked on 3 here would feel playable and flow correctly. Not to mention there's an obvious note there that's part of what you were mapping to.
  49. 01:40:820 - ^
  50. 01:42:226 - ^
  51. 01:42:929 - ^
  52. 01:43:633 - ^

What you've got here is a mostly competent mapset that has a lot of potential, but needs a lot of fixing/polishing before it can be fully realized. As far as first maps are concerned, this is really nice, keep up the good work. I apologize if this overwhelms you, I'm just trying to help you as much as I can.

To make my point: a lot of things to polish, but a very good map for your first time around, and on such a difficult song to map. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work!

When you fix this, I'll look at it again.
Topic Starter
Neo Adonis
Mod taken. Sorry the delay, but well... Almost all the tips were taken (I kept some things like these were because I think they well on the way they are).

Thanks Mogsworth!
Only a few things left to mention. Don't worry about the delays, I'm just glad you fixed it. :)

  1. That gradual volume increase (you know which one I'm talking about)...oh my god, I LOVE it. Fantastic job.
  2. This is definitely looking and playing better than before.
  3. Remember that ending kiai recommendation I made and the stuff associated with it? Please do them. Those were definitely not suggestions, they help the map look a lot less awkward.
  1. 00:27:695 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - This is less awkward than it was. HOWEVER, it still feels awkward. Maybe try one last thing? I can't think of anything else, but if you or anyone else comes up with something, that'd be superb.
Fix these and a bubble will be heading your way!
Topic Starter
Neo Adonis
Done Mogsworth! I hope it'll fine...
No more problems with this. Well-deserved bubble.
No pop because the issues were rather minor, but please look at these:

  1. Set tick rate to 2 like the other diffs.
  2. 00:42:695 (2) - An easy player shouldn't be expected to read approach circles after kick sliders.
  1. Lower stacking leniency by one notch so that 01:07:539 (5) - isn't off-center.
  2. 00:08:359 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - These play much more naturally if they're lengthened by 1/2 and moved back by a 1/4.
  3. 00:59:570 (1,2) - Spacing. Move further apart.
  1. 00:32:265 (6,7,8,9) - Confusing.
  2. 00:35:781 (7,8,9,10) - ^
  3. 00:41:875 (1) - I want to hit this a 1/4 early. Consider replacing 00:41:523 (5,1) - with a slider?
  4. 00:46:093 (1) - ^
  5. 00:48:320 (1,2) - Covered up and hard to see
  6. 00:53:242 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - This plays like a regular stream but looks super odd. Space them normally?
  7. 01:20:195 (1) - lol it's been so long since I've seen spiral sliders. Widen it just a bit so it doesn't touch itself? (my fix)
Topic Starter
Neo Adonis

MetalMario201 wrote:

No pop because the issues were rather minor, but please look at these:

  1. Set tick rate to 2 like the other diffs. Done. I didn't wanted to spoil Taiko mode, but well... It's more important osu!
  2. 00:42:695 (2) - An easy player shouldn't be expected to read approach circles after kick sliders. Lowered difficulty of the sliders. i won't do anymore for these.
  1. Lower stacking leniency by one notch so that 01:07:539 (5) - isn't off-center. OK
  2. 00:08:359 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - These play much more naturally if they're lengthened by 1/2 and moved back by a 1/4. NO
  3. 00:59:570 (1,2) - Spacing. Move further apart. I didn't noticed that :P
  1. 00:32:265 (6,7,8,9) - Confusing. That's the purpose, but lowered diff of these.
  2. 00:35:781 (7,8,9,10) - ^ OK.. Of this not.
  3. 00:41:875 (1) - I want to hit this a 1/4 early. Consider replacing 00:41:523 (5,1) - with a slider? They follow well the piano rhythm, so I won't replace them.
  4. 00:46:093 (1) - ^
  5. 00:48:320 (1,2) - Covered up and hard to see Fixed.
  6. 00:53:242 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - This plays like a regular stream but looks super odd. Space them normally? Fixed.
  7. 01:20:195 (1) - lol it's been so long since I've seen spiral sliders. Widen it just a bit so it doesn't touch itself? (my fix) Thanks!
My bubble... :(
Well, at least I'm now satisfied with the map :D Thanks so much!
(Please, unless it's very important, don't pop or make me pop my bubble again)

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