
EGOIST - The Everlasting Guilty Crown (pocotan ...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 12:25:58 PM

Artist: EGOIST
Title: The Everlasting Guilty Crown (pocotan Remix)
Source: ギルティクラウン
Tags: j-core op2 extra terrestrial biological entities ryo chelly supercell japanese electronic
BPM: 180
Filesize: 6159kb
Play Time: 06:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. Void Genome (5.8 stars, 1444 notes)
Download: EGOIST - The Everlasting Guilty Crown (pocotan Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

A very huge thanks to Mystyk for helping me a lot in the beginning.
Also a huge thanks to Pereira006 for modding the sh*t out of this map.
2015 mapping in 2021, lot of mods in v1, double bubbled, popped and now remapped a few years later.

Also these people are awesome too:

Mako Sakata
The world is trying to bring about the end
And no one is trying to stop it.
It's starting.
The symphony of destruction echoes out.
The rain that falls sounds almost like the tone of tears.

Tell me.

Do people who control and are controlled
One day forget what it means to love
Because of the hatred in their hearts,
And attack others?

I can hear this song coming to me.
All you who have life,
The truth is inside your heart
Because even in times in which I must go to the stormy ocean,
It gives you strength
That never hesitates.

However, the further we move ahead, the stronger the wind gets,
And so the flame of hope starts to go out.
"Hand over the light!" The people scramble for it,
And once it comes to this, people kill each other,
Their tears dried.

Notice it.

Your eyes are for acknowledging each other.
Your voice is to convey your feelings.
Your hand is to hold with the one who is precious to you.

I can hear this song coming to me.
All of you who have nowhere to go,
Hope is in your hearts
Because even in blazing flames,
It gives you a strength
That will never be scathed.

Are those things you tried to protect
The things you truly loved?
You gaze at your hand dyed in crimson
And finally realize the foolishness you have committed,
Admit it to be a mistake, and
Cry without an end for your sins.

I can hear this song coming to me.
All you who have life,
The truth is inside your heart
The stormy ocean has quieted,
No matter if the things you have lost are countless.

I can hear this song coming to me.
All of you who have nowhere to go,
Hope is in your hearts
When you overcome the night of sadness,
I am sure you will come out
Holding the strength to live on.

/Credit for the lyrics to

  • Erről sokat nem beszélnék, nekem a whisle nagyon nem tetszik (mert alapjáraton nem szeretem) de ott, ahol minden második fehérre clap-et raktál az jó.
  1. 00:21:474 (1) - 00:42:807 - ezen a szakaszon soft hitsound-okat használj (timing panelben állítsd át), a zene "finomabb" ezen a részen tehát a Normal hitsoundok nagyon durvák hangosak (főleg a sípolás), azokat (a normal hitsoundokat) inkább az "erősebb" részekre tartogasd
  2. 04:00:136 (1) - 04:26:802 - erre a szakaszra ugyanaz vonatkozik, mint amit fent leírtam ^ (soft hitsounds) indok ugyanaz

  • A dolgok nagyrésze a blanketekből fog állni, szóval ne számíts semmi durvára, de ha ezekre figyelsz, már sokkal szebb lesz a maped! :D
  1. 00:11:974 (6,1,2) - az ilyen részeknél, ha egy kör mellé akarsz rakni egy slidert, akkor próbáld meg úgy, hogy egy "blanket"-et alkosson - - meg így az (1,2) egyenlő távolságra van a 6-ostól és már ettől is rendezettnek tűnik
    egyébként általában úgy szoktak blanket-et csinálni, hogy az approach circle-t nézik, és ahhoz igazítják a slidert:
  2. 00:13:475 (3,4) - ezt is rendezhetnéd úgy hogy blanket legyen: - x:328 y:152 a (4)-es koordinátái
  3. 00:13:808 (4,6) - ugyanez ^ - - így a (6)-os is szebben mutat (meg ha ezt elmozdítod majd figyelj erre is 00:14:975 (7) - hogy ezt is mozdíts el úgy hogy megfelelő legyen)
  4. egyébként hosszú streameket úgy a legegyszerűbb csinálni, ha csinálsz szép slidereket és convert slider to stream o/ akkor lehet ez is szebben nézne ki (kerekebb lenne) 00:17:724 (4,5,6) - meg így a távolság is nagyjából egyenlő lesz a note-ok között, bár nem tudom amúgy lehet ezt a funkciót használtad de lehet rajta még mit csiszolni :D
  5. 00:20:641 (7) - ez is valahogy fentebb van mint kéne (bár lehet direkt), inkább rakd egy picit lentebb -->
  6. 00:24:141 (1) - ezt direkt szántad ilyen "elferdült egyenes"-nek? - - ott a végén a piros pont miatt olyan furán néz ki a slider, se nem hullám se nem egyenes, szóval vagy az egyiket vagy a másikat használd látványosan, mert úgy mutat jól -
  7. 00:21:474 (1) - 00:41:141 (7) - ezen a részen pedig úgy tűnik, hogy össze-vissza használtál távolságokat, tehát ha pl. 00:22:474 (1,2,3) - itt kb. 1,4 a távolság a note-ok között, akkor 00:33:307 (3) - itt miért csak kb. 1,00? egységesen használd a távolságot (hiszen ettől megint csak redezettebbnek fog kinézni a map, és egyébként szerintem sokkal szebb ha 1,00-es távolságot használsz de ez csak személyes vélemény)
  8. 00:43:807 (5) - ezt rakd ugyanoda, ahol 00:43:307 (3) - ez van, így megint csak egy blanket lesz és szépen fog kinézni -
  9. 00:43:807 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - itt amúgy nem tudom, hogy direkt nő-e a távolság a note-ok között, de a zene nem nagyon "kér" ilyesmit, szóval szerintem lehetne egyenlő távolság, ha viszont nem akarod akkor is szépítsd kicsit a patternt, pl. egy kisháromszög meg egy nagyháromszög: - és ha nehéz egyenlő távolságra rakni a (7)-től a (8,9)-et, akkor állítsd kisebbre a grid levelt (nagyobb kockák lesznek) és úgy egyszerűbb átrakosgatni
  10. 00:45:141 (2) - itt megint tipikus blanketet lehet csinálni (talán azzal is próbálkoztál) - vagy ha a hosszút kerekebbre szeretnéd: (én kicsit átrendeztem, mert van hogy a combo izékék "300" meg stb. felirat még ottmarad mire előbukkan a következő note, és az meg csúnyán mutat, szóval általában nem szoktuk picivel alrébb rakni a dolgokat, hanem akkor ugyanoda és az úgy szebb)
  11. 00:45:807 (4) - nem muszáj mindig ilyen görbéket használni, néha használhatnál egyenes slidereket vagy hullámokat, vagy raksz bele piros pontot, szóval pl.: (ja és ilyen slidereket úgy az egyszerűbb csinálni, ha a középső tengelyek valamelyikéhez rakod, a két legszélső pontját a sliderenek ráhelyezed a tengelyre, a slider belsejét pedig megpróbálod szimmetrikusra rakni és így szép hullámod lesz, utána meg nyilván el tudod forgatni ahogy neked tetszik (ctrl+shift+r)) vagy vagy etc.
  12. 00:46:307 (5,6,7,8,9) - ezeket is lehetne rendezettebben rakni kicsit, az első két note-ot rakd le úgy ahogy akarod, aztán copy paste, és arréb rakod: (körülbelül ilyenre, de én a következő pattern miatt kicsit fentebb is raktam)
  13. 00:47:140 (1,2,3,4,5) - itt is lehetne egyenletesebb a távolság az objectek között, hiszen ezeket szerintem pont nem jumpnak szántad, tehát sokkal szebb és rendezettebb, ha egy távolságot használsz közöttük, pl.:
  14. 00:48:140 (5) - ha esetleg követed a példámat (de úgy egyébként is) megint görbét használtál, és ilyen sokszor már kicsit unalmas és nem túl esztétikus, szóval szerintem jobban illene megint csak valami más forma:
    a piros háromszöget pedig azért raktam oda, hogy megmutassam, hogy én személy szerint erre is figyelni szoktam, hogy normális alakzatja legyen (és ezt is az approach circle segítségével) - - mert pl. így látni, hogy az (5)-ös approach circle-je nagyjából a (3,4) körnek a külső szélénél van
  15. 00:48:140 (5,6,7) - az ilyeneknél is próbáld szebbre csinálni a blanket-et: - persze, ha olyan szögben szeretnéd, mint amilyenben eddig is volt, az is oké, de akkor is figyelj oda, hogy a slider vége ne térjen el nagyon a kör "vonalától", ilyen volt:
    ilyen lett: (nem sokkal másabb csak én használtam distance-et is meg meg lettek igazítva a sliderek)
  16. 00:49:474 (9) - erre is vonatkozik, az, amit az előbb leírtam
Nah jó, egyelőre ennyi, good luck.
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Mystyk wrote:

  1. 00:21:474 (1) - 00:42:807 - ezen a szakaszon soft hitsound-okat használj (timing panelben állítsd át), a zene "finomabb" ezen a részen tehát a Normal hitsoundok nagyon durvák hangosak (főleg a sípolás), azokat (a normal hitsoundokat) inkább az "erősebb" részekre tartogasd Javitva
  2. 04:00:136 (1) - 04:26:802 - erre a szakaszra ugyanaz vonatkozik, mint amit fent leírtam ^ (soft hitsounds) indok ugyanaz Javitva

  • A dolgok nagyrésze a blanketekből fog állni, szóval ne számíts semmi durvára, de ha ezekre figyelsz, már sokkal szebb lesz a maped! :D Legtöbb blanket javitva lett ami ki lett elemve és ahol észrevettem a mapon a lehetőséget
  1. egyébként hosszú streameket úgy a legegyszerűbb csinálni, ha csinálsz szép slidereket és convert slider to stream o/ akkor lehet ez is szebben nézne ki (kerekebb lenne) 00:17:724 (4,5,6) - meg így a távolság is nagyjából egyenlő lesz a note-ok között, bár nem tudom amúgy lehet ezt a funkciót használtad de lehet rajta még mit csiszolni :D Nem, nem azt használtam de kerekitettem rajta igy már egész jól néz ki.
  2. 00:20:641 (7) - ez is valahogy fentebb van mint kéne (bár lehet direkt), inkább rakd egy picit lentebb --> Javitva
  3. 00:24:141 (1) - ezt direkt szántad ilyen "elferdült egyenes"-nek? - - ott a végén a piros pont miatt olyan furán néz ki a slider, se nem hullám se nem egyenes, szóval vagy az egyiket vagy a másikat használd látványosan, mert úgy mutat jól - Javitva
  4. 00:21:474 (1) - 00:41:141 (7) - ezen a részen pedig úgy tűnik, hogy össze-vissza használtál távolságokat, tehát ha pl. 00:22:474 (1,2,3) - itt kb. 1,4 a távolság a note-ok között, akkor 00:33:307 (3) - itt miért csak kb. 1,00? egységesen használd a távolságot (hiszen ettől megint csak redezettebbnek fog kinézni a map, és egyébként szerintem sokkal szebb ha 1,00-es távolságot használsz de ez csak személyes vélemény) Nem tudom itörtént itt, újra elhelyeztem a hangokat a teljes szakasz alatt, mostmár egységes
  5. 00:43:807 (5) - ezt rakd ugyanoda, ahol 00:43:307 (3) - ez van, így megint csak egy blanket lesz és szépen fog kinézni - Javitva
  6. 00:43:807 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - itt amúgy nem tudom, hogy direkt nő-e a távolság a note-ok között, de a zene nem nagyon "kér" ilyesmit, szóval szerintem lehetne egyenlő távolság, ha viszont nem akarod akkor is szépítsd kicsit a patternt, pl. egy kisháromszög meg egy nagyháromszög: - és ha nehéz egyenlő távolságra rakni a (7)-től a (8,9)-et, akkor állítsd kisebbre a grid levelt (nagyobb kockák lesznek) és úgy egyszerűbb átrakosgatni Egyenlő távolságot választottam jobban illik
  7. 00:45:807 (4) - nem muszáj mindig ilyen görbéket használni, néha használhatnál egyenes slidereket vagy hullámokat, vagy raksz bele piros pontot, szóval pl.: (ja és ilyen slidereket úgy az egyszerűbb csinálni, ha a középső tengelyek valamelyikéhez rakod, a két legszélső pontját a sliderenek ráhelyezed a tengelyre, a slider belsejét pedig megpróbálod szimmetrikusra rakni és így szép hullámod lesz, utána meg nyilván el tudod forgatni ahogy neked tetszik (ctrl+shift+r)) vagy vagy etc. Pár helyen kicseréltem egy-egy hosszú görbe slidert egyenes tört sliderekre, jobban illenek mint a hullámok szerintem
  8. 00:46:307 (5,6,7,8,9) - ezeket is lehetne rendezettebben rakni kicsit, az első két note-ot rakd le úgy ahogy akarod, aztán copy paste, és arréb rakod: (körülbelül ilyenre, de én a következő pattern miatt kicsit fentebb is raktam) Ez rendezettnek készült bár lehet nem egyertélmű ezért szépitettem rajta, remélem mostmár tisztább mit akartam ott elérni
  9. 00:47:140 (1,2,3,4,5) - itt is lehetne egyenletesebb a távolság az objectek között, hiszen ezeket szerintem pont nem jumpnak szántad, tehát sokkal szebb és rendezettebb, ha egy távolságot használsz közöttük, pl.: Javitva, kicsit máshogy mint a példa
  10. 00:48:140 (5) - ha esetleg követed a példámat (de úgy egyébként is) megint görbét használtál, és ilyen sokszor már kicsit unalmas és nem túl esztétikus, szóval szerintem jobban illene megint csak valami más forma:
    a piros háromszöget pedig azért raktam oda, hogy megmutassam, hogy én személy szerint erre is figyelni szoktam, hogy normális alakzatja legyen (és ezt is az approach circle segítségével) - - mert pl. így látni, hogy az (5)-ös approach circle-je nagyjából a (3,4) körnek a külső szélénél van A blanket javitások után ez a pattern teljesen szimmetrikus lett és a zenére is illik szerintem, nem szeretném megtörni
A legtöbb dolgot megpróbáltam kiterjeszteni az egész mapra remélem sikerült és nem siklottam át túl sok dolog felett.
Köszönöm a modot.
ew wtih pocotan.
Egy kis további mod, természetesen NE adj kudosu-t mert az előbb már adtál.

  1. 00:58:807 (5) - ehelyett igazán kitalálhatnál valami jobb formát, ez eléggé...nem esztétikus, de ha most nem hallgatsz rám később mások is úgyis mondani fogják szóval xD szerintem ha nagyon hosszú slidereket akarsz csinálni akkor legalább legyenek szimmetrikusak, vagy nem tudom de ez így ;_;
  2. 01:13:140 (2) - ugyanez mint fent, bár nekem az se nagyon tetszik amit én csináltam xD -
    A blanketeken is van még mit javítani, az a baj te nem nagyon nézted hozzá az approach circle-t és most még ugyanúgy "nem szép", de egy-két helyen már tényle sokkal jobb lett!
  3. 00:47:807 (4,5) - az ilyen elrendezés pl. szerintem nem annyira szép mert mindkét slider úgy mond..."egy irányba mutat" szóval: - így jobb a flow is hiszen --> ehelyett
    ezt igazából nehéz elmagyarázni, meg annyira talán nem is érződik de mégis jobb lenne így szerintem
  4. 00:50:807 (3,4,5,1,2) - úgy láttam hogy ezen a részen van még mit javítani amúgy xD a mostani állapotában nagyon eltérnek: ezen pedig tisztán látszódik hogy jobban illeszkednek a görbék
  5. 00:51:140 (4,5) - ennél is az a baj, hogy a te slidereid túl görbék így nem tudnak "egymáshoz simulni" xD de ha kicsit is változtatsz rajta már rögtön jó lesz:
    ezen a képen látszódik jól. hogy nem illeszkedik szépen:
  6. 00:51:807 (1,2) - ezeket picit arréb kell rakni meg alakítani rajtuk és jó lesz - - persze még ez a kép sem tökéletes csak a TE slidereidhez képest közelebb áll, mert nem változtattam rajta sokat X_X
  7. 01:05:807 (3,5) - itt csúnyán mutat ha ennyire közel rakod őket egymáshoz ráadásul ez is csúnya 01:05:140 (1,3) - hogy (3) nincs pontosan az (1)-es alatt
    szóval próbáld meg úgy, hogy az előzőek helyére rakod az új jumpnak megfelelő noteokat, így -->
    utána pedig a (5)-öst tedd távolabb és úgy próbálj meg blanket-et csinálni, mert tényleg nem néz ki jól, ha ennyire közel teszed őket:
  8. 00:26:808 (1,2) - itt is ugyanez, túl közel rakod őket és így "össze-visszának" néz ki -->
  9. 01:07:307 (3,6) - blanket, megint túl görbe a slidered -
  10. 01:08:140 (1,4) - az (1)-es görbéjén van még mit szépíteni, és a 4-est próbáld még laposabbra, így jobban fog illeszkedni az (1)-eshez (és ahogy elnézem az is volt a célod) -
  11. 01:12:140 (5,2) - ezeket meg próbáld úgy rendezni/formázni, hogy ne érjenek egymásba, mert az sem mutat jól -
  12. 01:17:473 (4) - fura sliderek
  13. 01:36:139 (1,2,3,4) - ennél azért szebben is menne ez a pattern 01:36:806 (3) - ezt pedig egyenesre vagy görbére akartad? ha ilyen kis görbét akarsz neki akkor már inkább egyenes legyen >.< --> és
    meg persze a távolságra ne felejts el figyelni!
  14. 01:37:806 (7,8) - ezeket miért nem rakod pontosan ezek közé 01:37:473 (5,6) - középre? valahogy így: - és akkor mehetne a (8)-as slider vége arra a helyre, ahol a (4)-es slider vége van
  15. 01:38:473 (1,3) - ez ilyen félig blanket félig nem, melyiket akartad? ha nem blanket akkor látványosan ne legyen az, ha az akkor meg szép legyen, tehát: és (a (4,1) blanketre is figyelj, mert úgy láttam azt annak szántad csak nem lett elég szép)
    akármelyiket is választod, használd a distance snap-et, mert attól egységesebb lesz köztük a távolság (hiszen ezeket nem szántad jumpnak) és szebb lesz

Ja és ezt még idebiggyesztem neked hátha segít :D
Pani! difficulty-n is vannak szép sliderek, szerintem nézd meg!

Surono hozzászólásával pedig ne törődj, az ilyen kommenteket el se kéne küldeni -.-"

Combo színek:
Combo1 : 200,119,173
Combo2 : 230,230,230
Combo3 : 255,191,228
Combo4 : 189,34,38
De ha nem is ezek de valami normálisabbat, és ne a default színeket használd. :D
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Mystyk wrote:

  1. 00:58:807 (5) - ehelyett igazán kitalálhatnál valami jobb formát, ez eléggé...nem esztétikus, de ha most nem hallgatsz rám később mások is úgyis mondani fogják szóval xD szerintem ha nagyon hosszú slidereket akarsz csinálni akkor legalább legyenek szimmetrikusak, vagy nem tudom de ez így ;_; Javitva
  2. 01:13:140 (2) - ugyanez mint fent, bár nekem az se nagyon tetszik amit én csináltam xD - Javitva
    A blanketeken is van még mit javítani, az a baj te nem nagyon nézted hozzá az approach circle-t és most még ugyanúgy "nem szép", de egy-két helyen már tényle sokkal jobb lett! Mégtöbb blanket javitva
  3. 00:47:807 (4,5) - az ilyen elrendezés pl. szerintem nem annyira szép mert mindkét slider úgy mond..."egy irányba mutat" szóval: - így jobb a flow is hiszen --> ehelyett
    ezt igazából nehéz elmagyarázni, meg annyira talán nem is érződik de mégis jobb lenne így szerintem Javitva
  4. 00:50:807 (3,4,5,1,2) - úgy láttam hogy ezen a részen van még mit javítani amúgy xD a mostani állapotában nagyon eltérnek: ezen pedig tisztán látszódik hogy jobban illeszkednek a görbék Javitva
  5. 00:51:140 (4,5) - ennél is az a baj, hogy a te slidereid túl görbék így nem tudnak "egymáshoz simulni" xD de ha kicsit is változtatsz rajta már rögtön jó lesz:
    ezen a képen látszódik jól. hogy nem illeszkedik szépen: Javitva
  6. 00:51:807 (1,2) - ezeket picit arréb kell rakni meg alakítani rajtuk és jó lesz - - persze még ez a kép sem tökéletes csak a TE slidereidhez képest közelebb áll, mert nem változtattam rajta sokat X_X Javitva
  7. 01:05:807 (3,5) - itt csúnyán mutat ha ennyire közel rakod őket egymáshoz ráadásul ez is csúnya 01:05:140 (1,3) - hogy (3) nincs pontosan az (1)-es alatt
    szóval próbáld meg úgy, hogy az előzőek helyére rakod az új jumpnak megfelelő noteokat, így -->
    utána pedig a (5)-öst tedd távolabb és úgy próbálj meg blanket-et csinálni, mert tényleg nem néz ki jól, ha ennyire közel teszed őket: Javitva
  8. 00:26:808 (1,2) - itt is ugyanez, túl közel rakod őket és így "össze-visszának" néz ki --> Javitva
  9. 01:07:307 (3,6) - blanket, megint túl görbe a slidered - Javitva
  10. 01:08:140 (1,4) - az (1)-es görbéjén van még mit szépíteni, és a 4-est próbáld még laposabbra, így jobban fog illeszkedni az (1)-eshez (és ahogy elnézem az is volt a célod) - Javitva
  11. 01:12:140 (5,2) - ezeket meg próbáld úgy rendezni/formázni, hogy ne érjenek egymásba, mert az sem mutat jól -
  12. 01:17:473 (4) - fura sliderek Ezt nem érzem furának, játszani sem az
  13. 01:36:139 (1,2,3,4) - ennél azért szebben is menne ez a pattern 01:36:806 (3) - ezt pedig egyenesre vagy görbére akartad? ha ilyen kis görbét akarsz neki akkor már inkább egyenes legyen >.< --> és
    meg persze a távolságra ne felejts el figyelni! Javitva
  14. 01:37:806 (7,8) - ezeket miért nem rakod pontosan ezek közé 01:37:473 (5,6) - középre? valahogy így: - és akkor mehetne a (8)-as slider vége arra a helyre, ahol a (4)-es slider vége van Javitva
  15. 01:38:473 (1,3) - ez ilyen félig blanket félig nem, melyiket akartad? ha nem blanket akkor látványosan ne legyen az, ha az akkor meg szép legyen, tehát: és (a (4,1) blanketre is figyelj, mert úgy láttam azt annak szántad csak nem lett elég szép)
    akármelyiket is választod, használd a distance snap-et, mert attól egységesebb lesz köztük a távolság (hiszen ezeket nem szántad jumpnak) és szebb lesz Javitva
Combo színek:
Combo1 : 200,119,173
Combo2 : 230,230,230
Combo3 : 255,191,228
Combo4 : 189,34,38
Hello~ from #modreqs

Little thing : your bg should be 1366x768

00:00:142 (1,5) - overlap
00:03:808 (5,8) - how are stacking these?
00:11:474 (5,2) - ^ to avoid overlap
00:51:807 (1,2,5,6) - stack the circles with sliders head
01:07:307 (3,1) - stack
01:10:973 (9,2) - ^
01:52:806 (5,3) - stack with the slider trail
02:02:139 (9,1) - stack with the slider head
02:34:305 (2,6) - stack these if possible
02:57:804 (6,8) - overlap, try to blanket (8)
03:07:471 (3,5) - overlap try to stack them
03:19:804 (4,6) - overlap blanket (6)
03:20:804 (1,3) - stack (3) trail with (1) head
03:36:303 (2,5) - stack with (5) trail
04:56:135 (3,5) - overlap
05:38:801 (1,4) - ^

I hope my mod helps ♥
Topic Starter
[ Another ]

KASUM1 wrote:

Little thing : your bg should be 1366x768 Fixed

00:00:142 (1,5) - overlap I don't think overlaps are issues in extra difficulties if they are that far on the timeline.
00:51:807 (1,2,5,6) - stack the circles with sliders head I would have to break that line pattern, it plays well how it's placed now.
01:07:307 (3,1) - stack Done
01:10:973 (9,2) - ^ Done
01:52:806 (5,3) - stack with the slider trail Done
02:02:139 (9,1) - stack with the slider head Fixed that part in another way.
02:34:305 (2,6) - stack these if possible Done
02:57:804 (6,8) - overlap, try to blanket (8) Done
03:07:471 (3,5) - overlap try to stack them Done
03:19:804 (4,6) - overlap blanket (6) Done
03:20:804 (1,3) - stack (3) trail with (1) head Fixed that part in another way.
03:36:303 (2,5) - stack with (5) trail Done
Thank you for the mod!

[ Another ] wrote:

KASUM1 wrote:

Little thing : your bg should be 1366x768 Fixed

00:00:142 (1,5) - overlap I don't think overlaps are issues in extra difficulties if they are that far on the timeline.
00:51:807 (1,2,5,6) - stack the circles with sliders head I would have to break that line pattern, it plays well how it's placed now.
01:07:307 (3,1) - stack Done
01:10:973 (9,2) - ^ Done
01:52:806 (5,3) - stack with the slider trail Done
02:02:139 (9,1) - stack with the slider head Fixed that part in another way.
02:34:305 (2,6) - stack these if possible Done
02:57:804 (6,8) - overlap, try to blanket (8) Done
03:07:471 (3,5) - overlap try to stack them Done
03:19:804 (4,6) - overlap blanket (6) Done
03:20:804 (1,3) - stack (3) trail with (1) head Fixed that part in another way.
03:36:303 (2,5) - stack with (5) trail Done

Glad I was able to help you

  • Timing:
  1. BPM: OK!
  2. Offset: OK!

  3. BG: Bad.. Size is unrankeable, 1228x768 it should be 1366x768
  4. HS: OK!
  5. LeadIn: Add some Time LeadIn on the diff file because the song starts on the beginning of the mp3 (Around 1500~2000 should be fine)

    Other Stuff:
  6. Combo Color: Bad... They don't fit at all the background, here I have some suggestions:
    collapsed text
    Combo1 : 129,145,188
    Combo2 : 230,230,230
    Combo3 : 0,64,128
    Combo4 : 22,16,135
  7. Song Setup: OK!
  8. General AiMod: AiMod says that your folder has over 10 MB, consider reducing it
  9. Storyboard: Some pictures have dimentions more than the allowed by ranking criteria
[Void Genome]
  1. 00:03:308 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - It is a bit odd to play something so hard (kind of) whith lots of singletapping, when the pattern used right before on the same rhythm was very calm and easy to play 00:00:142 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - You have to be consistent with the spread of difficulty through a same section of the song
  2. 00:08:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This jump feels unecessary and random to my eyes, the rhythm is the same from the beginning which you didn't use any
  3. 00:46:307 (5,6,7,8,9) - Any reason for jump here too? You didn't use it here 00:43:807 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - and it is the same rhythm
  4. 00:48:140 (5) - NC here sounds good imo
  5. 00:51:807 (1,3) - Very minor but they overlap 00:51:807 (1,3) - it is possible to see
  6. 01:06:640 (1,2) - Increase DS here to make a jump
  7. This part feels a bit random 01:04:140 - to 01:24:223 - some parts you are following vocals and the other the drums from the remix, it is a bit hard to guess what you will follow next, I suggest you going for the drums all the time
  8. 01:46:139 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - This long stacked stream may be too hard to read, don't you think?
  9. 01:57:972 (5,6) - Flow here is a bit awful , doing Control H on 01:58:139 (6) - will help a bit
  10. 02:00:140 (2,4) - Minor: overlap here
  11. 02:21:138 (7,1) - ^
  12. 02:22:138 (3,5) - ^ this one is a bit ugly imo
  13. 02:42:805 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - and on: This is such a very long streamy section lol, are you sure you want people to keep streaming all this long? the beginning of the stream is very calm on the song and it's even hard to hear, I think should spam more 1/4 sliders with reverse arrows
  14. 02:56:138 (1,3,4) - Triple kill overlap :3
  15. 02:57:138 (4,6) - ^
  16. 02:59:471 (3,5) - ^
  17. 03:00:138 (5,7) - Try a blanket here to make the pattern prettier?
  18. 03:02:137 (4,6) - Tiny overlap here
  19. 03:13:971 (3,5) - ^
  20. 03:39:470 (3,1) - ^
  21. 03:39:803 (4,2) - ^ (I am only linking overlaps that I found ugly, the good ones I didn't)
  22. 03:49:803 (2,4) - ^
  23. 04:07:469 (1,2,3,4,5) - What about Distance Snap here ? :3
  24. 04:09:136 (8,1) - Overlap here
  25. 04:10:136 (4,5,6) - Try a 1/1 slider at 04:10:136 - this will follow the rhythm much better
  26. 04:27:136 (2,4) - Overlap here
  27. 05:05:801 (7,1) - ^
  28. 05:37:467 (5,7) - ^ Stacking will solve this problem
  29. 05:39:801 (4,6) - Overlap again here :3
  30. 05:56:967 (7,9) - NC here will work nicely

Overall the set is not bad, you just need some improvement at patterns and rhythm, I hope this was helpful :), don't forget to vote on my Poll
Topic Starter
[ Another ]

Lumael wrote:


  • Folder:
  1. LeadIn: Add some Time LeadIn on the diff file because the song starts on the beginning of the mp3 (Around 1500~2000 should be fine) Done

    Other Stuff:
  2. Combo Color: Bad... They don't fit at all the background, here I have some suggestions:
    collapsed text
    Combo1 : 129,145,188
    Combo2 : 230,230,230
    Combo3 : 0,64,128
    Combo4 : 22,16,135
  3. Storyboard: Some pictures have dimentions more than the allowed by ranking criteria

[Void Genome]
  1. 00:03:308 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - It is a bit odd to play something so hard (kind of) whith lots of singletapping, when the pattern used right before on the same rhythm was very calm and easy to play 00:00:142 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - You have to be consistent with the spread of difficulty through a same section of the song Fixed that part
  2. 00:08:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This jump feels unecessary and random to my eyes, the rhythm is the same from the beginning which you didn't use any 00:05:475 (1) - With this slider a new section starts in he music but the 1/1 slider fits more than a jump not like the part you mentioned, that jumos fits well on that part
  3. 00:46:307 (5,6,7,8,9) - Any reason for jump here too? You didn't use it here 00:43:807 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - and it is the same rhythm 00:43:807 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Changed on that part a bit
  4. 00:48:140 (5) - NC here sounds good imo Done
  5. 00:51:807 (1,3) - Very minor but they overlap 00:51:807 (1,3) - it is possible to see Done
  6. 01:06:640 (1,2) - Increase DS here to make a jump Done
  7. This part feels a bit random 01:04:140 - to 01:24:223 - some parts you are following vocals and the other the drums from the remix, it is a bit hard to guess what you will follow next, I suggest you going for the drums all the time These are 2 triangle jumps embedded to each other, polished it to make it more clear
  8. 01:46:139 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - This long stacked stream may be too hard to read, don't you think? I don't think so and it fits better than a spaced stream
  9. 01:57:972 (5,6) - Flow here is a bit awful , doing Control H on 01:58:139 (6) - will help a bit Done
  10. 02:00:140 (2,4) - Minor: overlap here Fixed
  11. 02:21:138 (7,1) - ^ Fixed
  12. 02:22:138 (3,5) - ^ this one is a bit ugly imo Fixed
  13. 02:42:805 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - and on: This is such a very long streamy section lol, are you sure you want people to keep streaming all this long? the beginning of the stream is very calm on the song and it's even hard to hear, I think should spam more 1/4 sliders with reverse arrows It's very easy to play, low spacing and it's not even that long, should be okay
  14. 02:56:138 (1,3,4) - Triple kill overlap :3 02:56:138 (1,4) - These 2 sliders are far enough on the timeline to not be a problem, 3-4 fixed
  15. 02:57:138 (4,6) - ^ Fixed
  16. 02:59:471 (3,5) - ^ Fixed that part
  17. 03:00:138 (5,7) - Try a blanket here to make the pattern prettier? ^Fixed
  18. 03:02:137 (4,6) - Tiny overlap here Fixed
  19. 03:13:971 (3,5) - ^ Fixed
  20. 03:39:470 (3,1) - ^ Fixed
  21. 03:39:803 (4,2) - ^ (I am only linking overlaps that I found ugly, the good ones I didn't) Fixed
  22. 03:49:803 (2,4) - ^ Fixed
  23. 04:07:469 (1,2,3,4,5) - What about Distance Snap here ? :3 Fixed
  24. 04:09:136 (8,1) - Overlap here Fixed
  25. 04:10:136 (4,5,6) - Try a 1/1 slider at 04:10:136 - this will follow the rhythm much better The circles are good there imo
  26. 04:27:136 (2,4) - Overlap here Fixed
  27. 05:05:801 (7,1) - ^ Fixed
  28. 05:37:467 (5,7) - ^ Stacking will solve this problem Fixed
  29. 05:39:801 (4,6) - Overlap again here :3 Fixed
  30. 05:56:967 (7,9) - NC here will work nicely Fixed
Thank you for the mod!
A few questions and general advice

  1. seems like you're using images from the sb of in here, with pretty similar graphic stuff, did you ask Ashasaki for them or is that unintentional?
  2. most of your normal whistles are a bit too loud for my tastes, p/4492818 charles explains the problem i currently have with them pretty well in that post
  3. the volume for most of the beginning is a bit very loud, the normal sampleset nearly overpowers everything else
  4. most of your streams and patterns look really messy, I assume you drew the streams by h hand while activating distance snap or something, at least that's the only way i can explin shapes like 02:08:139 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - where just placing sliders and then going to compose -> convert slider to stream would easily make fore a much neater streamshape (see the random space at around 02:09:805 (1,2,3) - )
  5. generally a lot of your jumps feel out of place with a song as steady as this, to explain this a bit better I'll explain what happens when you place a jump
    -> when placing a jump betwen 2 notes, you obviously have to move faster in order to hit the note that is jumped to, thus it puts pressure on the player that has to play the pattern. Logically Jumps would make sense at places that are stressed in the song, and with a song as constant as this one you could try to be more consistent about their usage (e.g. you make one sound instance a jump while making another instance of the same sound an antijump it leads to your map being messy as hell pretty quickly because the song has a really strict system while your map does not)
    examples of this:
    00:08:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - why is this so drastically different than the 2 previous patterns
    01:04:140 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i can't really see what you're focusing here, it's neither instruments nor vocals because for that 01:04:473 (3,1) - should have more spacing than the whole rest if it was instruments and if it was vocals 01:03:807 (4,1) - should have more space as well as 01:04:973 (6) - in relation to 01:04:640 (4,5,6) - so yes it seems like you're placing 2 trianglepatterns for the sake of placing triangle patterns
    01:09:473 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - what exactly is building up here to make you use a buildup spacing pattern?
    01:13:140 (2) - if this is supposed to follow the vocal... uhh that vocal you may want to follow starts in 01:13:307 - ????
    01:20:140 (1,2,3,4) - oh look a place where you could use buildup spacing circle patterns because that's what the bass in the song does and you placed sliders all over them :/
    01:54:806 (1) - judging by the way you spaced patterns for vocals i don't get why this doesn't get space but has vocals
    01:59:472 (7) - this plays more like a stop than an actual motion
    02:32:138 - why doies this part get much higher overall spacing than 00:42:807 - onwards while being the same kind of thing repeating?
    so ya, overall i don't have that much a clue of what's going on and what isn't, spacing could make more sense overall this aren't like the only thing, it's all over the place i just decided that this is enough to show you the idea
  6. starting from 02:32:138 - inori's hand will be cut off in 4:3 resolution is that intended?
  7. overlapping patterns like 02:56:138 (1,3,4) - look unappealing visually, especially when only sliderborders touch, there are a few other instances of these kinda pattern 03:22:804 (1,3) - 03:27:137 (1,3) - etc etc :/
overall i think this map could use a lot more logic to its patterns to fit the song better and could be tidied up in general, it didn't play badly it just spiked difficulty rather randomly imo so it should probably make more sense
do whatever you want with these advices, i can only tell you where i think you should pay more attention to, what you do with it is entirely up to you
Topic Starter
[ Another ]

Okoratu wrote:

  1. seems like you're using images from the sb of in here, with pretty similar graphic stuff, did you ask Ashasaki for them or is that unintentional? No, all of the SB elements were found by me or created by me, havent touched any other SB for it.
  2. most of your normal whistles are a bit too loud for my tastes, p/4492818 charles explains the problem i currently have with them pretty well in that post Decreased the volumes by 5%, i dont know if it will fix the problem since on my setup it wasnt that loud
  3. the volume for most of the beginning is a bit very loud, the normal sampleset nearly overpowers everything else Decreased the volume of the first 3 sections from 55% to 45%
  4. most of your streams and patterns look really messy, I assume you drew the streams by h hand while activating distance snap or something, at least that's the only way i can explin shapes like 02:08:139 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - where just placing sliders and then going to compose -> convert slider to stream would easily make fore a much neater streamshape (see the random space at around 02:09:805 (1,2,3) - ) Fixed that stream and some other to be more consistent
  5. generally a lot of your jumps feel out of place with a song as steady as this, to explain this a bit better I'll explain what happens when you place a jump
    -> when placing a jump betwen 2 notes, you obviously have to move faster in order to hit the note that is jumped to, thus it puts pressure on the player that has to play the pattern. Logically Jumps would make sense at places that are stressed in the song, and with a song as constant as this one you could try to be more consistent about their usage (e.g. you make one sound instance a jump while making another instance of the same sound an antijump it leads to your map being messy as hell pretty quickly because the song has a really strict system while your map does not)
    examples of this:
    00:08:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - why is this so drastically different than the 2 previous patterns Remapped that part
    01:04:140 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i can't really see what you're focusing here, it's neither instruments nor vocals because for that 01:04:473 (3,1) - should have more spacing than the whole rest if it was instruments and if it was vocals 01:03:807 (4,1) - should have more space as well as 01:04:973 (6) - in relation to 01:04:640 (4,5,6) - so yes it seems like you're placing 2 trianglepatterns for the sake of placing triangle patterns I think that pattern fits that part of the song as it is, i tried different possibilites but none of them were better
    01:09:473 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - what exactly is building up here to make you use a buildup spacing pattern? Remapped to be more consistent
    01:13:140 (2) - if this is supposed to follow the vocal... uhh that vocal you may want to follow starts in 01:13:307 - ???? Fixed
    01:54:806 (1) - judging by the way you spaced patterns for vocals i don't get why this doesn't get space but has vocals Fixed(? im not sure what you mean)
    01:59:472 (7) - this plays more like a stop than an actual motion Fixed
    02:32:138 - why doies this part get much higher overall spacing than 00:42:807 - onwards while being the same kind of thing repeating?
    so ya, overall i don't have that much a clue of what's going on and what isn't, spacing could make more sense overall this aren't like the only thing, it's all over the place i just decided that this is enough to show you the idea Remapped that part a bit
  6. starting from 02:32:138 - inori's hand will be cut off in 4:3 resolution is that intended? Fixed
  7. overlapping patterns like 02:56:138 (1,3,4) - look unappealing visually, especially when only sliderborders touch, there are a few other instances of these kinda pattern 03:22:804 (1,3) - 03:27:137 (1,3) - etc etc :/ Fixed most unintentional overlaps
Thanks a lot.

Edit: Checked the storyboard of Ashasaki's map, yeah it has some similarites but its totally unintentional, i made the SB by my idea.
hello~ from my mq.


• I found no gross violations! The only thing that can prevent rank this colors new combos: they should not merge with the background and to be almost identical. I suggest that instead of 4 colors add shade of pink or red... SB also present in other colors.

Kiai time

• 2nd kiai time You can ends here 03:57:470 - because the music here has calmed down sharply

[Void Genome]

• 00:18:474 (5,6) - Why are there different spacings? This confuses. can do the same spacing as in the rest of the stream
• 00:23:974 (7,8) - This is a very sudden jump - Mark it with a new combo ( as here 00:26:808 (1) )
• 00:29:474 (8) - ^
• 00:52:140 (2,6) - overlap. Try to remove the imposition of a curve
• 00:58:807 (5) - new combo
• 01:05:140 (1,2) - blanket (Make neater blanket) that's what you have now and this is something that will look better
• 01:19:640 (3) - move here x:364 y:145 -that to maintain a smooth flow of the game after the slider and will look neater
• 01:20:140 (1,2,3,4) - I propose to increase a little distance between them. in order to avoid overlapping of. that's what you have now and and this is something that will look better
• 01:21:473 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this 01:21:473 (1,3,5) - must be a copy of the 01:21:640 (2,4,6) - . But here 01:21:640 (2,4,6) - direct flow. Make the same side 01:21:473 (1,3,5). and 01:22:140 (5,1) - remove overlap
• 01:37:473 (5) - new combo: here it is necessary to allocate the change spacings.
• 01:49:472 (1,2) - blanket
• 02:34:138 (1,2,3,4) - Do it in a rhombus or square. it looks bad . it will be better this way
• 02:53:471 (1,2,3) - do the same spacings
• 03:26:804 (6,1,2) - sliders do the same. and make it so that the circle was exactly between them
• 03:28:137 (6) - new combo
• 03:29:137 (10) - move here 03:29:470. Otherwise lost rhythm with the large white teak
• 03:57:553 (1) - move end here 03:59:803 . suitable for vocals and music. because the spinner to finish on a blue tick strange
• 04:54:135 (1,2) - blanket
• 04:58:635 (3,4) - ^
• 05:14:385 (4,1,2,3,4,1,2) -It looks very crooked :< Better to do something like this
• 05:57:466 (3) - new combo. because after a sharp jump is hard to understand
• 05:57:550 (1) - ends here 06:00:300

the rest is in order. But I think you should check out the new combo. because where there is a change spacings should be new combos

Good luck!
Topic Starter
[ Another ]

ZLOdeuka- wrote:


• I found no gross violations! The only thing that can prevent rank this colors new combos: they should not merge with the background and to be almost identical. I suggest that instead of 4 colors add shade of pink or red... SB also present in other colors. Readded the colours from Mystyk's mod.

Kiai time

• 2nd kiai time You can ends here 03:57:470 - because the music here has calmed down sharply Fixed

[Void Genome]

• 00:18:474 (5,6) - Why are there different spacings? This confuses. can do the same spacing as in the rest of the stream Fixed
• 00:23:974 (7,8) - This is a very sudden jump - Mark it with a new combo ( as here 00:26:808 (1) ) Done
• 00:29:474 (8) - ^ Done
• 00:52:140 (2,6) - overlap. Try to remove the imposition of a curve Fixed
• 00:58:807 (5) - new combo I dont really think that this should be a NC
• 01:05:140 (1,2) - blanket (Make neater blanket) that's what you have now and this is something that will look better Fixed
• 01:19:640 (3) - move here x:364 y:145 -that to maintain a smooth flow of the game after the slider and will look neater Fixed
• 01:20:140 (1,2,3,4) - I propose to increase a little distance between them. in order to avoid overlapping of. that's what you have now and and this is something that will look better Fixed
• 01:21:473 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this 01:21:473 (1,3,5) - must be a copy of the 01:21:640 (2,4,6) - . But here 01:21:640 (2,4,6) - direct flow. Make the same side 01:21:473 (1,3,5). and 01:22:140 (5,1) - remove overlap Fixed
• 01:37:473 (5) - new combo: here it is necessary to allocate the change spacings. Fixed
• 01:49:472 (1,2) - blanket Fixed
• 02:34:138 (1,2,3,4) - Do it in a rhombus or square. it looks bad . it will be better this way Fixed
• 02:53:471 (1,2,3) - do the same spacings Fixed
• 03:26:804 (6,1,2) - sliders do the same. and make it so that the circle was exactly between them Fixed
• 03:28:137 (6) - new combo Fixed
• 03:29:137 (10) - move here 03:29:470. Otherwise lost rhythm with the large white teak Remapped that part a bit.
• 03:57:553 (1) - move end here 03:59:803 . suitable for vocals and music. because the spinner to finish on a blue tick strange Fixed
• 04:54:135 (1,2) - blanket Fixed
• 04:58:635 (3,4) - ^ Fixed
• 05:14:385 (4,1,2,3,4,1,2) -It looks very crooked :< Better to do something like this Fixed
• 05:57:466 (3) - new combo. because after a sharp jump is hard to understand Fixed
• 05:57:550 (1) - ends here 06:00:300 Fixed
Thank you for the mod!
Yo! From my que. I cannot mod anything storyboard related sorry.

[Void Genome]

Well first, you have no custom hitsounds and that makes me sad since you even have a storyboard but no custom hitsounds.
Okay now that this totally irrelevant thing has been gotten out of the way let the real mod begin.

00:02:141 (7) - ?
00:04:475 (7) - Fix blanket
00:05:308 (10) - Hmm... maybe just make 00:05:141 (9) - a 1/2 slider it just feels better imo since there's really nothing playing at 00:05:308 (10) - except some random super silent kick
00:05:975 (2,3,4,5,6) - This does not sound right to my ear.
00:15:891 (11,12,13,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - I feel like this kind of long streams are just boring to play. You could maybe add something like kicksliders for some kind of buildup.
00:18:891 (6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - ^
00:21:474 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,1) - Gonna talk a little about this part now
00:23:974 (7,1) - Idk about this. This spacing feels too big (5,53 distance) 00:26:641 (7,1) - and then this jump which is inconsistent with the spacing of the latter. I feel like the more you do these the bigger the spacing should get. Maybe start from something like 3,00 and the last jump could maybe be at 5,00 or more distance but you should experiment this yourself and see what feels the best. Also this 00:40:141 (1) - slider is too round. Yea I got infected with Azer's buttslider thing. Okay now I'm done with this part
00:43:474 (4) - Ctrl+g?
00:50:140 (2) - Should the red controlpoint be on the center or something? Anyways I feel like when you do these kind of sliders you make them too sharp but that is just my preference.
00:51:140 (5) - Ctrl+g?
00:58:807 (5) - This just feels too fast. Idk maybe take the sv a bit down
01:14:807 (1,2,3) - You can give these more space
01:20:140 (1,2,3,4) - These too
01:38:973 (2) - I feel like this would be better when stacked to 01:39:139 (3) -
01:40:473 (4,5) - This feels very awkward when you transition from a huge jump to this kind of super small jump
01:44:473 (2) - Ctrl+g?
01:44:806 (3,4) - If you did that then: ?
02:04:139 (1,2,3,4,5) - You use this pattern so ofthen that it becomes boring. Come up with more jump patterns
02:08:139 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Kicksliders do cool buildups. Kickstreams too but kickstreams might not fit this idk
02:12:139 (4) - This whistle sounds random
02:48:804 (1,2,3,4) - You can give kicksliders more space
02:50:804 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
03:00:138 (5) - Ctrl+g?
03:08:137 (5) - ^
03:09:471 (1) - Again the fast slider thing
03:13:471 (7,8,9) - This triple just sounds awkward
03:16:470 (2) - Ctrl+g?
03:25:470 (1,2,3) - Space more
03:30:637 (4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Jump patterns m8. Jump patterns
03:52:136 (1,2,3,4) - Spaced inconsistently and you can again give these more space
04:00:136 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - You could still put more slower sv
04:16:136 (4) - This is ugly. Too wiggly that might be the case.
05:15:635 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - Now this is just lazy repeating the same pattern over and over but just increasing the spacing
05:25:801 (3,4,5) - Space more. Now these overlap a bit and look dumb
05:30:801 (1,2,3,4) - ^
05:32:134 (1,2,3,4) - ^
05:38:133 (7) - ?
05:43:801 (3) - This maps nothing
05:52:134 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - Meh meh.. boring long streams with nothing but streams
05:54:884 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - ^

This concludes my mod. I feel like you were a bit lazy making this when you just copy paste (jump)patterns here and there. Hopefully this helped at least in some way and hopefully you don't feel like I'm trying to force my mapping style all over you.

Good luck! :)

My 100th post time to open the champagne lol I'm underage and it's the middle of the week
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Maakkeli wrote:

[Void Genome]

I didnt agree with the kickslider suggestions because i think they are more boring to play than a normal stream and i didnt agree woth most of the ctrl+g suggestions so i wont commentate them one by one.

Tried to add more diversity to the jump patterns but the ones that i used fit the music the most imo so i wont commentate them one by one.

00:02:141 (7) - ? Thats one of the rare places where a reverse slider fits the music imo, so i dont agree
00:04:475 (7) - Fix blanket Fixed
00:05:308 (10) - Hmm... maybe just make 00:05:141 (9) - a 1/2 slider it just feels better imo since there's really nothing playing at 00:05:308 (10) - except some random super silent kick Done
00:05:975 (2,3,4,5,6) - This does not sound right to my ear. Remapped that part a bit
00:23:974 (7,1) - Idk about this. This spacing feels too big (5,53 distance) 00:26:641 (7,1) - and then this jump which is inconsistent with the spacing of the latter. I feel like the more you do these the bigger the spacing should get. Maybe start from something like 3,00 and the last jump could maybe be at 5,00 or more distance but you should experiment this yourself and see what feels the best. Also this 00:40:141 (1) - slider is too round. Yea I got infected with Azer's buttslider thing. Okay now I'm done with this part Decreased few spacings and fixed that slider
00:50:140 (2) - Should the red controlpoint be on the center or something? Anyways I feel like when you do these kind of sliders you make them too sharp but that is just my preference. Fixed
00:58:807 (5) - This just feels too fast. Idk maybe take the sv a bit down It would cause some readability/playability problems i think
01:14:807 (1,2,3) - You can give these more space Done
01:20:140 (1,2,3,4) - These too Done
01:38:973 (2) - I feel like this would be better when stacked to 01:39:139 (3) - Done
01:40:473 (4,5) - This feels very awkward when you transition from a huge jump to this kind of super small jump Fixed
02:12:139 (4) - This whistle sounds random Fixed, probably it was a misclick
02:48:804 (1,2,3,4) - You can give kicksliders more space I dont want them to be to hard but i gave them a bit more spacing
02:50:804 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ ^
03:13:471 (7,8,9) - This triple just sounds awkward Fixed
03:25:470 (1,2,3) - Space more Done
03:52:136 (1,2,3,4) - Spaced inconsistently and you can again give these more space Fixed
04:00:136 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - You could still put more slower sv Yeah this is the slowest part of the music but the vocal is strong enough to keep this SV i think
04:16:136 (4) - This is ugly. Too wiggly that might be the case. Fixed
05:15:635 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - Now this is just lazy repeating the same pattern over and over but just increasing the spacing Remapped that part a bit
05:25:801 (3,4,5) - Space more. Now these overlap a bit and look dumb Done
05:30:801 (1,2,3,4) - ^ Done
05:32:134 (1,2,3,4) - ^ Done
05:38:133 (7) - ? Like the first one
05:43:801 (3) - This maps nothing I think you mean 05:43:634 (2) - but without that circle its sounds weird to me
Thank you for the mod!

Void Genome

  1. 00:46:807 (9) - It look nice but i think it will be better if CTRL+G :3 It will have nice flow
  2. 00:00:142 (1,2,3) - Correct blanket cus its uneven a little :D if u will see this AR on circle u will see that one overlaps the slider and the second not
  3. 00:06:641 (4) - CTRL+G ? Its just sugestion :D
  4. 00:51:140 (5) - CTRL+G work nice with song :3 But i know what u wanted to make but i think its not bad thats all
  5. 02:04:972 (6,7,8) - I think it will be better to play if u will stack this on slider 02:05:305 (1)
  6. 02:21:472 (1,2) - Uneven blanet a little
  7. 02:22:138 (3,4,5) - Correct blanket cus its uneven a little :D if u will see this AR on circle u will see that one overlaps the slider and the second not
  8. 02:24:805 (3) - CTRL+G make nice flow :3
  9. 02:40:805 (7) - ^
  10. 03:02:471 (5) - CTRL+G pls :3
  11. 03:03:471 (8) - ^

This mod is only opinion and if u will change some CTRL+G u will have to change patterns a little ;-; I just wanted make perfect flow :D
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Asserin wrote:

Void Genome

  1. 00:46:807 (9) - It look nice but i think it will be better if CTRL+G :3 It will have nice flow Done
  2. 00:00:142 (1,2,3) - Correct blanket cus its uneven a little :D if u will see this AR on circle u will see that one overlaps the slider and the second not Fixed
  3. 00:06:641 (4) - CTRL+G ? Its just sugestion :D Done
  4. 00:51:140 (5) - CTRL+G work nice with song :3 But i know what u wanted to make but i think its not bad thats all That would break the pattern and it plays well as it is
  5. 02:04:972 (6,7,8) - I think it will be better to play if u will stack this on slider 02:05:305 (1) I dont really like when there is a triplet on a slider start but there is an unmapped blue tick between them, i dont know i just dont like it at all, if you refering to the slider end it wouldnt look so good
  6. 02:21:472 (1,2) - Uneven blanet a little Fixed
  7. 02:22:138 (3,4,5) - Correct blanket cus its uneven a little :D if u will see this AR on circle u will see that one overlaps the slider and the second not Fixed
  8. 02:24:805 (3) - CTRL+G make nice flow :3 Done
  9. 02:40:805 (7) - ^ Done
  10. 03:02:471 (5) - CTRL+G pls :3 Same with the same patten above
  11. 03:03:471 (8) - ^ ^
Thank you for the mod!

Hi, mod from my queue.

[Void Genome]

00:01:475 (5,3) - these could be converted to hitcircles

00:09:475 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think the spacing could be lower for these as they act like bursts
00:13:308 (1,2,3) - ^
01:02:807 (4,5,6) - ^
01:03:307 (1,2,3) - ^
01:19:640 (4,5,6) - ^
(there's more of these but you got my point)

00:48:057 - try adding a hitcircle here and see if it sounds any better
01:07:723 - ^
01:12:057 - ^
01:13:223 - ^
01:18:723 - ^ (not sure about this one)
02:22:722 - ^ ^
02:26:055 - ^
03:05:387 - ^
03:09:387 - ^
03:19:720 - ^
03:23:720 - ^
03:38:053 - ^
03:40:387 - ^
03:42:720 - ^
03:43:387 - ^
03:46:053 - ^ (not sure about this one either)
03:48:220 - ^
03:50:886 - ^
04:54:885 - ^
04:55:385 - ^
04:58:552 - ^
04:58:718 - ^
05:00:052 - ^
05:03:385 - ^

02:48:804 (1,2,3,4) - you could make these a bit prettier :x (02:48:804 (1,1) - follow the same angle and 02:48:971 (2,2) - follow the same angle)
02:50:804 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ (maybe increase sv?)

02:52:138 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - following the vocals might be better here

03:13:471 (7,8,1,2,3) - I think you should make this pattern follow the drum better

05:33:467 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - make the spacing really small in the start and then make it gradually increase (to maybe to the ds where it's currently)
also you should totally lower the hitsounds on these

Good luck with your map! Love the remix <3
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riktoi wrote:

[Void Genome]

00:01:475 (5,3) - these could be converted to hitcircles Done with 00:01:475 (5) -

00:09:475 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think the spacing could be lower for these as they act like bursts Imo they fit the music and the style of the map so they should be okay with that spacing

I will on list the ones that i agree withˇ
01:07:723 -
01:12:057 -
03:19:720 -
03:23:720 -
03:42:720 -
05:03:385 -

02:48:804 (1,2,3,4) - you could make these a bit prettier :x (02:48:804 (1,1) - follow the same angle and 02:48:971 (2,2) - follow the same angle) Done
02:50:804 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ (maybe increase sv?) Adjusted a bit on the notes, increased SV from .70 to .80

02:52:138 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - following the vocals might be better here

03:13:471 (7,8,1,2,3) - I think you should make this pattern follow the drum better The music strong here and the vocal too, i will stick with the stream

05:33:467 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - make the spacing really small in the start and then make it gradually increase (to maybe to the ds where it's currently) It wouldnt fit the music that well i think
also you should totally lower the hitsounds on these Done
Thank you for the mod.
Hi, my inbox

[Void Genome]


  1. 00:00:142 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this spacing is weird, you use random, 1.00, 1.40. etc..., I don't feel this song have "high" or "quiet", fix all spacing 1.20x ? because this number, I can see other parts is 1.40x. So you must fix your consistency
  2. 00:02:808 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^ same
  3. 00:14:975 (7) - should be NC because you style, you put NC in 00:10:975, but other parts not, if you don't wanna NC in 00:14:975 (7), I would said remove nc 00:09:475 (1) and 00:12:141 (1), you really be carefully by you style consistency
  4. 00:22:474 (1) - I don't feel need NC, the song is like "continue" prefer remove nc IMO
  5. 00:25:141 (1) - ^ same
  6. 00:30:474 (1) - ^ same
  7. 00:33:141 (1) - ^ same
  8. 00:35:807 (1) - ^ same
  9. 00:36:807 (1) - you shouldn't NC this, because is inconsistency with you style, example in part 00:34:141 that is not NC, so in 00:36:807 (1) remove nc
  10. 00:38:474 (1) - ^ same
  11. 00:39:474 (1) - ^ same
  12. 00:25:474 (3) - I don't like this curve, try improve curve like you did in 00:22:474 (1)
  13. 00:30:807 (3) - ^ same curve
  14. 00:32:474 (2) - ^ same
  15. 00:38:807 (3) - ^ same
  16. 00:46:640 (8,9) - inconsistency spacing, the spacing should 1.40x
  17. 00:48:140 (5,6,7,8,9) - ^ same
  18. 00:42:807 at 01:04:140 - you spacing is kindy random, lot spacing doesn't make sense, lt me give example 00:50:807 (4,5,6) - this spacing you make 1.20x but in part similiar like this in 00:51:807 (1,2) is 1.40x. I suggest recheck your spacing and fix spacing all objects ith DS 1.40x (expect jump and anti-spacing)
  19. 01:16:473 (1,2,3) - the shape are different, try use same shape curve ?
  20. 01:20:140 (1,2,3,4) - is unsysmentric, if fix symentric is better like this
  21. 01:22:473 (1) - this should keep same place like 01:21:473 (1,3,5), I mean move place to x:304 y:104 and fix spacing stream,
  22. 01:56:139 (5,6,7) - this flow is weird the 01:56:472 (6) - should be CTRL+G then in 01:56:806 (7) - make jump or normal spacing like this better flow IMO
  23. 02:15:472 (1) - shouldn't NC
  24. 03:20:470 (8,9) - CTRL + G better flow
you folllow the song is pretty good but my main problem is Combo and spacing
The combo only matter to follow is music and not put NC because jump or whatever, example in 00:36:807 (1) - you put NC but in 00:34:141 (4) - you don't put NC, the music is same i mean loop but nc are different, that mean you style is showing inconsistency, not only this part, there more parts
The spacing, you spacing is kindy random, if the song is like normal, you have to pick 1 DS normal spacing only (you DS normal is 1.40x) example in 00:00:142 (1,2) - this part is 1.40x but in 00:02:808 (1,2) - is 1.20, why different ? is not make sense different because the song is "normal" I don't feel is high or quiet so in 00:02:808 (1,2) - should 1.40x, not only this part, is there more
I could bigger mod but this mapset is huge and I m lazy to do bigger mod. This mapset need more work
I suggest recheck all objects the combo and spacing, you need more consistency
Any question or you don't understand my english ask me in-game and i will explain better
I will back mod this again if this map improve a lott
Good luck
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Pereira006 wrote:

[Void Genome]


  1. 00:00:142 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this spacing is weird, you use random, 1.00, 1.40. etc..., I don't feel this song have "high" or "quiet", fix all spacing 1.20x ? because this number, I can see other parts is 1.40x. So you must fix your consistency Fixed most of the spacing problems on the entire map
  2. 00:14:975 (7) - should be NC because you style, you put NC in 00:10:975, but other parts not, if you don't wanna NC in 00:14:975 (7), I would said remove nc 00:09:475 (1) and 00:12:141 (1), you really be carefully by you style consistency Fixed
  3. 00:22:474 (1) - I don't feel need NC, the song is like "continue" prefer remove nc IMO Fixed
  4. 00:25:141 (1) - ^ same Fixed
  5. 00:30:474 (1) - ^ same Fixed
  6. 00:33:141 (1) - ^ same Fixed
  7. 00:35:807 (1) - ^ same Fixed
  8. 00:36:807 (1) - you shouldn't NC this, because is inconsistency with you style, example in part 00:34:141 that is not NC, so in 00:36:807 (1) remove nc Fixed
  9. 00:38:474 (1) - ^ same Fixed
  10. 00:39:474 (1) - ^ same Fixed
  11. 00:25:474 (3) - I don't like this curve, try improve curve like you did in 00:22:474 (1) Fixed
  12. 00:30:807 (3) - ^ same curve Fixed
  13. 00:32:474 (2) - ^ same Fixed
  14. 00:38:807 (3) - ^ same Fixed
  15. 01:16:473 (1,2,3) - the shape are different, try use same shape curve ? Fixed
  16. 01:20:140 (1,2,3,4) - is unsysmentric, if fix symentric is better like this Fixed
  17. 01:22:473 (1) - this should keep same place like 01:21:473 (1,3,5), I mean move place to x:304 y:104 and fix spacing stream, Fixed
  18. 01:56:139 (5,6,7) - this flow is weird the 01:56:472 (6) - should be CTRL+G then in 01:56:806 (7) - make jump or normal spacing like this better flow IMO Fixed
  19. 02:15:472 (1) - shouldn't NC Fixed
  20. 03:20:470 (8,9) - CTRL + G better flow Fixed
Thank you for the mod!
placeholder \o
00:04:975 (8) - Delete note, also you can use use 2 short sliders starting 00:04:475 (7) - and ending 00:04:975 (8) -
00:09:975 (6,7,8) - Move to 1 tick left and add here slider 00:10:141 (8) - in the ending of this stream
00:10:308 (9) - Should end on the red tick 00:10:641
00:10:808 (1) - Place note here
00:10:975 (1) - Trriple here as well
00:11:475 (5) - Trriple which have slider in the end
00:11:975 (8) - Trriple
00:12:308 (3) - note
00:12:475 (4) - ^
00:12:641 (5) - ^
00:12:808 (6,7,8) - Trriple with long slider at the end or slider with reverse arrow
00:20:808 (5) - Slider should end here 00:21:141 also ucan put here a sible note
00:24:641 (2) - Slider for vocal
00:25:141 (3,4) - Rechange for slider
00:26:808 (1) - 1/2 slider 00:27:141 (1) - 1/2 slider with reverse arrow
00:27:808 (1) - ^Same
00:28:808 (1) - Add note
00:29:474 (1) - 1/2 + add note 00:29:808 (2) -
00:30:474 (4) - 1/2 slider
00:32:141 (1) - Remade for 1/2 slider
00:32:474 (2) - Delete slider and put here 2 notes
Same things for following rhythm in this part
01:25:473 (1) - Do this break please SV 0.5-0.75 audio 20-40%
01:37:806 (3,4) - remade for 2 1/2 sliders
01:48:222 (1) - 1/3 for this moment
03:13:471 (7) - Stream should starting from there
04:30:802 (1) - After this timing you need to use sliders with reverse arrows for following rhythm
05:11:801 (7) - 1/3
05:41:300 (2) - delete
Wha't all \:D/
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