21:54 *pishifat is listening to [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/658733 Underoath - Writing on the Walls]
21:54 pishifat: enjoi
21:54 pishifat: + feedback pls
21:54 Rudy Pokemon: what a pity ive got a thousand km's to justify
21:54 Rudy Pokemon: i wanna slap him so badly rn
21:55 pishifat: justify always deserves slaps
21:58 pishifat: so what plays like shit
21:58 Rudy Pokemon: a few confusing moments connected to the little stream endings
21:59 Rudy Pokemon: might be first play magic, might be the confusion from the CS and hiding circles behind the last stream circle
21:59 pishifat: uh uh
21:59 Rudy Pokemon: the jumps for the extra are really well done
21:59 pishifat: gotta be more specific lol
21:59 pishifat: like what objects
22:00 Rudy Pokemon: give me a second please
22:00 Rudy Pokemon: i'll find those moments and copypaste'em
22:01 Rudy Pokemon: 00:46:956 (1) -
22:02 Rudy Pokemon: you may want to be cautious about that slider after the stream
22:02 Rudy Pokemon: hard to hit, and if someone pulls our HR, might become even more inconsistent
22:04 pishifat: any others?
22:06 Rudy Pokemon: 02:10:597 (1) -
22:06 Rudy Pokemon: that stream feels like it starts a little too fast
22:07 Rudy Pokemon: maybe one, two hitcircles
22:07 pishifat: probably the hitsounds tehre
22:07 pishifat: there's a clap on 02:11:005 (3) - which makes it sound really out of place while song is just retarded like that and actually has a snare hit there ;-;
22:08 Rudy Pokemon: might be that, i didn't notice the clap there
22:08 Rudy Pokemon: another thing
22:08 Rudy Pokemon: i try to understand the genius and creativity behind it but
22:08 Rudy Pokemon: but 01:28:695 (6) -
22:08 Rudy Pokemon: just confusing af
22:09 Rudy Pokemon: making them a little more visible would be great for playing
22:09 Rudy Pokemon: unless you don't want anybody to FC that on a first try
22:09 Rudy Pokemon: i mean, it's like a jumpscare, just appears there out of nowhere
22:09 pishifat: yea rhythm there is retarded so idk how to arrange stuff
22:09 pishifat: what kind of placement would you think is cool
22:10 Rudy Pokemon: what's also retarded is my sense of mapping for now
22:10 Rudy Pokemon: if you want to keep the sliders in place, you might try rotating every second slider by 180 degrees
22:11 Rudy Pokemon: that'd make them more visible without moving the starters of the sliders
22:11 pishifat: so less sliderbody overlap you say
22:12 Rudy Pokemon: after doing that, this part becomes quite understandable
22:12 Rudy Pokemon: just that one little slider underneath
22:12 Rudy Pokemon: that can be a quick combo killing surprise
22:13 pishifat: changed it to something that should be good
22:13 Rudy Pokemon: have you saved it already?
22:14 pishifat: update now and you can see it
22:15 Rudy Pokemon: now it's clear as a day
22:15 Rudy Pokemon: and that little slider can enjoy its freedom now
22:16 Rudy Pokemon: one of the last thingies
22:16 Rudy Pokemon: 03:05:706 (4) -
22:16 pishifat: lul
22:16 Rudy Pokemon: that one doesn't really feel neccesary for me
22:16 Rudy Pokemon: it's hard to hit it for 300
22:16 Rudy Pokemon: no one would expect a circle to be there
22:16 Rudy Pokemon: hidden under the slider ending point
22:17 pishifat: wait just like
22:17 pishifat: the stack?
22:17 pishifat: stacks are pretty normal i'd think especially on 3/4 sliders lol
22:18 pishifat: 00:23:151 (6,1) - 00:24:456 (6,7,1) - etc are pretty much same thing

22:18 Rudy Pokemon: it's because
22:18 Rudy Pokemon: since the end of the last break
22:18 Rudy Pokemon: you used the stack only one time
22:19 Rudy Pokemon: and that's why it feels confusing
22:19 Rudy Pokemon: for example
22:19 Rudy Pokemon: 02:58:695 (1) - 03:01:303 (1) - 03:02:608 (1) - 03:03:912 (1) -
22:19 Rudy Pokemon: there are no stacks
22:19 Rudy Pokemon: and that's why the last stack is so surprising
22:20 pishifat: how would you suggest to change it
22:22 Rudy Pokemon: how about keeping 03:05:053 (1,2) - and replacing the slider and the last circle with three circles
22:23 Rudy Pokemon: with a little delay inbetween 3 and 4 to keep up to the rhythm
22:23 Rudy Pokemon: i don't really know if you get my meaning
22:23 pishifat: i think you just described something to do with overmapping LOL
22:24 Rudy Pokemon: that's why you're the BAT, and i am a regular player
22:25 Rudy Pokemon: just after doing that, the map still seems smooth, but if it's overmapping, than fine
22:25 pishifat: BAT
22:25 Rudy Pokemon: that's what justify told me
22:25 pishifat: bats are dead haha
22:25 Rudy Pokemon: bats are animals
22:25 pishifat: got renamed a few months ago to BN instead
22:25 pishifat: bats are animals agreed
22:25 Rudy Pokemon: beatmap nominator?
22:25 Rudy Pokemon: or sth
22:25 pishifat: yup
22:26 pishifat: so was there anything else to mention
22:26 pishifat: if not you can post for some kudosu after changing that stupid section

22:27 Rudy Pokemon: pretty much nothing for this diff to become a 5+ extra
22:27 Rudy Pokemon: as mentioned before, jumps are kept smooth
22:27 Rudy Pokemon: and streams are whenever and wherever neccesary
22:27 Rudy Pokemon: would play if it got ranked
22:28 pishifat: which will be soon
22:28 pishifat: cuz i got another BN saying he'll rank it after 2-3 mods
22:28 pishifat: and this could be the second

22:28 Rudy Pokemon: the problem is that i am a noob, so dont yell at me
22:28 Rudy Pokemon: isn't what i just did
22:28 Rudy Pokemon: a mod?
22:29 pishifat: it is yea
22:29 pishifat: and changing something more than minor
22:29 pishifat: meaning that whole pattern
22:29 pishifat: means it's valid as a kds worthy mod
22:30 Rudy Pokemon: so should i like describe it now and put it on the beatmap's topic?
22:30 pishifat: do /savelog and put it in a spoilerbox