
Underoath - Writing on the Walls

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 9:42:07 AM

Artist: Underoath
Title: Writing on the Walls
Tags: define the great line post hardcore punk metal
BPM: 184
Filesize: 6762kb
Play Time: 03:11
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (2.79 stars, 332 notes)
  2. Easy (1.64 stars, 141 notes)
  3. Extra (5.61 stars, 746 notes)
  4. Hard (3.74 stars, 459 notes)
  5. Insane (4.71 stars, 655 notes)
  6. Normal (2.12 stars, 240 notes)
Download: Underoath - Writing on the Walls
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Can I make an easy diff GD ?

Topic Starter
i've already asked pishifat to make me an easy diff, sorry!
hi M4Mo3o
no love for you :c

Have a star :3
  1. SliderBorder and SliderTrackOverride should be used in the case of a skin
  2. i would add a spinner in the end
  1. +1000 audio lead-in
  2. HP 7
  3. 00:21:521 (1,2,4) - small estetic thing do a triangle pattern
  4. 00:26:575 (4) - i would curve it a bit more to help more the flow for next circle
    nice diff ò-ò
  1. HP 6.5
  2. 01:46:956 (1) - try to keep it 1-2 grinds up
  3. 01:57:934 (4,5) - i would use sliders here aswell to simplyfy the rhythm
  1. 01:04:238 (2) - ctrl+h
  2. 01:25:271 (3) - i would curve it to improve the pattern 01:25:271 (3,4) -
  3. 01:59:673 (3,1) - try to avoid this kind of overlaps :C
  4. 02:19:238 (4,5) - try to improve the random spacing here because it feels really strange by playing
  1. AR 6,6 - 6,7 ; OD 5
  2. 02:14:347 (1,2) - you can improve this ugly overlap
    really nice diff
  1. OD-1
  2. 01:47:608 (4) - keep it 2 grids up is almost offscreen


-Writing on the Walls, 'on the' is not capitalized lol ... at-line-cd <- official merch site
-i dunno maybe 'Underoath' should be capitalized too like 'UNDEROATH' i browsed the site a bit and all their merch including website title is in caps
-wanna start all your diffs at the same spot? why are only extra and insane the only ones that actually start at the red point o-o
-you know the end is a nice place for a spinner and you don't have any in the mapset so....


-could raise HP, its the same as hard and insane
-00:14:347 (1) - repeat is kind of blocked by hitburst of 00:13:532 (3) -
-01:05:217 (1,2,3,4,5) - 01:07:173 (2,3,4) - i was hoping for drum whistle on these circles but okay
-01:57:934 (6,7) - 1/3 are hard to click people will just probably interpret this as 1/4 idk try removing 01:57:934 (6) - , then add repeat to 01:57:717 (5) -
-01:58:695 (1,2,3) - hmm this flow isnt very comfortable lol here is my suggestion, where flow is more circular


-could raise hp, its the same as hard
-00:51:521 (8,1) - god bless you for not stacking a circle after a stream
-01:57:934 (4,5) - nooo not in insane even though i knew these were here i still misclicked when testplaying because im so used to 1/4


-01:28:858 (2) - i don't like how this slider just covers all the drums it sounds so incompletely, you can map the drums with a simple pattern like this i guess
-why am i so bad at finding stuff


-so your nc's in this diff are very inconsistent or you have a pattern idk some parts hav nc every measure and others nc every 2 measures
-02:21:195 (3,5) - imo drum-finish on tail sound better
-could be a little harder but imo but cool


-not sure why you change your nc pattern at 00:27:390 - but you coulddd keep it consistent with the rest of the diff
-00:37:744 - ^
-01:18:912 (3) - imo the red tick is more emphasized by the drum than the white, it'd be nice if you made this a 1/2


-i have nothing to say

i'm not being lazy i swear i actually couldnt find much ;-; good map as always

  1. 02:31:303 (1,2,3) - suggest change placement into the same pattern like 02:36:195 (4,1) - :
    02:31:303 (1) - ctrl+g because it deserve a jump,then 02:31:956 (2,3) - ctrl+g for the flow,then 02:32:282 (4) - ctrl+g and 02:32:608 (1) - ctrl+g to fit this pattern.
this just my favorite tho..hope you like that!:P

  1. 01:08:803 (4) - how about ctrl+g of this?more fit the next flow about 01:09:130 (1,2,3,4) - i think
cool insane!!

  1. 01:28:858 (2) - humm this..know you on purpose as use slider shape but i prefer you not let the drum all under the slider because it is 3/4 and have no sound on the least i feel strange when i test it
  2. 01:58:043 aaaaah this rhythm should be map in hard imo,how about put a circle here?
  1. 01:55:923 (6) - although have sound here but compared with 01:56:086 (1,2) - is sound less when use circle to hit here.suggest delete 01:55:923 (6) or combine 01:55:923 (6,1) - into a slider
[Normal & Easy]

good map
that's all i can find,hope it help you!
Topic Starter

Lally wrote:

hi M4Mo3o
  1. SliderBorder and SliderTrackOverride should be used in the case of a skin i don't think that's a thing. and have them without actual skins and they're supercool :p
  2. i would add a spinner in the end yea i dunno why there wasn't one already
  1. +1000 audio lead-in yea did on insane/extra
  2. HP 7 does anyone care about hp drain
  3. 00:21:521 (1,2,4) - small estetic thing do a triangle pattern made it look less like a perfect triangle cuz those suck
  4. 00:26:575 (4) - i would curve it a bit more to help more the flow for next circle kay makes no difference awesome
    nice diff ò-ò nice eyebrows
  1. HP 6.5 cuz i dont
  2. 01:46:956 (1) - try to keep it 1-2 grinds up umokay
  3. 01:57:934 (4,5) - i would use sliders here aswell to simplyfy the rhythm would rather follow the song than make a baby rhythm :c
  1. 01:04:238 (2) - ctrl+h would rather have it not smoothflow whatever it is
  2. 01:25:271 (3) - i would curve it to improve the pattern 01:25:271 (3,4) - like blanket? nah
  3. 01:59:673 (3,1) - try to avoid this kind of overlaps :C
  4. 02:19:238 (4,5) - try to improve the random spacing here because it feels really strange by playing but jumps on emphasized beats aren't random ;-; made it better tho
  1. AR 6,6 - 6,7 ; OD 5 ar sure, od is 5.5 tho
  2. 02:14:347 (1,2) - you can improve this ugly overlap overlaps are feeling discriminated
    really nice diff
  1. OD-1 doesnt really work since i didnt change od on advanced to 5 oh well
  2. 01:47:608 (4) - keep it 2 grids up is almost offscreen kay


kakifly wrote:



-Writing on the Walls, 'on the' is not capitalized lol woops ... at-line-cd <- official merch site
-i dunno maybe 'Underoath' should be capitalized too like 'UNDEROATH' i browsed the site a bit and all their merch including website title is in caps this may be true but idk every other place says it's just Underoath so keeping that for now
-wanna start all your diffs at the same spot? why are only extra and insane the only ones that actually start at the red point o-o cuz can't map the intro without making it retarded on other diffs so o well
-you know the end is a nice place for a spinner and you don't have any in the mapset so.... i do


-could raise HP, its the same as hard and insane ya
-00:14:347 (1) - repeat is kind of blocked by hitburst of 00:13:532 (3) - kind of but not really. moved it up a bit but wouldnt be an issue as it was before anyway :p
-01:05:217 (1,2,3,4,5) - 01:07:173 (2,3,4) - i was hoping for drum whistle on these circles but okay sounds good
-01:57:934 (6,7) - 1/3 are hard to click people will just probably interpret this as 1/4 idk try removing 01:57:934 (6) - , then add repeat to 01:57:717 (5) - people can suck it up cuz it fits too well ;-; i'll change on insane tho
-01:58:695 (1,2,3) - hmm this flow isnt very comfortable lol here is my suggestion, where flow is more circular changed up 2->3, but i think 1->2 is pretty cool


-could raise hp, its the same as hardya
-00:51:521 (8,1) - god bless you for not stacking a circle after a stream lmao
-01:57:934 (4,5) - nooo not in insane even though i knew these were here i still misclicked when testplaying because im so used to 1/4 get good it's a slider now


-01:28:858 (2) - i don't like how this slider just covers all the drums it sounds so incompletely, you can map the drums with a simple pattern like this i guess polarity crap tho hurts on a hard :/ if drums weren't so stupid i would be able to follow them better cuz i do think they shoul dbe covered but ya
-why am i so bad at finding stuff


-so your nc's in this diff are very inconsistent or you have a pattern idk some parts hav nc every measure and others nc every 2 measures 1 bar comboing in the dense sections and 2 bar in the less dense sections it's a thing i guess
-02:21:195 (3,5) - imo drum-finish on tail sound better ya
-could be a little harder but imo but cool dont tell anyone but this used to be the normal diff lul


-not sure why you change your nc pattern at 00:27:390 - but you coulddd keep it consistent with the rest of the diff this one will make 2 bar
-00:37:744 - ^
-01:18:912 (3) - imo the red tick is more emphasized by the drum than the white, it'd be nice if you made this a 1/2 mk


-i have nothing to say thats how it should be

i'm not being lazy i swear i actually couldnt find much ;-; good map as always


Sellenite wrote:


  1. 02:31:303 (1,2,3) - suggest change placement into the same pattern like 02:36:195 (4,1) - :
    02:31:303 (1) - ctrl+g because it deserve a jump,then 02:31:956 (2,3) - ctrl+g for the flow,then 02:32:282 (4) - ctrl+g and 02:32:608 (1) - ctrl+g to fit this pattern. gets rid fo the jump on 02:31:956 (2) - with superloud snare hit (and i like what ti is now :p) so gonna leave this as is
this just my favorite tho..hope you like that!:P

  1. 01:08:803 (4) - how about ctrl+g of this?more fit the next flow about 01:09:130 (1,2,3,4) - i think spinny fancy
cool insane!!

  1. 01:28:858 (2) - humm this..know you on purpose as use slider shape but i prefer you not let the drum all under the slider because it is 3/4 and have no sound on the least i feel strange when i test it 3/4 gap is super awkward for a hard tho ;-; undermapping is the only real way to do this without making it uncomfortable to play ;;-
  2. 01:58:043 aaaaah this rhythm should be map in hard imo,how about put a circle here?
  1. 01:55:923 (6) - although have sound here but compared with 01:56:086 (1,2) - is sound less when use circle to hit here.suggest delete 01:55:923 (6) or combine 01:55:923 (6,1) - into a slider yea fixed it with a different rhythm
[Normal & Easy]
nice! !!

good map
that's all i can find,hope it help you!

i didnt think a m4m queue would actually work damn


VINXIS wrote:




I think HP 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 makes more sense than the decimal stuff you have now.

00:32:608 (1) - could do this to achieve a similar "parallel" flow like you do everywhere
01:15:325 (2,1) - is this time gap ok
01:20:869 (2) - pls point the slider the other way so momentum doesn't make the player want to move in the opposite direction from the next hitobject
01:46:956 (2) - could make a more interesting slider for the voice
02:03:912 (1) - could at least curve the end to the next slider a bit because this does not flow
02:24:782 (1) - something like this pls
02:56:086 (1) - consider making all of these reverse sliders. right now I think the gap in rhythm + spacing makes it hard to read. I dunno if it's actually allowed to overmap like this in an easy but it would make the map easier to read so at least consider it.

00:50:869 (1) - I think a more interesting slider would fit here like at 00:45:651 (1) -
02:26:086 (2) - may wanna reduce the curve on the slider for a less extreme drop

01:54:619 (3,4) - I think it would be more consistent to do the rhythm you did before here as its right after the guitar thingy again:
02:59:999 (2) - repeat sliders are lame and the same sound is on the unmapped tick so you should do this

02:03:260 (2) - more visible
02:57:880 (3) - single circle pls, i think it makes more sense and fits better with the sudden cutoff of the sound
02:59:184 (3) - ^
03:03:097 (3) - ^
03:04:401 (3) - ^

00:21:521 (1,2,3,4,1) - I think this jump is a bit too big compared to the rest of the song, making the spacing a bit smaller couldn't hurt
01:01:467 (2,3) - not really a fan of this type of pattern, you could do a fun custom stack for this kind of pattern like before at 00:33:586 (6,1) -
02:57:880 (3) - same suggestion as hard for these sliders

01:35:869 (4,5) - idk how to put it, I just think this pattern needs more "breathing room" or something. something like this maybe?
02:02:282 (5,1) - making the overlap more pronounced would be cooler
02:57:880 (3) - ya same thing as hard and insane
03:02:119 (4,5) - not really a fan of sort-of-stacks in places like this. the sound is higher pitched so you could do something like this for more fun
very pishi
od9 pls
Topic Starter

deetz wrote:

VINXIS wrote:




I think HP 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 makes more sense than the decimal stuff you have now. when looking at spread yes but applying to actual difficulty of each... um difficulty it is less yes

00:32:608 (1) - could do this to achieve a similar "parallel" flow like you do everywhere cant see the difference but ok
01:15:325 (2,1) - is this time gap ok no idea but it's happening
01:20:869 (2) - pls point the slider the other way so momentum doesn't make the player want to move in the opposite direction from the next hitobject up
01:46:956 (2) - could make a more interesting slider for the voice h4rdc0re
02:03:912 (1) - could at least curve the end to the next slider a bit because this does not flow what is flow
02:24:782 (1) - something like this pls importance
02:56:086 (1) - consider making all of these reverse sliders. right now I think the gap in rhythm + spacing makes it hard to read. I dunno if it's actually allowed to overmap like this in an easy but it would make the map easier to read so at least consider it. song is too retarded to make it easy

00:50:869 (1) - I think a more interesting slider would fit here like at 00:45:651 (1) - idk how without breaking entire map ;-;
02:26:086 (2) - may wanna reduce the curve on the slider for a less extreme drop jdsf

01:54:619 (3,4) - I think it would be more consistent to do the rhythm you did before here as its right after the guitar thingy again: sdsd
02:59:999 (2) - repeat sliders are lame and the same sound is on the unmapped tick so you should do this too much 1/2 slider spam

02:03:260 (2) - more visible made it less visible
02:57:880 (3) - single circle pls, i think it makes more sense and fits better with the sudden cutoff of the sound but it's the same as 02:57:553 (2) - being a not circle
02:59:184 (3) - ^
03:03:097 (3) - ^
03:04:401 (3) - ^

00:21:521 (1,2,3,4,1) - I think this jump is a bit too big compared to the rest of the song, making the spacing a bit smaller couldn't hurt it is
01:01:467 (2,3) - not really a fan of this type of pattern, you could do a fun custom stack for this kind of pattern like before at 00:33:586 (6,1) -custom stacks are super weird for 1/2 stuff that example was 1/4 explaining is impossible
02:57:880 (3) - same suggestion as hard for these sliders

01:35:869 (4,5) - idk how to put it, I just think this pattern needs more "breathing room" or something. something like this maybe? too circulary would rather have suffocation
02:02:282 (5,1) - making the overlap more pronounced would be cooler very cooler
02:57:880 (3) - ya same thing as hard and insane
03:02:119 (4,5) - not really a fan of sort-of-stacks in places like this. the sound is higher pitched so you could do something like this for more fun i want to murder
very pishi
od9 pls 8.6 is the new 9
m4m queue promod jk not even n00b mod but im the best not

Red is for the blood we shed for the OCD, Red is the colour of the red arm ribbon, the black cross in the white sun in the midst


00:39:130 (3,4,1) - Proof that the circle is not in the center 58,196 plox
00:42:390 (4,1) - Proof that the blanket is not perfect, easiest way clockwise rotate selection center 3 degrees because ftw
01:15:325 (2) - move up a little
01:39:130 (2) - the red tick has a strong sound so I suggest moving the whole slider back 1/2, then extend 1/2
01:51:684 (1,2) - proof that the blanket is not perfect
02:16:303 (2,1) - OCD blanket mod is not good for health :/
02:59:999 (2,3,4) -, Just some stupid pattern suggestion


00:39:456 (5,6,7,1) - ugly diamond
00:40:760 (2,3,4,5) - ^
01:18:097- I feel like there should be a note, but then the next note will sound ugly, meh idk @_@
01:24:782 (1) - suggest 1/1 slider followed by 1/2 note..... like this 01:35:217 (1,2) -
01:56:086 (1) - the end note is outside the grid, it is -9,51


00:49:238 (3,4) - since I havn't and don't seem to be able to find anything imma just be a fagt and say the blanket is not perfect

02:27:227 (6) - might sound better if 1/2 backward

m8 wtf this is gud, I mean gudddddd


00:34:890 (5) - would move to 243,225 for 00:36:521 (1) -
00:47:934 (6) - I would prefer shorten it 1/4
01:19:075 (3,4,1) - I don't quite like the distance spread here but idk im just bad at life
01:28:858 (2) - random suggestion
01:48:586 (3) - I know I usually don't say anything unless x is negative but... 1 is kinda on the edge
02:02:282 (4,1) - random pattern suggestion


00:33:097 (3,4) - personally would move bit further
01:09:782 (4) - tail is on x:-23
01:13:858 (8) - prefer more distance
01:55:108 (3) - tail -19

really good :3


01:32:608 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - maybe you can decrease the distance increase slightly and increase initial distance
01:37:825 (1,2) - sounds like to and fro-ish sound, so suggest ctrlg
01:38:803 (5,6,1,2) - maybe something like ^ suggestion

can't mod mostly due to not sure of what is allowed and what is not :/

anyway m4m attempted rip me
hmm I'll take a look at this eventually
dam ok there have been tOOO MANY MODS since my placeholder

m4m from yer q



why is ai-mod such a piece of shit omf


ok for some reason I talked a lot about song energy in my mod m
and aside from the general box which i did around 4 hours ago, everything else was modded rn and for some reason I feel pissed so I couldn't be bothered to feel like joking around or something and im really sick rn so yea I just want to go sleep
00:31:303 (3,4) - considering the tone of the song is like the exact same in both u should make them the same slider or something
01:04:890 (2,1) - putting a break between the two notes might help for reading but it's a big issue i think
01:54:130 (2) - is that offscreen
00:26:738 (3) - considering you mapped the vocals like 2 sliders ago (aka the long one with the repeat), I'd suggest following the vocals with this, and "converting" the rhythm or use "polarity" as charles455 calls it i guess to smooth-en the flow. So like you should make this start of the slider one red tick earlier and end it on the same place as it already was before like that, that way, it will rhythmically move from the vocals to the drums like that
03:00:651 (4) - Ctrl+G and move up to contrast with the circles/next slider just like in the song where it's just snare hits at this slider's part only compared to the next slider
01:01:303 (1,2,3) - if u followed the vocals instead that'd be neat. They're much stronger for this specific measure tbh
01:58:043 - rip note
02:57:227 (1,2,3) - what's with the spacing, you do it three times, and it might cause reading problems, and I'd change it imo. It should be fine though I'm just ranting about this because of my personal detests
00:34:564 (4,5) - i feel like the same amounf\t of energy is kept in this half measure, and the pause sounds off for me because of it. If I were you I'd map this with straight 1/2 notes too to keep the energy
00:47:934 (6) - why is this 3/4, 1/2 sounds more justified tbh
01:03:912 (1,2,1,2) - mmm the SV changes are huge. Either put a NC on all of them or keep a much smaller SV difference between each because it looks really easily misreadable
01:15:325 (1) - same here but w/e
01:22:336 (2,4) - overlap might cause reading issues. idk change it if other people also think so
01:30:814 (4,1,2) - huge anti-flow tbh. Killing the energy way too fast compared to the song
01:55:842 (5) - adding a note here and then stacking all 4 notes under the slider would work rhythmically better honestly
you purposely didn't new combo to each SV change didn't you
03:02:119 (4,5) - why did you stack these and not the next two notes or stack (5) with (6). I think/ am pretty sure that the least energy from the song is around (5,6) in regards to these 4 circles so
00:36:521 (1) - x:320 y:304 small change, but i feel it need more distance because of the song
00:47:934 (1,2,3,4) - you should make these 1/4 kicksliders instead tbh because it'd flow better from 00:47:608 (8) - considering the it ends on the farther side of the slider. you should try something like this or something.
00:51:521 (8,1) - If you stacked these it'd correlate to the energy in the song in terms of the snare
01:04:238 (2,3,2,3) - might be dangerous antiflows
01:44:021 (5) - Ctrl+G. It'd be going against the flow considering the whole measure there were no vocals, but at this slider there is.
03:05:380 (3,4) - you should really remove that circle and end the slider where the circle was because right now there's nothing really where the slider end is actually there probably is but my head is spinning and i have nausea and it's 2 am
00:21:521 (1,2,3,4) - wtf I mean yea it might play fine but ok. Building energy with a jump difference of that much is really eh
00:42:390 (5,6) - Ctrl+G so you don't go against the flow which i seem is unjustified right now
01:03:097 (6,8) - I feel like this would play better if you ctrl+G these 2 notes, and moving the "new 6" more to the right. idk
01:09:782 (4,5,6,1) - why do you use linear flow here
01:28:858 (1,2,3,4,5) - oh that was cool
01:32:608 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - same with this
01:57:934 (6,7) - even though this is an extra, a slider isntead of these 2 notes would play better than these 2 notes considering it's 1/3, since the first two notes at this filler were 1/4
02:26:249 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - this is also cool
02:34:564 (3,4) - if you ctrl+Gd these that'd play better but that's your choice obviously
02:40:108 (11,12) - why

EDIT: I lol'd at my own shit mod man 10/9 hav a sik laff 2
W0w so lazy skipping the intro for all diffs except insane and extra qq
wat the songs start with klai so early /me runs
lel the Advanced to Hard gap
with 15 sec breaks

00:14:999 -to 00:16:630 - Did you forget the hitsounds for here in all diffcs

  • Normal

  • Advanced

    Dat advanced to hard SR gap hue
    I aint got nothing to complain other than sr
    but 02:34:564 (3,3) - maybestack

  • "Hard"

    -- Those SV changes .-. theyre pretty crazy compared to the ones in Extra
    01:42:390 - The funky combos going up to some other point because the change of low density of 01:48:912 (4,1,2) -
    03:02:445 (6,1,2) - Maybe swap for the slider to go first then the 2 circles

  • Insane

    00:09:048 - Maybe change it to a triplet
    00:43:043 (1,2,3) - .-. compared to the same combo in Extra why does this have more DS than the one in extra

  • Extra

    00:25:597 (5,6,7,1,2) - Maybe change to 01:10:760 (2) - Maybe ctrl+g?
    01:24:782 (1) - Maybe change to 1/4 slider
    01:28:858 (1,2,3,4,5) - Rip reading for me
    01:29:999 (1) - Maybe again with changing to 1/4
    01:45:651 (1) - I like my 1/4s you probably get it right?
    02:56:086 (1,2) - Maybe swap these two
    02:57:390 (1,2) - Similar thing here
Topic Starter
i replied to mods then internet said nope and lost everything nice

will reply properly soon cuz not replying is mean. modrepliestl;dr = applied whatever nazi stuff was relevant from faan, around 1/2 or 2/3 from vinxis, and the thing in advanced (which was from normal actually lol) and something on extra from owntorlfcsxcfxvc

pishifat wrote:

the thing in advanced (which was from normal actually lol)



01:46:956 (2) - Shouldn't you add a circle here, then a slider ending on a red tick with repeat? Mentioning this because it's the only part you didn't use that rhythm on this section, and it seems that you like consistency.

01:57:064 (2) - Just a small thing but, would be a good idea to put some red points at some 1/3 parts of the slider to emphasize that part, since the 1/3 here is really strong. Example of what you can do.


01:19:075 - As I can hear here, this beat is really strong, would be bad to ignore it even on a Normal. You can start the slider on the red tick and put a circle on the white tick, so you won't ignore this beat and 01:19:401 (4) - wich is more emphasizing than the previous white beat 01:19:238 - Example here if you didn't understand what the fuck I said.

01:57:064 (2) - Same as Easy.


01:23:477 (1,2) - Probably a really nazi stuff but, wouldn't be better to stack (1) on (2)? Since you were doing with 01:22:825 (3,4) - and 01:22:173 (1,2) - . Just for consistency reasons. 01:19:564 (1) - Same here but not stacking.


01:28:858 (2) - Eh, I saw on a mod that you already tried to map the beats here but you couldn't because they're stpd, but did you try to put repeats on the slider untill the end of the drums? I testplayed and asked another people to testplay and it's not confusing at all, and really better than ignore all those beats in my opinion.

02:56:901 (1) - You made this a bit offbeat by ignoring this 02:57:227 - beat. Would be better to map it like you did on 03:02:119 (4,5,6,1) - because of consistency and ignored beats.


00:09:130 (1) - Would be better to stack this on 00:09:293 (2) - instead of 00:08:803 (4) - because there's a new 'section' starting and the vocal is more emphasizing there, and stacking on (4) would lose the emphasis.

00:50:461 (4) - Not sure if there's a beat here, sounds a bit overmap and same happens here 01:00:896 (4) - . Not a big problem tho. Probably my ears are bad.

02:00:162 (1) - In my opinion, the vocal is stronger than the beat you followed, making the vocal a bit 'less strong' and would be better to map it with a circle instead of endind a slider on it.

02:56:901 (1) - Same thing as Hard. I can't hear any emphasis on the other part, except for vocal :c


01:28:858 (1,2,3,4) - This can be a bit confusing, since there's nothing warning before that there will be crazy blue/red/white/pink tick rhythms and people will click as 1/2 and maybe combobreak. What do you think about adding NC on each one of them?

01:57:934 (6) - Instead of this slider, what about 1/3 circles? It's an Extra after all, and it's clearly warning about 1/3 because of the sliders. Would be better to play too, at least for me.

pls dont ask me to mod unmoddable maps againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I love this map too ♥
Topic Starter

Near wrote:



01:46:956 (2) - Shouldn't you add a circle here, then a slider ending on a red tick with repeat? Mentioning this because it's the only part you didn't use that rhythm on this section, and it seems that you like consistency. had that originally then got rid of it. sounded really weird with the vocal starting on downbeat then slider going through on the next tick. it is stupid reasoning but ya

01:57:064 (2) - Just a small thing but, would be a good idea to put some red points at some 1/3 parts of the slider to emphasize that part, since the 1/3 here is really strong. Example of what you can do. suuuuuuuuure


01:19:075 - As I can hear here, this beat is really strong, would be bad to ignore it even on a Normal. You can start the slider on the red tick and put a circle on the white tick, so you won't ignore this beat and 01:19:401 (4) - wich is more emphasizing than the previous white beat 01:19:238 - Example here if you didn't understand what the fuck I said. i ignored all your text and clicked on the picture good good

01:57:064 (2) - Same as Easy. yaaaaaa


01:23:477 (1,2) - Probably a really nazi stuff but, wouldn't be better to stack (1) on (2)? Since you were doing with 01:22:825 (3,4) - and 01:22:173 (1,2) - . Just for consistency reasons. 01:19:564 (1) - Same here but not stacking. yea fixed all this bs


01:28:858 (2) - Eh, I saw on a mod that you already tried to map the beats here but you couldn't because they're stpd, but did you try to put repeats on the slider untill the end of the drums? I testplayed and asked another people to testplay and it's not confusing at all, and really better than ignore all those beats in my opinion. multiple repeats on a slider is something im not really comfortable with so id rather not force it im a bad person

02:56:901 (1) - You made this a bit offbeat by ignoring this 02:57:227 - beat. Would be better to map it like you did on 03:02:119 (4,5,6,1) - because of consistency and ignored beats. uhhhhhhhyes


00:09:130 (1) - Would be better to stack this on 00:09:293 (2) - instead of 00:08:803 (4) - because there's a new 'section' starting and the vocal is more emphasizing there, and stacking on (4) would lose the emphasis. yeaaaaaz

00:50:461 (4) - Not sure if there's a beat here, sounds a bit overmap and same happens here 01:00:896 (4) - . Not a big problem tho. Probably my ears are bad. vocals are making it pretty inaudible, but the sound is probably there. i legit dont know but consistency with 00:45:162 (3,4,5) - where there's no vocal covering it so

02:00:162 (1) - In my opinion, the vocal is stronger than the beat you followed, making the vocal a bit 'less strong' and would be better to map it with a circle instead of endind a slider on it. would be breaking consistency with the other 5 times i do this and pain idk i thought it was k

02:56:901 (1) - Same thing as Hard. I can't hear any emphasis on the other part, except for vocal :c and extra i dunno what i was hearing


01:28:858 (1,2,3,4) - This can be a bit confusing, since there's nothing warning before that there will be crazy blue/red/white/pink tick rhythms and people will click as 1/2 and maybe combobreak. What do you think about adding NC on each one of them? ultimate hp boost

01:57:934 (6) - Instead of this slider, what about 1/3 circles? It's an Extra after all, and it's clearly warning about 1/3 because of the sliders. Would be better to play too, at least for me. EVERYONE SAID TO MAKE IT A SLIDER NOW YOU SAY MAKE IT CIRCLES IT'S GONNA BE CIRCLES

pls dont ask me to mod unmoddable maps againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I love this map too ♥ <3
from my queueueueue


02:00:651 (2) - i think move it a bit to the left would look more aestethic with the slider and as blank'd with the next slider
02:57:390 (2) - how about same slider shape with 02:56:086 (1) - ?


00:47:934 (3,1) - blanket em like this would work
02:16:956 (1,2) - blanket too
02:32:608 (1,2) - blanket here works too


02:32:608 (1) - i suggest to move it a little to the right like this


02:29:999 (1,2) - blanket here is fine


00:24:456 (5) - i think this overlap is kinda bad :/
01:13:043 (1) - maybe lower this one down a little so it look more natural flow , something like
01:22:173 (1) - blanket here feel nice imo
01:25:271 (3) - ooo ctrl+g this
01:59:673 (3) - i think overlap this one fully is nicer

EasyPP Extra

the OD is kinda dragging the hp really much if you missed 1 object of the streams , consider nerf it a little around 8.2 ~ 8.4
00:14:999 (3) - ctrl+g this plays nicer imo
00:29:836 (8,9,1) - maybe reduce this ds a little would make a cool antijump
01:03:097 (6,7) - ctrl+g would be nice jump imo
01:20:217 (3,4) - blanket here is fine
01:34:238 (3,6) - ctrl+g would make a nicer jump
02:39:619 (1) - probably nc here would be preferly
03:02:119 (4,5) - i think both of these can move it a bit more to left if you want to make a nice antijump to play www

pp map ! ! ! !
Topic Starter

Rumia- wrote:

from my queueueueue yayyyyyyyyyyyyy


02:00:651 (2) - i think move it a bit to the left would look more aestethic with the slider and as blank'd with the next slider idk i like it not as a blanket
02:57:390 (2) - how about same slider shape with 02:56:086 (1) - ? mmmk


00:47:934 (3,1) - blanket em like this would work not everything has to be a blanket lmao
02:16:956 (1,2) - blanket too
02:32:608 (1,2) - blanket here works too


02:32:608 (1) - i suggest to move it a little to the right like this not really supposed to break distance snap on an advanced tho :c


02:29:999 (1,2) - blanket here is fine but not necessary at all lol


00:24:456 (5) - i think this overlap is kinda bad :/
01:13:043 (1) - maybe lower this one down a little so it look more natural flow , something like nice

01:22:173 (1) - blanket here feel nice imo not everything needs to be a blanket rumia ;-;
01:25:271 (3) - ooo ctrl+g this but it's not supposed to be smooth like 01:30:162 (2,3) - 02:56:249 (2,3) - 02:57:553 (2,3) - etc
01:59:673 (3) - i think overlap this one fully is nicer contradicts with like all my other not full stacks tho

EasyPP Extra

the OD is kinda dragging the hp really much if you missed 1 object of the streams , consider nerf it a little around 8.2 ~ 8.4 mk
00:14:999 (3) - ctrl+g this plays nicer imo idk how to say it but i disagree D:
00:29:836 (8,9,1) - maybe reduce this ds a little would make a cool antijump antijump in jump section 2cruel
01:03:097 (6,7) - ctrl+g would be nice jump imo but bigger jump on stronger sound
01:20:217 (3,4) - blanket here is fine pls
01:34:238 (3,6) - ctrl+g would make a nicer jump increased spacing so same effect :p
02:39:619 (1) - probably nc here would be preferly but comboing consistencyz
03:02:119 (4,5) - i think both of these can move it a bit more to left if you want to make a nice antijump to play www mmmmmmmmk

pp map ! ! ! ! ppforever
really nice maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap

sorry for late mod, from your queue

oh yeah mod this please:

  1. 00:55:108 (2) - I think this slider can work like this
  2. 01:17:282 (1) - This seemed really weird and out of place when compared this 01:04:890 (2,1) - . I mean, after seeing this, you would expect the circle to be here and not so far away from the previous one. So, suggest stack or closer maybe.
  3. 02:56:086 (1,2) - Make the sliders' angles the same?
  4. 02:59:999 (2) - You should take clap off of slider's head. Lead-in doesn't really work well when starting on downbeat of 1

  • By the way, how you cover the extra sounds by the slider shape (ex: 01:29:999 (1) - ) is cool :P
  1. 00:39:782 (6,7) - You should just make these into a slider really to mimic the next combo and have a little break from 1/2 beats
  2. 01:18:912 (3,4) - No clap hitsounds on these? You can hear them in the music
  3. 02:09:130 (1) - I'd suggest that you move this more to the left of prev slider, but DS would get knocked up ;;

  • This could probably be made a bit more difficult compared to how the Hard diff is practically like Light Insane. Well, I say that, but this difficulty is pretty much perfect in every aspect for me.
  1. 00:58:043 (3,4) - This felt weird since the voice really seems to keep holding on instead of having that double 1/2 tap. Just make this one slider on white ticks?
  2. 00:58:695 (1) - Finish on head?
  1. 00:22:499 (2,3) - Make the distance a little less? I don't know, this pattern feels a little awkward for me to play
  2. 01:03:586 (5,6,1) - This works way better as a v-shape movement instead of linear, with a bit bigger of a jump then (3,4)
  3. 01:25:597 (4) - You should make this NC instead, it starts the background figures' sounds
  4. 01:43:695 (4) - Take off reverse and add a circle at 01:44:021 - stacked on the next slider? It feels more natural of a movement than the reverse
  5. 01:48:423 (2,3) - I think going from (2) to (3) should be downwards, making the whole pattern like a triangle and similar to 01:42:880 (1,2,3,4) -
  6. 01:58:695 (1) - better blnket plzzz
  7. 03:02:608 (1) - Finish to make it the same as 02:57:390 (1) -
  1. 00:52:173 (1) - The sudden stop feels like this should be stacked under 00:51:521 (8) - . You've prob already got this suggestion before, but I think it fits
  2. 01:02:445 (6) - This leads better into the curved stream imo as placed around 372|216
  3. 01:31:630 (2) - Place on (3)'s head instead? to cover that "alone" lyric better idk, this isn't as needed
  4. 01:57:934 (4) - Clap on head, drums indicate this
  5. 02:00:977 (5) - I think you could extend to the blue tick, sounded bit empty
Sorry can't mod extra, it's too OP for me

Good luck!~
Topic Starter
tfw you dont get an email notification

toybot wrote:

really nice maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap

sorry for late mod, from your queue

oh yeah mod this please:

  1. 00:55:108 (2) - I think this slider can work like this oj
  2. 01:17:282 (1) - This seemed really weird and out of place when compared this 01:04:890 (2,1) - . I mean, after seeing this, you would expect the circle to be here and not so far away from the previous one. So, suggest stack or closer maybe. idk what im doing
  3. 02:56:086 (1,2) - Make the sliders' angles the same? my eyes must be bad or something i just copy pasted it now
  4. 02:59:999 (2) - You should take clap off of slider's head. Lead-in doesn't really work well when starting on downbeat of 1 i dunno there's a snare hit in the song and i do the same thing on normal so

  • By the way, how you cover the extra sounds by the slider shape (ex: 01:29:999 (1) - ) is cool :P ey
  1. 00:39:782 (6,7) - You should just make these into a slider really to mimic the next combo and have a little break from 1/2 beats i like circle spam dont judge
  2. 01:18:912 (3,4) - No clap hitsounds on these? You can hear them in the music woops i changed those from a previous mod and didnt copy hitsounds agin lol
  3. 02:09:130 (1) - I'd suggest that you move this more to the left of prev slider, but DS would get knocked up ;; yea no can do :/

  • This could probably be made a bit more difficult compared to how the Hard diff is practically like Light Insane. Well, I say that, but this difficulty is pretty much perfect in every aspect for me. putting 1/2 everywhere i can already ;-; star rating is just low cuz spacing is low i cant do anything
  1. 00:58:043 (3,4) - This felt weird since the voice really seems to keep holding on instead of having that double 1/2 tap. Just make this one slider on white ticks? drums shift from snare to bassy stuff there so i'd rather not skip over it :p
  2. 00:58:695 (1) - Finish on head? oh
  1. 00:22:499 (2,3) - Make the distance a little less? I don't know, this pattern feels a little awkward for me to play i got all jumps at 1.6x ds then normal spacing at 1.3x so i dunno what the issue is
  2. 01:03:586 (5,6,1) - This works way better as a v-shape movement instead of linear, with a bit bigger of a jump then (3,4) yer
  3. 01:25:597 (4) - You should make this NC instead, it starts the background figures' sounds would rather just keep it how it is now to follow stanza stuff and i do it 500 other places
  4. 01:43:695 (4) - Take off reverse and add a circle at 01:44:021 - stacked on the next slider? It feels more natural of a movement than the reverseyes
  5. 01:48:423 (2,3) - I think going from (2) to (3) should be downwards, making the whole pattern like a triangle and similar to 01:42:880 (1,2,3,4) - -sssrf
  6. 01:58:695 (1) - better blnket plzzz fdfd
  7. 03:02:608 (1) - Finish to make it the same as 02:57:390 (1) - gfgfg
  1. 00:52:173 (1) - The sudden stop feels like this should be stacked under 00:51:521 (8) - . You've prob already got this suggestion before, but I think it fits i have lol. it has something to do with flow that is probably really subjective but i like it
  2. 01:02:445 (6) - This leads better into the curved stream imo as placed around 372|216 fddfd
  3. 01:31:630 (2) - Place on (3)'s head instead? to cover that "alone" lyric better idk, this isn't as needed would rather keep it stacked cuz some intsrument emphasize red tickblahblahblah
  4. 01:57:934 (4) - Clap on head, drums indicate this well
  5. 02:00:977 (5) - I think you could extend to the blue tick, sounded bit empty extra doesnt even cover that so would be kinda weird
Sorry can't mod extra, it's too OP for me

Good luck!~
Yo, as requested.

  1. I'd set lower tick rate for E/N diffs, In fact, I feel better with STR1 even in I/X diffs. Test it and see for yourself.
  1. Take a look at the BPM/SV. I'd say that AR3 is a more reasonable option. If you think it hurts the diff-balance too much, try 2,5.
  2. 01:10:434 (2,1) - minor - to prevent any misunderstandings, I'd move (2)'s tail somewhere else. Some newbies might not notice the reverse arrow. Example

  1. 00:28:695 (4,5,6,7,1,2) - isn't that a little too many circles in a row for a Normal. When I think of it, it feels a little too difficult. Especially if you consider the fact, that they make the diff much harder.
    Note: 00:39:130 (4,5,6,7,1,2) - same as above. I'd probably tonde down at least one of them.

    You know, it's cool.
  1. 02:00:488 (4) - I'd nudge this 1/2 backward to follow the vocalsand music better.

    I am running out of compliments.
  1. 00:47:119 (2,3,4) - I don't think triplets here are necessary. The ADV>H gap feels quite fragile. I'd try to get rid of the triplets. It's a 180 BPM song with I/X diffs, after all.
    Note: same applies for the other triplets as well.

    It's all cool, I just feel uncomfortable with the 1/4 circles.
  1. I'll edit later.
Topic Starter

not able to apply anything til i'm home in a few hours, but from just reading what was written so far i'll probably do all of it

  1. 00:19:238 (7,1) - please, make the second repeat here readable. As it is, the slider can be easily misread as a single-repeat one. example
    Note: 00:58:206 (10,1) - somewhat similar happens here
  2. 00:34:564 (4) - I hear stronger stuff n the blue ticks and practically nothing on the blue one, make it 1/4 shorter, please?
    Note: 00:36:847 (3) - and a few more - same. alternative example

    <insert some creative comment about qulity of the diff here>
  1. 00:47:771 (3,4,1) - this might be quite uncomfortabl to read. Can you check it with someone more skilled?

    Seems okay, but I'll give it a more detailed look later.
Can you gt like 2-3 more mods, just to b sure that it's all shiny and ready to go? Call me back afterwards.
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

Yo, as requested.

  1. I'd set lower tick rate for E/N diffs, In fact, I feel better with STR1 even in I/X diffs. Test it and see for yourself. k
  1. Take a look at the BPM/SV. I'd say that AR3 is a more reasonable option. If you think it hurts the diff-balance too much, try 2,5. k
  2. 01:10:434 (2,1) - minor - to prevent any misunderstandings, I'd move (2)'s tail somewhere else. Some newbies might not notice the reverse arrow. Example k

  1. 00:28:695 (4,5,6,7,1,2) - isn't that a little too many circles in a row for a Normal. When I think of it, it feels a little too difficult. Especially if you consider the fact, that they make the diff much harder. rip snares
    Note: 00:39:130 (4,5,6,7,1,2) - same as above. I'd probably tonde down at least one of them.

    You know, it's cool.
  1. 02:00:488 (4) - I'd nudge this 1/2 backward to follow the vocalsand music better. sounds really weird to not click when the stream in the music starts so rather not :/

    I am running out of compliments.
  1. 00:47:119 (2,3,4) - I don't think triplets here are necessary. The ADV>H gap feels quite fragile. I'd try to get rid of the triplets. It's a 180 BPM song with I/X diffs, after all. only 1/4 is now 01:33:586 (4,5,1) - 01:55:923 (5,6,1) - . hopefully that's enough for spread to insane to be workable lol
    Note: same applies for the other triplets as well.

    It's all cool, I just feel uncomfortable with the 1/4 circles.
  1. I'll edit later.

-Bakari- wrote:


  1. 00:19:238 (7,1) - please, make the second repeat here readable. As it is, the slider can be easily misread as a single-repeat one. moved it. second one not really a big deal since there's no way you'd mistake it for a slider with 1 repeat as it has so many :p example
    Note: 00:58:206 (10,1) - somewhat similar happens here
  2. 00:34:564 (4) - I hear stronger stuff n the blue ticks and practically nothing on the blue one, make it 1/4 shorter, please? that same sound is pretty much everywhere lol. some examples would be 00:41:168 - 00:41:331 - 00:41:494 - 00:41:657. guitar is just spamming noise hardcore which isn't really interpretable while playing, so sticking to only drums while covering guitar pitch changes is more viable
    Note: 00:36:847 (3) - and a few more - same. alternative example

    <insert some creative comment about qulity of the diff here>
  1. 00:47:771 (3,4,1) - this might be quite uncomfortabl to read. Can you check it with someone more skilled? it's easy :p
    yauxo = pro

    Seems okay, but I'll give it a more detailed look later.
Can you gt like 2-3 more mods, just to b sure that it's all shiny and ready to go? Call me back afterwards. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmk
hi from my modding queue
lol i've already dl the map since i want to m4m at your queue lol

CS 3 please?
i think Spacing is too big, please make them 1.1x
  1. 00:24:782 (1) - slider are off screen/out off grid, please move down a bit please
  2. 00:36:847 - add a note please? there's a drum sound here
  3. 00:37:173 (4) - how about this?
  4. 00:47:282 - add a note there's a drum sound here
  5. 00:57:390 (2) - how about this slider algorithm?
  6. 01:06:847 (1,2) - is this kind of stack allowed?
  7. 01:17:282 (1,2) - ^
  8. 01:18:586 (2) - slider tail is off screen/out of grid, please move them upper please
  9. 01:20:869 (2) - move them down a bit please
  10. 01:35:217 (1,2) - i think this is too far for newbies, can you make the slider tail curved? like this?
  11. 01:50:869 (1,2) - this looks too far for newbies
  12. 01:57:064 (2) - hey its out of timeline o.o, fix into 1/2 slider please?
  13. 02:16:303 (2) - make the slider into curved slider please?
  14. 02:21:847 - add a note, there's a drum sound here
  15. 02:26:086 (2,1) - make the (1) slider tail blanket with (2)
  16. 02:32:608 (1) - 1/1 slider with no reverse will be better imo, then add 1/1 slider here 02:33:260 -
  17. 02:35:217 (1) - ^
  18. 02:56:086 (1,2) - this looks hard for newbies imo
Nice and Clean Difficulty btw :D, but there's an unrankable issue on the diff

  1. 00:21:521 (1) - what the... o.o this is out of timeline D:, please make them into 1/2 slider
  2. 00:28:532 - add a note please there's a drum sound here
  3. 00:31:140 - ^
  4. 00:38:967 - ^
  5. 00:41:575 - ^
  6. 00:45:651 (1) - how about this slider algorithm? this will flow better imo
  7. 01:23:967 - add a note, following the vocal here
  8. 01:24:782 (1) - Smoother the slider like this please
  9. 01:35:217 (1) - ^
  10. 01:40:434 (1) - ^
  11. 01:45:651 (1) - ^
  12. 01:50:869 (1) - ^
  13. 01:56:086 (1) - ^
  14. 02:29:999 (1) - ^
  15. 02:56:086 (1) - Smoother the slider please
  16. 02:58:695 (1) - ^
  17. 03:01:303 (1) - ^
  18. 03:02:608 (2) - the slider is off screen/out of grid, please move them upper
  19. 03:03:912 (1) - smoother the slider
Nice and Clean Difficulty :)
sorry i cant mod the whole mapset, too tired :'(
btw Good luck ;)
21:54 *pishifat is listening to [ Underoath - Writing on the Walls]
21:54 pishifat: enjoi
21:54 pishifat: + feedback pls
21:54 Rudy Pokemon: what a pity ive got a thousand km's to justify
21:54 Rudy Pokemon: i wanna slap him so badly rn
21:55 pishifat: justify always deserves slaps
21:58 pishifat: so what plays like shit
21:58 Rudy Pokemon: a few confusing moments connected to the little stream endings
21:59 Rudy Pokemon: might be first play magic, might be the confusion from the CS and hiding circles behind the last stream circle
21:59 pishifat: uh uh
21:59 Rudy Pokemon: the jumps for the extra are really well done
21:59 pishifat: gotta be more specific lol
21:59 pishifat: like what objects
22:00 Rudy Pokemon: give me a second please
22:00 Rudy Pokemon: i'll find those moments and copypaste'em
22:01 Rudy Pokemon: 00:46:956 (1) -
22:02 Rudy Pokemon: you may want to be cautious about that slider after the stream
22:02 Rudy Pokemon: hard to hit, and if someone pulls our HR, might become even more inconsistent
22:04 pishifat: any others?
22:06 Rudy Pokemon: 02:10:597 (1) -
22:06 Rudy Pokemon: that stream feels like it starts a little too fast
22:07 Rudy Pokemon: maybe one, two hitcircles
22:07 pishifat: probably the hitsounds tehre
22:07 pishifat: there's a clap on 02:11:005 (3) - which makes it sound really out of place while song is just retarded like that and actually has a snare hit there ;-;
22:08 Rudy Pokemon: might be that, i didn't notice the clap there
22:08 Rudy Pokemon: another thing
22:08 Rudy Pokemon: i try to understand the genius and creativity behind it but
22:08 Rudy Pokemon: but 01:28:695 (6) -
22:08 Rudy Pokemon: just confusing af
22:09 Rudy Pokemon: making them a little more visible would be great for playing
22:09 Rudy Pokemon: unless you don't want anybody to FC that on a first try
22:09 Rudy Pokemon: i mean, it's like a jumpscare, just appears there out of nowhere
22:09 pishifat: yea rhythm there is retarded so idk how to arrange stuff
22:09 pishifat: what kind of placement would you think is cool
22:10 Rudy Pokemon: what's also retarded is my sense of mapping for now
22:10 Rudy Pokemon: if you want to keep the sliders in place, you might try rotating every second slider by 180 degrees
22:11 Rudy Pokemon: that'd make them more visible without moving the starters of the sliders
22:11 pishifat: so less sliderbody overlap you say
22:12 Rudy Pokemon: after doing that, this part becomes quite understandable
22:12 Rudy Pokemon: just that one little slider underneath
22:12 Rudy Pokemon: that can be a quick combo killing surprise
22:13 pishifat: changed it to something that should be good
22:13 Rudy Pokemon: have you saved it already?
22:14 pishifat: update now and you can see it
22:15 Rudy Pokemon: now it's clear as a day
22:15 Rudy Pokemon: and that little slider can enjoy its freedom now
22:16 Rudy Pokemon: one of the last thingies
22:16 Rudy Pokemon: 03:05:706 (4) -
22:16 pishifat: lul
22:16 Rudy Pokemon: that one doesn't really feel neccesary for me
22:16 Rudy Pokemon: it's hard to hit it for 300
22:16 Rudy Pokemon: no one would expect a circle to be there
22:16 Rudy Pokemon: hidden under the slider ending point
22:17 pishifat: wait just like
22:17 pishifat: the stack?
22:17 pishifat: stacks are pretty normal i'd think especially on 3/4 sliders lol
22:18 pishifat: 00:23:151 (6,1) - 00:24:456 (6,7,1) - etc are pretty much same thing :P
22:18 Rudy Pokemon: it's because
22:18 Rudy Pokemon: since the end of the last break
22:18 Rudy Pokemon: you used the stack only one time
22:19 Rudy Pokemon: and that's why it feels confusing
22:19 Rudy Pokemon: for example
22:19 Rudy Pokemon: 02:58:695 (1) - 03:01:303 (1) - 03:02:608 (1) - 03:03:912 (1) -
22:19 Rudy Pokemon: there are no stacks
22:19 Rudy Pokemon: and that's why the last stack is so surprising
22:20 pishifat: how would you suggest to change it
22:22 Rudy Pokemon: how about keeping 03:05:053 (1,2) - and replacing the slider and the last circle with three circles
22:23 Rudy Pokemon: with a little delay inbetween 3 and 4 to keep up to the rhythm
22:23 Rudy Pokemon: i don't really know if you get my meaning
22:23 pishifat: i think you just described something to do with overmapping LOL
22:24 Rudy Pokemon: that's why you're the BAT, and i am a regular player
22:25 Rudy Pokemon: just after doing that, the map still seems smooth, but if it's overmapping, than fine
22:25 pishifat: BAT
22:25 Rudy Pokemon: that's what justify told me
22:25 pishifat: bats are dead haha
22:25 Rudy Pokemon: bats are animals
22:25 pishifat: got renamed a few months ago to BN instead
22:25 pishifat: bats are animals agreed
22:25 Rudy Pokemon: beatmap nominator?
22:25 Rudy Pokemon: or sth
22:25 pishifat: yup
22:26 pishifat: so was there anything else to mention
22:26 pishifat: if not you can post for some kudosu after changing that stupid section :P
22:27 Rudy Pokemon: pretty much nothing for this diff to become a 5+ extra
22:27 Rudy Pokemon: as mentioned before, jumps are kept smooth
22:27 Rudy Pokemon: and streams are whenever and wherever neccesary
22:27 Rudy Pokemon: would play if it got ranked
22:28 pishifat: which will be soon
22:28 pishifat: cuz i got another BN saying he'll rank it after 2-3 mods
22:28 pishifat: and this could be the second :P
22:28 Rudy Pokemon: the problem is that i am a noob, so dont yell at me
22:28 Rudy Pokemon: isn't what i just did
22:28 Rudy Pokemon: a mod?
22:29 pishifat: it is yea
22:29 pishifat: and changing something more than minor
22:29 pishifat: meaning that whole pattern
22:29 pishifat: means it's valid as a kds worthy mod
22:30 Rudy Pokemon: so should i like describe it now and put it on the beatmap's topic?
22:30 pishifat: do /savelog and put it in a spoilerbox

Changed the whole 01:28:695 (6) - pattern to something easier to read, plus minor suggestions to some circles.
Topic Starter

Haruto_Aizawa wrote:

hi from my modding queue
lol i've already dl the map since i want to m4m at your queue lol

CS 3 please? pourquoi
i think Spacing is too big, please make them 1.1x nah 1.2 is hot
  1. 00:24:782 (1) - slider are off screen/out off grid, please move down a bit please only really matters if it's offscreen, which it's not even close to :p same goes for the other off grid stuffs
  2. 00:36:847 - add a note please? there's a drum sound here hmmkay
  3. 00:37:173 (4) - how about this? looks good but doesnt move into the next object at all :/
  4. 00:47:282 - add a note there's a drum sound here trying to keep density lower in less intense section so nah
  5. 00:57:390 (2) - how about this slider algorithm?
  6. 01:06:847 (1,2) - is this kind of stack allowed? yup
  7. 01:17:282 (1,2) - ^
  8. 01:18:586 (2) - slider tail is off screen/out of grid, please move them upper please
  9. 01:20:869 (2) - move them down a bit please
  10. 01:35:217 (1,2) - i think this is too far for newbies, can you make the slider tail curved? like this?
  11. 01:50:869 (1,2) - this looks too far for newbies distance snapped the same as everything else uh
  12. 01:57:064 (2) - hey its out of timeline o.o, fix into 1/2 slider please? it's 1/3 LOL
  13. 02:16:303 (2) - make the slider into curved slider please? but why
  14. 02:21:847 - add a note, there's a drum sound here same as that last add note thing
  15. 02:26:086 (2,1) - make the (1) slider tail blanket with (2) uh why no
  16. 02:32:608 (1) - 1/1 slider with no reverse will be better imo, then add 1/1 slider here 02:33:260 - i think we're listening to different parts of teh song :p
  17. 02:35:217 (1) - ^
  18. 02:56:086 (1,2) - this looks hard for newbies imo perhaps i did stuff
Nice and Clean Difficulty btw :D, but there's an unrankable issue on the diff rankable unrankable issue tho

  1. 00:21:521 (1) - what the... o.o this is out of timeline D:, please make them into 1/2 slider okay i dunno how that happened
  2. 00:28:532 - add a note please there's a drum sound here there's drum hits on every 1/2 beat i dont htink it's that necessary lol
  3. 00:31:140 - ^
  4. 00:38:967 - ^
  5. 00:41:575 - ^
  6. 00:45:651 (1) - how about this slider algorithm? this will flow better imo nah straight >
  7. 01:23:967 - add a note, following the vocal here ignored the same thing earlier but you didnt mention so uh
  8. 01:24:782 (1) - Smoother the slider like this please i... i think you're missing the point on all of these LOL the kinks in the slider are for accenting the changes in guitar stuff
  9. 01:35:217 (1) - ^
  10. 01:40:434 (1) - ^
  11. 01:45:651 (1) - ^
  12. 01:50:869 (1) - ^
  13. 01:56:086 (1) - ^
  14. 02:29:999 (1) - ^
  15. 02:56:086 (1) - Smoother the slider please
  16. 02:58:695 (1) - ^
  17. 03:01:303 (1) - ^
  18. 03:02:608 (2) - the slider is off screen/out of grid, please move them upper but not even close to offscreen
  19. 03:03:912 (1) - smoother the slider
Nice and Clean Difficulty :)
sorry i cant mod the whole mapset, too tired :'(
btw Good luck ;)

and thanks rudy that part's way better now :p
Yes, metadata is corect

  1. The bookmars somewhere after the song feel really weird, let's remove them to be safe.
  1. 02:22:173 (1,2) - iminor - it was the only visible overlap in the whole diff. ARe you sure you want it to be here?
  1. 01:55:923 (5,6,1) - pretty sure it was the only triplet in the whole diff, which makes it kind of awkward to play, if you ask me.
  1. 00:31:956 (3) - minor - move it just a little down, so it doesn't get overlapped with the HP Bar.
  1. 00:19:075 (4,5,6,1) - Try to place (1) somewhere on the right of (4)? So, it'll be a little more readable.
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

Yes, metadata is corect

  1. The bookmars somewhere after the song feel really weird, let's remove them to be safe. did it even tho it changes nothing. should see my bookmarks on :p
  1. 02:22:173 (1,2) - iminor - it was the only visible overlap in the whole diff. ARe you sure you want it to be here? yea its hot
  1. 01:55:923 (5,6,1) - pretty sure it was the only triplet in the whole diff, which makes it kind of awkward to play, if you ask me. spread tho. can't have an insane with a buttload of streams and a hard without any 1/4. there's also 1/4 at 01:33:586 (4,5,1) - if that means anything lol. id even be more comfortable adding 1/4 in other places
  1. 00:31:956 (3) - minor - move it just a little down, so it doesn't get overlapped with the HP Bar. k
  1. 00:19:075 (4,5,6,1) - Try to place (1) somewhere on the right of (4)? So, it'll be a little more readable. anyone playing an extra can read it i promise :p stuff like 00:18:423 (2) - people hold til the 1/4 beat even tho spacing indicates otherwise. kinda like 02:57:054 (1,2) - on as an example
Make sure that the bookmarks are actually okay @Next BN Lookin' good, let's go!

Topic Starter
oh i did bookmark stuff on one diff then forgot the rest lol

will deal with that when next person comes i guess thanks :p
the mod will come soon....or the heart icon :p
Topic Starter

so i did. byebyebubble
After a re-check everything looks even better than before, so yeah.

Topic Starter

09:14 sukiNathan: yoyo
09:27 sukiNathan: ok make colors 4 and 1 more definite
09:27 pishifat: k
09:32 sukiNathan: 01:57:499 (4) - no nc here?
09:32 sukiNathan: even coming from a repeat
09:32 sukiNathan: i found it a bit hard to read since I just hit what's pretty much a triplet before it
09:32 pishifat: k
09:37 pishifat: 01:57:499 (2) -
09:37 pishifat: would you want that on insane too
09:38 sukiNathan: I think that one is fine
09:38 sukiNathan: since they're all sliders
09:38 pishifat: mmmmmmk
09:39 pishifat: .
09:39 pishifat: i changed the hitnormal also btw
09:39 pishifat: because
09:39 pishifat: it's like a mix between normal and drum now
09:39 sukiNathan: hm alright
09:41 sukiNathan: ok
09:41 sukiNathan: update it
09:43 pishifat: mission complete
09:44 sukiNathan: ok
09:45 sukiNathan: ok
09:45 pishifat: dam
09:45 sukiNathan: gj
09:45 pishifat: such speed
09:45 pishifat: takes me like 5 hours to qualify a map
09:45 pishifat: cuz i just stare at it then by the time im done
09:45 pishifat: i realize i forgot what i stared at and stare at it again
09:45 sukiNathan: lmao
09:46 pishifat: this map is the ultimate pp machine
09:46 pishifat: hard part at the beginning
09:46 pishifat: so if you fc it
09:46 pishifat: job done
09:48 sukiNathan: damn ur an underrated mapper
09:48 pishifat: i need to sleep
09:48 sukiNathan: ok
09:48 sukiNathan: pishisleep
09:48 pishifat: wow
09:48 pishifat: from thee underrated mapper i get compliment
09:48 pishifat: i will dream about this moment
09:48 pishifat: for the next 8 hours
Topic Starter

pishifat wrote:

it's happening

good job pishi, bless you dear child
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