
TAG feat. Angie Lee - Heatstroke

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, November 22, 2009 at 3:59:24 PM

Artist: TAG feat. Angie Lee
Title: Heatstroke
Source: Dance Dance Revolution
Tags: TAG heatstroke angie lee matma rex strager
BPM: 140
Filesize: 5016kb
Play Time: 01:37
Difficulties Available:
  1. Cool (1.75 stars, 84 notes)
  2. HEAT!! (5 stars, 307 notes)
  3. Warm (3.89 stars, 145 notes)
Download: TAG feat. Angie Lee - Heatstroke
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
THANK YOU MATMA AND STRAGER for the awesome SB, and thank you to everyone else for looking at this map
Eeh man, just passing by for bpm and offset

Bpm: 140
Offset: 1.528
Topic Starter
00:17:038 (2,3,4) - Confusing for a easy.
01:10:009 (1,2) - ^ Kinda confusing
01:32:081 (1,2,3) - ^

Rest seems fine.

Lack of hitsounds.


Seems fine, apart from the lack of hitsounds.


If you want, try and get VanMoNky to do a mod, he is epically good with hitsound placements. I'm not so good :(

Ps, I don't Star WiP because they tend to change a lot, tell me to mod again when you move this to pending and I'll star it.
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Preview point is not set.
Set the background colour to dark red or black.


Eh. I guess it's cool.


00:23:038 (5,1) - Random jump.
00:28:009 (3,4,5) - All the triplets, including these, are 1/4 late.
01:07:009 (1,2) - Random jump?


00:20:037 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - Oh god, please give some sort of warning in terms of spacing before you do this.
01:08:037 (1,2,3,4) - Weird diamond.
01:23:079 (1) - This shift to the background was slightly surprising. (okay, it was very surprising)

well, i can't see any issue in these 3 maps.


maybe you should make more jumps.

00:20:037 (1) - make this symetric with following circles ? (2 columns of 3 circles)
00:21:022 (3,1,2) - try jumps between these ?

( It seems to be a "H" pattern, if you want to keep it , switch 00:20:037 (1) and 00:21:051 (1) )

that's all. it's great :)
Sorry for the delay my Laptop has just had a breakdown :o

Anyway here is my difficulty, don't use it if you don't like it [Hitsounds might or might not be done idk] :P

Update my difficulty because I'm R.I.P until my laptop is fixed lol

~ Troll ready + Star :D

Download: TAG feat. Angie Lee - Heatstroke (ouranhshc) [Shulin's HEAT!!].osu
fix the offset first, resnap and then check all your circles again

1550 sounds ok to me
Topic Starter
Im going with 1520 for the offset
Matma Rex
So here's a storyboarded strobe effect. Strobes are automatically added where finish hitsounds are.
Put both in song folder.

If you want to add strobe where there's no hitsounds or no beat at all, add this text at the end of .osb file to add strobe in every difficulty, or under [Events] in .osu file to add to one, chosen difficulty. You have to replace "<position>" with miliseconds time-wise position of strobe (for example "8385" means "8 seconds, 385 ms"; "69242" means "1 minute, 9 seconds, 242 ms"; you can see this time after changing tab to Desing, in upper-right corner.)
(you can replace underscores with spaces, it has no effect at all; i had to use underscores here, because spaces weren't visible :))

I hope everything is clear - if it's not, tell me and I'll help :)

Download: TAG feat. Angie Lee - Heatstroke (ouranhshc).osb

00:12:066 (2) - I don't get why it's empty after it D:
00:40:520 (x) - Insert break?


00:51:001 (1) - Whistle on end?
00:53:484 (x) - Insert break?
01:10:009 (1) - Whistle?
01:10:051 (3) - ^
01:10:094 (4) - ^
01:17:037 (1) - ^
01:17:080 (3) - ^
01:18:066 (5) - ^ on beginning
01:19:051 (6) - ^
01:20:037 (1) - ^

[Shulin's Hot!!]

01:23:091 (3) - Clap sounds off o_0


00:32:037 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5) - Lacking hitsounds, just needs a little.
00:51:023 (2) - Whistle?
00:52:009 (7) - ^ on all
00:56:037 (3) - ^
00:56:069 (5) - ^
00:58:009 (3) - ^
00:58:041 (5) - ^
01:10:009 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Lacking hitsounds, it's bland :3
01:16:094 (14) - Clap?
01:17:016 (1) - Whistle on all?
01:19:030 (1,2,3,4) - Lacking hitsounds

fun :3 star

01:19:009 (5,1) - i dont think these should overlap
01:30:066 (1,1) - ^



[Shulin's Hot!!!]

00:20:091 (4,5,6,7) - sounds a little off-timed
01:09:001 (4,5,6) - confusing


00:48:034 (2,3,4,5,1) - a little confusing

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Mod Info's:

Green: Suggestions.
Orange: I think you should fix this.
Red: You must fix this.

Starts Suggestions:

Offset=1540 (resnap all notes in all difficulties)


00:53:026 (5) - spacing


It's ok


It's ok


It's ok

Topic Starter
I think it would sound awesome if you switched to Normal sampleset from 01:10:004 to 01:23:718. It makes the chorus more climactic, and Normal whistles especially fit the kinda "siesta" feel really well.
Also, MORE SOFT FINISHES, they sound awesome in the song.

Shulin's Hot
00:20:039 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Switch to Normal set for these? You are switching from the melody to the drums here so it will make it more obvious (also it sounds cool)
00:35:050 (4) - Plays better as 2 hitcircles imo
01:10:111 (x) - Add a beat here

00:22:032 (2,3,4,5) [and similar] - These just don't go well with the syncopated rhythm it's mapped to. I would remove 3 from sequences like this.
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Fixed all the things 0_o and Ephemeral mentioned:

@ 01:26:025 (1,2,3,4) I did away with that especially ugly long slider and replaced with with a spinner, and those beats should have been snapped at 1/2 and not on blue as they were.

Regarding confusing gameplay I've been considering increasing the distance snap between combos, would that improve clarity of gameplay?

Thanks for the useful mods on my difficulty :D

Download: TAG feat. Angie Lee - Heatstroke (ouranhshc) [Shulin's Hot!!].osu



00:28:97 : Copy+ Paste 00:22:119 to 00:28:04, and put it here.
00:36:015 (2) : Move back by 1 tick.
00:36:090 : Add a beat here. (?)
00:38:040 (3,4,5) : And add the finish hitsound on these 3 beats, not whistle. (?)
00:48:26 : Map this or add a break.
01:07:011 (1,2,3,4) : Try this? (screenshot)


00:13:762 : Boring break early in on the song. Try copypata with the first combos here.
00:21:054 (1,2) : 2 Gets covered up by a 3.
00:22:044 (x) : Add a beat here.
00:25:086 (x) : Add a beat here.
00:36:004 (2) : Delete this beat.
00:36:015 (2) : Back by 1 tick.

Kiai SB?

Why don't I just edit my posts? @_@

Use this one:
Download: TAG feat. Angie Lee - Heatstroke (ouranhshc).osb

Not the other one.
Very cool. Star.

IMO loud hitsounds used for multiple fast beats in a row is annoying (those are the only changes I suggest)
00:39:058 (4) - Possibly make this a clap?
01:17:061 (2) - Remove whistle?

01:16:086 (13) - Remove whistle?
funfunfun~ :)
01:34:11(1) - [Suggestion] I think that 'Align Start and End' seems better, but you can keep it :3

No issues :3

[HEAT!!] It's good to cook turkey<
No issues :3

Good map XD
I hope it will be ranked soon :3

Here's my star XD
Here's my mod

Blue = Suggestion Red = Check this

01:23:083 (1) - Sounds better if you end this at 01:24:548. (You need 1/3 beat snapping for this)
No Problems found :)

00:39:058 (4) - Sounds better with the music as either a whistle or clap
00:51:47 (2,3) - Remove (3), move (2) forward a beat, and place a slider like 00:51:04 (1) at 00:51:47
00:56:083 (2,3,4) - whistle-clap-clap?
00:58:054 (2,3,4) - whistle-clap-clap?

01:26:083 (3) - move back 1/6 of a beat
01:30:026 (3) - ^

No problems found :)

00:21:083 (2) - Move forward to the red tick
00:51:058 (4) - Note here?
00:51:069 (5) - Move forward 1/4 beat?
00:52:097 (10) - Finish on the slider end here instead of a clap
00:59:72 (1) - Move forward 1/4 beat, shorten by 1/4 beat, then place a note at 00:59:72
01:06:047 (7) - Move back 1/8 of a beat (man, how inconsistent are my timing suggestions)

And that's it for this diff :)

A nice beatmap; Warm and HEAT!!'s hitsounds sound a little wierd in places, but so far it's good. Starred
  1. Source looks messy, try using only one source like "Dance Dance Revolution".
  2. You need to add a hitcircleoverlay.png OR force default skin, or it will look weird while using other skins.

00:52:011 (4,5) - You should follow the same, steady beat you had earlier, not passing to a 1/4 all of a sudden.

~ ~ ~

That's all I found. Pretty good map! :)
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  1. Warm and HEAT!!'s storyboard is messed up where the Kiai Time is. Fix those please.
  2. Your source in HEAT!! doesn't match with the sources in Cool and Warm.
    Maybe even just put "Dance Dance Revolution" as the source like Gens said.
Topic Starter

Mafiamaster wrote:

  1. Warm and HEAT!!'s storyboard is messed up where the Kiai Time is. Fix those please.
  2. Your source in HEAT!! doesn't match with the sources in Cool and Warm.
    Maybe even just put "Dance Dance Revolution" as the source like Gens said.
done XD
Hmm.... There's a gap of where the fire SB is supposed to merge but it looks like it missed by one pixel.

That's the only odd thing I see currently. Have that checked out and then i'll bubble.

whymeman wrote:

Hmm.... There's a gap of where the fire SB is supposed to merge but it looks like it missed by one pixel.

That's the only odd thing I see currently. Have that checked out and then i'll bubble.
in the .osb. Does that fix it?
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A hot song and fun map! No mistake I found. STAR!
I hope this will get ranked as soon as possible.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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