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Nightmare:-Serah- wrote:
I will set it more dark then, where was that tricky part? Wich difficulty..?
RikiH_ wrote:
GeneralUnconsistency in kiai times (Unrankable)AiMod has spoken
Normal must be about 2,5/3 stars, I think the limit is 3,24 stars. Anyway I suggest to map an Easy because you would probably ruin your Normal
Also, the useless, it says this, I think it's really important
Leadin fixed, but for the picture, if i resize to 128*128 as the aimod says, the sword goes really big and float out of the hitcircle, so it's not fixable, unless i remove it, and it's not unrankable.
Cool00:11:239 (6) - NC here because of the Slider Belocity change
00:24:057 (4,6) - Ugly overlap
00:35:239 (8) - Another ugly overlap, move this note to 300|264 for a better-looking pattern and a better flow
00:47:239 (3,4) - Stack the tails of these sliders properly
00:53:784 (7) - This way for a better flow:
01:41:511 (2,3,4) - When you map, try to avoid straight lines like this because they quite ugly to see, anyway I suggest to move 01:41:784 (3) - 2 grids up or 2 grids down
01:43:966 (7) - This way flows better:
01:49:420 (5) - NC here maybe?
02:01:420 (4,6) - Ugly overlap...
02:05:784 (5,6) - The same
02:07:693 (7) - Uhm, I think this is unrankable because it's covered by the previous slider but I'm not sure
02:10:420 (4) - Make it symmetric
02:48:875 (7,1) - Ugly overlap
All fixed
Hurricane00:00:875 (2,3) - I think something like this would look better (Just copy-paste ano rotate the previous slider):
00:06:602 (3) - move to 124|152 because of the spacing
00:27:057 (3,4) - This way for a better flo/pattern:
00:31:966 (2,3) - Ugly overlap
00:44:511 (3) - 1 grid up, it's too near to the other objects
01:05:239 (3) - 2 grids up to avoid the overlap
01:36:875 (3,4) - Overlap. I think you understood what I mean when I point out overlaps, so please go through all diffs and fix all overlaps, that I won't mention anymore
Fixed too
Nightmare02:50:784 (2) - Unsnapped slider's tail (Unrankable). Go on timing > resnap all notes, it should do
00:29:375 (3,4) - Move both to 340|80
01:16:966 (2) - Ctrl+g for a better flow
01:18:875 (13) - NC?
01:28:693 (4) - The reverse arrow is covere by the previous slider, I think it's unrankable but I'm not sure
02:06:193 (2) - Move to 204|156 for a bigger angle and a better flow
02:28:693 (1,3) - Stack these properly
I can't find further problems, but you should really fix all the ugly overlaps in this diff
Also fixed
UltimaHP drain 8? Please reduce by 1 or 2, this is cruel, when you miss 2 notes you fail in 95% of cases
00:10:693 (3) - Move to 220|200 for a better blanket, and in order to avoid that horrible overlap
00:33:602 (3,4) - I suggest this:
01:11:239 (5,6,7) - This?
01:18:875 (15) - NC?
01:58:148 (1) - The curve is crooked, try to make a better one
02:11:239 (20) - NC?
02:27:602 (5,6,7,8) - In my opinion you should remove thes enotes and use a slider instead, because a player can't recognize that this is 1/3 the first time
02:46:830 (3) - Better flow:
02:54:875 (15) - NC?
Nothing else, except the overlap stuff
Fixed of course
The flow is good, you just need to work a lot on the design, and please fix the unrankable issues, good luck
Salut,merci pour le modrezoons wrote:
SPOILERComme tu me l'as demandé:
[mel's Abomination]
Resnap tes kiais. D'ailleurs, resnap tout tes inherited points.
- 00:35:234 (1) - Euh.... Le slider fini un peu nulle-part. Que ce soit sur la flèche ou sur la fin du slider en elle-même. Essaye de faire en sorte que ca tombe sur un bruit fort comme 00:36:325 ou 00:37:415.
- 00:00:325 (1) - Ce slider va beaucoup trop vite. C'est a cause de l'inherited point qui n'est pas snappé. Resnappe-le en même temps que le timing point et ça devrait être réglé. (Même problème pour 01:36:325 (1))
- 00:23:915 (7) - CTRL+G? Tu alternes le sens de 00:24:188 (8,9) alors pourquoi pas ici?
- 01:12:325 (1,2,3,4) - La symétrie est peut-être cool mais ça donne un flow vraiment étrange. Surtout pour 01:12:870 (3,4) qui est bizarre à jouer. Par exemple 02:46:143 (1,2,3,4) est bien mieux!
- 02:26:506 (1,2,3,4,5) - Leur position est un peu random. Pourquoi ne pas faire une étoile par exemple? Ou alors un carré/rectangle mais bien fait!
Voilà, j'espère que ça t'aidera ^^
- 00:17:234 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Un clap sur chaque note?!?!? C'est beaucoup trop. Chaque note produit déjà un son de base. Le clap est là pour mettre en valeur un son particulier de la musique mais il ne faut pas en mettre de partout. De plus, le spam de clap ça fait un bruit très fort et pas très agréable. Oh, et je ne vais pas le répéter a chaque fois mais c'est la même chose pour tout les streams.
Et en espérant que mel réponde à ce mod!