
Electronic Boutique - Divine Service

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01:04:96 (5) - Add a break after this slider.
01:08:54 (2) - Add a break after the note.
01:11:72 (2) - ^
01:14:90 (2) - ^
WHOA!!! Resnap all notes ASAP!!!
01:56:60 (1) - Add break after note.

01:57:60 (1) - Suggestion: This is a Normal and a note right after a spinner like this is imo... not Normal ;_;

Oh yes. DEFINITELY resnap all notes.
00:27:60 (1) and most of the notes after this one - Whistle spam isn't such a good idea =X
01:24:82 (1) - 01:30:38 (7) - Yes!! I love the hit sound placements here!! Good job here.
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00:16:47 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:19:65 (1) - ^
00:22:83 (1) - ^
00:26:01 (1) - ^
01:30:58 (4) - Clap on endpoint.


01:04:95 (1) - Remove new combo.


00:02:76 (4) - Put this 1 level 3 grid to the left so it's consistent to the other spacing.
00:36:74 (10) - New combo.
00:46:27 (7) - Clap.
01:04:95 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:30:38 (7) - Clap on endpoint.

Really like this map :)
Starred *
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Fixed :)
Sleep Powder
01:40:91 (1) - Too close to 3

Nice Job~
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Fixed :)
This maps needs more attention, such a nice song!
00:19:65 (2) - claps on every note in this slider
00:26:01 (2) - ^ Trust me it sounds much nicer :D
00:36:74 (2) - remove clap
00:42:70 (4) - change clap to whistle on slider end.
01:08:33 (1,2) - too soft or needs hitsound
01:11:50 (1,2) - ^
01:14:68 (1,2) - ^
01:59:38 (1,2) - sounds a little weird :P

00:14:88 (1,1,1,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - some whistles here would be nice.
01:05:74 (1,2,3) - hitsound somewhere?
01:08:92 (1,2,3) - ^

Don't place offsets exactly on the first note pl0x, i recommend setting offset back 1 white tick.
00:27:60 (1) - very bad placed timing section here. The idea is nice but but it before the first combo. (Maybe on 1/8th before this note?)

Very nice map. Best part being the part where the song takes up and you accompanied that so good ^_^

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fixed :) thxs to u :D
Fine ~

Cool ~

00:07:534(4) - spacing

I love your map <3
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fixed :)
thx u XD
Except a slider[Normal][Fixed on IRC],
No issues as I saw.

Star this and let's see '1 day and 2 nights' XD
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Played, your map is great! but here is the story..

I started Divine Service beatmap a while ago without noticing yours was already exist, played your map and it was fun... but different style than me. So I think it would be great if both Divine Service map are approved together ^^

I have some mods for you too.. it's BG video. My beatmap has better quality than yours so you are welcome to use my video instead

My map here : viewtopic.php?f=6&t=17840

download with video and you can use that.

And feel free to mod or star my map too ^^
Good map ^.^

Overall: Re-do some breaks.
Good use of hitsounds (some of them at least xP)

No problems

No problems

01:31:177 (B): Might want to place notes in this break, hard isn't that much difference of normal.
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i think break is okay...
00:19:654 Remove the clap at the start
00:26:012 ^

00:43:098 Finish?

00:06:738 Add new combo
00:06:938 Remove new combo
00:08:329 Add new combo
00:08:527 Remove new combo
00:11:507 (3,1) As above
00:33:163 Clap at the start
00:33:560 Remove clap
00:39:123 Clap?
00:49:057 Clap?
00:52:236 whistle at the start?
01:02:368 Align with (6)
01:03:958 1 square to the right
01:07:136 Align with (2) [01:05:944]
01:08:726 Align with (4)
01:55:017 Align with (2)

That's all for me.
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Fixed :) Thank you :D
BPM: 151,00 (fine)
Offset: 2 161.
Resnap all notes on all difficulties.
  1. 01:00:57 (3,4) - 1 grid down,
  2. 01:08:81 (6) - 1 grid up-left,
  3. 01:17:65 (1) - 1 grid down,
  4. 01:30:57 (4) - Remove repeat,
  5. 01:56:00 (3) - 1 grid up.
  1. 01:30:57 (3) - Remove repeat.
  1. 00:29:77 (1,3) - Remove clap,
  2. 00:40:30 (1) - 1/2 earlier and then fix spacing,
  3. 01:30:37 (7) - Remove last repeat,
  4. 01:38:61 (4) - Stack manually on (3)s end,
  5. 01:40:30 (4) - Stack manually on (3)s end.
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Sargon wrote:

Played, your map is great! but here is the story..

I started Divine Service beatmap a while ago without noticing yours was already exist, played your map and it was fun... but different style than me. So I think it would be great if both Divine Service map are approved together ^^

I have some mods for you too.. it's BG video. My beatmap has better quality than yours so you are welcome to use my video instead

My map here : viewtopic.php?f=6&t=17840

download with video and you can use that.

And feel free to mod or star my map too ^^
thanks for interest to my beatmap >w<
but i'll take my MV video.

better quality MV has bigger size, so users will be annoying to download map 'w'
i think MV quality isn't necessary to play :)
Nice map^^

The map itself is pretty good, except for that it's a bit hard for the Normal difficulty.

Fine and fun to play.

You have my star now :3
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Fixed :) thanks you :D
오늘따라 별을 많이 주는거 같네.......
어째뜬 여기별받으세요~~
Offset = 2,154 (all diffs, make sure u re-snap all notes, and fix all breaks)

01:56:796 - fix break, it's a little off
that's it ^ :P

looks good here

new combo to help spacing
01:13:88 (8) - new combo?
01:46:26 (3) - ^
01:51:63 (5) - ^

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Fixed :) Thank you >w<
nothing wrong for me, star.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
01:53:71 No break? (브레이크는 없어도 될 것 같네요.)

01:53:44 (1) No new combo and (2) is new combo?

Fine. :)

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Fixed :)
This is pretty confusing for an Easy map. But in a good way.

I love what you did with the notes on the blue ticks on Easy at around 01:11:98. And that section is sort of boring in Normal and Hard; could you re-map those parts to do something similar?

[All difficulties]
The hitsounds aren't very nice in some places. Soft whistles everywhere. I'm not going to point out any specifics points, but there are a lot.

00:26:19 (1,2,3) - Doesn't go with the music.

00:41:09 - This section is sort of boring too; it doesn't flow BADLY but it could be better.
Topic Starter
Fixed, thank you >w<~

00:46:85 (2,3,4) - The spacing slightly increased in the middle of this stream.

That's the only thing that I noticed with this difficulty. But another thing that i've noticed is the combo colors. There are some parts of the video where the red and yellowish colors blend in. Just something to take note of but the rest of the map seems fine to me.
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fixed, thank you >w<~
레미같은 초 nazi 비에이티 대비입니다.
00:25:99 (2) - (1)이 이 롱 놋의 유턴을 가리고 있는데
기준에 의하면 유턴을 가리는 노트는 언랭의 요소라고 들은 바 있습니다......

01:08:80 (5), 01:11:98 (5), 01:15:16 (5)
소리와 안맞는 걸 모르고 이렇게 맵핑 하시지는 않은 것 같은데......
소리가 안맞네요 그냥 알아두세요.
님 주관대로 하십시오

01:16:25 ( ) - 노트 추가?(갠적 의견)
01:46:85 (6) - 왠지 nazi 모더가 된 느낌인듯합니다만.... (5)하고 쫌 가까운 것 같습니다.

Fix and I'll bubble.
00:44:27 (3) - clap?
01:16:259 - add a note?

awesome map , Star for you

I like DJMax too ^^ , and how about change the difficultys' named "Easy Style" "Normal Style"
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Here's Bubble #1.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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CheeseWarlock wrote:

01:09:30 (1,2,3,4) - You took out my favourite part! I meant last time that you should use notes on blue ticks with all the difficulties, instead of just Easy.
umm...... i'm confused now.
some people this part is out of beat. but i don't think so ;w;
so i fixed it again.
01:16:85 (1) - remove new combo

00:20:23 (3) - start at 00:20:432, end at 00:21:028

00:16:45 (1) - remove new combo
00:16:85 (2) - new combo
00:18:04 (1) - remove new combo
00:18:44 (2) - new combo
00:44:27 (3) - hitclap at the start, remove hitclap at the end
00:50:63 (3) - hitclap
00:52:22 (1) - hitclap at the start
01:45:66 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - spacings are too far
01:51:02 (3,4,5) - confused spacings

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DJPop wrote:

00:20:23 (3) - start at 00:20:432, end at 00:21:028
- i think this is little bit out of beat...

01:45:66 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - spacings are too far
- jump :)
fixed. thank you >w<~
Just a suggestion, not a direction...


01:56:78 - Maybe you can replace the break here and the two notes at the end with a spinner?

Other than that, the map seems good. Once you have double checked everything, i'll check back again for the bubble.

Edit: Checked out okay as far as I can see and bubbled.
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umm..... i think it will be funny for 'expert' if it is fixed.
but (i think) rookies don't be experienced of spinner.
only two notes make is diff more easier.

but thank you for suggestion. so kudosu for you :)
Im so sorry >.<

Just my Suggestions. xD

01:08:80 (5) - this is hard to time for an easy style imo. move to 01:08:710 ?
01:11:88 (5) - ^?
01:15:16 (5) - ^?
01:30:56 (4) - end of this slider is so not complete, add a clap at end of the slider?

00:16:45 (1,1) - shouldn't you follow the hitsound pattern used in 00:14:86 (1) - a whistle at the start of slider and at the end?
nice xD

Awesome =D

Good Luck!
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WyndII wrote:

01:08:80 (5) - this is hard to time for an easy style imo. move to 01:08:710 ?
01:11:88 (5) - ^?
01:15:16 (5) - ^?
- i agree with you it can be little hard for easy. but i like the beat on this part(same to CheeseWarlock).
so i don't think i have to change this part. sorry ;w;

01:30:56 (4) - end of this slider is so not complete, add a clap at end of the slider?
- it sounds little weird for me. that track is the beginning of beat. so i just use finish <_<

00:16:45 (1,1) - shouldn't you follow the hitsound pattern used in 00:14:86 (1) - a whistle at the start of slider and at the end?
- beacuse of only whistle being on 00:14:86 (1) is, the higher tone narration also be on the 00:14:86 (1).
no fixing. sorry ;w; but i'll give you a kudosu for trying :)
Kein Anschluss unter diesem Rank.
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Hurraaaaaaaaaay~ thank you >A<~
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