No idea why. But I guess it doesn't matter so much since I didn't get a single complaint from anyone

I wanted to complain, but the server was down.
a-HA.Derekku Chan wrote:
^What was the point of posting that shit (har har pun) in here?
Also woo osu! is back; etc.
I think you totally missed the part where I wasn't here (else the server would not be down). My automated alert did not alert me. I can't update status from my sleep.Randy96 wrote:
What happened to updating the status on twitter?
email: pe@ppy.shneo@lex wrote:
I wanted to complain, but the server was down.
Oh that would be amazing. Would go right in my google readerpeppy wrote:
I could make that an rss feed if there was enough support.
you sleep?peppy wrote:
I can't update status from my sleep.