Since you are serious about this, atleast make your FAQ make sense. You shouldn't have stuff in it based on your opinion. Everyone has a different playstyle or different problems.
Also if you're making the FAQ for the guide, it should probably have something to do with it, instead of questions like "Are you insane, I mean making a very time consuming topic like this?", that makes no sense.
Nice effort, but I really don't like some maps on that list, some don't really contain any real jumps at all, just an occasional one, and some have quite high difficulty settings which makes them too hard for newer people (specifically AR). Some even have more streams than jumps. I don't want to go into too much details because the maps are obvious.
Just a comment.
P.S. You can't take playing accuracy into account, because that's another thing, just because people get A on those "harder" maps doesn't mean they are actually of that level. Also I don't know what kind of criteria you used to have maps in certain level groups, but airman certainly doesn't really go along with maps like rainbow dash. Same style, same creator, same concept, but the map is much harder than airman with HR (which is level 20 lol).
On a sidenote, does anyone remember those jumpy compilations? Those were quite cool.