
Mario Kart 7 weekly kartparties (Sat, 9 PM CST)

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sasori93 wrote:

No, I'm just joking around. I guess if I would play more often my VR would be much higher, too.
I knew that. I'm just saying my plan for this weekend's kart parties. :P
Okay, so just confirming: we're having one tonight, right?
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Blazevoir wrote:

Okay, so just confirming: we're having one tonight, right?
I can actually fucking drift now, so yes. :P

sasori93 wrote:

No, I'm just joking around. I guess if I would play more often my VR would be much higher, too.
All there is to do is grind it to a higher level. Playing low VR opponents was never any worse than playing computer opponents.
I'll see if I can join tonight's, chances are I won't though. If I do join, I'll probably be away from my computer.
I'll be an hour late. I was invited to dinner.
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mm201's nephew is cute. ^_^
Oh wow powersliding is so much easier here

I tried to do it DS-style, and failed so bad because of the analog stick
Uhh... powersliding?
Well, whatever the thing where your wheels go red or something and you get a boost. I'm not sure what it's called in MK.
Another name for drifting.
Ah right.

Also, the flying instances are cool. What's not cool is getting struck by thunder during it :/

EDIT: Ok what the hell I keep getting communication errors just before I enter a game. I get shown the other players on the globe, get a "Preparing for the Race", then poof.

EDIT2: Googling shows that this error is way too widespread, have any of you guys had it before?
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Your firewall's probably stopping you from actually connecting with players after you get paired up with them. Try either opening up ports or setting up a DMZ.
You don't make MTs MKDS-style, they just come after you've been drifting for a while.
We can all agree blue shells and lightning during glider sections are the gayest of gay things in this game.

There are some tricks that can make some items a little less damaging. For instance, driving off the track is often less of a hindrance than being hit by a blue shell. Braking so the next guy gets targeted by the blue shell rarely goes as planned, and usually causes even more crap to come your way.
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mm201 wrote:

Braking so the next guy gets targeted by the blue shell rarely goes as planned, and usually causes even more crap to come your way.
Note that in high-level rooms a person with a mushroom will typically wind up in 1st if you try this and they'll just BS dodge while you get item raped to 8th. Most of the time you'll experience less item rape if you just take the BS hit.

There are a couple situations where it's OK to try this, but identifying when this is is a skill that can only be gained through playing since it's so damn situational.
List of things I have done:

Port Forward
Both at the same time

and online play still shits in my face. Why

There's also DHCP, I have a manual DNS because the automatic one doesn't work. Does that affect anything?
Are you providing the manual DNS to your router?
Oh wow it worked

Holy shit it worked

Holy shit

Thank you so freaking much mm wow it actually works now

My first match was a 1v1 and I lost the first 3 rounds, the last round the guy chose Maka Wuhu, failed to pull off the glitch, and ragequit despite me being impossible to win him :v

EDIT: That, or I dc'd, because I'm getting the connection errors again :/

Current setting: No DMZ and Port Forward, router has DCHP, and my 3DS takes IP and DNS from the router instead of manually typing them in.
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Use a static IP and manual DNS. The manual DNS should ideally be whatever your router's using. Port forwarding to that static IP won't make things worse, either.

What brand router do you have?
Hm, will try that when I get home then.

My router is D-Link.
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Find your model here: ... /index.jsp

It has "Important Notes" on the right for things that you should do for your specific router. See if there's anything there.
Did all that along with dhcp, static ip, custom dns same as router, dmz, port forwarding, still nothing

The furthest I've got was seeing everyone's VR, then error

fucking bullshit, I'm really going to have to call nintendo now aren't I

EDIT: Actually, does anyone else play with a built-in Mario Kart on the SD card?
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JInxyjem wrote:

Actually, does anyone else play with a built-in Mario Kart on the SD card?
I currently do with no real issues. It might even run slightly faster than my cart does.
I don't have Kart on SD, but I have several other games on one SD card and they all run perfectly. I think all SD cards aren't made equal though? I don't know, ask your local SD card expert.
so I FINALLY bought a MK7 game. Do any of these still happen?
They do! One on Friday at I don't know when (not sure how right the topic time is) and one on Saturday at 10 pm my time which is 3 am Sunday GMT and you do the math your time. We take over #videogames but do most of our chatting during gameplay on Skype these days because it's more fun to actually yell at each other.
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Blue Dragon wrote:

so I FINALLY bought a MK7 game. Do any of these still happen?
Yes, especially now that I can actually play properly. Same times as in the thread title, which would be 0:15 Sat GMT and 3 AM Sunday GMT. Well, when we start on time anyways.
Has anyone ever emailed Nintendo before? How long do they take to reply? I'd prefer to avoid calling them as much has possible :x

Also, do gliders only start unlocking after the karts and wheels all unlock? I'm 700 coins in and I still have yet to get any glider.
There aren't very many gliders to unlock, compared to karts and wheels.
I got the flower glider very early on.
Apparently my router just can't take matches more than 2 people.

Played my second 1v1 match, and honestly, I never knew you could actually fail the start in Waluigi Pinball. I don't know how that guy did it, but he did it. Thrice.
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Failing the start in Waluigi Pinball is easy. Getting hit by items aside, just press B! :P
Oh, so he was throwing the match then. Explains why the connection stopped before I passed the finish line in the last track.

Hopefully I'll be able to get my 3DS checked and fixed by the next Kartparty, playing 1v1 in community is no fun when the results are lose or get ragequit on

Ekaru wrote:

20K VR = 20,000 VR.
I think my question was more along the lines of 'What does VR stand for?'.
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Justykanna wrote:

Ekaru wrote:

20K VR = 20,000 VR.
I think my question was more along the lines of 'What does VR stand for?'.
Versus Rating. Not really a rating, though, more like a cumulative total of points.
I'm gonna hang out at a friend's house today, but if you guys are karting around the normal time, he and I will probably join you. We just won't be able to chat.
I should be around. Right now I'm just trying to fill up my White 2 Pokédex.
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That has got to have been the worst kartparty I've ever been in. Yes, even worse than when my R button was broken. Why was that?

Because instead of being able to focus on racing I had to deal with a certain someone who was desparately trying to apologize to another certain someone who couldn't bring himself to say, "I forgive you." I should actually be receiving part of the blame because it should have been pretty obvious that I was in on the entire thing and let him in anyways. For the record, I am very sorry for the part I personally had in the incident in question. And no, we don't hate you. We just both have a very immature, trollish sense of humor. Neither of us are going to defend ourselves, though, because it was pretty immature of us and a very douchey thing to do.

P.S. Luigi > Koopa.

EDIT: AKA please just forgive him already so I don't have to deal with that shit. I won't let him join again if you don't want him to but I don't want to have to deal with that crap again.
I didn't manage to join yesterday. I watched some DVDs and suddenly it was 4 AM :o
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sasori93 wrote:

I didn't manage to join yesterday. I watched some DVDs and suddenly it was 4 AM :o
I've had that happen before. Don't worry about it. :P

EDIT: And the issue from earlier seems to be somewhat resolved. I hope so.
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Now's the time.

*cricket cricket*
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