
T-ara - Sexy Love

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STAAAAAR (ノ^∀^)ノ彡☆.。.:*・°★.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°★.。.:*・°☆
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

Lally wrote:

#1st :3
star *D*)/°

all ok :3
00:08:044 - start normal like hard with a spinner :3 :arrow: fixed
(all diff should start / end in the same time)

00:16:453 (2) - x: 308 y: 75
00:16:907 (3) - x: 392 y: 159
00:21:453 (4) - try this: sound better :arrow: I don't think so

00:28:725 (3,4) - i think a reversearrow slider sounds better:arrow: ^

00:36:225 - add a circle + whistle
00:43:044 (2) - if you follow a little bit vocal slide should start here: 00:43:271 :arrow: fixed
01:04:180 (4) - x: 88 y: 136 so you do a little blanket for the previous circle
01:10:544 (4) - it's diff for beginner they can may be confused try ::arrow: fixed

01:20:089 (2,1,2,3,4) - try a star here :3 :arrow: I don't think is good start
01:42:589 (1) - better star this slider here: 01:42:362 :arrow: I don't think is good start
01:55:771 (1) - better to start this slider here : 01:55:998 because vocal beginn here 01:55:884:arrow: In fact to do so will not be difficult, and I have seen this kind of start allowed

01:57:589 (1) - same with this one start it here : 01:57:816 do a little blanket for 01:56:680 (2) will look better
03:16:453 (5,1,2,3,4) - can be a better star
AR 7 is better

00:26:680 (2) - x: 224 y: 256
00:38:725 (5,6,1,2) ... - try something like this: :arrow: fixed
01:18:271 (4) - bad place for this try to stalk it with beginn of slider :arrow: fixed
01:42:362 - try to beginn here like i sain in normal :arrow: fixed
01:59:634 (3,4) - better blanket here
02:23:271 (2,3,4,5) - at first try i missed it D: try to :arrow: fixed
02:31:225 (6) - do it simmetric with previous slider
03:00:544 (1) - better blanket here

:) thank you! my friend

good luck sweety <3 a another star for you :3
From CLANNED Modding Queue

目前Offset略早,用Offset 566?

吐槽 Diff setting略奇葩
→CS(Circle Size) 4
HD(HP Drain) 6
OD(Overall Difficulty) 6

00:18:520 (1) - 包圍好00:17:838 (7) - 的尾
00:20:566 (2,3) - 這個Anti-jump有點奇怪...
00:22:384 (3) - NC
00:29:543 - 00:29:656 這兩處建議加note,配合下音樂嘛
00:29:884 (3) - NC,而且這個Slider好像不太合節奏啊..
00:47:611 (6) - 跪求對稱,做漂亮一點
00:51:247 (1) - 爲什麽slow down啊
01:07:384 (5) - 這spacing太坑爹了,換正常spacing/直接重疊
01:08:293 (7) - ^
01:43:293 (1) - Ctrl+G? 比較順手(個人覺得)
01:44:202 (3,4) - Spacing?
02:00:111 (4) - 奇怪的slow down不解釋
02:11:475 (7) - NC?
02:16:929 (3) - 嗯...換正常速度的slider
02:33:293 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 這種Jump加在Hard diff會不會太坑爹..
02:58:747 (1) - 形狀不太好看,而且後面的02:59:429 (2,3) - 也就按得不太順手...
03:22:156 (2) - 還是用新版slider吧,,這個不夠圓滑
整體來說還不錯,另外注意下NC Pattern,個人覺得怪怪的,就不多說了

00:22:362 (1) - 沒有包圍好00:21:453 (4,5) - ???
00:32:817 (1) - NC?
00:34:635 (1) - Remove NC?
00:40:089 (1,2,3,4,5) - 好歹弄個別的Pattern?...這樣子keep spacing讓這個Pattern不好看
00:45:771 (1) - 奇怪的NC
00:55:998 (1) - 這個Spinner有點太短了,個人雖然覺得沒問題,可是還是有機會坑到新手沙包啊...
01:43:725 (1) - Remove NC
01:54:180 (4,5,1,2,1,2) - 這裡一直連著略坑爹
02:20:544 (3,4) - 不確定Normal可不可以加Jump..最好還是小心點D:
03:22:134 (1) - Remove NC

Topic Starter
Pink Agate
:arrow: :arrow:

Regou wrote:

From CLANNED Modding Queue

目前Offset略早,用Offset 566? :arrow: fixed
吐槽 Diff setting略奇葩
→CS(Circle Size) 4
HD(HP Drain) 6
OD(Overall Difficulty) 6

:arrow: HARD 整体太丑了需要remap

00:18:520 (1) - 包圍好00:17:838 (7) - 的尾
00:20:566 (2,3) - 這個Anti-jump有點奇怪...
00:22:384 (3) - NC
00:29:543 - 00:29:656 這兩處建議加note,配合下音樂嘛
00:29:884 (3) - NC,而且這個Slider好像不太合節奏啊..
00:47:611 (6) - 跪求對稱,做漂亮一點
00:51:247 (1) - 爲什麽slow down啊
01:07:384 (5) - 這spacing太坑爹了,換正常spacing/直接重疊
01:08:293 (7) - ^
01:43:293 (1) - Ctrl+G? 比較順手(個人覺得)
01:44:202 (3,4) - Spacing?
02:00:111 (4) - 奇怪的slow down不解釋
02:11:475 (7) - NC?
02:16:929 (3) - 嗯...換正常速度的slider
02:33:293 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 這種Jump加在Hard diff會不會太坑爹..
02:58:747 (1) - 形狀不太好看,而且後面的02:59:429 (2,3) - 也就按得不太順手...
03:22:156 (2) - 還是用新版slider吧,,這個不夠圓滑
整體來說還不錯,另外注意下NC Pattern,個人覺得怪怪的,就不多說了

00:22:362 (1) - 沒有包圍好00:21:453 (4,5) - ??? :arrow: fixed
00:32:817 (1) - NC? :arrow: fixed
00:34:635 (1) - Remove NC? :arrow: fixed
00:40:089 (1,2,3,4,5) - 好歹弄個別的Pattern?...這樣子keep spacing讓這個Pattern不好看 :arrow: 没梗,就这么放吧
00:45:771 (1) - 奇怪的NC :arrow: fixed
00:55:998 (1) - 這個Spinner有點太短了,個人雖然覺得沒問題,可是還是有機會坑到新手沙包啊.. :arrow: fixed.
01:43:725 (1) - Remove NC :arrow: fixed
01:54:180 (4,5,1,2,1,2) - 這裡一直連著略坑爹 :arrow: fixed
02:20:544 (3,4) - 不確定Normal可不可以加Jump..最好還是小心點D: 理论是没问题,因为是普通难度,你可以参考这张 我给微风做的那一段,各种看起来不适合用在Normal以下的梗,最后还是能rank的
03:22:134 (1) - Remove NC :arrow: fixed

:arrow: 谢谢
Steph De Chine
From my modding queue~ Sorry for late...
00:19:635 (2) - 这里是不是该去掉折返,然后在00:20:544那里放圈圈呢?
00:29:862 (1) - 总觉得在红线上开始有些坑……这首歌的节奏感那么强的话在红线上放东西就会有些奇怪了
00:32:817 (4) - New Combo?
00:35:089 (2) - 把它往下移一点,让1在2的起点处的切线上?
00:37:135 (1) - 或许移到白线上也行……就跟鼓点吧。虽然Vocal Rhythm是在红线上的。
00:43:271 (2,3) - 这里的摆法我不是很喜欢……或许和后面那节一样摆成00:45:089 (4,5,1) - 这样的?
03:21:907 (4,1) - 把这种东西放在前面03:20:544 (3) - 末端的切线上?

01:23:953 (2,3,4) - 这个怎么好像滑条和圈圈错开了?
02:36:680 (2,3,4) - 这个也是……怎么了?
03:00:544 (1) - 这个的话……血条君有意见的哦~~往下挪点吧……

看到最后发现全是Suggestions... 最后一条除外。果然还是高质量啊……祝早日Rank
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

Steph De Chine wrote:

From my modding queue~ Sorry for late...
事实上这种节奏感强烈的歌根本不适合把物件放在红线上…… :arrow: 不放红线全放白线2分1拍很无聊的···· :o
00:19:635 (2) - 这里是不是该去掉折返,然后在00:20:544那里放圈圈呢? :arrow: 就这样放吧,不改了
00:29:862 (1) - 总觉得在红线上开始有些坑……这首歌的节奏感那么强的话在红线上放东西就会有些奇怪 :arrow: 人声这里开始的,不奇怪啊
00:32:817 (4) - New Combo? :arrow: fix
00:35:089 (2) - 把它往下移一点,让1在2的起点处的切线上? :arrow:
00:37:135 (1) - 或许移到白线上也行……就跟鼓点吧。虽然Vocal Rhythm是在红线上的 :arrow: 跟随人声
00:43:271 (2,3) - 这里的摆法我不是很喜欢……或许和后面那节一样摆成00:45:089 (4,5,1) - 这样的? :arrow: 改了后面没改前面
03:21:907 (4,1) - 把这种东西放在前面03:20:544 (3) - 末端的切线上? :arrow: 这样弄太难了

01:23:953 (2,3,4) - 这个怎么好像滑条和圈圈错开了?
02:36:680 (2,3,4) - 这个也是……怎么了?
03:00:544 (1) - 这个的话……血条君有意见的哦~~往下挪点吧……

看到最后发现全是Suggestions... 最后一条除外。果然还是高质量啊……祝早日Rank
:arrow: 谢谢MOD
(<ゝω·)☆ M4M

01:10:544 (3) - 這前面的東西都偏了,條一下o.o

00:14:196 (1,2,3,4) - 音效改成drum的clap?
00:14:764 (4) - 移到 x:216 y:216
00:20:105 (1) - 把NC設在 00:20:560 (3)?
01:04:196 (3) - 節奏改成這樣如何,順便幫你排了一下,slider一樣是慢速 ->
01:11:014 (4) - 同上 ->
01:26:696 (1) - 這後面的break time條一下吧,讓他沒有延遲
02:12:150 (4) - NC,跟前一段一樣
02:16:923 (5) - 01:04:196 (3) 跟這邊一樣,看你想不想改
02:24:196 (3) - 同上 -> 01:11:014 (4)
02:53:741 (1) - 前面的break time調整一下
03:00:559 (5) - 同 01:04:196 (3)
03:07:832 (3) - 同上 -> 01:11:014 (4)
03:21:696 (2) - 加個note?

00:34:650 (1) - remove NC
00:45:105 (1) - ^
00:51:241 和 00:51:923 這兩條綠線是o.o?
01:18:514 (1) - remove NC
01:43:741 (1,1) - ^
01:55:787 (1,2,1) - 把NC設在 01:56:696 (2)?
02:38:969 (1) - 後面的break time條一下
02:53:741 (1,2,3) - 加finsh? 跟hard一樣
03:22:150 (1) - remove NC
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

Evil_Twilight wrote:

(<ゝω·)☆ M4M

01:10:544 (3) - 這前面的東西都偏了,條一下o.o :arrow: fixed

00:14:196 (1,2,3,4) - 音效改成drum的clap :arrow: fixed
00:14:764 (4) - 移到 x:216 y:216
00:20:105 (1) - 把NC設在 00:20:560 (3)?:arrow: fixed
01:04:196 (3) - 節奏改成這樣如何,順便幫你排了一下,slider一樣是慢速 ->
01:11:014 (4) - 同上 ->
01:26:696 (1) - 這後面的break time條一下吧,讓他沒有延遲 :arrow: fixed
02:12:150 (4) - NC,跟前一段一樣 :arrow: fixed
02:16:923 (5) - 01:04:196 (3) 跟這邊一樣,看你想不想改
02:24:196 (3) - 同上 -> 01:11:014 (4)
02:53:741 (1) - 前面的break time調整一下
03:00:559 (5) - 同 01:04:196 (3)
03:07:832 (3) - 同上 -> 01:11:014 (4)
03:21:696 (2) - 加個note?:arrow: fixed

00:34:650 (1) - remove NC :arrow: fixed
00:45:105 (1) - ^ :arrow: fixed
00:51:241 和 00:51:923 這兩條綠線是o.o? :arrow: fixed
01:18:514 (1) - remove NC :arrow: fixed
01:43:741 (1,1) - ^ :arrow: fixed
01:55:787 (1,2,1) - 把NC設在 01:56:696 (2)?
02:38:969 (1) - 後面的break time條一下 :arrow: fixed
02:53:741 (1,2,3) - 加finsh? 跟hard一樣 :arrow: fixed
03:22:150 (1) - remove NC
:arrow: fixed
xx mod
as your request


00:56:014 (1) - this spinner is too short to play imo, especially there're objects after it very soon
02:00:787 (1,1) - the slider is too far from the spinner, also the slider is just only 1/1 after the spinner, this's hard to play as Normal diff
02:05:787 (4,1) - wrong spacing
02:14:196 (5) - it's not a good idea to use any big jumps in Normal diff, kinda hard to read pattern for newbies
02:15:105 (1,3) - they can blanket better
02:24:196 (5) - ctrl+2, and then move the red nod 1 gird right, spinner will looks much better
02:38:514 - try to change the slider to 3/2 slider and end at here? then spinner start at 02:38:741 - , will fit the song better

HD-1, it's kinda high to this diff
there're lots of sliders in this diff can blanket much better, I won't point them out, please find and fix them as best as you can
01:04:196 (1) - the slow down looks really unreasonable, and hard to read. if you want to keep the slow down slider, use 0.75x speed instead please. there're same suggestions later, remeber to fix them
01:15:787 (4) - why not move it to x:240 y:248 and move 01:16:469 (2) - to x:328 y:220? flow much better and won't be confusing to play
01:27:264 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - close gird snap and replace them plz, now the stream looks odd
01:28:514 - why drug the break to here? it doesn't fit the song at all
02:25:332 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - please move them down and right a bit, to make the spacing is right when playing(or testing) the diff. pay attention to the spacing on later objects
02:39:992 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same as before
03:08:969 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - same as before
03:21:469 (3) - how about cancel repeat on this slider, add a slider from 03:22:150 - to 03:22:605 - , and start slider (5) at 03:23:060 - . will fit the song much better. also play attention to the streams after it

not sure about the spread
and also, need some much more works now o.o
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

wcx19911123 wrote:

as your request


00:56:014 (1) - this spinner is too short to play imo, especially there're objects after it very soon :arrow: fix
02:00:787 (1,1) - the slider is too far from the spinner, also the slider is just only 1/1 after the spinner, this's hard to play as Normal diff
02:05:787 (4,1) - wrong spacing :arrow: no wrong
02:14:196 (5) - it's not a good idea to use any big jumps in Normal diff, kinda hard to read pattern for newbies :arrow: fix naxt time
02:15:105 (1,3) - they can blanket better
02:24:196 (5) - ctrl+2, and then move the red nod 1 gird right, spinner will looks much better
02:38:514 - try to change the slider to 3/2 slider and end at here? then spinner start at 02:38:741 - , will fit the song better

HD-1, it's kinda high to this diff :arrow: fix and remap
there're lots of sliders in this diff can blanket much better, I won't point them out, please find and fix them as best as you can
01:04:196 (1) - the slow down looks really unreasonable, and hard to read. if you want to keep the slow down slider, use 0.75x speed instead please. there're same suggestions later, remeber to fix them
01:15:787 (4) - why not move it to x:240 y:248 and move 01:16:469 (2) - to x:328 y:220? flow much better and won't be confusing to play
01:27:264 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - close gird snap and replace them plz, now the stream looks odd
01:28:514 - why drug the break to here? it doesn't fit the song at all
02:25:332 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - please move them down and right a bit, to make the spacing is right when playing(or testing) the diff. pay attention to the spacing on later objects
02:39:992 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same as before
03:08:969 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - same as before
03:21:469 (3) - how about cancel repeat on this slider, add a slider from 03:22:150 - to 03:22:605 - , and start slider (5) at 03:23:060 - . will fit the song much better. also play attention to the streams after it

not sure about the spread
and also, need some much more works now o.o :arrow: thank you :)

  1. 00:28:741 (1) - 2折返我觉得很容易让新人miss,一般刚开始都很习惯只有一个折返。所以这里建议用两个slider或者1个note加1个折返slider代替

EDIT: Bubbled
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

Breeze wrote:


  1. 00:28:741 (1) - 2折返我觉得很容易让新人miss,一般刚开始都很习惯只有一个折返。所以这里建议用两个slider或者1个note加1个折返slider代替
其他没什么 :arrow: fixed

EDIT: Bubbled
go go \:D/
Hey, bubble~~~ :3

New T-ara map :)
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

Sonnyc wrote:

Hey, bubble~~~ :3

New T-ara map :)


오빠! 오빠! 오빠!

오빠,나 널 너무 좋아해요!

偶吧!撒浪嘿哟 :)
Nice Map for now ! Looking forward to it ! =D

for me it fits perfectly at the moment. Good Work !

  1. offset+10

  1. 00:49:650 (1) - spinner后中间接note很可能会被吐槽,这个note会被hitburst挡住
  2. 00:58:741 (1) - 加finish?
  3. 01:02:378 (1) - 这里为什么加finish?
  4. 01:04:196 (4) - slider尾,^
  5. 01:06:014 (1) - 这里可以加个finish,slider头
  6. 01:09:650 (3) - slider头,finish听起来有点奇怪
  7. 01:13:287 (1) - 可以加个finish
  8. 01:20:559 (1) - ^
  9. 02:11:479 (2) - ^
  10. 02:15:115 (1) - 去掉finish
  11. 02:18:297 (4) - ^
  12. 02:18:751 (1) - 头加finish
  13. 02:22:388 (1) - 去finish
  14. 02:26:024 (1) - 加finish
  15. 02:33:297 (1) - ^,头
  16. 02:52:388 - Break拉到这儿感觉没啥太大意义
  17. 02:53:751 (1,2,3) - 去finish,我觉得这里反而小音量更合适,然后02:55:115 (1) 开头加finish才是高潮开始时候的爆发音,该加finish
  18. 02:59:660 (2) - 去finish
  19. 03:01:933 (1) - ^
  20. 03:02:388 (2) - 加finish
  21. 03:06:024 (3) - 去finish
  22. 03:09:660 (1) - 加finish
  23. 03:13:297 (1) - 去finish
  24. 03:14:888 (4) - (nazi)这个弧度跟03:14:206 (3)的弧度没对上
  25. 03:16:933 (1) - 加finish
  26. 03:20:569 (3) - 去finish

  1. finish的建议我就不多说了,照着normal那样
  2. 很多地方的遮挡感觉做的不是特别好,个人感觉遮挡还是有一定规律可循,要么放在之前的note,要么放在之前的slider头尾之下,要么就放在之前slider的路径中间,这些遮挡都不会看起来太奇怪。而你的有些遮挡看起来不是特别的干净,比如00:17:378 (6) 尾巴被前面slider挡住,这个完全可以避免;00:24:196 (1) 这个也是,如果这个尾巴和前面00:23:287 (3) 会更好看,要么就干脆把他放在外面不要任何重叠部分;00:26:014 (1,2,3,4,5,6) 这一串不太工整,135和246之间间距相同才好看。其他还有些我就不一一说了,自己再检查一下吧
  3. 00:56:014 (3) - 这个clap一定是放错了
  4. 01:12:378 (1) - 这个clap听起来也有点奇怪,为什么偏偏这里要用三个1拍间隔的clap
  5. 02:05:105 (7,8,9) - 这个anti-jump问题有点大,音乐本身没有这种停顿感,突然spacing变小是在太坑
  6. 02:10:105
    02:10:560 - 这两拍空出来感觉不合适,就算不加note,至少用一个slider放这儿,可以考虑用减速slider,50%或者75%BPM都可以
  7. 02:11:241 (1,2) - 提前1/4拍,这里和02:10:787 (1,2)是两个1/4拍的组合
  8. 02:11:923 (5) - 这种jump从对应歌词来说还不错,不过突然的jump建议用NC标注,同理02:12:832 (9)
  9. 02:13:060 (10,1) - 这里感觉combo有点看不太懂,而且spacing持续保持这么大打起来不是特别顺
  10. 02:25:105 (5) - 去clap
  11. 02:47:264 - break拖到这儿意味不明
  12. 02:59:423 (3) - 这个jump看起来有点牵强,还不如放到02:58:741 (2) 的右边曲线空隙处
  13. 03:09:650 (1) - (nazi)这个slider的曲线更之前那串stream的曲线完全不是同一曲线上,打起来稍微有点别扭
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

Breeze wrote:


  1. offset+10

  1. 00:49:650 (1) - spinner后中间接note很可能会被吐槽,这个note会被hitburst挡住 :arrow: fix
  2. 00:58:741 (1) - 加finish? :arrow: fix
  3. 01:02:378 (1) - 这里为什么加finish? :arrow: fix
  4. 01:04:196 (4) - slider尾,^ :arrow: fix
  5. 01:06:014 (1) - 这里可以加个finish,slider头 :arrow: fix
  6. 01:09:650 (3) - slider头,finish听起来有点奇怪 :arrow: fix
  7. 01:13:287 (1) - 可以加个finish :arrow: fix
  8. 01:20:559 (1) - ^
  9. 02:11:479 (2) - ^
  10. 02:15:115 (1) - 去掉finish :arrow: fix
  11. 02:18:297 (4) - ^
  12. 02:18:751 (1) - 头加finish :arrow: fix
  13. 02:22:388 (1) - 去finish:arrow: fix
  14. 02:26:024 (1) - 加finish:arrow: fix
  15. 02:33:297 (1) - ^,头
  16. 02:52:388 - Break拉到这儿感觉没啥太大意义
  17. 02:53:751 (1,2,3) - 去finish,我觉得这里反而小音量更合适,然后02:55:115 (1) 开头加finish才是高潮开始时候的爆发音,该加finish:arrow: fix
  18. 02:59:660 (2) - 去finish
  19. 03:01:933 (1) - ^
  20. 03:02:388 (2) - 加finish
  21. 03:06:024 (3) - 去finish
  22. 03:09:660 (1) - 加finish
  23. 03:13:297 (1) - 去finish:arrow: all fix
  24. 03:14:888 (4) - (nazi)这个弧度跟03:14:206 (3)的弧度没对上:arrow: fix
  25. 03:16:933 (1) - 加finish
  26. 03:20:569 (3) - 去finish

  1. finish的建议我就不多说了,照着normal那样
  2. 很多地方的遮挡感觉做的不是特别好,个人感觉遮挡还是有一定规律可循,要么放在之前的note,要么放在之前的slider头尾之下,要么就放在之前slider的路径中间,这些遮挡都不会看起来太奇怪。而你的有些遮挡看起来不是特别的干净,比如00:17:378 (6) 尾巴被前面slider挡住,这个完全可以避免;00:24:196 (1) 这个也是,如果这个尾巴和前面00:23:287 (3) 会更好看,要么就干脆把他放在外面不要任何重叠部分;00:26:014 (1,2,3,4,5,6) 这一串不太工整,135和246之间间距相同才好看。其他还有些我就不一一说了,自己再检查一下吧
  3. 00:56:014 (3) - 这个clap一定是放错了
  4. 01:12:378 (1) - 这个clap听起来也有点奇怪,为什么偏偏这里要用三个1拍间隔的clap
  5. 02:05:105 (7,8,9) - 这个anti-jump问题有点大,音乐本身没有这种停顿感,突然spacing变小是在太坑
  6. 02:10:105
    02:10:560 - 这两拍空出来感觉不合适,就算不加note,至少用一个slider放这儿,可以考虑用减速slider,50%或者75%BPM都可以
  7. 02:11:241 (1,2) - 提前1/4拍,这里和02:10:787 (1,2)是两个1/4拍的组合
  8. 02:11:923 (5) - 这种jump从对应歌词来说还不错,不过突然的jump建议用NC标注,同理02:12:832 (9)
  9. 02:13:060 (10,1) - 这里感觉combo有点看不太懂,而且spacing持续保持这么大打起来不是特别顺
  10. 02:25:105 (5) - 去clap
  11. 02:47:264 - break拖到这儿意味不明
  12. 02:59:423 (3) - 这个jump看起来有点牵强,还不如放到02:58:741 (2) 的右边曲线空隙处
  13. 03:09:650 (1) - (nazi)这个slider的曲线更之前那串stream的曲线完全不是同一曲线上,打起来稍微有点别扭
:arrow: all fix
Hi :)


  1. 00:26:024 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this pattern doesnt look good :| Im not sure if this way is better but at least it looks neater? 00:26:024 (1) - stack with 00:27:160 (6) -
  2. 00:29:660 (6) - delete this note? it isn't following anything
  3. 00:57:388 (1,2,3) - this pattern's not following the rhythm I suggest you put it like this?
  4. 01:21:479 (1,2) - i think a jump would fit here, make it like 01:20:569 (1,2) - for consistency?
  5. 01:26:251 - add note? this sounds empty
  6. 01:26:706 - ^
  7. 01:48:751 (3,4) - mmm this jump is too.. sudden and.. nonsense, put 01:49:206 (4) - closer to 01:48:751 (3) - ?
  8. 01:59:433 (1) - i think this spinner is for extended vocal, so start this spinner at 02:00:570? add some more notes like this?
  9. 02:13:297 (1,2) - this jump is a bit unreasonable, i mean 02:14:206 (1,2) - got the same rhythm right? consider to put 02:13:751 (2) - closer to 02:13:297 (1) -
  10. 02:48:070 (1) - this rap part is good why didn't you map it? :< well if you wanna use spinner here i suggest you should start at 02:47:842 -
  11. 03:00:569 (1) - clap here
  12. 03:22:615 - and 03:23:070 - add note?
    I feel the end (after 02:48:070 (1) - ) is a bit messy, consider to fix some jumps to make the flow more consistent

  1. 00:29:660 - add note? the next slider 00:29:888 (1) - start at a red tick and some players may click too soon
  2. 00:34:206 (4,5,6) - spacing issue
  3. 00:42:388 (1,2) - ^
  4. 01:11:479 (3,4) - ^
  5. 01:25:797 (4,1) - end slider 01:25:797 (4) - at 01:26:251 - and start spinner at 01:26:479 - instead?
  6. 02:08:524 (1) - this spinner seems too short for normal diff, delete it and add notes like this?
  7. 02:13:297 (4,5) - spacing issue
  8. 02:18:751 (1,2) - ^
  9. 02:20:570 (3,4) - ^
    sometimes i feel like you just turn distance snap off =/ jumps are not recommended in normal diff, unless the rhythm suggests to (not in this case though o3o)
this needs some more work o3o
star :3
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

kazumikos wrote:

Hi :)


  1. 00:26:024 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this pattern doesnt look good :| Im not sure if this way is better but at least it looks neater? 00:26:024 (1) - stack with 00:27:160 (6) -
    :arrow: fix something
  2. 00:29:660 (6) - delete this note? it isn't following anything :arrow: fix
  3. 00:57:388 (1,2,3) - this pattern's not following the rhythm I suggest you put it like this?
  4. 01:21:479 (1,2) - i think a jump would fit here, make it like 01:20:569 (1,2) - for consistency?
  5. 01:26:251 - add note? this sounds empty
  6. 01:26:706 - ^
  7. 01:48:751 (3,4) - mmm this jump is too.. sudden and.. nonsense, put 01:49:206 (4) - closer to 01:48:751 (3) - ? :arrow: fix
  8. 01:59:433 (1) - i think this spinner is for extended vocal, so start this spinner at 02:00:570? add some more notes like this?
  9. 02:13:297 (1,2) - this jump is a bit unreasonable, i mean 02:14:206 (1,2) - got the same rhythm right? consider to put 02:13:751 (2) - closer to 02:13:297 (1) -
  10. 02:48:070 (1) - this rap part is good why didn't you map it? :< well if you wanna use spinner here i suggest you should start at 02:47:842 - :arrow: fix
  11. 03:00:569 (1) - clap here :arrow: fix
  12. 03:22:615 - and 03:23:070 - add note?
    I feel the end (after 02:48:070 (1) - ) is a bit messy, consider to fix some jumps to make the flow more consistent

  1. 00:29:660 - add note? the next slider 00:29:888 (1) - start at a red tick and some players may click too soon
  2. 00:34:206 (4,5,6) - spacing issue
  3. 00:42:388 (1,2) - ^
  4. 01:11:479 (3,4) - ^
  5. 01:25:797 (4,1) - end slider 01:25:797 (4) - at 01:26:251 - and start spinner at 01:26:479 - instead?
  6. 02:08:524 (1) - this spinner seems too short for normal diff, delete it and add notes like this?
  7. 02:13:297 (4,5) - spacing issue
  8. 02:18:751 (1,2) - ^
  9. 02:20:570 (3,4) - ^
    sometimes i feel like you just turn distance snap off =/ jumps are not recommended in normal diff, unless the rhythm suggests to (not in this case though o3o)
:arrow: fix something
this needs some more work o3o
star :3
:) :arrow: my firend ,thanks

  1. 又听了下,感觉565offset更合适,倒也查不了多少,改不改随你

  1. 00:50:569 (2) - NC

  1. 02:03:297 (2) - 这个NC一下

Edit: Bubbled
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

Breeze wrote:


  1. 又听了下,感觉565offset更合适,倒也查不了多少,改不改随你

  1. 00:50:569 (2) - NC
:arrow: fix


  1. 02:03:297 (2) - 这个NC一下
:arrow: fix

就这些,改好叫我 :arrow: thanks

Edit: Bubbled
gogo rank
Never edit the description of your map from the bss,as it pops the bubble received! xD
Anyways expect a mod soon from me,as Aleks requested that to me :P
Ok,let's go!


  1. 00:15:110 (1,2,1) - This a quite little thing, feel free to ignore if you want: what about structuring the whole apttern vertically instead of horizontally? Ihmo,this settings does actually flow better because of 00:18:746 (1) - 's position which could be used to make a pretty good to play and look pattern. See if you like it :P

  2. 00:40:110 (4,5,6,7,8) - This is just a little aestetical thing,just fix if you want: what about rearranging the whole pattern to form a penthagonal pattern? The current pattern you are using is really ugly,and using a pattern like this would smooth out a bit the flow too,try it out!

  3. 01:01:474 (4,1) - I understand your point on using this kind of formation,but anyways I don't really think this flows that good there,imho... It feels quite umpleasing to play :\ I have instead a little idea there: what about making 01:00:564 (3,4) - opposed sliders and deleting the slider 01:02:383 (1) - replacing it with a pretty good to play arc-shaped pattern: that would definitely solve the problem,and it plays and flows pretty well too!

  4. 01:06:019 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - I did not really like that much how you mixed these curved slider with linear flow there... Considering the circumstances,I'd use instead an arc-shaped one again,as it continues from 01:04:201 (5) - really good! See if you like it :3

  5. 01:12:837 (4) - The spacing here gets unconistent. Why are you using a 1.2x Distance Snap while the default one is 1.0x? Considering there's nothing to emphatize here,I'd suggest you to make the spacing there consistent by moving this at x:352 y:136
  6. 01:14:201 (3) - The same goes here,even if this spacing unconsistency could actually make sense,as the vocals here are increasing their pitch,but I see you didn't use this kind of pattern later,so I would instead make again the spacing consistenst here. I tried to modify the pattern a bit to make it smoother,I also fixed the spacing later there. See if you like it!

  7. 01:20:110 (2) - Again,the spacing consistency here is ruined,creating a jump which does not fit at all. Just move this note at x:248 y:136 and the following note at x:360 y:96 to definitely solve the problem.
  8. 01:42:610 (1) - The slider's held used here doesn't really fit within the vocals,which change their pitch in that 1/2 part you skipped. What about instead splitting this slider in a 1/2 pattern composed by a note and a 1/1 slider? That would fit way better the vocals there. Here's what I made using this kind of rhythm setting:

  9. 01:49:428 (x)- Huh, stopping the rhytm 1/2 backwards is not really a fantastic idea... I see the whole rhythm there finished here,with this synth chord... What about adding a note here to follow it and to properly finish the pattern?
  10. 01:52:837 (1,2,3,1) - As of the flow given by 01:51:928 (3,4,1) - I actually expected this pattern to go downwards instead of the opposite... Here,I made a pattern to follow this suggestion,it should flow pretty good there!

  11. 02:29:655 (1) - Using a 3/2 slider is not the best way to follow the instruments there... The repeat does actually sound quite strange and I would prefer instead a pattern using a 1/1 slider and a 1/2 repeated slider: imho,this setting does play better than the actual one! Here's an example,look at the timeline to see what I have changed!
  12. 03:02:383 (2,3) - Huh,I really didn't like that much the returning back used there... I would have instead used a pattern going from the left to the right as of 03:00:564 (4) - 's oval flow... Here's what I have done there!

  13. 03:11:474 (3,4,5) - Why are you going downwards after having used 03:10:564 (2) - ? It does play rather "meh",as it feels quite umpleasing to play! You could have used a pattern which begins from 03:09:655 (1) - 's start to go downwards,as seen here:


  1. 00:17:837 (1) - The New Combo here does not really make sense there. What is this supposed to follow? I would instead follow the phrases and the downbeat there,as you did in the following pattern,by removing this New Combo and by putting some at 00:16:928 (5) - and 00:18:746 (3) - . This setting would definitely have much more sense!
  2. 00:27:837 (1,2) - Huh,using antagonist notes here against that curvy slider you ahve there is not really the best choice,imho... It feels quite awkward to play. A possible pattern you could use to make the flow overall nicer there could be a semi-wave slider,which with his encircle it does actually play really good!

    I spaced away 00:27:383 (7) - too to make 00:26:928 (5,6,7) - a consistent jump and to smooth out the flow! :)
  3. 00:33:746 (3,4) - I didn't like that much the flow used there: I would have expected instead 00:34:201 (4) - encircling 00:33:746 (3) - ,as it plays really good and it flows absolutely good! Here's what I have done:

  4. 00:37:383 (2) - What about using CTRL+G here? It's a quite little thing,though I find this pretty good to play,expecially with the dropoff with 00:37:837 (3,4) - ! I actually find that "returning back" of the current pattern a bit awkward to play :<
  5. 00:59:883 (4,5) - This is a quite little thing,so just fix if you want: what about reverting these notes? After the flow given by the first triangular pattern,a change a direction here does actually play really good,especially with 01:00:564 (1) - ! Here's an example on how it should come
  6. 01:21:474 (3,4) - You know,I would see these 2 sliders better if they were linear,probably because there is a pretty funny to play pattern that could be used with this kind of sliders,using some cross jumps. Imho,instead of just using a linear pattern this plays really good,especially with the slider of the following pattern!

  7. 02:06:246 (2) - The dropoff with 02:05:792 (1) - here does not really work that good...I would instead reverse this slider up to make a similar tornado-pattern to play: using a triangular jump right after it it would flow absolutely better,by making a consistent jump too! See what I have done :P

  8. 02:16:474 (2) - As nearly the same reason as the point above,I would use a CTRL+G on the top of this slider,to make the dropoff pleasing to play,as using opposed slider here works pretty good!
  9. 03:04:655 (2,2) - The same goes here.
  10. 02:59:428 (2,3,4,5,6) - Hmm,I have a little idea there: what do you think on using a qudrangular jump there instead of that repeated linear pattern? Here you could use this kind of pattern,which is pretty good to play,and you can make it finish on 02:58:746 (1) - 's head,as seen here:

  11. 03:16:928 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Uhm... I actually find this jump's structure to lack of immagination... I mean,it seems kinda random there :< As the vocals there get more and more insistent,you could isntead use pair of jumps which get more spaced and spaced... That would definitely follow the song really good and play really well,too!

And that's it! My mod could seem so big,but there's actually no big problem in this mapset,the majority of the things mentioned there are just suggestions :P
Call me back when you have fixed so that I can rebubble!
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

-kevincela- wrote:

Ok,let's go!


  1. 00:15:110 (1,2,1) - This a quite little thing, feel free to ignore if you want: what about structuring the whole apttern vertically instead of horizontally? Ihmo,this settings does actually flow better because of 00:18:746 (1) - 's position which could be used to make a pretty good to play and look pattern. See if you like it :P :arrow: fixed

  2. 00:40:110 (4,5,6,7,8) - This is just a little aestetical thing,just fix if you want: what about rearranging the whole pattern to form a penthagonal pattern? The current pattern you are using is really ugly,and using a pattern like this would smooth out a bit the flow too,try it out! :arrow: fixed

  3. 01:01:474 (4,1) - I understand your point on using this kind of formation,but anyways I don't really think this flows that good there,imho... It feels quite umpleasing to play :\ I have instead a little idea there: what about making 01:00:564 (3,4) - opposed sliders and deleting the slider 01:02:383 (1) - replacing it with a pretty good to play arc-shaped pattern: that would definitely solve the problem,and it plays and flows pretty well too! :arrow: fixed

  4. 01:06:019 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - I did not really like that much how you mixed these curved slider with linear flow there... Considering the circumstances,I'd use instead an arc-shaped one again,as it continues from 01:04:201 (5) - really good! See if you like it :3 :arrow: fixed

  5. 01:12:837 (4) - The spacing here gets unconistent. Why are you using a 1.2x Distance Snap while the default one is 1.0x? Considering there's nothing to emphatize here,I'd suggest you to make the spacing there consistent by moving this at x:352 y:136
  6. 01:14:201 (3) - The same goes here,even if this spacing unconsistency could actually make sense,as the vocals here are increasing their pitch,but I see you didn't use this kind of pattern later,so I would instead make again the spacing consistenst here. I tried to modify the pattern a bit to make it smoother,I also fixed the spacing later there. See if you like it! :arrow: fixed

  7. 01:20:110 (2) - Again,the spacing consistency here is ruined,creating a jump which does not fit at all. Just move this note at x:248 y:136 and the following note at x:360 y:96 to definitely solve the problem.
  8. 01:42:610 (1) - The slider's held used here doesn't really fit within the vocals,which change their pitch in that 1/2 part you skipped. What about instead splitting this slider in a 1/2 pattern composed by a note and a 1/1 slider? That would fit way better the vocals there. Here's what I made using this kind of rhythm setting: :arrow: fixed

  9. 01:49:428 (x)- Huh, stopping the rhytm 1/2 backwards is not really a fantastic idea... I see the whole rhythm there finished here,with this synth chord... What about adding a note here to follow it and to properly finish the pattern?
  10. 01:52:837 (1,2,3,1) - As of the flow given by 01:51:928 (3,4,1) - I actually expected this pattern to go downwards instead of the opposite... Here,I made a pattern to follow this suggestion,it should flow pretty good there! :arrow: fixed

  11. 02:29:655 (1) - Using a 3/2 slider is not the best way to follow the instruments there... The repeat does actually sound quite strange and I would prefer instead a pattern using a 1/1 slider and a 1/2 repeated slider: imho,this setting does play better than the actual one! Here's an example,look at the timeline to see what I have changed! :arrow: fixed
  12. 03:02:383 (2,3) - Huh,I really didn't like that much the returning back used there... I would have instead used a pattern going from the left to the right as of 03:00:564 (4) - 's oval flow... Here's what I have done there! :arrow: fixed

  13. 03:11:474 (3,4,5) - Why are you going downwards after having used 03:10:564 (2) - ? It does play rather "meh",as it feels quite umpleasing to play! You could have used a pattern which begins from 03:09:655 (1) - 's start to go downwards,as seen here:

:arrow: all fixed


  1. 00:17:837 (1) - The New Combo here does not really make sense there. What is this supposed to follow? I would instead follow the phrases and the downbeat there,as you did in the following pattern,by removing this New Combo and by putting some at 00:16:928 (5) - and 00:18:746 (3) - . This setting would definitely have much more sense! :arrow: fixed
  2. 00:27:837 (1,2) - Huh,using antagonist notes here against that curvy slider you ahve there is not really the best choice,imho... It feels quite awkward to play. A possible pattern you could use to make the flow overall nicer there could be a semi-wave slider,which with his encircle it does actually play really good!

    I spaced away 00:27:383 (7) - too to make 00:26:928 (5,6,7) - a consistent jump and to smooth out the flow! :)
    :arrow: fixed
  3. 00:33:746 (3,4) - I didn't like that much the flow used there: I would have expected instead 00:34:201 (4) - encircling 00:33:746 (3) - ,as it plays really good and it flows absolutely good! Here's what I have done:

    :arrow: fixed
  4. 00:37:383 (2) - What about using CTRL+G here? It's a quite little thing,though I find this pretty good to play,expecially with the dropoff with 00:37:837 (3,4) - ! I actually find that "returning back" of the current pattern a bit awkward to play :< :arrow: no change,sorry
  5. 00:59:883 (4,5) - This is a quite little thing,so just fix if you want: what about reverting these notes? After the flow given by the first triangular pattern,a change a direction here does actually play really good,especially with 01:00:564 (1) - ! Here's an example on how it should come :arrow: no change
  6. 01:21:474 (3,4) - You know,I would see these 2 sliders better if they were linear,probably because there is a pretty funny to play pattern that could be used with this kind of sliders,using some cross jumps. Imho,instead of just using a linear pattern this plays really good,especially with the slider of the following pattern!

    :arrow: all fixed
  7. 02:06:246 (2) - The dropoff with 02:05:792 (1) - here does not really work that good...I would instead reverse this slider up to make a similar tornado-pattern to play: using a triangular jump right after it it would flow absolutely better,by making a consistent jump too! See what I have done :P

    :arrow: all fixed
  8. 02:16:474 (2) - As nearly the same reason as the point above,I would use a CTRL+G on the top of this slider,to make the dropoff pleasing to play,as using opposed slider here works pretty good!
  9. 03:04:655 (2,2) - The same goes here.
  10. 02:59:428 (2,3,4,5,6) - Hmm,I have a little idea there: what do you think on using a qudrangular jump there instead of that repeated linear pattern? Here you could use this kind of pattern,which is pretty good to play,and you can make it finish on 02:58:746 (1) - 's head,as seen here:

    :arrow: all fixed,something no change,sorry
  11. 03:16:928 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Uhm... I actually find this jump's structure to lack of immagination... I mean,it seems kinda random there :< As the vocals there get more and more insistent,you could isntead use pair of jumps which get more spaced and spaced... That would definitely follow the song really good and play really well,too!

:arrow: all fixed,something no change,sorry

And that's it! My mod could seem so big,but there's actually no big problem in this mapset,the majority of the things mentioned there are just suggestions :P
Call me back when you have fixed so that I can rebubble!

:arrow: vrery thanks your mod ,It is really useful
All seems fine to me now.


Good luck! o/
Tick rate 2 fits this song best

00:50:565 (1) - Way too soon after a spinner for a Normal
00:50:564 (1) - The whistle on this felt out of place
00:52:837 (2) - ^
02:03:292 (1) - Too soon after a spinner
02:03:974 (2,4) - These whistles are oddly placed too
02:10:110 (1) - Too soon after a fairly short spinner. Please not in this level of difficulty.
02:13:292 (4,5) - Kind of an odd place for a jump
02:18:746 (1,2,3,4) - This progression felt much better than the previous set. Make it more consistent!
02:33:292 (1) - Too soon after a spinner

00:26:019 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Eew, this is badly aligned.
00:27:837 (2,3) - This overlap is kinda eh.
00:45:564 (2,3) - This stack kind of kills the flow. It'd play better if you kept moving in the anti-clockwise motion instead of stopping and going again.
00:51:928 (3,1) - I still don't like these whistles q:
02:04:428 (5,2) - ^
02:11:474 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - I... have no idea what you're following for when you use your jumps. It feels random instead of emphasizing something consistently in the music.
02:26:019 (1,2,3,4) - And more strange spacing.
03:04:201 (1,2,1,2) - Starting to get a little difficult for a Hard diff here

The Hard is... kind of weird to me. You have some good circular flow going on, but the spacing feels random at best. There's not much going on that feels consistent besides some oddities in the hit sounding, so I'm left with mixed feelings in the end. If you could go through and see where you can consistently use jumps instead of just using them for patterns only (it should be emphasizing the music through patterns, not the other way around) it would make the map much more enjoyable.
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

Garven wrote:

Tick rate 2 fits this song best :arrow: fix

00:50:565 (1) - Way too soon after a spinner for a Normal :arrow: fix
00:50:564 (1) - The whistle on this felt out of place :arrow: fix
00:52:837 (2) - ^ :arrow: fix
02:03:292 (1) - Too soon after a spinner :arrow: fix
02:03:974 (2,4) - These whistles are oddly placed too :arrow: fix
02:10:110 (1) - Too soon after a fairly short spinner. Please not in this level of difficulty. :arrow: fix
02:13:292 (4,5) - Kind of an odd place for a jump :arrow: fix
02:18:746 (1,2,3,4) - This progression felt much better than the previous set. Make it more consistent! :arrow: fix
02:33:292 (1) - Too soon after a spinner :arrow: fix

00:26:019 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Eew, this is badly aligned. :arrow: fix
00:27:837 (2,3) - This overlap is kinda eh. :arrow: fix
00:45:564 (2,3) - This stack kind of kills the flow. It'd play better if you kept moving in the anti-clockwise motion instead of stopping and going again. :arrow: fix
00:51:928 (3,1) - I still don't like these whistles q: :arrow: fix
02:04:428 (5,2) - ^ :arrow: fix
02:11:474 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - I... have no idea what you're following for when you use your jumps. It feels random instead of emphasizing something consistently in the music. :arrow: fix
02:26:019 (1,2,3,4) - And more strange spacing. :arrow: sorry ,it not strange,I use the close to 1.0 spacing ,not big in here
03:04:201 (1,2,1,2) - Starting to get a little difficult for a Hard diff here :arrow: fix

The Hard is... kind of weird to me. You have some good circular flow going on, but the spacing feels random at best. There's not much going on that feels consistent besides some oddities in the hit sounding, so I'm left with mixed feelings in the end. If you could go through and see where you can consistently use jumps instead of just using them for patterns only (it should be emphasizing the music through patterns, not the other way around) it would make the map much more enjoyable.
:arrow: vrey thanks your mod
Sorry for the delay.

00:50:110 (1) - Remove new combo
02:00:792 (1) - ^
02:02:837 (1) - ^

00:45:564 (3,1) - I was thinking something more like this:
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

Garven wrote:

Sorry for the delay.

00:50:110 (1) - Remove new combo :arrow: fix
02:00:792 (1) - ^
02:02:837 (1) - ^ :arrow: fix

00:45:564 (3,1) - I was thinking something more like this: :arrow: fix

  1. Very many combo pattern inconsistencies. For example, 03:09:655 (8) - compared to 02:26:019 (1) - and 01:13:292 (1) - . Please go through the entire map to recheck combos.
  2. 00:45:792 (1) - Repeat part of slider doesn't follow anything at all. Much advised to use another rhythm pattern.
  3. 00:49:655 (3) - Repeat arrow position in regards to hitburst definitely too borderline. Please find an alternative position for this.
  4. 00:57:383 (1) - Nothing is heard at 00:57:724 - . Silence slider end, or extend slider to 00:57:837 - ; the latter option gives you the opportunity to map the fill like you did at 00:14:201 (1,2,3,4) - , which would be pretty neat.
  5. 01:13:178 (7,1) - Spacing is obviously larger than the rest of the stream.
  6. 02:10:110 (3) - Boring compared to the previous occurrence. The two should be more similar, if not the same.
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

those wrote:

  1. Very many combo pattern inconsistencies. For example, 03:09:655 (8) - compared to 02:26:019 (1) - and 01:13:292 (1) - . Please go through the entire map to recheck combos. :arrow: fix
  2. 00:45:792 (1) - Repeat part of slider doesn't follow anything at all. Much advised to use another rhythm pattern. :arrow: I think it fit now,so no change,sorry
  3. 00:49:655 (3) - Repeat arrow position in regards to hitburst definitely too borderline. Please find an alternative position for this. :arrow: fix
  4. 00:57:383 (1) - Nothing is heard at 00:57:724 - . Silence slider end, or extend slider to 00:57:837 - ; the latter option gives you the opportunity to map the fill like you did at 00:14:201 (1,2,3,4) - , which would be pretty neat. :arrow: fix
  5. 01:13:178 (7,1) - Spacing is obviously larger than the rest of the stream :arrow: fix.
  6. 02:10:110 (3) - Boring compared to the previous occurrence. The two should be more similar, if not the same.
:arrow: fix
Here you go.

I adjusted dozens of note's placement for you. if i list all of them it'd be hude time-wasting job to check. since all of them could improve your map not only on it's looking but also playing experience with no doubt. so I hope you won't mind.

下载上面的文件 我帮你改了不少可以改进map的东西 都是排版方面的 没给你大改 都是微调 所以你直接覆盖你原有的即可

if you want to know what I changed you could refer to ATBAT for details
Gratz! :D
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