
Arash feat. Helena - Broken Angel (Dj Aligator Remix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 6 июля 2012 г. at 14:39:54

Artist: Arash feat. Helena
Title: Broken Angel (DJ Aligator Remix)
Tags: Black_Cherry_Ita bci
BPM: 128,58
Filesize: 3265kb
Play Time: 02:06
Difficulties Available:
  1. BCI's Normal (3,57 stars, 155 notes)
  2. Easy (2,09 stars, 141 notes)
  3. Hard (4,78 stars, 308 notes)
Download: Arash feat. Helena - Broken Angel (DJ Aligator Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
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Melan Blue
Boring mod from a boring person :3


Тайминг точный? о.о А то мне кажется как то быстровато… может просто кажется.
Поставь превью на 00:49:927.
Я бы от начала до 00:34:995 поменяла клэпы на вистлы.


00:20:763 (2,3,4) – выдели их и ctrl+r
00:37:328 (1) – убери тут нк и поставь лучше на 00:38:728 (3)
00:41:061 (1) – убери нк и поставь на 00:42:461 (3)
00:43:395 (1) – убери нк
01:07:660 (2,3,4) – здесь расположение нот совсем отличается от похожего момента на 00:20:763. Может поставить их так же как там?
01:12:326 (5) – сюда нк, а на следующей ноте убери
01:27:258 (6) – начни нк тут, а на следующем слайдере убери
01:41:257 (1) – убери нк и поставь на следующем слайдере
01:44:990 (1) – убери нк и поставь его лучше на 01:46:390 (4)
01:48:724 (1) – убери нк и поставь лучше на 01:50:123 (3)
01:52:457 (1) – убери нк и поставь на след. слайдере


Я уже говорила про идею создать в начале секцию 0.70~
00:11:782 (3) – убери ноту
00:42:230 – поставь тут ноту прямо под (2)
00:42:463 – тут начни нк а на следующем слайдере убери
01:05:562 – поставь тут ноту прямо на (1)
01:23:527 (7,8,1,2) – очень странно читается о.о
01:30:993 (5) – нк сюда?
02:04:124 (1) – убери нк
Topic Starter

Leyko wrote:

Boring mod from a boring person :3 useful mod*


Тайминг точный? о.о А то мне кажется как то быстровато… может просто кажется. ~_~ возможно. я сам не шарю :D
Поставь превью на 00:49:927. haaai~
Я бы от начала до 00:34:995 поменяла клэпы на вистлы. а я бы пока так оставил о.о


00:20:763 (2,3,4) – выдели их и ctrl+r да D:
00:37:328 (1) – убери тут нк и поставь лучше на 00:38:728 (3) ^
00:41:061 (1) – убери нк и поставь на 00:42:461 (3) ^
00:43:395 (1) – убери нк ^
01:07:660 (2,3,4) – здесь расположение нот совсем отличается от похожего момента на 00:20:763. Может поставить их так же как там? разнообразие :O
01:12:326 (5) – сюда нк, а на следующей ноте убери да
01:27:258 (6) – начни нк тут, а на следующем слайдере убери ^
01:41:257 (1) – убери нк и поставь на следующем слайдере ^
01:44:990 (1) – убери нк и поставь его лучше на 01:46:390 (4) ^
01:48:724 (1) – убери нк и поставь лучше на 01:50:123 (3) ^
01:52:457 (1) – убери нк и поставь на след. слайдере ^


Я уже говорила про идею создать в начале секцию 0.70~ посмотрел, подумал. как-то для меня все эти переходы чужды >3<
00:11:782 (3) – убери ноту угууу~
00:42:230 – поставь тут ноту прямо под (2) o.o конечно! как я ее пропустил >3<
00:42:463 – тут начни нк а на следующем слайдере убери по тикам же
01:05:562 – поставь тут ноту прямо на (1) ага :)
01:23:527 (7,8,1,2) – очень странно читается о.о всмысле? D:
01:30:993 (5) – нк сюда? ага~
02:04:124 (1) – убери нк o.o
спасибо, и за звездочку, и за цвета, и за мод :3
00:20:065 (6) - делитни , а клэп поставь на 00:19:831 (5) -
00:27:531 (5) - ^
00:54:129 (1) - имхо лучше будет звучать что нибудь вроде этого : (
01:09:528 (3,4,5) - может лучше так ? (
01:17:461 (3,4) - я бы на два слайдера заменил (
01:24:694 (1) - перед этим явно нужна нотка (
01:31:927 (3,4) - может так?
Topic Starter

EvilElvis wrote:

00:20:065 (6) - делитни , а клэп поставь на 00:19:831 (5) - поправил
00:27:531 (5) - ^ ^
00:54:129 (1) - имхо лучше будет звучать что нибудь вроде этого : ( чекнул дважды. мне слайдер больше по душе
01:09:528 (3,4,5) - может лучше так ? (не лучше >3<
01:17:461 (3,4) - я бы на два слайдера заменил ( пока не меняю ~_~
01:24:694 (1) - перед этим явно нужна нотка ( да ;_;
01:31:927 (3,4) - может так? ага :)
thanks, man!
11:37 <-Bakari-> : hey!
11:37 <Netsukawa> : wut
11:37 <-Bakari-> : can you test something? :)
11:41 <Netsukawa> : ok
11:41 <Netsukawa> : link it
11:43 *-Bakari- is listening to (Arash Feat. Helena - Broken Angel (Dj Aligator))[]
11:43 <-Bakari-> : here's it ~_~
11:44 <Netsukawa> : Whops
11:44 <Netsukawa> : forget =w=
11:46 <Netsukawa> : That finish Hit Sounds !
11:46 *Netsukawa runs
11:47 <-Bakari-> : :O
11:48 <Netsukawa> : Hit sounds is a bit light
11:48 <Netsukawa> : I suggest you to increase it
11:48 <Netsukawa> : lol
11:48 <-Bakari-> : i'll try :3
11:49 <-Bakari-> : thanks :)
11:49 <Netsukawa> : irc mod !
11:49 *Netsukawa runs again
11:50 <Netsukawa> : Hit Sound , Try to increase to 70%
11:50 <-Bakari-> : :O
11:50 <-Bakari-> : soft hitsounds to 70%?
11:50 <Netsukawa> : 00:04:199 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Change it to Slider ~
11:50 <Netsukawa> : Hmm
11:50 <Netsukawa> : soft 80 ?
11:51 <-Bakari-> : mhm.. kinda loud for me ><
11:51 <Netsukawa> : Then , 70
11:51 <Netsukawa> :
11:51 <-Bakari-> : yea :)
11:52 <Netsukawa> : play much better
11:52 <Netsukawa> : 00:04:199 (3,4,5) -
11:52 <Netsukawa> : 00:06:066 (2) - remove Clap
11:52 <Netsukawa> : add whis tle instead
11:53 <Netsukawa> : 00:06:532 (3) - This too
11:53 <Netsukawa> : I think you should change clap to whistle >_>
11:53 <Netsukawa> : Just soft hit sound
11:54 <-Bakari-> : i'll change them in some notes :>
11:54 <Netsukawa> : Ok :D
11:55 <Netsukawa> : 00:08:865 (5) - Remove Finish ?
11:55 <Netsukawa> : 00:11:199 (1) - ^
11:55 <Netsukawa> : 00:13:065 (2) - ^
11:55 <Netsukawa> : useless finish
11:55 <Netsukawa> : 00:14:932 (1) -
11:55 <-Bakari-> : ok. it was bad idea to use them at soft part :D
11:55 <Netsukawa> : Hmm ~
11:56 <Netsukawa> : yea
11:56 <Netsukawa> : not in Normal HS
11:56 <Netsukawa> : 00:16:798 (1) - Remove finish
11:57 <-Bakari-> : ~done
11:58 <Netsukawa> : 00:16:798 (1) - This note sound weird
11:58 <Netsukawa> : 00:16:798 (5) - Remove and add normal note
11:58 <Netsukawa> : 00:17:032 (6) - Add Slider reverse here
11:58 <Netsukawa> : 1/2 slider*
11:59 <Netsukawa> : Ahh
11:59 <Netsukawa> : Don't add reverse
11:59 <Netsukawa> : add like this
11:59 <Netsukawa> :
11:59 <Netsukawa> : Sounds better :>
12:00 <Netsukawa> : ok ?
12:00 <-Bakari-> : yea~
12:01 <Netsukawa> : 00:20:065 (6) - Remove this note ~
12:01 <-Bakari-> : sure :)
12:01 <Netsukawa> : It's no rhythm here
12:02 <Netsukawa> : 00:33:597 (1) - Remove spinner and add break instead ?
12:03 <-Bakari-> : deleted spinner
12:03 <-Bakari-> : no need to add break :)
12:04 <Netsukawa> : lol
12:04 <Netsukawa> : 01:17:694 (4) - Add note ?
12:05 <Netsukawa> : 01:47:792 (5) - No needed to NC here , remove it ~
12:06 <Netsukawa> : 01:53:159 (4) - Sound weird
12:06 <Netsukawa> : Change it to 1/2 ?
12:06 <-Bakari-> : NC here for avoiding +10 on circle
12:06 <-Bakari-> : yea! changed into 1/2
12:07 <Netsukawa> : Ok , That's all for Hard diff.
12:08 <Netsukawa> : Easy ~
12:08 <Netsukawa> : 00:22:631 (5) -
12:08 <Netsukawa> : Remove NC and NC next note
12:09 <-Bakari-> : fxd
12:10 <Netsukawa> : Ahh
12:10 <Netsukawa> : That's all for Easy
12:10 <-Bakari-> : thanks :)
12:10 <Netsukawa> : and
12:11 <-Bakari-> : feel free to post savelog and get your kudosu :3
12:11 <Netsukawa> : I think audio lead in is too long
12:11 <Netsukawa> : just 1-1.5
12:11 <Netsukawa> : If that fine
12:11 <Netsukawa> : ww

irc modded
  • General
  1. Shouldn't there be a remix in Tags? :O Not sure.

  2. I don't think there's a need for an Audio Lead-In for this song. Remove it.

  3. The diff spread should be consecutive. You can't just have an Easy and a Hard diff, you should map a Normal Diff. This is part of the rules. *suggests to rename Easy to Normal* - Nah, Easy fits this Easy diff. :O Map a Normal Diff please, or try to make Easy Diff a bit harder.

  • Easy
  1. You got some Unsnapped Inherited Green Lines.

  2. 00:18:898 (1) - I suggest that this slider should start on 00:19:131. If you agree, move it to make spacing consistent.

  3. 00:26:364 (3,4,5) - These notes are off rhythm, move them to white ticks.

  4. 00:27:764 - Why is there a break in here? Map this one please.

  5. Bump Approach Rate and Overall Difficulty +1.

  • Hard
  1. You got some Unsnapped Inherited Green Lines.

  2. 00:17:732 (5) - Move 4 grids left for a perfect diamond pattern. (:

  3. 00:38:963 (5) - This note is not stacked with (2) properly.

  4. 00:39:197 (6) - This note is not stacked properly too with (3).
Topic Starter

Philippines wrote:

  • General
  1. Shouldn't there be a remix in Tags? :O Not sure. don't think so

  2. I don't think there's a need for an Audio Lead-In for this song. Remove it.yea

  3. The diff spread should be consecutive. You can't just have an Easy and a Hard diff, you should map a Normal Diff. This is part of the rules. *suggests to rename Easy to Normal* - Nah, Easy fits this Easy diff. :O Map a Normal Diff please, or try to make Easy Diff a bit harder.
it's already hard enouh to be Normal

  • Easy
  1. You got some Unsnapped Inherited Green Lines. mhm.. 'kay~

  2. 00:18:898 (1) - I suggest that this slider should start on 00:19:131. If you agree, move it to make spacing consistent. disagree

  3. 00:26:364 (3,4,5) - These notes are off rhythm, move them to white ticks. ^

  4. 00:27:764 - Why is there a break in here? Map this one please. players need some time for rest

  5. Bump Approach Rate and Overall Difficulty +1.

  • Hard
  1. You got some Unsnapped Inherited Green Lines.k

  2. 00:17:732 (5) - Move 4 grids left for a perfect diamond pattern. (: and to ruin distance? no way!

  3. 00:38:963 (5) - This note is not stacked with (2) properly. k

  4. 00:39:197 (6) - This note is not stacked properly too with (3).

thank you

716 Girl
00:13:530 (4) -
00:19:829 (2) - нотку забыл
00:20:763 - лучше звучит
00:22:629 (1,2) -
00:24:496 -
00:26:362 (6,7) - 2 нотки подряд сделай 1/2
01:24:458 (2) - мне кажется конец вправо надо

00:24:612 (2) - нотку сюда?
00:28:812 (3) - и сюда
00:41:061 (4) - спейсинг?
00:46:078 (4) - и сюда мне кажется
00:53:894 (4) - может сюда
00:52:027 (6,7) - и сюда
00:58:094 (2) - сюда точно надо
01:11:159 (2) - и сюда
02:05:522 (5,7) - перфект стак делай
Topic Starter

3er123 wrote:

00:13:530 (4) -
00:19:829 (2) - нотку забыл да
00:20:763 - лучше звучит да
00:22:629 (1,2) - попридержу свой
00:24:496 - надо быть попроще ;_;
00:26:362 (6,7) - 2 нотки подряд сделай 1/2 не-не. они тут ок стучат
01:24:458 (2) - мне кажется конец вправо надо чуть вниз и в право

00:24:612 (2) - нотку сюда? тут либо слайдер, либо так. не вижу смысла в 1/4
00:28:812 (3) - и сюда овермап будет
00:41:061 (4) - спейсинг? для стака же
00:46:078 (4) - и сюда мне кажется да
00:53:894 (4) - может сюда нет. тишина идет
00:52:027 (6,7) - и сюда да
00:58:094 (2) - сюда точно надо +1
01:11:159 (2) - и сюда наверно
02:05:522 (5,7) - перфект стак делай лол, я дно
Hello, mod from my queue


00:22:629 (5,1): 1,51x spacing seems too much for a Normal diff, reduce it?
00:24:496 (2): Try this, it follow the music much better.
01:52:923 (5): Try this, and if you do it, add NC at 01:53:856.
02:01:789 (6): NC.
02:03:189 (1): Remove NC.


00:14:930 (1): This Finish sounds a little loud, maybe replace it with a Whistle?
00:19:596 (4,5): Move them to the center of screen?
00:38:728 (4): Missing a Clap here? or it's intentional?
00:46:194 (5): ^
00:48:061: Move to 00:47:944.
01:22:359 (4): Add NC, vocal starts here so I think it a NC fits here.
01:53:157 (4): This ?

That's all for me, nice mapset. Good luck~ :D
Topic Starter

Darksonic wrote:

Hello, mod from my queue


00:22:629 (5,1): 1,51x spacing seems too much for a Normal diff, reduce it? meow :3
00:24:496 (2): Try this, it follow the music much better. sorry, i prefer my way ;_;
01:52:923 (5): Try this, and if you do it, add NC at 01:53:856. it's for symmetrical ~_~
02:01:789 (6): NC.
02:03:189 (1): Remove NC. fixed~


00:14:930 (1): This Finish sounds a little loud, maybe replace it with a Whistle? fxd~
00:19:596 (4,5): Move them to the center of screen? no, thanks
00:38:728 (4): Missing a Clap here? or it's intentional? fixed
00:46:194 (5): ^ ^
00:48:061: Move to 00:47:944. D:
01:22:359 (4): Add NC, vocal starts here so I think it a NC fits here. sure
01:53:157 (4): This ? i prefer my pattern, sorry ;_;

That's all for me, nice mapset. Good luck~ :D
thank you!
Why you didn't kd my mod D:
Topic Starter
Because of terrible memory, sorry.
Btw terrible memory also made you forget PH's mod
Topic Starter
>< bakabakabaka
map is fine from my point of view, good job!
Topic Starter

RusselG wrote:

map is fine from my point of view, good job!
thanks! then.. why don't you shot a star if you can't find anything wrong?
Hi -Bakari-


  1. Nothing

  1. 00:20:996 (3) - Maybe its confusing this Anti-jump so put it on x:352 y:44
  2. 00:21:929 (5) - Add whistle, it adds some rhythm to the song
  3. 00:22:629 (1) - Add whistle at the end to add some rhythm
  4. 00:24:496 (2) - Make it a 1/4 slider whit the reverse arrow, follow's better the rhythm and add a whistle at the end
  5. 00:26:362 (3,4,5) - Change this partners like this because it really doesn't follow the rhythm and it plays awkward
  6. 00:27:996 (x) - 00:34:528 (x) - Map this part ? i think its a short song and you should map all that you can
  7. 00:47:128 (1) - Add finish, it really fits in the end of this spinner
  8. 01:05:560 (1) - Add clap in the reverse arrow to follow the claps in the song
  9. 01:08:126 (3) - Add clap to follow hitsounds in the song
  10. 01:09:526 (1) - Add clap in the reverse arrow and remove it at the end, it follows the rhythm
  11. 01:10:926 (2) - Add clap
  12. 01:11:859 (4) - ^
  13. 01:12:326 (1) - Remove clap at the begin, add it in the end to follow the hitsounds
  14. 01:13:726 (3) - Remove clap in the reverse arrow, add it in the begin and the end to follow the hitsounds
  15. 01:37:524 (4) - Add finish at the end, give some rhythm
  16. 01:52:923 (5) - Add finish in the reverse arrow, and add clap at the end to follow the hitsounds
  17. 01:54:323 (1) - Add clap in the end, remove clap in the next note 01:55:256 (2)
  18. 01:55:723 (3) - Add clap
  19. 01:56:190 (4) - Add clap in the reverse arrow, and remove it at the end
  20. 01:57:590 (1) - Add clap
  21. 01:58:056 (2) - Add clap in the reverse arrow, and remove it at the end
  22. 01:59:456 (3) - Add clap
  23. 01:59:923 (4) - Add clap in the reverse arrow, and remove it at the end
  24. 02:01:323 (5) - Add clap
  25. 02:01:789 (1) - Remove clap at the end, add it in the next note 02:03:189 (2)
  26. 02:03:656 (3) - Add clap in the reverse arrow, and remove it at the end
  27. 02:05:056 (4) - Add clap
  28. 02:05:522 (5) - Add clap in the reverse arrow, and remove it at the end
  29. 02:06:922 (1) - En this spinner here 02:08:322 (x) and add finish sounds better

  1. 00:17:730 (5) - Change this slider for 3 notes to follow the instrumental in this part
  2. 00:25:662 (4) - Change this slider for just a note whit clap sounds better
  3. 00:27:529 (5) - Remove this note, it doesn't follow any rhythm in the song, if you don't then remove finish because its unnecessary
  4. 01:02:760 (x) - Add a note to follow the vocals
  5. 01:36:591 (1) - Add finish, sounds good
  6. 01:54:556 (4) - What about removing this note, it add some fun while you're playing
  7. 02:08:322 (8) - Add finish
Nice sliders, but hitsounds in my opinion doesn't sounds good, next time try to follow the rhythm of the song :D

Good Luck ! And Star !
DJ Aligator !

Topic Starter

[Te][Amo] wrote:

Hi -Bakari-


  1. Nothing

  1. 00:20:996 (3) - Maybe its confusing this Anti-jump so put it on x:352 y:44
  2. 00:21:929 (5) - Add whistle, it adds some rhythm to the song
  3. 00:22:629 (1) - Add whistle at the end to add some rhythm
  4. 00:24:496 (2) - Make it a 1/4 slider whit the reverse arrow, follow's better the rhythm and add a whistle at the end it's Normal (1/4 here unacceptable)
  5. 00:26:362 (3,4,5) - Change this partners like this because it really doesn't follow the rhythm and it plays awkward
  6. 00:27:996 (x) - 00:34:528 (x) - Map this part ? i think its a short song and you should map all that you can
  7. 00:47:128 (1) - Add finish, it really fits in the end of this spinner
  8. 01:05:560 (1) - Add clap in the reverse arrow to follow the claps in the song
  9. 01:08:126 (3) - Add clap to follow hitsounds in the song
  10. 01:09:526 (1) - Add clap in the reverse arrow and remove it at the end, it follows the rhythm
  11. 01:10:926 (2) - Add clap
  12. 01:11:859 (4) - ^
  13. 01:12:326 (1) - Remove clap at the begin, add it in the end to follow the hitsounds
  14. 01:13:726 (3) - Remove clap in the reverse arrow, add it in the begin and the end to follow the hitsounds
  15. 01:37:524 (4) - Add finish at the end, give some rhythm
  16. 01:52:923 (5) - Add finish in the reverse arrow, and add clap at the end to follow the hitsounds
  17. 01:54:323 (1) - Add clap in the end, remove clap in the next note 01:55:256 (2)
  18. 01:55:723 (3) - Add clap
  19. 01:56:190 (4) - Add clap in the reverse arrow, and remove it at the end
  20. 01:57:590 (1) - Add clap
  21. 01:58:056 (2) - Add clap in the reverse arrow, and remove it at the end
  22. 01:59:456 (3) - Add clap
  23. 01:59:923 (4) - Add clap in the reverse arrow, and remove it at the end
  24. 02:01:323 (5) - Add clap
  25. 02:01:789 (1) - Remove clap at the end, add it in the next note 02:03:189 (2)
  26. 02:03:656 (3) - Add clap in the reverse arrow, and remove it at the end
  27. 02:05:056 (4) - Add clap
  28. 02:05:522 (5) - Add clap in the reverse arrow, and remove it at the end
  29. 02:06:922 (1) - En this spinner here 02:08:322 (x) and add finish sounds better

  1. 00:17:730 (5) - Change this slider for 3 notes to follow the instrumental in this part
  2. 00:25:662 (4) - Change this slider for just a note whit clap sounds better
  3. 00:27:529 (5) - Remove this note, it doesn't follow any rhythm in the song, if you don't then remove finish because its unnecessary
  4. 01:02:760 (x) - Add a note to follow the vocals
  5. 01:36:591 (1) - Add finish, sounds good
  6. 01:54:556 (4) - What about removing this note, it add some fun while you're playing keept my pattern
  7. 02:08:322 (8) - Add finish
other fixed
Nice sliders, but hitsounds in my opinion doesn't sounds good, next time try to follow the rhythm of the song :D ~_~ i'll do my best

Good Luck ! And Star !
thanks :3

Gabe wrote:

DJ Aligator !

/me hides
10:31 <goddamn_tiper> : слушай, точно
10:32 <goddamn_tiper> : уполз
10:32 <-Bakari-> : 279~ :/
10:32 <goddamn_tiper> : мне кажется, наоборот
10:32 <goddamn_tiper> : нужно назад подправить
10:33 <goddamn_tiper> : сейчас попроую на 240
10:35 <goddamn_tiper> : да
10:35 <goddamn_tiper> : 240
10:35 <goddamn_tiper> : .тз
10:35 *goddamn_tiper is playing Basshunter - Angel In The Night [Night] +Hidden
10:37 <goddamn_tiper> : слайдер-стримы какие-то стремный
10:37 <goddamn_tiper> : стремные
10:37 <-Bakari-> : да, 240
10:37 <goddamn_tiper> : да точно 240
10:37 <-Bakari-> : м.. стремные = оффбит?
10:38 <goddamn_tiper> : сейчас посмотрю
10:38 <goddamn_tiper> : 00:19:312 (5) -
10:38 <goddamn_tiper> : не нужен
10:38 <goddamn_tiper> : там звуковой эффект кончается
10:39 <-Bakari-> : убери его, и послушай на 25%
10:39 <-Bakari-> : та мчетко слышен же удар на красном тике D:
10:40 <goddamn_tiper> : тогда уже вместо этого бита тоже слайдер поставь
10:42 <-Bakari-> : ага, лучше
10:42 <goddamn_tiper> : 00:46:312 (7) -
10:42 <goddamn_tiper> : тут тоже что-то не ок
10:43 <-Bakari-> : на (4) слышится 1/8
10:43 <-Bakari-> : я его заменил слайдером на 1/4
10:43 <goddamn_tiper> : киньт картинку
10:43 <goddamn_tiper> : посмотрю
10:43 <-Bakari-> : дак все как и есть
10:44 <-Bakari-> : даже на (3) там если послушать,то 1/8 удары
10:44 <-Bakari-> : но это перебор будет для харда
10:45 <goddamn_tiper> :
10:45 <goddamn_tiper> : если так?
10:45 <goddamn_tiper> : суть не меняется, конечно
10:45 <goddamn_tiper> : но седьмой я постоянно выбиваю на 50
10:47 <-Bakari-> :
10:47 <-Bakari-> : там просто после 1/4 в том же комбо идет 1/2
10:47 <-Bakari-> : но да, исправить можно :3
10:52 <goddamn_tiper> : и последний слайдер стрим
10:52 <goddamn_tiper> : на 01:44:919 в музыке удара нет
10:52 <goddamn_tiper> : так что
10:52 <goddamn_tiper> :
10:52 <goddamn_tiper> : как-то так
10:54 <-Bakari-> : fxd
10:54 <-Bakari-> : кидай лог в любой из моих pending (кроме бибера) дам кд :D/
10:55 <goddamn_tiper> : ок
10:55 <goddamn_tiper> : теперь лучше
10:55 <goddamn_tiper> : выбил всего один бит на сто
10:55 <goddamn_tiper> : кстати
10:55 <goddamn_tiper> : бг видел в какой-то ранкнутой карте
10:55 <-Bakari-> : да
10:55 <goddamn_tiper> : это нормально?
10:55 <-Bakari-> : он так, временный.
10:55 <goddamn_tiper> : ну ок
10:55 <-Bakari-> : да впринципе и так ок
10:56 <-Bakari-> : но тохоту на бг не очень, потом поменяю :D
11:00 <goddamn_tiper> : да, теперь вроде неплохо выглядит
11:00 <goddamn_tiper> : хочу видеть это ранкнутым
nice map

I think you should change the dark combo colors to lighter ones, the approach circle blends with the dark parts of the BG.
No easy for this mapset?

00:17:496 (4) - New combo?
00:18:430 (1) - and remove it here.
00:52:261 (1) - remove new combo
00:56:227 (1) - same
01:07:426 - add note
01:26:908 (7) - remove this, doesnt really fit here >:
01:30:525 (4) - start the new combo here instead of 01:30:991 (1) -
01:32:858 (1) - remove new combo
01:33:791 (2) - and add it here.
01:44:057 (1) - remove new combo

00:18:896 (1) - shorten this slider by half beat, and move it to next white tick, then add a note here: 00:18:896 - I think it sounds better.
00:22:629 (1) - do the same as above.
00:24:496 (2) - same here
01:05:560 (1) - same
01:15:126 - I'd map this break till 01:19:792 if I were you.

Nice mapset~
Topic Starter

Lizbeth wrote:


I think you should change the dark combo colors to lighter ones, the approach circle blends with the dark parts of the BG. fix
No easy for this mapset? normal isn't too hard :)

00:17:496 (4) - New combo? fxd
00:18:430 (1) - and remove it here. fxd
00:52:261 (1) - remove new combo fxd
00:56:227 (1) - same same
01:07:426 - add note fix
01:26:908 (7) - remove this, doesnt really fit here >: fix
01:30:525 (4) - start the new combo here instead of 01:30:991 (1) - fix
01:32:858 (1) - remove new combo fix
01:33:791 (2) - and add it here.fix
01:44:057 (1) - remove new combo fix

00:18:896 (1) - shorten this slider by half beat, and move it to next white tick, then add a note here: 00:18:896 - I think it sounds better. fix
00:22:629 (1) - do the same as above. hm.. sorry, but i kinda like how it is now :/
00:24:496 (2) - same here ^
01:05:560 (1) - same fix
01:15:126 - I'd map this break till 01:19:792 if I were you. yea, feels better now

Nice mapset~ yay!
thank you for mod :)

Anto wrote:

nice map
i was waiting for this words from you :D i really like your maps, lol
Hi theeeere, from my queue ~


Most songs where the artist is, example, 'Help feat. Derp'. Feat is spelt with a lower case 'f'. At least it's what I noticed in most maps.
What does (Dj Aligator) mean? Is this a remix? Perhaps the correct song title is Arash feat. Helena - Broken Angel (DJ Aligator Remix).
Delete the .osb and full submit, it doesn't appear you're using it.


00:46:194 (6) - Perhaps you could make the slider point upwards to the curve is facing away from the hitobjects. 01:15:126 (4) - The clap should go on the endpoint instead of the startpoint. It fits the hitsound better.
01:28:192 (2,3) - Move these both 1 grid left so (3) has symmetry with the y axis.


00:13:063 (2) - Place a clap here on the endpoint, I like the little clap pattern you had going there D:
01:24:458 (1) - Placing a hitcircle on the sliderbody might make it a little harder to read, how about stacking it with (2)?
02:04:122 (4) - Add a clap on the repeat arrow for hitsound consistency.


Wow, a very smooth and clean mapset, I'm impressed.
Take a star, good luck getting this ranked!
Topic Starter
thank you for mod! fixed all but
01:24:458 (1) - Placing a hitcircle on the sliderbody might make it a little harder to read, how about stacking it with (2)?
i still think that it's looks fine >3<

thanks for star

i surely update diff. but a bit later :3

Due to some problems i'll update map later!

Edit: thanks for mods! fixed and upd~
nobody cares
little mod хочешь, давай кд, хочешь, не давай \:D/

замапай брейк, ну хотя бы до какого-нибудь момента, где обрыв не будет резким, а лучше весь, очков будет больше.
я б оба киая закончила, когда хелена поет последнее слово в куплете
01:16:526 (1) - не очень
01:27:725 (3,1) - нк на (3), с (1) убрать

с киаями то же самое
00:16:096 (1) - там под before лучше идет слайдер покороче
01:24:458 (1,3) - не очень этот оверлап

звезда тебе
Topic Starter
киаи и нормал поправил, а на харде там симметрию разнесет же :<
cпасибо! :3
нету источника и тега

замапь брейк,а то не дело :c

00:18:430(1) - удали эту ноту,так круче
00:27:529(5) - может вместо ноты слайдер? или удалить её

ничего путевого не написал,но пофиг :3

nekitkas wrote:

нету источника и тега
Да они и не нужны тут, мне кажется
Topic Starter
Источника и нет, не у всех же песен он есть. Тэги.. Я туда гостевово мапмера добавлю.
Остальное завтра посмотрю, сейчас спать пора.
Это же было 1st solo-map -_-

grumd wrote:

Это же было 1st solo-map -_-
попросили - сделано. \:D/
Topic Starter
Было да сплыло. D:

nekitkas wrote:

нету источника и тега предыдущие ораторы были правы

замапь брейк,а то не дело :c ладно :3

00:18:430(1) - удали эту ноту,так круче ага
00:27:529(5) - может вместо ноты слайдер? или удалить её угу

ничего путевого не написал,но пофиг :3 все путем :o
meow :3

HP Drain и AR сделать одинаковыми. Просто так лучше как-то будет чувствоваться карта :o
00:05:130 (3) - nazi: обводка
00:07:464 (1,2) - nazi: бобавим осмысленности
00:17:030 (5) - обводка
00:30:095 (1) - погнуть?
00:30:562 (2,5) - оверлап?
00:45:728 (1,2,3) - обводка?
00:57:160 (6,3) - оверлап.

я такой нази \:D/
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