SPOILER15:52 <Kurai> : Easy :
15:52 <Kawayi Rika> : un
15:52 <Kawayi Rika> : IRC?
15:52 <Kurai> : 00:46:598 (2) - Don't hide it under 00:45:272 (3)'s hitburst
15:52 <Kurai> : You don't want ?
15:52 <Kawayi Rika> : ok IRC go www
15:52 <Kurai> : :3
15:53 <Kurai> : So I sugest you to ctrl+h it
15:53 <Kurai> : suggest*
15:53 <Kawayi Rika> : ok
15:53 <Kurai> : and fix the spacing of the following notes afterwards
15:54 <Kawayi Rika> : ok
15:55 <Kurai> : Normal :
15:56 <Kawayi Rika> : un
15:56 <Kurai> : 00:47:924 (1,2,3,4) - Regarding the fast BPM, this may be difficult to play for beginners
15:56 <Kurai> : Maybe make a slider 1/2 stream here
15:56 <Kawayi Rika> : So change 2 slider?
15:56 <Kurai> : yea
15:56 <Kawayi Rika> : ok
15:57 <Kurai> : 01:27:703 (1,2,3,4) - same
15:57 <Kawayi Rika> : yea
15:58 <Kurai> : Spinboxer :
15:58 <Kurai> : 00:32:343 (6) - no
15:59 <Kurai> : just no
15:59 <Kurai> : >w<
15:59 <Kawayi Rika> : haha
15:59 <Kurai> : This is very awkward
15:59 <Kurai> : eh
15:59 <Kawayi Rika> : yea
16:02 <Kurai> : 00:53:227 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4) - This is really hard to read, there are hitbursts everywhere @.@ When I have
16:02 <Kurai> : testplayed the diff, I didn't know what to do here and I clicked randomly xD (Besides, even if the 1/2 are still
16:02 <Kurai> : quite visible, the 1/4 isn't at all)
16:02 <Kawayi Rika> : haha
16:03 <Kawayi Rika> : I'll ask sp3 this
16:04 <Kurai> : 01:23:725 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - same here @.@
16:06 <Kurai> : iirc I already modded the [Rika] diff
16:06 <Kawayi Rika> : yea
16:06 <Kawayi Rika> : so pass?
16:06 <Kurai> : no I recheck it
16:06 <Kawayi Rika> : ok
16:08 <Kurai> : seems fine
16:08 <Kawayi Rika> : yea
+some IRC chat with spboxer