
Tainaka Sachi - Unmeibito

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012년 1월 19일 목요일 at 오후 7:24:02

Artist: Tainaka Sachi
Title: Unmeibito
Source: mero jp de ikou!
Tags: J-Pop Destiny
BPM: 120
Filesize: 5995kb
Play Time: 03:43
Difficulties Available:
  1. Destiny (4.89 stars, 449 notes)
  2. Fate (2.52 stars, 217 notes)
Download: Tainaka Sachi - Unmeibito
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
1st ranked beatmap
흠 모딩할거리 잡는데 시간좀 들었습니다 ㅠㅠ
기본적으로 스냅이 잘맞고 노트의 배치덕분에 스냅이 약간 틀어져도 낚시성이 전혀 없었기 때문이죠 ㅠㅠ
저의 개인적인 매핑 감각에 따라 모딩하는것입니다.

Fate 난이도
일단 기본적으로 스냅이 0.8x 이군요
AR이 느리기때문에 크게 문제가 되진 않지만
간혹 일부 플레이어들은 슬라이더 속도와 스냅의 거리를 같게 보기 떄문에 박자를 못 맞출수도 있습니다.
초반 부분 만이라도 박자를 익히게 해야 합니다. (물론 필수는 아닙니다)
02:00:780 (4,1) - 이부분은 초보들이 가장 헷갈리기 쉬운 부분입니다. 숨김 노트에 이어 1/2 에서 1/1 로 바뀌니까요. 이부분은 수정이 필요할듯 합니다. (
02:51:530 - 여기부터 빨간색 브레이크타임이 사용되기 시작하였으며, 그 뒤로는 틀리지 않는 이상 체력이 소모되지 않습니다. 별로 좋지 않은 선택 같습니다. 일반적으로 브레이크타임을 넣거나 아예 빼버리시는게 좋을것 같습니다.
03:43:530 (1) - 의도하신건진 모르겠지만 끝날때 히트사운드가 Desteny 난이도와는 다르게 소리가 큽니다.

Destiny 난이도
전체적으로 뉴 콤보를 노트의 배치와 관련지으신것 같군요
피니쉬 히트사운드와 맞추시는것도 생각해보시길....
01:11:030 (5) - 뉴 콤보를 노트의 배치와 관련지으셨다면 뉴 콤보를 넣는것을 추천드립니다.
01:19:405 (1) - 의도하신건진 모르겠지만 스핀이 1/4박자 빠르게 시작됩니다.
01:51:030 (9,10,11,12) - 연타의 디스탠스 스냅이 일그러집니다. 스냅이 모두 같아야 보기 좋습니다. 그리고 01:51:530 (1) 부분에서 슬라이더 속도가 갑자기 빨라지기떄문에 스냅이 달라집니다. 그부분 주의하셔서 배치해야합니다. (
02:07:405 (1) - 이부분도 스핀이 1/4박자 빠르게 시작됩니다. 2번이나 이러신걸 보면 의도한 사항 같군요
02:38:030 - 다음 노트가 보이지 않을 정도로 빈공간을 넣을경우 매우 어색해 보입니다. 브레이크 타임을 추가하시거나 노트를 추가하는것을 추천합니다.
02:42:030 - 위와 동일합니다.
02:46:280 (4) - 디스탠스 스냅이 1.1x 에서 0.6x 로 크게 달라집니다. 그리고 다음은 2.2x로 또 크게 달라집니다. 이부분은 플레이어를 혼란시킬수도 있습니다. 노트의 배치 덕분에 낚시성은 없다만 수정을 추천드립니다.
02:47:155 (1) - 스핀을 여기서 시작하지 마시고 02:47:280 에 서클을 02:46:280 (4) 와 같은 위치에 배치하시고 스핀을 02:47:530에서 시작시키는게 좋을것 같습니다. 끝나는 위치는 동일하게 하시고요.
03:25:654 (1) - 스핀이 1/4 늦게 시작해서 약간 어색합니다. 앞부분이 슬라이더라 수정하기가 힘들어서 수정하지 않으셔도 되지만 약간 어색한 감이 남습니다.
03:43:530 (1) - 이번에도 역시 1/4박자 늦게 시작합니다. 1/4박자 앞으로 당겨주세요

결국 실용적인건 거의 없는것 같군요
맵을 잘 만드셔서 모딩할거리가 별로 없는것 같아요 :(
Star Stream

전체적으로 tiny 사이즈 써서 디스탠스 좀 더 정교하게 수정

HP 4 OD 4 HP 5 (지금 세팅은 이지세팅같음)

00:14:030 (4) - 디스탠스 0.85
00:15:530 (2,3,4,5) - 1.0
00:39:530 (1) - 5번 서클에 안닿게 조금 오른쪽으로
00:43:530 ~ 00:58:030 - 크랩 규칙 안바꾸고 그 상태에서 조금 추가하는게 나음
00:59:030 (1,3) - Ctrl+h,j,r 써서 서로 안겹치게 수정
01:12:530 (4) - (180,40)
01:16:030 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - 마지막 1,3슬라 겹친게 보기 안좋음 01:16:030 (2,3,4) - 01:17:530 (1,2,3) -
01:19:280 (1) - 01:21:530 - 까지
01:28:530 (1) - 삭제 멜로디에 맞춘거처럼 보이고 삭제하면 처음 노트 치는데 박자감 부담도 덜할듯
01:41:030 (3) - 2번 서클에 안겹치게
01:40:530 (2) - 크랩
01:42:530 (4) - 크랩 삭제
01:48:530 (2) - 크랩
02:00:780 (4) - 노트를 02:01:030 - 로 그리고 옮기든 안옮기든 4,1번 노트는 슬라 끝에 겹치면 안됌 초보가 하면 거의 90%는 틀릴듯
02:26:530 (1,2) - 01:28:530 (1) 랑 같은 이유
02:27:530 (3) - 왼쪽 아래로 곡선이면 좀 더 자연스러울듯
02:39:030 (7) - 6번 서클에서 10~11시방향으로
02:39:530 (1) - 02:42:530 - 까지
02:48:030 (1,3) - 피니시 삭제
03:23:280 (1) - 03:25:530 - 까지
03:35:530 (3,1,2) - 03:33:530 (1,2) - 랑 같은 패턴으로

OD,HP -1~2

02:38:530 - 서클 추가
02:42:530 - ^
02:46:530 (5) - (388,244) 디스탠스가 너무 갑자기 커져서 힘들듯
03:25:655 (1) - 03:27:530 - 까지
00:14:280 (1) - 뉴콤보 삭제
00:14:530 (4) - 뉴콤보
00:31:280 (1,2) - 뉴콤보
00:35:280 (1,2) - ^
00:37:280 (1) - 뉴콤보 삭제
00:39:280 (1,2) - 뉴콤보
00:50:780 (1) - 뉴콤 삭제
00:51:530 (4) - 뉴콤
00:53:030 (1) - 뉴콤 삭제
.. 뉴콤은 이런식으로 좀 바꾸는게 좋을듯
request from my queue
Fate is 3.07'd better reduce to 3 at least
00:31:030 (6) - finish sounds noisy
00:35:030 (5) - ^
I don't like using 1.5 speed in normal..maybe It's hard for beginner
01:32:030 (4) - remove clap on the repeat
01:48:530 (2) - remove clap
02:51:530 - 02:57:280 break error
In fact I don't like this kind of hitsound..I think using 24clap is enough

00:46:780 (1,2,4,5) - unrankable stack
00:51:030 (1,2,3) - make them a triangle
03:23:530 (9) - NC for speed down
03:34:280 (3,4) - stack
03:41:530 (1) - end here 03:43:530

There are 2 .osb file into the folder. Please make sure to remove both of them with a full submission.


HP Drain -1.

Choruses are kinda too hard for the easiest difficulty.

00:10:530 (1,2,3,4) - Center and respace this pattern into the grid, would be better to me.


02:52:030 (x) - Remove this break, it's useless.
02:54:030 (x) - ^

Your easiest difficulty still need some work.
hi mod request from star stream :3
since i'm on the train, i can't do full mod like checking spacing inconsistensies or bad flow >.<. So here it is :

  1. I found inconsistensies at kiai time. Please look here :
  2. Have you deleted the other osb? In my version this map has 2 osb. Ignore this if you already deleted it.
  1. Emm, agree with osuplayer111, sudden change of slider velocity at chorus will be too hard for easiest diff. >.<
  2. 00:10:530 (1) - How about adding a finish here at the startpoint? It has high pitch at this spot. So it's good if you add a finish here.
  3. How about moving this circle down a little? So it doesn't touch the slider 00:32:530 (2) which not good to see. Don't forget to rearrange other circle near that note. My example is like this :
  4. 00:39:030 (5) - Finish here sounds awkward. Could you remove it?
  5. 01:41:030 (3) - Make this more blanket? More good to see imo :) . My example :
  6. 01:46:530 (5) - Add a finish sound at the endpoint? There's a cymbal sounds in that spot. So it will be good if you add a finish there.
  7. 02:38:530 (6,7) - Make it like this ?
  8. 02:59:530 (1) - Could you remove the clap? Mixing clap and finish sounds bad to me :(
  9. 03:17:530 (4) - Following your finish rythim, i believe you have to add a finish here too at the startpoint.
  1. 00:37:280 (7) - Maybe you can make this slider more blanket to 00:37:030 (6). Here's my example :
  2. 00:38:030 (1) - Perhaps new combo here?
  3. 01:33:030 (3) - I believe finish sound here is overused. Also, mixing it with clap sounds bad to me. Remove it please.
  4. 01:37:030 (1) - ^ at the startpoint.
  5. 01:41:030 (2) - ^ at the startpoint
  6. 02:45:530 (3) - I'm sure this slider can blanketed more properly. My example : . Don't forget to copy paste the slider you've been fixed and change this slider 02:46:530 (5)
  7. 03:17:530 (5) - Just like your previous diff, i believe you have to add a finish sound here too at the startpoint.
That's all from me. Good luck ^^
Hi, from my queue

nice song and map, star


  1. 00:36:530 (2) - you should rotate this slider about 16 degrees, for it touches note (4)
  2. and looks bad.
  3. 00:43:530 (3) - this section clapped at the wrong place?
  4. 00:55:530 (2) - move to (60,164), it touches the end of slider.
  5. 01:10:530 (4) - remove the finish at the end? it feels better
  6. 01:16:530 (6) - remove finish?
  7. 01:41:030 (3) - rotate -6 degrees
  8. 02:28:530 (2) - move to (244,80)? looks better then
  9. 02:37:530 (5) - make this slider better
  10. 03:02:530 (3) - move the middle point 3 grids up?
  11. 03:22:530 (3) - remove the finish at the end? it feels better then

  1. 01:00:030 (7,9) - move to (180,232)
  2. 01:16:530 (9,10) - maybe ctrl+r? like the next combo
that's all

Good luck~
mod by request via mod queue

  1. Add clap in drum sound (sound like "tak") is better, and remove clap in some downbeat because the sound is weird in there
01:06:780 (3) the slider's border is touched (2)'s border, maybe move it a little?
01:28:530 (x) because the vocal is start in here, consider to add slider 01:29:030
01:41:030 (3) the slider's tail-reverse is weird to look imo. consider to do like this?
01:44:530 (2) this circle isn't consistent spacing, and weird to look orz
02:26:530 (x) same with 01:28:530
02:28:530 (2) inconcistency spacing, and I think this one is ok?

00:50:030 (10) this slider isn't symmetry imo ;-;
01:36:780 (12) add NC in here, and remove NC in the next note, more following vocal I think
02:03:530 (7) NC in here?
02:27:530 (5) ^
03:21:530 (4) ^

That's all
Good luck~
Topic Starter

Yasora-chan wrote:

mod by request via mod queue

  1. Add clap in drum sound (sound like "tak") is better, and remove clap in some downbeat because the sound is weird in there
01:06:780 (3) the slider's border is touched (2)'s border, maybe move it a little?
01:28:530 (x) because the vocal is start in here, consider to add slider 01:29:030
01:41:030 (3) the slider's tail-reverse is weird to look imo. consider to do like this?
01:44:530 (2) this circle isn't consistent spacing, and weird to look orz
02:26:530 (x) same with 01:28:530
02:28:530 (2) inconcistency spacing, and I think this one is ok?

00:50:030 (10) this slider isn't symmetry imo ;-;
01:36:780 (12) add NC in here, and remove NC in the next note, more following vocal I think
02:03:530 (7) NC in here?
02:27:530 (5) ^
03:21:530 (4) ^

That's all
Good luck~
thx~~ but i don't want add slider in 'Fate' Diff 01:28:530 like this
because this easy
i think if i add slider in here, many beginner can't catch rythem

01:21:530 (x) - End your kiai time here.
02:53:280 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Make these sliders instead of circles.


03:41:530 (1) - Silence the end of this slider.

Seems better now.
hehehe you favourite your map ahhh

timing : slider tick rate +1
why you added the first break...plz map it, last part of break could use spinner
maybe start a slider at 00:29:280 (x) - and end at next red tick?(this follow vocal)

00:41:280 (6) - try dont make it touches the slider
00:46:530 (9) - cancel finish? this sounded a bit random
00:50:030 (10) - tail finish delete also..
00:54:780 (3) - make a finish at last head (high pitched vocal) and cancel next finish
01:10:030 (2) - this note should add a finish, then you can hear the finish is once a beat
01:10:530 (4) - stack at slider 6? then you can treat the next note as antijump
01:17:530 (2) - both head finish?
01:45:280 (4) - tail finish, if you think that is too loud, you can adjust the volume a bit
01:47:530 (x) - you missed an important beat here, there is a FINISH!
01:49:030 (4) - head finish with lower volume
02:07:030 (4) - first head cancel finish?
02:36:780 (6) - NC plz..?
i do think if you end at the spinner's end would be is a bit too long?

overall : you need a 3.5 + - diff. to make better diff. spread
make some pattern for your notes....pentagon / triangle / repeating triangle etc......

good leave a star here

sorry for the short mod...i would make a long long mod if i wanna suggest some rhythm or arrangement... however, seeing this is going to be bubbled... well.
Topic Starter

L_P wrote:

hehehe you favourite your map ahhh

timing : slider tick rate +1
why you added the first break...plz map it, last part of break could use spinner
maybe start a slider at 00:29:280 (x) - and end at next red tick?(this follow vocal)
well actually i tried add note but i can't do that because if i add note and slider in their. some strange. :(

00:41:280 (6) - try dont make it touches the slider
00:46:530 (9) - cancel finish? this sounded a bit random
00:50:030 (10) - tail finish delete also..
00:54:780 (3) - make a finish at last head (high pitched vocal) and cancel next finish
01:10:030 (2) - this note should add a finish, then you can hear the finish is once a beat
01:10:530 (4) - stack at slider 6? then you can treat the next note as antijump well...actually i accept another thing but i want my pattern..
actually i don't like anti jump because confuse.. :(

01:17:530 (2) - both head finish?
01:45:280 (4) - tail finish, if you think that is too loud, you can adjust the volume a bit
01:47:530 (x) - you missed an important beat here, there is a FINISH!
01:49:030 (4) - head finish with lower volume
02:07:030 (4) - first head cancel finish?
02:36:780 (6) - NC plz..?
i do think if you end at the spinner's end would be is a bit too long?

overall : you need a 3.5 + - diff. to make better diff. spread
make some pattern for your notes....pentagon / triangle / repeating triangle etc......

good leave a star here

sorry for the short mod...i would make a long long mod if i wanna suggest some rhythm or arrangement... however, seeing this is going to be bubbled... well.
thx~ :P
hello, req taken from star stream's line.

have been started by 111, you're pretty good BAT catcher.



  1. I guess creator's words should be for ranking? I'm poor at eng ehe.
  2. Slient slidertick&sliderslide is not allowed.
  3. This song was firstly used in entertainment program 「メロjpでいこう!」on Apr 4,2009. the album is released on August 26, 2009, so you may add "mero jp de ikou!" to Source?


00:52:530 (3,5) - ugly sliders, just sayin' you can set them like this
01:10:530 (4) - remove finish at the end of the slider and add clap
01:58:530 (3) - ^
02:50:530 (4) - sounds bad

seems you're addicted to this "pa pa" clap ehe


00:47:030 (2) - remove clap at the end of the slider
00:48:030 (5) - clap
00:50:780 (11) - clap
00:51:280 (2) - no clap
01:33:280 (4) - no clap
01:34:280 clap
01:37:280 no clap
Topic Starter

LKs wrote:

hello, req taken from star stream's line.

have been started by 111, you're pretty good BAT catcher.
actually today i reply kiddo-kun's queue and he will mod my map! :P


  1. I guess creator's words should be for ranking? I'm poor at eng ehe. (^^)l
  2. Slient slidertick&sliderslide is not delete that file
  3. This song was firstly used in entertainment program 「メロjpでいこう!」on Apr 4,2009. the album is released on August 26, 2009, so you may add "mero jp de ikou!" to Source?
actually i don't know this song used entertainment program's ending theme Lol


00:52:530 (3,5) - ugly sliders, just sayin' you can set them like this
01:10:530 (4) - remove finish at the end of the slider and add clap fixed
01:58:530 (3) - ^fixed
02:50:530 (4) - sounds bad fixed

seems you're addicted to this "pa pa" clap ehe yes.. maybe :P


00:47:030 (2) - remove clap at the end of the slider fixed
00:48:030 (5) - clap fixed
00:50:780 (11) - clap fixed
00:51:280 (2) - no clap fixed
01:33:280 (4) - no clap fixed
01:34:280 clap fixed
01:37:280 no clap fixed
mod request via your friends in game pm :D


  • what this? I fail to updated, It's seem corrupt D:
    offset a bit early for me. try 543 (+13) and don't forget to resnap notes & green lines :)
    delete .osb file
    remove letterbox during break
    03:25:530- I think end of map here, delete all notes & green lines after this time


  • 00:12:043 (2) - error spacing, try to move at slider tail D:
    00:14:043 (4) - ^
    03:23:280 (1) - add finish here


  • Slider tick rate 1
    03:23:530 (1) - add finish here
    03:25:655 (1) - delete spinner?
others are fine (I think lol)
go go rank ><
Check Mickey's mod and I guess this map it's fine for a bubble!
Topic Starter

0OoMickeyoO0 wrote:

mod request via your friends in game pm :D


  • what this? I fail to updated, It's seem corrupt D: maybe that's your problem :P
    offset a bit early for me. try 543 (+13) and don't forget to resnap notes & green lines :) i think 530 is fine
    delete .osb file ??..
    remove letterbox during break
    03:25:530- I think end of map here, delete all notes & green lines after this time well..


  • 00:12:043 (2) - error spacing, try to move at slider tail D: well..
    00:14:043 (4) - ^ well..
    03:23:280 (1) - add finish here sorry i want this pattern


  • Slider tick rate 1 sorry i want this pattern
    03:23:530 (1) - add finish here sorry i want this pattern
    03:25:655 (1) - delete spinner? sorry i want this pattern
others are fine (I think lol)
go go rank ><
sorry :P

I think your map is really good and ready to be bubbled. Here are some suggestions. Take 'em or not - Catch me in-game after checking and I'll bubble~


• 00:58:030 (5) - I would get rid of this note (it feels weird to hit) and instead make (4) repeat.
• 02:43:530 (1,2,3) - I would do something other than a stack.This would do
• 03:37:530 (4) - Add a new combo to this note.
• 03:39:530 (1) - Remove this new combo.


• 01:51:905 (2) - I would remove this note. It seems pretty overwhelming.
• 03:41:530 (1) - Un-silence the end of this note. It does not feel very good to play.

No real need for an overall statement because this map is pretty sweet. Destiny especially.
I think this is ready for ranking.
No point in a star either.

Edit: Bubbled

Good luck~
wow. Just 2 page and it's bubbled o.o
Your such a pro asgard xD

And please rank this osuplayer111. It's a good map :)
Star Stream
Great! bubbled within 1 week ;D
Let's Go to 'Ranked'! :D
Let's reach 7 days from submission at least before touching this :P
After player changed tick-rate...

Topic Starter
but now everything is fine!
Timing was fixed
osb. was deleted
Check with AIBAT (twice)
Made sure everything was great.
If this get popped, I will cry
Topic Starter

Kiddo-Kun wrote:

Timing was fixed
osb. was deleted
Check with AIBAT (twice)
Made sure everything was great.
If this get popped, I will cry
now i don't submit never!
wow, osuplayer said wait until 1 week.
So tommorow this map will be ranked. Great job asgard xD
Everything seems on order, time to go!

=A=....only a week to get
Topic Starter

osuplayer111 wrote:

Everything seems on order, time to go!

congratz A s g a r d ~ :D
Topic Starter

0OoMickeyoO0 wrote:

congratz A s g a r d ~ :D
thx :D
i want change create's word.. possible?
you're the fastest one who got his first map ranked so far.


A s g a r d wrote:

0OoMickeyoO0 wrote:

congratz A s g a r d ~ :D
thx :D
i want change create's word.. possible?
You may try to press "edit" button at the lower right of your first post, I can only assure this won't break bubbles up, I'm not sure with heart icon though..

A s g a r d wrote:

0OoMickeyoO0 wrote:

congratz A s g a r d ~ :D
thx :D
i want change create's word.. possible?
possible. just edit your first post

EDIT:I tried editing my first post after my map got ranked.and the heart wasn't broke
lol I'm so late, Congrats~

Yeah your first ranked Beatmap!
congrats~ :)
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