This music is clearly undermapped. We (or i, at least) can clearly feel that this map is made to be a 6* and passable for low ranked players. It is not a bad thing itself, but you should made an harder difficutly, in term of raw mapping, there is burst where there should be jumps and where you expect to get 242bpm deathstreams guess what there is ? Sliders. Kicksliders. Regou, i'm not angry againt you, you sure made a cool map but it is clearly undermapped. this music is made for osu (in it's beats and composition) and this map does not respect it. When i first heard this music i believed it would be 7,8 or a 9* but not a 6*. The SR is not the problem, but the paterns are, this is even worse if you played another map of this music which is way harder than this one, as my personal feeling i expected insane parts where there is none. I asked someone else to map it (because i'm bad at mapping lo) and she made exatcly what i expected, here is the map i expected from that music If someone other than me read this, think what you want, but in my opinion this is not a bad map but as i said before, it is UNDERMAPPED.