beatmap history
Discussion #2950082 by Jasper Moglot obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2950066 by Jasper Moglot obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2950052 by Jasper Moglot obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2950006 by Jasper Moglot obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2950010 by Jasper Moglot obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2936271 by KoldNoodl marked as resolved by Jasper Moglot.
Issue #2936240 by KoldNoodl marked as resolved by Jasper Moglot.
Issue #2936236 by KoldNoodl marked as resolved by Jasper Moglot.
Issue #2936231 by KoldNoodl marked as resolved by Jasper Moglot.
Issue #2936230 by KoldNoodl marked as resolved by Jasper Moglot.
Issue #2936227 by KoldNoodl marked as resolved by Jasper Moglot.
Issue #2935784 by TheBrunoRM marked as resolved by Jasper Moglot.
Issue #2928807 by aknazar marked as resolved by Jasper Moglot.
Issue #2928817 by aknazar marked as resolved by Jasper Moglot.
Issue #2928826 by aknazar marked as resolved by Jasper Moglot.
Issue #2928803 by aknazar marked as resolved by Jasper Moglot.
Issue #2928773 by aknazar marked as resolved by Jasper Moglot.
Issue #2928770 by Jasper Moglot marked as resolved by Jasper Moglot.
Issue #2928760 by aknazar marked as resolved by Jasper Moglot.
Owner of difficulty bnmc's Normal changed to bnmc. (Jasper Moglot)
Owner of difficulty Voice's Hard changed to VoiceCore. (Jasper Moglot)
Owner of difficulty otlock's Insane changed to otlock. (Jasper Moglot)
Owner of difficulty Shizurre's Angelic Expert changed to Shikibe Mayu. (Jasper Moglot)
Issue #2920087 by sydnmc marked as resolved by Jasper Moglot.
Owner of difficulty L'Amour changed to entshikkari. (Jasper Moglot)
Owner of difficulty X changed to auTatari. (Jasper Moglot)
Language changed from Unspecified to Instrumental. (Jasper Moglot)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Electronic. (Jasper Moglot)
Language changed from Unspecified to Instrumental. (Jasper Moglot)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Electronic. (Jasper Moglot)
Discussion #2730853 by Jasper Moglot obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Owner of difficulty Emotions changed to toseethefuture. (Jasper Moglot)
Owner of difficulty Spoon's Hard changed to RelicSpoon. (Jasper Moglot)
Owner of difficulty the nature of withering changed to auTatari. (Jasper Moglot)
Language changed from Unspecified to Chinese. (Jasper Moglot)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Folk. (Jasper Moglot)
Owner of difficulty Emotions changed to auTatari. (Jasper Moglot)
Discussion #2627844 by Jasper Moglot obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Owner of difficulty IPhone 13 Pro changed to tomoridesu-. (Jasper Moglot)
Language changed from Unspecified to Instrumental. (Jasper Moglot)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Jazz. (Jasper Moglot)
Language changed from Unspecified to Japanese. (Jasper Moglot)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Anime. (Jasper Moglot)
Language changed from Unspecified to Japanese. (Jasper Moglot)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Anime. (Jasper Moglot)
Language changed from Unspecified to Japanese. (Jasper Moglot)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Pop. (Jasper Moglot)
Owner of difficulty wh a t changed to chocomint. (Jasper Moglot)
Language changed from Unspecified to Russian. (Jasper Moglot)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Hip Hop. (Jasper Moglot)