twin trials beatmapping contest electronic instrumental rinze ler1211 yosh tlq_yoshii
twin trials beatmapping contest -> links the set to the contest, self-explanatory
electronic -> track genre
instrumental -> track language
rinze ler1211 -> allows the beatmap to show up in the in-game search bar result with ler's former and current usernames (and without special characters)
yosh tlq_yoshii -> allows the beatmap to show up in the in-game search bar result with _yosh's former and current usernames (and without special characters)
Collab splitting goes as follows:
00:00:183 -> 00:15:666 : ler1211
00:15:666 -> 00:28:053 : _yosh
00:28:053 -> 00:40:440 : ler1211
00:40:440 -> 00:52:827 : _yosh
00:52:827 -> 01:05:214 : ler1211
01:05:214 -> 01:17:601 : _yosh
01:17:601 -> 01:29:988 : ler1211
01:29:988 -> 01:42:375 : _yosh
01:42:375 -> 01:54:762 : ler1211
01:54:762 -> 02:07:149 : _yosh
02:07:149 -> 02:19:536 : ler1211
02:19:536 -> 02:25:730 : _yosh
02:41:052 (2,3) - change position of 2. i'm gonna assume this is an accidental object moving, but it makes the rest of the burst very awkward to aim.
01:39:732 (9) - feels "misnapped" (not sure if this is the correct term), as in the head of the slider starts on no strong noise/sound. Moving it to 01:39:873 should fix. I'd also suggest re-arranging objects, here is my proposition https://puu.sh/FLzZs/841cf1b9a0.jpg
(moved from the General (All difficulties section))
00:10:979 (5) - You have to make a choice here to keep some consistency on NCing - either NC this, or keep it as it is, but you'd have to do some NCing/remove NCs, like on 02:43:335 (1).
03:33:077 (1) - I think you can shorten the spinner to 03:48:622, as it seems the wind stops on that tick, unless I didn't hear well
02:30:623 (10) - I feel like this is slightly off on the timeline, also (10) should be a slider i think. You could also NC on (6) but it might not be necessary.
00:15:526 (1,1) - why not having two 1/8 sliders here? i think it would be better and it would emphasize the sound more
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13865151/754a <something like this