00:35:169 (1,2) - space thesse out a little bit cuz 00:34:399 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - are spaced out af
00:05:938 - should have a circle here for the vocal. u can maybe make 00:06:034 (1) - a 1/8 slider ifu want to highlight the sound
00:01:322 (5,6) - ctrl g rhythm maybe, more consistent with other rhythm choices in this section
00:53:656 (1), 00:56:733 (1) - slidershape feels very out of place not only for the section but for the whole map in general as nothing similar is used
00:10:405 (1) ,00:12:538 (1) etc - weird rhythm considering how active these are 00:01:427 (1,2,1,2)
00:22:227 (6) - weird that this is the only curved slider in that section, even weirder because its emphasized to be one pattern with no ncs
00:17:427 (2,3,4) - generally pretty cool that you use waves here but you never use another wave until the end of the map so it feels off?
00:20:271 (7,1) - spacing is kinda large for the section and hard to read, maybe use same stacking as 00:19:471 (2,3), or 00:19:738 (4,5)
00:20:271 (8,9) - making this stack same as 00:20:005 (6,7) might make more sense to make 00:20:538 (10,11) work more for the decreasing spacing that you do in the pattern