00:10:562 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) -nerf spacing because the piano this is mapped to is a very light sound which doesnt fit well with the spacing you have now
01:03:337 (1,2,3) - i feel like these sliders would be better suited as jumps as they are more pronounced in the song than the jumps preceding them
00:50:300 (5,6,7) - prob nerf these jump's spacing as there's no reason for them to increase in intensity here after the previous 00:49:829 (2,3,4) - jumps have much more fitting spacing
01:52:296 (1,2,3,4) - this burst should be a bit lower on the y axis to flow better into the slider
02:09:192 (9) - this slider should end on the blue tick it plays better that way and is fine with the next slider being so close anyway
00:52:996 (1) - 00:56:196 (1) - the repeating sliders here shouldn't be as long as they are I'd recommend shortening them and placing two more repeating sliders at 00:54:596 (2) - and 00:57:796 (2) - to better represent the music
Increase spacing between 01:07:069 (4,5) to better accentuate their spacing in the music like you did with 01:12:914 (3) and 01:13:330 (4) as they feel much smoother with the spacing increase
Metadata source: https://twitter.com/onorikyu/status/1296467326846603267
00:21:336 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - I recommend deleting these notes as the roll they're supposed to be mapped to starts around here 00:21:992 (3) - to replace this you could put a rhythm like this https://imgur.com/xVHALkF to better suit the drums
00:14:779 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this is overmapped as well as this part 00:17:402 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I would reccomend to just redo these sections entirely
00:08:877 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I'm pretty sure you mapped extra notes where there are none in the song. I recommend getting rid of 00:08:959 (2,4,6,8) - to fix this