02:18:896 (1,2) - this might be a nitpick but i would honestly make this go even higher in spacing so the reverse on 02:19:107 (1) - feel more emphasised and have more omph (exemple:https://prnt.sc/Ayhoxet_ry3e)
02:01:423 (1) - i think you forgot to end it on the kick like you did on 02:03:949 (2) - and 02:06:475 (1) -
01:30:475 (1) - i think this one should be rotating in the same direction as the previous ones 01:28:581 (1,1,1) - so you can ctrl+g to make it flow better
01:26:054 (2,3,1) - big gap in timeline as well so you can space these even more than it is rn
01:08:133 (1) - you can honestly space this more since there is a big gap between 01:07:896 (1,1) - these ones
01:00:554 (1,1) - these should be seperated imho since they have different rythm,01:00:554 (1) - being a 1/4 and 01:00:633 (1) - switchs up to 1/6,even something like this :https://prnt.sc/PB8TXO1Jj8yj would help differentiate
between the rythms for the players
00:51:160 (2,3,1) - right here since the next section starts at 00:51:317 (1) - you can get away with making 00:51:160 (2,3) - this a 1/6 slider and use a very low sv value one it so it plays more smoothly (recommended sv:0.6x,exemple:https://prnt.sc/9kMa6fHpnBWb)
02:21:633 (1) - you can honestly replace this one with a cercle (since the sound stops right there) and space 02:21:423 (1,1,1,1,1) - these even more,like this for exemple : https://prnt.sc/4_kqJ_zR9s64
01:24:581 (1) - you can be more generous in spacing for this one since its the last slider xd
01:05:703 (2) - even tho that there is a cymbal hit on this note,the intensity is actually dropping on this if you listen to the bass,so it would be better if this one was closer to 01:05:556 (1) - this kick slider,by doing something like this https://prnt.sc/PvDLBufgVFGw
00:38:190 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - in patterns like this you can make this even cooler if there was a direction change every time there is a vocal,like in 00:38:483 (3,4) - as well as 00:38:922 (6,7) - where you can for exemple ctrl+g these and 00:39:215 (8,9) - this one to break the monotone feel and make it more special
00:18:434 (4,1,2) - honestly you can go even higher spacing on this transition espically on 00:18:727 (2,3,4,5) - these,since the player has the time to stop on this burst,lazy exemple:https://prnt.sc/uBOuXmooFz6k even something like this would work better for emphasis,just make sure that this shift 00:18:581 (1,2) - feels more emphasised
00:03:887 (3) - same idea as the normal but instead of circles on 3/4 ticks,you can make it into a 3/4 reverse and you could fill the gap like this :https://prnt.sc/G97ZqtaapmGX
00:53:574 (7) - since there is 3 vocals sounds,it would be better if this slider was a 1/2 reverse to emphasize the vocal on the red tick
00:47:949 (2,3,4,5) - rythm could be improved here since the vocal starts in the red tick in the middle of this slider 00:48:418 (4) - so following the vocals the rythm should become something like this : https://prnt.sc/kSj4u6zxUDqv
i know this is a normal but you can honestly fill the gap from 00:07:637 (3) - into 00:08:808 (1) - with two more circles on 3/4 since the melody is present in these ticks : https://prnt.sc/Z_FAPGt5gTv9
00:47:365 (7) - would be better if it was rotated 90 anti clockwise Ctrl+g and stacked on 00:46:860 (4) - since the previous objects 00:46:523 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - are on circular flow,also you can adjust the next objects 00:46:523 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - by spacing them more so they dont feel clumped up to the slider ex : https://prnt.sc/lWkRKxeACcu5
00:21:410 (1) - this object could be spaced further from the last object not very close as it is since its on an important sound (cymbal)
00:17:702 (5) - also this slider end should end on blue tick since the white has such a prominent sound (cymbal) which should be mapped imho
00:17:365 (1,2,3,4,5) - this pattern should ideally be spaced more since these objects 00:16:354 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - are fairly more spaced espically on the 1-2,so you could space this burst higher than it is rn ,lazy exemple : https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19399738/5fe0
00:14:500 (4) - this slider would feel better if it was following the vocals on the slider end (right on the white tick) rather than the brass like this : https://prnt.sc/Dk6_CG8v3HEB so the note on 00:15:006 (1) - would be more emphasised
better timing : bpm = 95,offset : 6217,also dont forget to snap objects on the timeline by checking ''snap objects to a new timing'' on the timing panel and press ok
timing is off,here is the better timing : bpm = 120,Offset = 15,also dont forget to snap the notes on the timeline to the beat by checking the ''snap objects to the new timing'' on the timing panel and press ok
00:13:304 (4,5,6,1) - i feel like this segement would feel more naturel to the music if it was like a zigzag rather than linear cause the melody is not constant here but fluctuating between 2 notes like a two to two ratio,exemple:https://prnt.sc/NMBxAYiDLwkT
00:08:475 (7,8,1) - i feel like these could be organised better,as it kinda looks messy,maybe something like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19225838/3ced this?
00:01:797 (2,4) - make these notes lower in spacing than 00:01:694 (1,3) - main melody ones to highlight the contrast between the sounds,exemple:https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19225834/4025 (spacing is your choice)
this hype was requested by Demon-kira and delivered in due time
03:43:424 (4,5,6,7) - you could sperate these and make like a small buildup like this : https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19174869/cdd3
02:54:535 (10) - space this a bit higher so it matches the buildup of the tension of the song,lazy exemple : https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19174861/4633