beatmap discussions

I sentence this song guilty for being a banger




Would you rather have unlimited bacon but no more video games or games, unlimited games, but no more games?


Thank you Rocky




this is causing me great agony when listening to the editor :<
(does not apply to futsuu)



metadata: Fix title to: My Life Is Over and I Couldn't Be Happier
it's wrong on the FA page (source: both and their spotify linked on FA page)


OD could be increased to 4.5 or 5 to have a timing window closer to Oni's (4 -> 5.5 kinda big)


╭ ( ・ㅂ ・)و


03:27:011 (164,165) - Another very long 1/2 section, think player should have one more breather. Deleting these should be enough, keeps the climax intact.


02:30:190 (8) - A lot of 1/4 triplets in a row here, very straining for a newer player. Highly suggest to break them up by deleting this note.


02:11:614 (36) - There is a very very long chain of 1/2 (and some 1/4) upcoming, deleting this note gives the player a bit more leniency.


Rest moments: Following sections do not have sufficient rest moments. Muzukashii is also quite close to Oni, overall, when it comes to density - this will help with that issue as well!

01:31:581 - to 02:08:833 - If you want to do it similar to the previous sections, delete:

01:32:674 (7,8) -
01:39:131 (7,8) -
01:45:389 (7,8) -
01:51:846 (7,8) -
01:58:005 (23,24,25) -
alternatively, 01:37:541 (15,16) - 01:43:700 (15,16,17,18) - etc. would be good fits.

02:55:422 - to 03:29:992 - Can do something similar to Oni (if you have seen that mod first!)

02:59:197 (17,20,22) - deleting these creates 3 1/1 rest moments, which can act as substitute.
03:06:349 (55,56,57,58) - 03:12:707 (91,92,93,94) - 03:19:064 (124,125) - 03:25:422 (156,157) - are spots suggested in Oni

03:32:376 - to 04:03:767 -

same procedure as in the section above: Rest moment every 4 bars.
03:38:137 (33,34) - 03:44:494 (67,68) - 03:44:494 (67,68) - 03:57:210 (135,136) -


01:32:674 (7,8,9) - currently doesn't really make sense with the music, especially when it's mapped differently later to the same sound 01:39:131 (7,8,9) - . Suggesting to adjust the 1st timestamp to the 2nd for better clarity and rhythm


04:04:164 - the barline SV is coming in very slow, which is fine for the top difficulty but not good for Oni and Muzukashii. Please increase to at least 0.7x (and adjust following barlines accordingly)

00:53:435 - 04:16:879 - similarly, probably a good idea to reduce this ninja note to 1.5x SV


04:04:164 - the barline SV is coming in very slow, which is fine for the top difficulty but not good for Oni and Muzukashii. Please increase to at least 0.7x (and adjust following barlines accordingly)


01:21:846 (8,9,1) - should be ddd (inconsistent & the only time this appears in the whole map)


04:03:767 (8) - Snap the repeats to 1/4 (same as top difficulty)


04:03:767 (84) - please snap the repeats to 1/4 (same as top difficulty). It is not allowed to snap the end wrongly, even if it the final tick disappears due to a bug.


02:03:568 (20) - Delete for rest moment


01:32:972 (9) - 01:45:687 (9) - should be 1/3 (d k k d as usual)


01:32:674 (7) - 01:39:031 (7) - 01:45:389 (7) - 01:51:747 (7) - 01:58:104 (24) - There are a lot of tricky rhythms going on in this section. Because of this, these should be simplified and mapped to the red ticks to reduce the complexity to a more regular Oni-difficulty level and also mapping the louder sound on the red tick.


01:30:786 (67) - The sound at this point is very faint and doesn't quite land here either, I'd suggest to just remove it.


01:19:065 - 01:25:422 - Unlike the top difficulty, the map does not gain any notes in this section (starting here 01:18:866 - ). There aren't many reasonable notes to add either - but these might work! (Same as Oni)


01:19:065 - 01:25:422 - Unlike the top difficulty, the map does not gain any notes in this section (starting here 01:18:866 - ). There aren't many reasonable notes to add either - but these might work!


01:11:217 - 01:17:574 - 01:23:932 - 01:30:290 - This section is a bit barren on the Oni difficulty, especially compared to how much it ramps up at 1:30, a lot of 1/1 dons. The high beeps would help bring some variety (and helps differentiate the Oni a little bit from Muzukashii)


03:00:588 - until 03:13:303 - and 03:32:376 - until 03:57:806 - don't have enough 1/1 rest moments.

Especially in the first section it's tricky - 03:00:389 (30) - this seems like a fairly acceptable note to delete since it's part of the old section.

  1. For the rest moments after, I would suggest 03:06:647 (35,36) - deleting these and 03:13:005 (35,36) - these - having a gap before the downbeat seems to me to be the least awkward break to have. To compensate you could add notes 03:05:853 - 03:12:210 - here. Possibly 03:06:548 - 03:12:906 - too but that might go against your desired rhythm.

  2. For the kiai: I suggest to do the same you did in the middle of the kiai, 03:38:435 (45,46) - 03:51:151 (45,46) - delete these. Then you have a rest moment for every 16/1, as required by the ranking criteria.


Please check your sliders. Currently they cause some issue with ticks generating where the slider has stopped already, such as 03:29:197 - here.

To avoid this, they should have their repeats snapped to 1/4 by lengthening them and then adjusted accordingly so they don't repeat into notes.

(add 1 repeat if it's meant to end on the blue tick)


04:01:680 (90,98) - kats, so 04:02:641 (100,101,105,106) - these can be dons. A more generic ending - however coupled with the SV it's quite a mean way to end it with the current patterning which requires a lot of rhythm control and unusual pattern gameplay


This suggestion builds on something from the General tab, so I suggest checking that out first.

03:46:680 (17,18,19,20,21,22) - same problem for these - actually not quite sure why these kats aren't on white ticks (applies to the kkdd before this as well but I'm okay with those, they don't have the same consequences)


03:34:760 (25) - Flows much nicer if it keeps the rhythm going by being a kat. Doesn't take away from the next notes, either, because they are 2.


Please check out the other suggestion first!

My 2nd issue with the kiai is that its patterns are very neatly structured in repeating blocks of 4 notes and therefore very player-friendly - even though the SV changes can be VERY large (03:33:866 (16,17) - goes from 1.15x to 2x) it's not a huge issue because in almost all of these cases it also switches color, giving you more chance to react. This flows quite nicely!

Entrance: 03:37:939 (57) - this one! But changing this isn't as straightforward as it seems at first because of the consistent structure this kiai offers (as the simple "fix" would be changing the previous note to a kat - but then it breaks the pattern).

Conveniently, there also is a pattern suggestion I want to make for better sound & flow: 03:35:555 (33,34,35,36) - this pattern (x4). While it does follow the high pitch on the 4th note in every block, I'd argue that, coupled with what I noted for the upcoming notes, it negatively impacts flow. So instead of dddk per block I suggest having ddkd. This keeps some pitch relevance by having a color change to the high note (and has a kat on a higher note in the background melody), even though it's down to a don.
This change would allow 03:37:144 (49) - to become a kat, because now it would be a color change on a big SV jump (and start of a new block), and that would also allow 03:37:939 (57) - to be a kat.

as a bonus I would however suggest to change both of these 03:37:343 (51,59) - to a don for more dynamic.

This ensures that the predictability that generally existed for the whole stream (and, really, the entire map) continues throughout.


One of my only issues with this map is that there's really not a lot of SV going on - but then for some reason the last kiai goes absolutely bonkers. I don't think the SV is too troublesome, overall. I do think that, considering how few SV changes the rest of the map has, the kiai has too drastic of SV (and one, even more major, pattern problem, but that's a seperate issue), which will catch players off-guard and possibly feel less favorable towards the map (even though it's good).

I've tried a couple of things with the fruko SV tool - two things I feel worth pointing out and trying.

  1. The first was to simply reduce the entire kiai's SV by 0.15x so that the SV peaks at 1.85x (which is quite a bit lower) and the floor is 1.0x. I do think that this might be a bit low and is certainly why the SV is so high in the first place. However, that gets us to the next idea...

  2. ...reducing the gap between notes! As in, have it go from (nearly) 0.06x changes to 0.05x. 03:32:376 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - Here this would mean starting at 2x and ending at 1.25x. To help out, this would apply to the SV changing bits starting on these points (not counting repeats):
    03:32:376 - / 03:33:965 - / 03:37:144 - 03:37:939 - Since the latter two are only half bar in length and bigger SV changes I would suggest something along the lines of 0.075x changes. That's a tiny bit lower than now but 50% more per note than the longer ones. The bigger adjustment would be to have the top SV be the same as the for the longer SV decrasing bits if they are changed (e.g. to 1.9x as noted below)

The SV increasing bits don't need to be adjusted (aka 03:35:555 - )

If we assume that 1.15x should be the floor, this would make 1.9x be the top with smaller changes between each note (effectively combining suggestions 1 and 2). It's not a lot but it does make a difference while it should retain the feeling it has right now.


omg living fossils (and BlackBN)


00:52:206 (75) - should probably be moved 00:51:853 - here. Continues the sound from 00:51:500 (74) - and that is more important to the melody as 00:52:559 (76) - can stand on its own while currently the gap between 74 / 75 feels lacking


for gap reasons 00:44:971 (62) - should probably be removed. I generally think it should anyway, as it kinda exists in a void there (missing more vital sounds such as 00:44:794 - ) >>> especially if applying the previous mod


00:42:500 (57) - feels veeeeeeery odd to me considering the previous ones were mapped as two dons (granted, they also had one more bass kick in the song - the 1/1 is the same though) 00:36:676 (47,48) - 00:39:500 (52,53) -


00:35:265 (110,111) - 00:38:088 (121,122) - 00:40:912 (132,133) - would very much recommend removing all of these in favor of notes on 00:35:088 - 00:37:912 - 00:40:735 - (kat, don, kat respectively). Closer to the drums, reduces density in this quite tough section a bit (it's on the very edge when it comes to rest moments)


00:17:794 (51) - Feels very unimportant as a sound compared to 00:17:794 (51) - to me. Suggesting to move the note (and color change to kat)


00:22:912 - until 00:34:206 - : This section seems very problematic to me. In a similar vein to INFERNO the density in this section is unreasonably high compared to other parts of this map - it's denser than the previous section, it's basically the same density as the kiai. I'm not quite sure what it's mapped to either... it seems to try to go for both drums and the melody? But, since it's a lower difficulty, it can't quite go for either so it has a lot of oddly timed gaps. The next section and the kiai do not have this issue - one quite noticeably follows the drums while the other quite noticeably follows the melody.


01:22:206 (13) - might want to get rid of this one to follow the rest moments guideline


00:08:088 (20) - would be more accurate to the song and nicer-sounding if moved 00:07:735 - here.


00:49:559 (73) - could move this 00:50:088 - here - right now the gap ending on 00:49:912 - feels a bit... wrong. Doesn't suit the song well.


00:36:500 - missing a kat on purpose? Would definitely have one - this section is losing density compared to the calmer previous one


00:23:088 - you have forgor to add a lower volume bar to this difficulty. 45%!


00:14:618 - 00:14:706 - would highly suggest to add a kat here to introduce triplets - currently the first 1/4 triplet of the map happens almost halfway through in a, for a Muzukashii, higher difficulty pattern (7-plet with a kat before the triplet). This allows you to introduce the main difficulty step up from Futsuu earlier on, close the gap to Oni a bit (as it is larger than the one from Futsuu to Muzukashii right now) and make later triplets come less unpredicted.


could try adding a don 00:10:029 - here and delete 00:10:206 (29,30,31) - all of these - fits the synth more, the d d k feels kinda out of place and makes a larger gap (it doesn't matter that Futsuu has notes here as it is mapping different things)


00:08:794 (23) - suggesting to move this 00:08:618 - here to keep the rhythm in this section consistent and stay accurate to the synth.


00:23:000 - similar to the top difficulty: I suggest adding another green line here that acts as the volume changer, while 00:22:912 - this keeps 70% since it's still part of the ones before and being quieter feels a bit out of place.
