01:22:082 (3,1,2) - i don't really like how 3 flows in to 1, relevant to the rest of the map this is not a very intuitive choice, i'd recommend making the angle sharper between 3, 1, and 2
spacing between 01:01:516 (1,1) - makes 01:01:987 (4,5) - feel weird, would recommend keeping it more proportional to the time between notes.
00:51:327 (1) - i don't like the rhythm here you're using at all, it feels very weak for a transition. try something like this where you can have more rhythmic diversity but also still properly express the vocals: https://i.imgur.com/g3HfrhI.jpeg
00:45:855 (1) - this cut is pleasant, but then its feeling is destroyed when you dont emphasize the same sound right here 00:46:138 (4) -
00:42:270 (1) - i don't think this feels good at all, the kick is much more prominent here just because you're choosing to ignore half of the sounds you're trying to express (00:42:553 (4,4,3) -). expressing it as such would feel better: https://i.imgur.com/STN9YSk.jpeg but i don't actually like doing 3 note cutstreams because they're pretty awkward in general. it's up to you.
00:31:516 (2) - you have a symmetrical thing going on here so this is a tiny bit aesthetically inconsistent. you could move 00:30:195 (1) - https://i.imgur.com/Pnc56gs.jpeg (here) to keep it consistent, alternatively you could just make 00:31:516 (2) symmetrical.
this is just a suggestion, but I created this artwork for the song https://i.imgur.com/4edVCLK.png
I'd be happy if you used it as the background, but you don't have to if you don't want to~
03:18:813 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - i'm not sure how i feel about your rhythm choice here, it feels like complete neglect of whats in the background even though its the most obvious by a lot. i would consider something different.
03:17:158 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - i'd probably break this up in to repeats, i think it's too many of these sliders
my Chibba you followed the vocals on this 02:52:330 (1,2) - but then started putting it on the tail here 02:53:986 (7,8,9) - and it Fuvkcign hurts my soul man Oh my god!!
02:18:193 (8,9,10,11) - too hard, even if it was at the end of these i don't think repeating 1/4th clickables on a hard diff is a good idea