beatmap discussions

-change offset to 190
-add another timing point at 25295, still 190 bpm
-change hitsound volume at all timing points before 45:505 to 50%
-weird that the section from 1:25 to 2:06 has no notes for the percussion, same from 2:47 to 2:56 and 3:37 to 3:47
-use beat snap divisor 1/6 for 3:28 to 3:47
-5:48 to 5:59 and 6:39 to 6:59 are some straight bs
I consider those sections to be obnoxious difficulty spikes, but if you want to just chalk it up to skill issue, I won't really have a counterargument.
-try changing the timing point at about 10:30 to offset 630355


I think the minijacks (such as at 21:308) would fit better with the easier difficulty as staggered notes


I'd suggest shifting the offsets by 20 ms, to 955 and 53,955


the bit at 00:24:786 stands out to me; it doesn't quite have the same flow as the rest. Changing it to have LNs on the 1/3 marks (the purple lines in the editor, I'm not too familiar with the terminology) fits in better imo


offset of -335 feels a bit better to me


Offset of 40 feels a lot better imo


good stuff
can't play the third diff very well but I appreciate the lack of bs difficulty spikes


fun diff


This diff feels a bit too... consistent? considering how the song sorta ebbs and flows; there's a lot of LNs of the same length. Changing some of those to longer LNs and some to single notes like around 59:4 (1:27:106) might flow more naturally.




Fun map
