beatmap discussions



Because high rank players deserve ranked beatmaps.


Supportin' my favorite beatmappers with HYPE!
But seriously this is good tech.


This is nice, I like these kind of beatmaps.


Ok, if you want people to actually play this map, stop pushing the HP drain to 7 and beyond, I don't care what your opinion on the game is, the default is 6, leave it at that. The beatmap looks fun and is well timed, no complaints there, but you are missing hitsounds, volume changes for hitsounds, etc. Making it harder than the default difficulty just "because" is not very nice to the original beatmap that gave the good impression in the first place.


Such a nice song for some chill jump streams!
I might make a beatmap for it as well :)
If you are just visiting, please try this song out! Give some feedback.
