beatmap discussions



Note to self To lazy o type so I'll just screenshot it =w=
Quote Nostril:


Note to self, consider changing this: 02:05:770 (1,1,1,2,1) -


Note to self, consider changing this: 03:54:970 (1,1,1,2,1) -


The timing for the map is somewhat wrong
BPM should be 160 flat, no decimals
For the offset I suggest 9860, as this is where the music starts.

Once you apply this, you will have to resnap every note to the correct beat + you need to redo the sliderends

  • Since both offset and BPM changed, this needs to be done by hand I'm afraid, as automatically snapping the notes puts them in places they don't belong.
  • You can use the option "Resnap slider lenghts" in the Timing Setup Panel, the editor will then try to put it somewhat close to where the sliderend was, will not be perfect but it's not gonna be completely wrong.
    Here is a screenshot of what I mean:

Mapset Verifier can help you identify missplaced notes & sliderends


Source: EPIC: The Musical
Additional Tags: Luke Holt Anna Lea Armando Julián Jorge Rivera-Herrans
Remove the following tags: "epicthemusical", "epic", "musical"
The removed ones are covered by the Source, so there is no need to have them in the Tags for searchability.






03:47:900 - add a note here?
In reference to 03:46:550 (1884,1885,1886) - you do have the song supporting a note there, so why not add one?


Inner has Uninherited timing points conflicts with Muzukashii and Oni.


03:16:734 (1,1) - Really like the broken heart :thumbsup:


03:12:984 (1) - Object end not snapped






Amazing! (=w=)






00:53:876 - add a kat here
00:53:764 (189,190) - is backed by the drummer playing 3 notes here, which is audible enough to allow an 1/4 triple here.


00:27:458 - add a don here
You've used doubles throughout your map in places such as: 00:22:084 -, 00:25:555 -, 00:39:883 (135,136) -
By that you've given emphasis to the drummer, but you're ignoring it here, this doesn't seem right to me.


00:30:256 - to 00:38:092 -
This is a pretty long section with not 1/1 rest moments, this is very noticeable considering that every other part has used rest moments very frequently.

I suggest to remove the following notes for the rest moments:
00:31:935 (101,102) - , 00:34:062 (111) - , 00:37:644 (127) -

You can of course ignore my suggestion, but then I'd still ask that you at least remove the note at 00:34:062 - to give a rest moment after 00:32:719 (103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110) -


Invalid finisher usage:
(Muzukashii, Rules) RC quote:
"Finisher notes must not be used in any 1/4 patterns or faster in this difficulty. The finisher usage on these patterns is too complicated for the audience at this level."

This means any sort of 1/4 pattern, no matter if the finisher is at the beginning, in-between, or at the end of the pattern.
If it was allowed at the end it would've been worded like the rule for Oni, which I'll quote here:
"Finisher notes for 1/4 patterns in this difficulty must only be used at the end of that pattern and be of the opposite colour than its preceding note."

Finishers violating this rule:
00:18:614 (46) - , 01:00:704 (220) -


Regarding the sv changes at 01:24:002 - & 01:26:912 -
Taiko RC (Kantan) states under Guidelines:
"Slider velocity changes may be used cautiously. Changes should only happen for sections of different pacings and slider velocity should not be drastically variable."

"sections of different pacings"
This would mean the whole Kiai, which you've applied correctly using x1.20
Though, that finisher 01:24:002 (108) - is using x1.40, which makes it faster.
Kantan is meant to be played by literal beginners, and as such this sv usage might not be suitable for this difficulty.

I suggest to keep the finisher at x1.20
I also suggest to move the slow down at 01:26:689 - back a bit, so that it only affects the spinner which is on the section change.


00:46:376 (95,96,97,98,99,100,101) - Not really a fan of the finisher usage here.
Might just be personal preference, but this feels out of place when considering the finisher usage in the rest of the diff.

I'd suggest to make this like 00:17:719 (27,28,29,30,31,32) -
(by deleting 00:46:823 (97) - , then making 00:47:271 (98) - the finisher, instead of the note before that)
This would be a lot more consistent with the finisher usage throughout the difficulty.


00:47:719 (53) - remove this note.
The sound backing this note is not significant enough to warrant it's placement, and removing it would give more emphasis to the finishers.
Also, by removing the note, the section change starting at 00:48:167 - becomes more apparent to the player.


All taiko diffs:
Kiai end is not snapped at 01:27:355 -










01:02:181 (342) - Make this a finisher
This would put more emphasis on the start of the Kiai, while also highlighting the music which backs the note.




Just a quick check

Link to RC (Muzukashii), I will reference this a few times so here you go:\_criteria/osu%21taiko#muzukashii


Btw, before you at any point think "BPM scaling allows this..."

Yea, I though the same and fell flat on my nose, sure on paper this is true, but in reality it's not.

Modders are just as strict about this as they would be on any other BPM, up until you are using a song below 100BPM, then you can apply double of the RC and barely anyone complains.


What trying to say, bpm scaling does lift a lot of restrictions, but for playability I recommend you stick to the rules/guidelines, as this will save you some headaches when it comes to modding.


Now then, time to look at the map.


First of


You got a ton of notes that aren't snapped:
(screenshot will delete itself in a month of two)
You can check for such notes using AiMod (ctrl + shift + A) or using Mapset Verifier

AiMod is built in, so you can use it right away. Just keep in mind that AiMod hasn't been updated since... 2019 I think, not sure...


While BPM scaling does technically allow this, common sense and playability doesn't:


00:21:307 (73,74,75,76,77,78,79) - this stream pattern is too long.
I suggest making two tripples out of it.

Oh, also RC states the following for Muzukashii (Rule):

"1/4 patterns must not be longer than five notes."


And that brings me to


01:27:800 (329,330,331,332,333,334,335,336,337) - This stream pattern is too long and too complex for the target audience

See the last two Guideline points for Muzukashii in the RC


I think I made my point regarding longer 1/4 patterns, so I won't mention the others.

Consider it a learning experience to look for them yourself?



00:39:442 - voice starts here, so you could add another note.

Also 4 note streams like this are not common for this difficulty, as the last note (kat) in the 4note pattern would be played with the off-hand.

Playing note as such with the off-hand is not exactly a skill that is expected from the Muzu playerbase.



I suggest to be on lookout for notes like these:


01:41:233 (409,412) - these two notes do share the same sound in the music, so both could be considered to be made into finishers.

This will also give a lot of emphasis to the patterns before the 1/1 break occurs.


Also, when you specifically follow vocals, or a specific instrument, so add breaks where the thing you follow doesn't apply.


01:47:949 (438) - This note is not backed by Lyrics, which you primarily mapped in this section, therefore I suggest to remove this note and have a short rest moment instead.

Leaving out the gaps in the lyrics does put all the emphasis on the lyrics you've mapped, which is something I really suggest if you follow them this closely.

Just like you did here:


01:53:320 - to 02:07:201 -
You did a good job following the lyrics here :)




02:14:143 (526,527,528) - This pattern is too fast!
RC: "Notes must be at least 1/6 of a beat apart."
In other words, 1/8 is not allowed for Muzukashii

I do understand what you were trying to do, and I'd like to point out that using a 1/6 snap would have worked better, this way it would close up the pattern with the very strong "ko" vocal at 02:14:367 (529) -

But a kkkd 1/6 is not really suitable fur Muzukashii, you can keep this in mind if you want to make an Oni though.



02:14:365 - to 02:20:410 -
This could use some more kat notes, it feels rather "empty" with only dons like, it's missing emphasis.

My suggestion:

- Make the following notes kat: 02:16:158 (534,535,536,538) - 02:19:181 (542) -

- Add a don here: 02:19:738 -

With this you give add some emphasis to the higher pitches vocals, which makes this whole part feel differently.



You do seem to understand the concept of finishers, so I got nothing to complain, yet it seems you missed one :P


02:21:531 (550) - I suggest making this a Finisher for emphasis
(Just like you did with the start of every other Kiai section)

Yet keep in mind:


02:37:651 (605,606,607,608) - 1/4 snapped finishers are not allowed in Muzukashii.
RC: "Finisher notes must not be used in any 1/4 patterns or faster in this difficulty."



A note about recovery time:


00:43:919 (175,176) - There might not be enough recovery time between the end of the slider and the Finisher.
I suggest ending it at least 1/2 before the finisher.

Sliderpoints in taiko are always snapped to 1/4 or 1/6 (depending on base slider velocty x1.4 or x1.6)

And having essentially a 1/4 ending with a Finisher in Muzukashii isn't really something I recommend to do.

Actually, I don't suggest to do that for any difficulty, especially not the lower ones (Kantan/Futsuu).

Recoverytime for finishers is crucial, even on Oni diffs.

You can try this out in a new diff if you want, use a slider that leaves only 1/4 recovery time (like the one used here) and then make the slider end 1/2 before the finisher. You should be able to feel the difference.

And if not, well, you're not the target audience for the lower diffs =w=



Well, that's it, hope it helps you out.

If you got any questions regarding this feedback, let me know.





Here are some places where you could add finishers:

Some of those could really use them, as the sections before and after the supposed finisher are different, and adding a finisher would give more emphasis to the change in density/instruments used in the music.

A good example would be 00:37:755 (214) - the part before this note is a lot calmer and uses fever instruments than the part behind this note.

- - - - - - - - - -

Also inconsistent finisher use:

In some places you used "back to back" finishers (after the "crash" sound), while in other that follow the same note concept (music) you don't follow this:

- - - - - - - - - -

Regarding the above mentioned "crash" sound, this Note (Line A) has a different sound than the one following it (Line B), so it would help to add emphasis on the different sounds by making those in Line A into Kat finishers.

Line B: 00:15:255 (82) - , 00:47:130 (265) - (no 2nd note ), 02:05:880 (769) -


This could be skipped in Inner, as the streams leading up to the Finisher do give a different emphasis already + you would have to redo the streams for playability if you made the finishers Kat (as the previous notes are kat)

- For consistency accross the diffs I suggest you make them Kat

- To keep the streams as is, I suggest you don't make them Kat

Your choice

- - - - - - - - - -

And to finally have a suggestion for modding activity:


02:43:380 (707) - This finisher seems out of place
You did not use finishers to sub-divide sections (see very top of my review) in any other part of this difficulty, neither did you do this in any of the other diffs, maybe make this a regular note.


Hope this helped


From 03:24:168 - onward
Consider using calmer patterns, to better reflect on the music.
Maybe consider using the note from Oni + a few extra?


03:07:336 (1,2,3,1) - should be a kkd (1/4)
03:06:920 (1064,1) - delete for playability


02:13:503 (1,2,3,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,1) - Srsly consider remapping this for playability instead of following the music
Maybe use a slider for once?


02:39:169 (1) - should not be a finisher


02:33:836 (1) - should not be a finisher


02:34:836 (1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,1) - This section should be more like 02:24:169 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1) - in terms of finisher usage


02:28:503 (1) - should not be a finisher
02:28:836 (1,1,1) - should be finisher (keep color)
02:29:586 (823) - to be deleted


01:59:503 (1) - should be a finisher


02:04:169 (646) - should be finisher
02:04:086 (1) - make kat or delete for finisher


01:25:503 (378) -
This should've been a finisher




03:07:271 (258) - move to 03:07:453 -
So the note is on the stronger sound


02:42:210 (224,225) - Move them back a 1/1, so that they're on the stronger sound


02:27:940 - This could be a finisher.
You are entering the chorus here, which you could emphasise using a finisher.


01:29:039 (121,122,123) -
Move them back a 1/1, so that they're on the stronger sound (more suitable for finisher notes)
