00:00:000 - close mod pls someone im stupid
https://www.anly-singer.com/disco/archive/?SRCL-9281 - official website of Anly
https://www.viz.com/naruto - official website of Naruto Shippuden
00:59:562 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - i guess you wanted to emphasise vocals here, so you have to make 00:59:562 (4) - as two circles to emphasise short sounds, 00:59:896 (5) - as 1/2 slider and 00:59:896 (5) - circle to emphasise long sound and 01:01:062 (5,6) - repeat 1/2 slider to emphasise two long sounds as two 1/2 sliders
Hi, can i leave some suggestions? Just a little bit. You don't have to agree with me.
00:46:062 (1) - It can be more epic if you delete reverse and make a big slider 00:46:062 - to 00:47:396 -
00:00:166 (1) - спиннер можно укоротить до 00:03:555 - потому что на заднем плане вуб звук заканчивается здесь и потому что вряд ли ты этим спиннером зафолловил вокал
02:10:362 (4,5) - there is a stronger sounds, doesnt it mean you need an NC here? And separate it from other jumps to emphasise sounds
02:03:612 (1,2,3) - this triple is not stacked, but at the same moment in song you stacked the triple and did larger spacing between objects 02:08:412 (1,2,3,4) -
02:05:562 - emphasise this guitar sound with slider and do the spinner beginning clickable 02:06:162 (1) -
02:01:437 (1) - in spinner only its end is sounded, i suggest you to do this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14596959/859b