Just a little suggestion, the whole map has 2 long handtrills (03:04:810 (184810|1,184810|2,184810|0) - and 05:18:557 (318557|0,318557|2,318557|1,318557|3) - ) and they all started from the left side. this has caused some players mindblock (like me), then they had to use Mirror mod for playing. I know these patterns are meant to follow the piano pitch, but I think doing so has already affected gameplay.
unfortunately, I must point out that this map's Timing point is wrong:
The time point is half a beat ahead of the correct position, which leads to rhythm misalignment in some positions, like the clap/snare sounds in the entire song is not on the beat line.
In this section (00:29:239 - 00:35:569 ), the drumbeat is also on the backbeat. If you pay a little attention, you will find that this is very counterintuitive.
you should move the red line half a beat to this position 00:00:615, Then is in line with the rhythm of the song correctly.
Also, you can refer to other ranked versions of this song, they all set the timing point correctly:
Hi, I noticed that the audio file you use is still in .MP3 format, I highly recommend using higher quality .OGG audio files if you wish, It can achieve higher audio quality while maintaining the same bit rate.
Here to see their differences → https://s2.loli.net/2023/03/14/hpwan3S9GJufmtI.jpg
I have prepared the audio file for you. You can replace it directly without changing the offset → https://www.dropbox.com/s/7gup4ko9ryzf7gc/audio.ogg
01:48:151 (108151|0) - can add LN here to keep consistency with 01:23:948 (83948|3,84225|3,84503|3) -
02:29:748 (149748|2,149878|0,150007|4) - 非常奇怪的三个ln,如果是跟人声的话那02:29:619 (149619|3) - 也得有ln、如果跟hat的话那这些02:30:136 (150136|5,150266|3,150395|2,150524|4) - 就得保持一致,怎样都解释不通。
LN尽量跟明显或较长的音,像kiai段开头的两组01:52:378 (112378|6,112507|4,112636|2) - 01:54:447 (114447|5,114576|3) - 就几乎没看出来有任何规律。这个难度还是尽量完全跟人声比较直观。另外就是LN的一致性、段落内相同位置的ln如果是一样的音就尽量用一样的写法。比如 01:52:895 (112895|3) - 和 01:54:964 (114964|2) - 是要保持一样的。还有 01:58:585 (118585|4,118585|2) - 之后这里 01:59:102 (119102|5) - 直接就没LN了也是不行的。
先说kiai段,同样的一种kick,用了三种不同的押数:2 01:52:895 (112895|3,112895|0) - 3 01:53:929 (113929|0,113929|3,113929|4) - 1 01:59:102 (119102|5) - 。显然是不合理的,建议一致用双押比较好,ln只有头算押数。然后在一些大段落起始的时候可以三押跟cymbals 02:00:654 (120654|2,120654|6) - 02:08:929 (128929|2,128929|4) - 这些。
00:29:619 (29619|4,29619|0,29619|6) - remove a note for keep consistency with 00:25:481 (25481|6,25481|4) - 00:27:550 (27550|3,27550|1) - 00:31:688 (31688|2,31688|0) -
Its worth noting that many parts of this diff have over than Easy diff at least double the density: 00:50:614 - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18408338/0e5c / 01:28:392 - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18408343/d372 . Although they are not unreasonable for their own difficulty positioning, But for spread, their gap is too large. You might need discuss with the GDer of EZ diff.
00:30:316 (30316|3,30316|4,30316|1,30649|3,30649|1,30649|4) - 这两个clap 推荐摆在外面两轨。就是跟00:30:482 (30482|0,30482|2,30482|5,30816|2,30816|0,30816|5) - 这种kick反过来。