beatmap discussions

00:00:060 - 00:23:872
ogólnie cała ta sekcja nie trzyma się kupy

  1. w pierwszym patternie stale zwiększasz spacing między obiektami i prawie nigdzie indziej tego nie robisz
    czasami flow jest łamany na czwartym powtórzeniu rytmu 00:03:060 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) -
    czasami na trzecim 00:15:060 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) -
    a czasami w ogóle 00:09:060 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) -

Aby to naprawić powinieneś wybrać stały spacing między obiektami oraz sposób łamania flowu i się tego trzymać

  1. alternatujesz patterny strasznie randomowo
    dajmy na to pierwsze cztery grupy (00:00:060 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - ) idą w ten sposób:
    (slider-circle) -> (slider-circle) -> (repeat slider) -> (slider-circle)
    biorąc pod uwagę, że ta sekcja w piosence się nie powtarza później, lepiej byłoby użyć bardziej oczywistej wariacji, np.
    (slider-circle) -> (repeat slider) -> (slider-circle) -> (repeat slider)
    ewentualnie możesz zamiast rytmu wariować inny element jak spacing lub flow, np.
    (spacing się zwiększa) -> (spacing jest stały) -> (spacing się zwiększa) -> (spacing jest stały)
    (linear flow) -> (circular flow) -> (linear flow) -> (circular flow)

Które wybierzesz nie ma znaczenia, najważniejsze jest żebyś jedno z tych wybrał i resztę pozostawił more or less niezmienną we wszystkich patternach, bo obecnie patterny są zbyt oderwane od siebie wzajemnie i nie czuć w nich żadnej struktury


00:07:560 (3,4) - nic się w muzyce nie zmieniło, a mimo to spacing wzrasta 2.5 raza


00:05:122 (2,1) - Jedyny przypadek w którym kąt jest rozwarty w tym patternie

  1. inne patterny tak nie robią, więc jest super niekonsekwentne
  2. pitch się zmienia na 00:04:560 (1) -, więc zmiana flowu tutaj misinterpretuje muzyke



01:14:288 (4) - I don't think this moment is any different enough from 00:37:127 (2,3,4,5) - to not make it a stream


00:01:127 (4,5,6,7) - since you're going for generic and comfortable flow, it would be better to avoid this type of square-like movement, since it's pretty uncomfortable and the song doesn't really call for it here


00:49:127 (3,4,1) - make spacing to (1) bigger 'cause finish


add language tags


00:36:933 (1) - remove nc
01:23:965 (6) - add nc
00:59:191 (7) - add nc


01:26:674 (5,6) - You use spacing like that only in slow part and since this isn't a one, it feels really unfitting to use it here. Better space it out


00:36:933 (1,2,3,4,5) - this feels really underwhelming considering that buildup here comes to its climax. That's especially true because the flow stops on the stream. It isn't really bad on it's own, if you make spacing between (1,2) like 1.3 times bigger compared to the default spacing in previous section (so like 5-6 points here) it should be ok


Currently spacing between objects is really random, which causes the map to look really unclean and not pleasing to the eye.

for example:
00:03:062 (6,1,3) - (3) is spaced randomly in relation to (6,1)'s sliderends
00:03:836 (2,6,1) - here overlaps are inconsistent and (2,6) looks more like an accident because it overlaps with such small area

Solution to that would be going through the whole map and making sure that LITERALLY everything follows some logic when it comes to being placed in relation to the others. The more objects will relate the better and more structured it will look.




HW <3


I love this map


rank when?


y ah' u gay?


rank this plz




Fast sliders


go for rank!



Artist: R3 Music Box
Romanised Artist: R3 Music Box
Title: インフェルノ
Romanised Title: Inferno
Source: 炎炎ノ消防隊
Suggested Tags: enen no shouboutai enn enn fire force brigade of flames opening 森羅 日下部 shinra kusakabe instrumental anime maon

References: (Official R3 Music Box's English Channel Video) (Official R3 Music Box's Japanese Channel Video)


rip 2b


ncs are kinda random on this diff

remove this 00:14:334 (1) - 00:19:334 (1) - 00:29:334 (1) - 00:36:834 (1) - 00:39:334 (1) - 00:41:834 (1) - 00:44:490 (1) - 00:46:834 (1) - 00:54:334 (1) - 01:01:834 (1) - 01:04:334 (1) - 01:19:334 (1) - 01:24:334 (1) -
move from 00:16:209 (1) - to 00:15:427 (7) -
move from 00:27:459 (1) - to 00:27:927 (2) -
move from 01:06:834 (1) - to 01:05:896 (4) - (or map this sound 01:05:427 clickable and put nc on it)
move from 01:09:021 (1) - to 01:07:927 (4) -
move from 01:11:834 (1) - to 01:10:427 (5) -
add on 01:12:927 (1) -
move from 01:21:209 (1) - to 01:20:427 (4) -
add on 01:25:427 (4) -


00:52:927 (1,3) - I think it'd be better to avoid stacking those two 'cause flow of the pattern doesn't really indicate the position of (3), so it's kinda too unreadable


00:37:771 (5,1) - make this spacing a bit bigger than 00:37:615 (4,5) - 'cause finish


00:14:177 (8,1,2) - maybe do "slider - slider - circle" instead to follow the guitar as you did here 00:19:490 (2,3) -


01:01:834 (1,2) - It's really easy to mistakenly read it as 1/2 gap since it's 1st time 1/4 appears after slider and looks pretty much the same as other 1/2 gaps (for example: 00:52:927 (1,2) - ), so I would recommend nerfing spacing for readability


00:32:466 (3,4) - this spacing is way too high. Make it like 2 times smaller at least, the three times smaller would probably be the best


hey, that's pretty good


rank this


finish this pls


Ok, this is gonna be harsh, but this whole diff really lacks quality in most aspects it's made of.

  1. The rhythm
    While listening to the song you can notice that it's really focused on more dancy rhythms. However, the whole diff goes with only 1/2 gaps while skipping most of important sounds, which heavily misrepresent the song. If you were to try to push it forward you'd most likely end up getting this veto'ed (such thing happened on this map for example 1008059#1143874).
    I'd highly recommend focussing more on following vocals in parts they're in and this synthesizer-thingy where they aren't present.

  2. The Flow + Slider shapes and spacing
    In most parts of the diff, flow highly misinterprets music.

The first problem is that spacing is often:

  • random: spacing on objects often varies from being 2 to 8 points (in the default skin), which makes it feel as if they're not actually mapped to any sound in the music. It also often may be seen that similar sounds don't have consistent spacing through diff (for example 00:05:358 (3,4,5,6) - and 00:27:922 (1,2,3,4) -)
    -not implemented well: for example here 00:49:204 (5,1) -
    the objects have really low spacing resulting in (1) being emphasized ('cause the movement on it is uncomfortable to play. That's because player needs to move the cursor from (5) to (1) in one velocity and then suddenly change it to play the rest of the slider), while (5) gets deemphasized (and I guess that was the intention, since it's quiet).
    HOWEVER, that kind of stuff might be confusing, since it should be only implemented in maps that are designed around. That's because designing a diff is building expectations for a player that plays the map. If a pattern appears out of nowhere even tho nothing before in the map in the map suggests it, it breaks those expectations and results in a poorly made pattern.
    To fix this you should choose through what spacing you want to represent quiet/normal/loud sounds and use it consequently through the whole diff. Spacing should also be linear if the intensity of sounds is like that (so no 1-2-8 points spacing)

The second problem is that flow is horribly uncomfortable:

  • for example sometimes flow changes like on every object like there 00:41:768 (3,4,5) - and none of them lead into another. 00:41:768 (3) - points to the right, but the next slider in on the left. That would suggest that the rest of the slider would also be on the left, but instead it first goes to the right and then come back to the left. Its end points to the left, but the next object is on the right side and instead of going smoothly to the right, it goes back, to the top and then to right.
    To summarize, the flow is unexpected and doesn't play well. To fix it you should decide on precise flow for each pattern and make every object within pattern follow it (and do it very clearly, like if it's circular flow and objects are mean to smoothly go into each other, then make sure that sliderends more or less point at the next sliderhead. And if the flow is supposed to back & forward, then make sliders while making sure that player will need to make cursor movement between sliders to BACK and not for example to the left)
  1. The Aesthetics
    outside of this slider 00:46:896 (2) - the whole diff doesn't look really pleasant to watch
    sometimes objects overlap perfectly (00:41:768 (3,5) - ), then they don't (00:42:794 (5,3) - ) and the general distances between slider elements are very chaotic.
    To fix this:
    -decide on up to few ways of overlapping objects (clearly different, not like 3 pixels difference, for example: perfect overlaps and "half-of-both-circles-overlap" overlaps) and then try to use them more or less regularly while trying arranging them as pleasant to look as possible
    -try to keep distances between objects parts the same, for example in this pattern 00:34:332 (4,6,1,2,3,1) - all circles are placed, so between them, spacing isn't constant, same for the distance between circles and slider's head, body and end. By making sure that the distances between objects are consistent through the whole map it will look much more organized and pleasant to look at.

