00:51:058 (51058|1) - on 00:51:077 - (1/6 snap and it will be consistent with previous notes)
00:50:120 (50120|3) - quick snap check, it might be on 00:50:140 - (1/6 snap), sounds more correct
It's about the lyrics of this song.
The second sentence from the beginning "Silent haze 霞みがちに止まる影" is not correct.
It should be "Silent haze 霞みがちに捉える影".
You can listen to it slowly, then you will hear that vocal is actually singing "Tora(e)ru" instead of "Tomaru"
I also find the correct lyrics reference : https://www.kkbox.com/jp/ja/song/4oZCc3h6tWt5n8WKTG
You can also hear more clearly from the another video : https://youtu.be/4ja403hodxM
She sings toraeru indeed!
00:07:066 (7066|2) - shouldnt it be cut at 00:07:877 - and use another LN refer from your pattern in this part
00:27:539 (27539|2) - move to col 1 can escape from the triple jack trap 00:27:539 (27539|2,27742|2,27944|2) -
01:17:809 (77809|2) - is it intended or sth ? the pitches are different so it is better moving to other column
01:11:221 (71221|3) - it's pretty worth to sacrifice this note to make this part completely follow the 1/2 rhythm
00:57:539 (57539|1) - hmm since the vocal i actually on 00:57:640 -
idk but current one plays a bit weird like im hitting nothing LOL