00:08:380 (1) - this is an important sound which isnt very well emphasized with a spinner end. a circle would do better job of it i think. i suggest shortening the spinner to the red tick before and adding a circle to the middle of the play field on the white tick.
00:08:655 (5) - this spinner is too short. even the auto cant get a 1000 bonus on this. i suggest putting a stream there, as it goes to the 1/8th beat drums in the background pretty well.
00:23:525 (3,4,5) - 00:25:856 (2,3,4) - the sliders have 0ms gap in between them. you should shorten the sliders by 1/8th of a beat (set the snap divisor to 1/8 and shorten the slider tail by one tick) dont shorten the last one.
00:30:516 (1) - shorten the spinner to the red tick before and add the circle here. again, the important sound isnt being emphasized. 00:33:428 (1,1,1,1) - also no need for these circles as there is no sound that supports their placement.
00:35:467 (1) - again, shifting the spinner end to the red tick earlier and adding a circle one the white tick will emphasize this important sound better