00:00:175 (175|5,175|0,175|1) - i think a quad would work better here, maybe even a five notes
00:03:175 (3175|2) - because pitch relevancy is followed at this point, i feel like this is too much to the right. move it to 2nd column as it fits pitvch relevancy betteer
if the pitch is lower, more to the left and right if high pitched. its not really about the literal pitch but just what it sounds like. if it sounds lower, more to left. this isnt a hard rule you MUST follow, but i feel like its a good idea to follow it at start since at start its easy so yeah. also that column gets no notes for a while kind of like how i get no bitches, but the difference is that atleast column 2 eventually gets notes
00:09:775 (9775|0,9775|1,9775|4,9775|5) - make this a hand (3 notes) as i feek like, personally, it doesnt have loud enough for a quad
00:12:575 (12575|5,12575|0) - add a hand here, i feel like it would be nicer. sorry that so far its only "add a note" or "remove a note" lmao for my mod
00:25:375 (25375|5,25475|3,25575|1) - roll 8th beat
01:13:375 (73375|0,73475|2,73575|4) - roll 8th beat
01:29:375 (89375|0,89475|2,89575|4) - roll 8th beat
01:35:375 missing part tahts roll 8th beatr
00:44:475 (44475|0,44575|3,44675|2,44775|1) - what is this mapped too? doesn't feel obvious to map