00:10:229 (4,5) - this low distance feels kinda awkward and underwhelming to play here, a proper distanced dash could be better
00:12:896 (5,6) - this one kinda as well though i get it if you want to make it purposefully awkward for high pitch emphasis on 00:13:563
00:55:896 (4,1) - kinda high distance and slightly awkward as the first slider is so straight and then goes anti-flow. you can try curve it a bit like this for better distance and smoother gameplay
01:07:592 (5,6) this distance doesnt seem to follow your usual walk distance of 1.00x (its 0,85x which looks a bit weird)
01:28:592 (2) would turn (2) and (3) into 1/2 sliders so you can have a hyperdash to put more emphasize on the strong vocal at 01:28:925 (right now it is mapped as a sliderend)
if you apply this make sure the rhythm and patterning doesnt get boring by spamming 1/2 sliders for 01:29:258 (4,1,2) (to avoid that add dashes and sigular notes for example for variety or change the angle of the sliders as they are all pointed outwards atm)
01:47:258 (5,6) this is pretty far and goes beyond dash distance. are you sure you want to keep it as tight as it is? it would feel much more comfortable if you reduced the distance a bit.
01:47:842 (4,5) increase distance a bit, rn you can just platewalk the entire pattern 01:47:675 (2,3,4,5,6) which feels inconsistent with the other streram parts you made
01:57:925 (2) this is not where the drums start they actually start on 01:58:092 -> make (2) a single note instead.
also add a hyper for 01:57:925 (2,3) for more emphasizise on 01:58:092 being the start of the drums and the first vocal
02:42:229 (3,1) - right now this feels kinda underwhelming, so you can overmap 02:42:646 as a standstill from 02:42:229 (3) to emphasise 02:42:729 better, it's pretty much the strongest sound in the entire song so worth the extra emphasis
02:54:592 (4,1) this distance seems very far compared to your other 1/4 hypers and because it is not really a sound that deserves this much emphasize, i would reduce it to ~ 4,3x.