00:51:160 (2,3,1) - right here since the next section starts at 00:51:317 (1) - you can get away with making 00:51:160 (2,3) - this a 1/6 slider and use a very low sv value one it so it plays more smoothly (recommended sv:0.6x,exemple:https://prnt.sc/9kMa6fHpnBWb)
01:00:554 (1,1) - these should be seperated imho since they have different rythm,01:00:554 (1) - being a 1/4 and 01:00:633 (1) - switchs up to 1/6,even something like this :https://prnt.sc/PB8TXO1Jj8yj would help differentiate
between the rythms for the players
01:08:133 (1) - you can honestly space this more since there is a big gap between 01:07:896 (1,1) - these ones
01:26:054 (2,3,1) - big gap in timeline as well so you can space these even more than it is rn
01:30:475 (1) - i think this one should be rotating in the same direction as the previous ones 01:28:581 (1,1,1) - so you can ctrl+g to make it flow better
01:30:475 (1) - isn't the same rotation for emphasis w/ the different sound + it's the end of the section
02:01:423 (1) - i think you forgot to end it on the kick like you did on 02:03:949 (2) - and 02:06:475 (1) -
02:18:896 (1,2) - this might be a nitpick but i would honestly make this go even higher in spacing so the reverse on 02:19:107 (1) - feel more emphasised and have more omph (exemple:https://prnt.sc/Ayhoxet_ry3e)
02:21:633 (1) - you can honestly replace this one with a cercle (since the sound stops right there) and space 02:21:423 (1,1,1,1,1) - these even more,like this for exemple : https://prnt.sc/4_kqJ_zR9s64