mapped by linnxo
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 2 December 2024 so it was graveyarded...
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00:00:000 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,1) - Beginning part is way too overspaced considering the song is still calm and just started. Consider lowering the distance between objects or try mapping the vocals a lot more instead to make the beginning part less dense and be better contrast for the next part.

Not every sound has to be mapped in the slow parts. Use 1/1 sliders or a circle to emphasize long vocals and try using reverse sliders more.


I shrunk the distance between the beginning section, however I am struggling to inject some more reverse slider but I'll leave this open and work on it


00:10:908 (4) - Should be a slider since it's an extended sound unlike of the 3 drums before it.


done! ty , I actually like how that flows :3

Marked as resolved by linnxo

00:38:885 is a pretty important vocal you would want to be clickable.

Either a new slider or end 00:38:368 (2) on a blue tick and add a circle 00:38:885.



I've done something like this here that I don't think is too bad

Marked as resolved by linnxo
Reopened by linnxo

idk how to embed lol , but the links should work srry

Marked as resolved by linnxo

01:54:317 (3,4) - You should fix the blanket here


by blanket , I assume you mean the overlap ? If so i've fixed that as well


marking this as fixed for now

Marked as resolved by linnxo