00:11:349 (1,2) - i think this is weird to keep reverse cause the instrument is pretty strong here. I would make these active
00:51:349 (1,2,3,4,5) - this pattern's flow doesn't flow well in my opinion, judging from your mapping style maybe you would like this better?
01:11:349 (1,2,3) - I see the flow with this pattern, but what do you think if you ctrl + g 01:11:733 (2) - for smoother flow?
perhaps add one circle 01:50:491 to at least kinda simplfied the 1/8 drums at the back. something like this
01:55:588 (5,1) - the spacing here kinda over space, despite the rhythm here is slightly different to the previous part, but it doesnt worth that much spacing imo, coz the spacing there is larger than the stuff that worth more emphasise such as the buildup section 02:00:588 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1) -