00:04:886 (2) - I personally dont see a reason to make this a 1/8 slider, it kinda overcomplicates the rythm! Change it to a regular circle, same as you did here for 00:05:457 (4)
00:07:743 (3) - should be 1/2 slider since vocal actually ends on 00:07:886 + consistency with 00:06:600 (3) + it generate hdash which i thing should be here
since you represented the strong beat with an hdash here 00:13:886 (6,1) - I would suggest only placing a dash here 00:14:029 (1,2) - since it's not as strong as the aforementioned
00:15:743 (4,5) - at least a dash here would be really nice to represent the vocals, right now feels underwhelming
00:21:457 (10,11,1) - the transition is between (11,1) and not (10,11) - so having them as a hdash and then the transition is only a dash feels really underwhelming
00:23:172 (2,3,4,5) - would suggest keep going with the two sliders pattern (00:22:600 (4,1) - for example) since right now this feels really out of place and doesn't follow anything
00:25:457 (2,3,4,5) - super overwhelming considering it's a break part and there's no sound or anything to support this
00:33:172 (1,2,3) - why not following the vocals like before and making the hdash be between (1,2)
00:59:886 (4) - the rhythm for this slider seems off since u have priortized vocals for emphasizes so it feels off to ignore 01:00:029 - this beat here i suggest Replacing the slider for A note into a 1/2 Slider to emphasize the vocal thats ignored
01:24:457 (7) - same here i think u might try nd mix Instruments/vocals at the same time i recommend not to do that as it can confuse the player on what to follow
i feel like this 01:09:457 (5,6,1) - the transition feels a little bit awkward due the stop movement on 01:09:743 (1) - try tilting the slider towards the right Something like this perhaps