00:15:680 (1) - feels weird to stop movement around the end of the slider, especially with the odd slidershape. would be better to end it with the same flowy sliderpath the slider began with
00:33:680 (1) - i think its better to make this a 2/1 slider reverse so it catches both vocals
00:36:680 (1) - uh maybe for vocals that sounds like this one u might wanna up the velocity a bit i think it would be bit better emphasized like that
that could work but what I did in that section was intentional; I wanted to have very slow sliders in this section to make the player stay mostly still for the held vocals because of the musical intensity of this section.
00:39:492 (5,1) - would be much better if this was a dash instead since this part is pretty much calm for an hdash
yes but thats kinda the point of putting hdashes there. i like the huge contrast they provide compared to the rest of this section
00:48:305 (5,1) - weird distance, should maybe move it closer for a comfortable walk, though i guess a proper dash could be possible as well
i'd like to keep it as is for consistency with 00:58:992 (2,3,4) - 01:03:117 (1,2,3) - 01:07:992 (2,3,4) - 01:10:992 (2,3,4) - 01:15:117 (1,2,3) - 01:16:992 (2,3,4) -
01:19:805 (2,3,1) - Movement is kind of rough as you have to stop at 01:19:805 - from a rightward movement and then start another minor rightward movement at 01:20:086 - before an antiflow hyper. Doesnt seem to reflect what the music offers tbh
01:33:492 (4,5,1) - this seems like a bit too hard to go for a tight anti-flow dash after hyperdash, maybe just make 01:33:492 (4,5) - standstill and only then dash to 01:33:680 (1). this should help give more emphasis to that note as well
did something similar to what u suggested
also applied to 02:51:492 (4,5,1) - and 03:15:492 (4,5,1) -
that one is fine i think especially bc its going into slider going the same way + its outside of the kiai so it'd make sense for it to be mapped a bit differently to the other ones
01:57:680 (1) - yes bc there shouldn't even be a burst there
01:33:680 (1) - 02:51:680 (1) - 03:15:680 (1) - no bc the dash burst into slider going the other way already adds enough intensity as is imo
These are both in small calmer sections in the kiai where there are no vocals and they're right before a more intense section so I think not putting a hyper there serves as a nice bit of contrast
the hs are copied from ranked std set, however, I also think they fit into the section nicely and I don't think they're overwhelming like you said
02:14:367 (1) - could move the slider tail back to 02:14:555 and add a note on 02:14:742 at ~x:100 for better transition
02:15:305 (2,3,1) - feels a bit counterintuive because the previous section is mostly full of movement and thus we are expecting at least a dash at 02:15:586 (3,1) - . It feels a bit underemphasized to make this standstill.
won't put a dash because I didn't want to have 1/4 dashes in this section (except for 02:31:992 (2,3,1) - bc the sound at 02:32:180 - is very intense) but I did but it more to the left to add a bit of movement at least
02:30:680 (1) - ugly slider, would prefer if there was no slight movement left around reverse arrow
02:31:992 (2,3,1) - this should be 1x spacing to keep consistent with how you mapped these sounds earlier and not have too much intensity
nerfed to only have dash between 02:32:086 (3,1) - bc i feel like its justified with the louder and higher pitch guitar at 02:32:180 -
02:32:180 (1) - probably could tilt or curve this a bit becuase it currently has quite high movement while the music is quite calm here and vocals are also absent
04:02:367 (2) - you should reduce movement within this slider to make it comfortable to walk