mapped by arialle
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 6 September 2024 so it was graveyarded...
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two things I noticed from playing the map once:

00:59:707 (162) - 01:02:303 (28) - kinda unreasonable to pretend from players to be able to hit the notes immediately after these sliders, I recommend making them shorter or removing them. because they ruin the playability of the section.

02:10:160 - this pattern is so hard and so sudden, it's the only instance in the map where you use an offhand like this, so I recommend reworking the colours for playability, as it's a flow killer in my opinion. you can keep the offhands, just don't make the pattern end with kkkkddddkk when nothing else in the map is close to that!
playability and pattern f low at this bpm is really important, and pitch accuracy shouldn't be prioritised over that.


agree with those, especially the sliders stood out like sore thumbs when playing


thank you greenshell my opinions go hard


oh i didnt see this! i immediately changed after the playtests, thank you

Marked as resolved by arialle