00:18:843 - pay attention to the drums here because theyre very frantic and have interesting patterns
00:19:115 (2) - this has that little snare thats like 00:19:524 and 00:20:070 (8), try to find a way to unify these noises and make it stick out more because the rhythm is interesting. something like having a 1/4th slidershape that you can place on these specific beats would make this much more interesting, and you wouldn't have to worry about it being boring or repetitive because the rhythm is so different
01:09:173 - for slow sections like these i usually like to avoid what i call empty jumps, which is where the last place your cursor was is very far from the next object, but the time in between is super super long. i think making it so that your sliders start on where the last ends can usually help with cohesiveness
01:25:656 (1) - emphasize the drums like you did here, rhythms will make more sense. it gets random near the end of the section
01:34:363 (2) - these sliders distract from the rhythm a lot, consider making everything here a circle, small spacing too
01:38:590 (4,5) - almost everytime you do this rhythm it isn't matching the music, there is no drum on 01:38:658 (5)
01:49:772 (1) - have a circle on the end of these sliders! there is a downbeat and it can help make the map feel more intense. having all these long sliders with not much activity will make for a much easier feeling part than what youve previously had in the map
02:02:726 (12,1) - INCREASE SPACING. just always go through and make sure that whenever you have spacing like this it isnt gonna feel awkward. the timing here makes it look like itll be a 1/4th, but its really only 1/2